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051 M7892 ser. 4 7.9





1. Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee on

the Affairs of the East India Company; and also an Appendix

and Index. No. III. Revenue. Printed by Order of the

House of Commons

II. Great Britain in 1833. By Baron D'Haussez, Ex-Minister

of Marine under King Charles X.

III. Essai Sur La Statisque Morale de la France. Par M. A.

Guerry, Avocat a la Cour Royale

IV. Report of the Proceedings on a Voyage to the Northern Ports

of China, in the Ship Lord Amherst. Extracted from Papers

printed by Order of the House of Commons, relating to the

Trade with China

V. 1. Journals of Excursions in the Alps; the Pennine, Graian,

Cottian, Rhetian, Depontian, and Bernese. By William

Brockedon.-2. A Journey to Switzerland, and Pedestrian

Tours in that Country, including a Sketch of its History, and

the Manners and Customs of its Inhabitants. By L. Agassiz,

Esq., late of the Royal Navy, and Royal Marines..

VI. The Tropical Agriculturist: a Practical Treatise on the Culti-

vation and Management of Various Productions suited to

Tropical Climates. By George Richardson Porter, Author

of "The Nature and Properties of the Sugar-Cane," &c.....

VII. Old Bailey Experience, Criminal Jurisprudeuce, and the actual

Working of our Penal Code of Laws; also an Essay on Prison

Discipline; to which is added, a History of the Crimes com-

mitted in the present Day. By the Author of "The School-

master's Experience in Newgate

VII. Travels in the United States of America and Canada, containing

some Account of their Scientific Institutions, and a few No-

tices of the Geology and Mineralogy of those Countries; to

which is added, an Essay on the Natural Boundaries of Em-

pires. By J. Finch, Esq. &c.


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