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Used for 無, not being, not having. IV.
上. xix. 3; 下. xxviii. 7. Used actively,
and = to disown. VII. 上. xxxiv.

(1) Intercourse; to have intercourse
kegou with. I. T. iii. 1: V. 下. iv. 3, 4: VI.
chiao 上. xv. 2; 下. v. 1: VII. 下. xviii. =
mutually. I.上. i. 4. 交易, to deal
with and exchange. III.上. iv. 5. 交
陈, intercourse, and its expression by

mingled, to cross one another. III. F.
iv. 7.內交於.........,
of.... II. F. vi. 3. = to treat as. VII.
上. xxxvii. 1. (2) A man's name. VI.
下. ii. 1, 2, 6.





presents. V.

iv. 1. To be inter-

to seek the favour

Also. Sæpe. It is difficult sometimes
to bring out the also in another lan-

guage; as in I. 1. i. 2, 3; vii, 17. II.
下. x. 6: et. al.不亦.........乎,亦
.........而包 are common phraseologies.
I. 下. ii. 2, 3: II. 下. ix. 3: VI. 下.
vi. 2: VII. 上. xxxix. 2. Obs. 抑亦
II. 下. iv. 8: III. 下.x. 3; 亦不,
where 亦 = still, III. 下. vi. 1; VII.
下. xix. 3; and 則亦= yea, VII.下.

xxxviii. 4,

A surname. V. K. iii. 4.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][subsumed][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

IV. 下. ii. 4: et al. (2) It indicates
officers and rulers, in distinction from

民,the people. I.上. ii. 3: II.上.
i. 13: et al. So, perhaps, VII. 下. xxviii,
→人, with reference to the emperor,
I. 下. iii. 7. (3) Following names of
States it native, natives, people. So

齊人,魯人, &c., &c. But 殷人
and 周人, III.上. iii, 6. are difft.,

meaning the founders of the Yin and

Chow dynasties. So 國人, the people

of the State, or merely a common man.
1. 下. vii. 4, 5: II. 下. viii. 2; x. 3: IV.
上. xi.; 下. iii. 3; xxiv. 2: et al. (4)

With other characters, it forms concrete
substantives, especially nouns expressing

office or profession. We have 匠人
and 玉人. I. 下. ix; 矢人 and
函人, II.上.vii; 廪人,下
vi, 5; 虞人, V. 下. vii. 7;館人,
VII. 下. xxx.;校人, V.上. ii. 4.
(5) Observe also 罪人;狄人;嬖

which means both country people,

and uncultivated people;艮人,=
husband, IV. 下. xxxiii. 1; 侍人;
聖人, II. 上. ii. 17, 20, 22, 25, 28;
下. ix. 3: III. 上. iv. 2, 8, 13; 下. ix.
5, 10, 14: IV. F. i. 5; ii. 1: V.上.
vii. 7: VI. 上. vii, 3, 8: VII. 上. xxiij.
3; xxiv.; xxxviii.; 下. xv.; xxiv. 2;
xxxviii. 4; 寡人,the humble 'I' of
the prince of a State. I. 上. iii. 1; iv. 1;
v. 1; vii. 4: et al.; 夫人, the wife of
a prince, III. 下. iii, 3; 大人, III.
上. iv, 6: IV. 上. xx. 1; 下. vi.; xi.;
xii.; VII. 上. xix. 4; xxxiii. 3; 下.
xxxiv,; 小人, II. 下. xii. 7: III. 上
ii. 4; iv. 6: et al.; 庶人, the masses,
the people, IF. i. 4: II. 下. vii. 2: V.
下. ii. 5, 6, 7, 8: et al;門人,disciples,
III. 上.iv. 13: VII.下. xxix,;人牧,

the characters here are perhaps not in

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]




當今之時,and當今之世 今而後 from this time forth. I. 下. xii. 2: et al.

(1) Firm purpose. VII. 上. xxviii, (2) Used for 芥 a stalk of the mustard plant, a straw. V.上. vii. 2.

Up 4th tone. 仆然, suddenly. VII.

kech 上. xxi




To take-be in-office. II. F. ii. 22; 下. xiv. 1: III. 下. iii. 1, 5, 6: et al. Obs. 當仕,V.下. vii 9.仕者, officers. I. 上. vii. 18;下. v. 3. So 仕 alone. II. 下. viii. 1.

