The American Geography: Or, a View of the Present Situation of the United States of America: Containing Astronomical Geography--geographical Definitions, Discovery, and General Description of America and the United States ... With a Particular Description of Kentucky, the Western Territory, and Vermont .. To which is Added an Abridgment of the Geography of the British, Spanish, French, and Dutch Dominions in America and the West Indies--of Europe, Asia, and AfricaJ. Jones, 1792 - Broj stranica: 536 |
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Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
affembly againſt alfo almoſt America befides Bofton Britiſh cafe called Cape chofen church coaft colony commiffioners confequence confiderable confifts conftitution Congrefs Connecticut Connecticut river courfe courſe court defign diſtance eaft England eſtabliſhed exported faid fame fecure feet fenate fent fettled fettlement fettlers feven feveral fhall fhips fhould fide filk fince firft firſt fituation fmall fociety foil fome foon fource fouth fouthern fpecies fpirit fpring ftate fubject fuch fuppofed fupport governor Great-Britain Hiftory himſelf houfe houſe hundred increaſe Indians inhabitants intereft interfected iſland Lake land latitude lefs Maffachuſetts meaſures miles moft Mohawks river moſt mountains muſt navigation neceffary New-England New-York obferved occafioned officers oppofition paffed Pennſylvania perfons poffeffion prefent prefident province Province of Main purpoſe raiſed refpecting reprefentatives rifes river Ruffia ſeveral ſhall ſmall ſtate thefe themſelves theſe thofe thoſe thouſand tion town trade troops United uſe veffels Virginia Waſhington weft weſtern