Memorials: With Matters Relating to the Promulgation of the BibleSamuel Bagster, 1838 - Broj stranica: 260 |
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Memorials: With Matters Relating to the Promulgation of the Bible Miles Coverdale Potpun prikaz - 1838 |
Memorials: With Matters Relating to the Promulgation of the Bible Miles Coverdale, Jr. Pregled nije dostupan - 2015 |
Memorials: With Matters Relating to the Promulgation of the Bible - Primary ... Miles Coverdale Pregled nije dostupan - 2013 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
Acts and Monuments afterwards Anno authority Bagsters Bethleem bishop bishop of Exeter boke Byble calf half extra Christ Christian church cloth COMMON PRAYER CONCORDANCE copy Cranmer CRUDEN'S CONCORDANCE daye doctrines edition England Epistles euen euery faith favour fayth Fox's Acts FRENCH fyrst German godly Gospels grace hath haue Hebrew HEBREW BIBLE Herbert heresy Hist honour interleaved ITALIAN Jesus king king's kynge Latin latyn letter limp Morocco London Lord Cromwell lordship maye mentioned moost mother of Jesus Myles Coverdale neat calf olde preached printed printer proclamation prynted PSALMS published queen reader reformed religion reprint sayde vnto sayeth vnto says SEPTUAGINT shulde soch sonne SPANISH SPANISH TESTAMENTS Stry Strype TESTAMENT ther therfore therin therof theyr thynge translation Turkey Morocco tyme Tyndal unto VERSION vnder vnto hym vpon Vulgate whan whych wood-cut worde wyfe wyne wyth
Popularni odlomci
Stranica 174 - How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? and how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!
Stranica 215 - Biblia — the Bible, that is, the Holy Scripture of the Olde and New Testament faithfully and truly translated out of Douche and Latyn in to Englishe.
Stranica 79 - Grace, if you can, a license that the same may be sold and read of every person, without danger of any act, proclamation, or ordinance heretofore granted to the contrary, until such time that we the bishops shall set forth a better translation, which I think will not be till a day after doomsday d.
Stranica 108 - It was wonderful to see with what. joy this book of God was received not only among the learneder sort and those that were noted for lovers of the reformation, but generally all England over among all the vulgar and common people; and with what greediness God's word was read and what resort to places where the reading of it was.
Stranica 121 - ... with him discretion, honest intent, charity, reverence, and quiet behaviour ; that there should no such number meet together there as to make a multitude ; that no such exposition be made thereupon but what is declared in the book itself; that it be not read with noise in time of divine service...
Stranica 240 - To the honoure and prayse of God/ was this Byble prynted and...
Stranica 45 - I marvel what my lord of Canterbury meaneth, that thus abuseth the people, in giving them liberty to read the Scriptures, which doth nothing else but infect them with heresy. I have bestowed never an hour upon my portion, nor never \vilL And therefore my lord shall have his book again, for I will never be guilty of bringing the simple people into error.
Stranica 121 - ... one Bible at the least set at liberty so that every man might freely come to it and read therein such things as should be for his consolation, many of this wicked generation, as well priests as other their faithful adherents would pluck it either into the quire or else into some pew where poor men durst not presume to come. Yea, there is no small number of churches that hath no Bible at all.
Stranica 128 - ordained to be taught, it ought to be deemed certainly that the reading of the Old and New Testament is not so necessary for all those folks, that of duty they ought and be bound to read it, but as the prince and the policy of the realm shall think convenient so to be tolerated or taken from it.
Stranica 218 - Man ought to flye the horrible Plage of the Pestilence. A Sermon.