(1) Other, another. I. 上. vii. 9: V. 上. iii. 2; 下. iv. 8: VII. 下. xvii. 他日,another day, other days. It may mean formerly, next day, and afterwards. I. 下. i. 2; xvi 1: II. 下. iv. 4. x. 3: III. F. ii. 4; iv. 13; v. 2, 4; 下. x. 5: IV. . xiv. 1 : VI. 下. vi. 2.無 他, nothing else, for no other reason. I. 上vii. 12;下. i. 6, 7: II. 下. ii. 9: VI. 上. xi. 4 ; 下. iii. 2: VII. 上. xv. 3 ; xxv. 3 ; xxxvi. 3. So, 豈有他 哉. I. 下. x. 4: VI. 上. xiv. 1. 言 他, spoke of something else. I. 下. vi. 3. 之他,went elsewhere. IV. 下 xxxiii. 1. (2) Read to, a name. IV. 下

xxiv. 2.



[blocks in formation]

(1) Alternate, one after another. III. 下. ix. 5. For, instead of. V. T. ii. 6,7,8. (2) 三代, the three dynasties;

-Hea, Shang, and Chow. III. 上. ii.

2; iii. 10: IV. f. iii. 1. (3) A name, 陳代,III. 下. 1. 1.

To employ. 使令, to be employed. I. 上. vii. 1, 6.

Low. 3d tone. (1) An order; to order,

I. 下. xi. 4 : IV. 上. vii. 2. (2) Good.

VI. . xvii. 3.

(1) To take, to use. But our idiom requires for the most part, that it be translated as a preposition, -by, at, with, because of, according to, &c. It precedes the principal verb of the sentence, as in I.


, 'king Wan used the people's strength to make his tower,' or 'made his tower with the people's strength;' or in V.. V.1, 堯以天下與舜,‘Yaou

took the empire and gave it to Shun,' or simply, Yaou gave the empire to Shun.' It follows the principal verb, and then its prepositional force is more apparent. E.G., I. 上. iv. 2, 殺人 以梃,‘to kill a man with a stick.

We might indeed translate, 'to kill a man, using a stick.' Its regimen sometimes precedes it. E G., V. f. vii. 2, 一介不以與人,一介不 以取諸人.‘one straw he would

not have taken and given to men, or taken and received from men,' or simply, 'he would neither have given nor taken a single straw. This position of the regimen is for the sake of emphasis. Examples, of the first two usages especially, occur very frequently. Julien argues (See the 'Treatise on four Chinese Characters, appended to his Translation of Mencius) that in many cases it is merely = a sign of the accusative case. And it is difficult sometimes to give any other force to the

以, as in II.上. i. 5: III. F. iv. 10: IV. 下. xxviii.: et al.; yet a peculiar significancy may be traced in it. Obs. 所 以, that by, for, from, which, a force sometimes sustained by 以alone;是 以, hence; and 何以,whereby, or


wherefore. is found without any regimen, joined to 告.I. 下. xii. 2: et al., sæpe. 有以 and 無以are 狂 abbreviations for 有所以無所 以. I.上. V. 2, 3: et al. In a sentence 以 = to act, according to, &c. E.G. V. 下. i. 3.以爲, and often with a regimen of intervening, frequently means to take to be, to consider, to be considered. But by no means always. Sometimes also the

which has no accessory,

use, to



[blocks in formation]

because. II. . ii. 15: et al. (3) To, so as to; often forming with a verb follow-ch'i

ing our infinitive. Sometimes the 以伍 = 'wherewith to,' 'and thereby.' I. F. i. 2; vii. 12, 15, 16, 21, 22: et al., sæpe..

To this belong 以來,以下, and 以至.(4) It is often used after,






forming our potential mood, and = the
to, which is suppressed after our auxili- fa
aries. Passim. (5) Used as =
stop., I. F. vii. 2. (6) Observe明
以教我, I. 上. vii. 19; 樂以
天下,1.下. iv. 3; 以美然,II.
下. vii. 1; 以寸, IV. 下. vii.; and

some other sporadic cases.

chung designations. V. E. vi. 5.-I. F. iv.

