Bell's British Theatre, Opseg 19

John Bell
J. Bell, 1797

Odabrane stranice

Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve

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Stranica 31 - Looking tranquillity ! it strikes an awe And terror on my aching sight ; the tombs And monumental caves of death look cold, And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart.
Stranica 54 - To shake the temper of the king. — Who knows What racking cares disease a monarch's bed ? Or love, that late at night still lights his lamp, And strikes his rays through dusk, and folded lids, Forbidding rest, may stretch...
Stranica 16 - Well, Mr. Stockwell, for the first time in my life, here am I in England ; at the fountain head of pleasure, in the land of beauty, of arts, and elegancies. My happy stars have given me a good estate, and the conspiring winds have blown me hither to spend it.
Stranica 31 - And shoot a chillness to my trembling heart. Give me thy hand, and let me hear thy voice; Nay, quickly speak to me, and let me hear Thy voice — my own affrights me with its echoes.
Stranica 117 - That I am bound to do, and after the happiness I shall have in sheltering a father's age from the vicissitudes of life, my next delight will be in offering you an asylum in the bosom of your country.
Stranica 16 - tis the wretch's comfort still to have Some small reserve of near and inward woe, Some unsuspected hoard of darling grief, Which they unseen may wail, and weep and mourn, And, glutton-like, alone devour. Leon. Indeed I knew not this.
Stranica 55 - Bel. Then, depend upon it, these are not the only trinkets she means to dedicate to Captain Dudley. As for me, Stockwell indeed wants me to marry ; but till I can get this bewitching girl, this incognita, out of my head, I can never think of any other woman.
Stranica 89 - R. Alack-a-day, poor man ! Well, Mr Varland, you find me here overwhelmed with trouble and fatigue ; torn to pieces with a multiplicity of affairs ; a great fortune poured upon me unsought for and unexpected : 'twas my good father's will and pleasure it should be so, and I must submit. Var. Your ladyship inherits under a will made in the year forty-five, immediately after Captain Dudley's marriage with your sister.
Stranica 95 - Let me consider — Five thousand pounds, prompt payment, for destroying this scrap of paper, not worth five farthings; 'tis a fortune easily earned ; yes; and 'tis another man's fortune easily thrown away ; 'tis a good round sum, to be paid down at once for a bribe ; but 'tis a damned rogue's trick in me to take it. O'Fla. So, so ! this fellow speaks truth to himself, though he lies to other people — but, hush ! [Aside.
Stranica 15 - ... furious scuffle ensued; in the course of which, my person and apparel suffered so much that I was obliged to step into the first tavern to refit, before I could make my approaches in any decent trim.

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