The second of brothers. It is used in


6; vii. 2: et al. It follows the surname,

or what is equivalent to it, without any

other character, and then may be taken as = the name. II. 下. ii. 3.—II. 上 i. 8.-II. 上. i. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; 下. ii. 8, 10.-V. 下. iii. 2.-III. 下. x. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6; VII. 上. xxxiv.

To look up to. II. F. v. 6; 下. ix. 4: 仰望. IV.下. xxxiii.



Used adverbially with the correlate 俯,


above, below. I. L. vii. 20, 21: VII. 上. xx. 3.

任 (1) A charge, office. VI. 下. xxxiii,



1. = business, purpose. I. 下. ix. 1. A burden. VI. 下. ii. 3. (2) As a verb.

To charge, to burden, V. L. vii. 6;

休 hsiu







下. i. 3. Obs.. IV. 上. xiv 3, and 聖 之任者,.下. 1. 5.

Low. Ist tone. (1) A burden, = baggage. IHI. K. iv. 13. (2) The name of a small State. VI. 下. 1. 1; v.季 任. the younger brother of the chief of Jin. VI. K. v. 1.

A surname.伊尹, the minister of T'ang. II. F. ii. 22, 23; 下. ii. 8, 10: et al. 伊訓, the name of a Book in the Shoo-king. V. P. vii. 9,

The name of Confucius' grandson. IV.. T. xxxi. 2: V. T. vi. 4.

Five men in rank or file. = ranks. II..

下. iv. 1, 2.

To be lying down.. IL.. ii. 3.

(1) To smite, to attack; = to punish..

I. P. viii. 1; x. 1, 4; xі. 1: II.下. viii.

1, 2: III. 下. v. 1, 6; ix. 6: IV. E. viii. 4: V. F. vii. 6; ix. 2: VII. F.. ii. 2; iii. 3; iv. 4.討而不伐, VI. 下. vii. 2. (2) To hew down, to lop,-applied. to trees, and to the mind. VI. E. viii, 1, 2,

(1) Happiness; to be happy. I. 下. iv. 5: III. . v. 5. (2) The name of a place. II. P. xiv. 1.


(1) The eldest of brothers,伯兄, VI. 下. v. 3. (2) A title of nobility. V. 下. ii. 3. 4. So, 葛伯1.下.iii.. 1; xi. 2: III. K. v. 2; and 西伯, IV. 上. xiii. 1: VII. 1. xxii. 1, 3. (3) In: the designation 伯夷II.上. ii. 22, 23; ix. 1, 3: et al., saper (4) Must be used for, a hundred. III. F. iv. 18.

As; to be like to. I. F. vi. 2: II. 上. ii. 6: VII. 上, xxvi, 3; xli, 1; 下. xxxvii, 11.相似, like one another, similar. II. 下. ii. 5: VI. F. vii. 3, 4, 5, 6. To be like what is right. II. 下. v. 1.似者, a semblance. VII. 下.

xxxvii, 12,




(1) Position, status, ie., of dignity. I. 余 Me. III. 下. ix. 8.
上. vii. 19: V.上. v. 6: IV. F. i. 7; yu
xii. 1: et al., sæpe. 在位 is frequent.

正位, the correct place, i.e., propriety. yih
III. 下. ii. 3.天位, all dignities. yi

V. 下. iii. 4. 易位 = to dethrone.

V. 下. ix. 1.(2) Position, place. III.

上. ii. 4: IV. 下. xxvii. 1, 2.

To assist. III. T. ix. 6.

何(1) What, why, what kind of. I. L


i. 1. 6: et al., sæpe.何也,何與
何哉 at the end of sentences, gener-

[blocks in formation]

why is this? how is it? I. 上

何也 simply = was what? VI. 上
vii. 8; T. vi. 2: et al. In VI. F. ix.
2. 何哉

xvi. 1. But sometimes


is of what avail? Other

characters sometimes come between 何
and the particles, and with the same
difference of usage. 何以,whereby,
what to. I. F. i. 4: et al., sæpe.何
由, what from, how. I. 上. vii. 4.
何為, what do, why. I. 下. v. 4:
VII. 下. xxxvi. 2. But observe 何
爲也哉, V. 下. vii. 3. 何之,
where are you going? VI. 下. iv. 2.

(2)如何, generally with 2 between,

what, what is to be done. Difficulty,
surprise, or indignation is generally im-

(1) Ease, enjoyment. VIII. 下. xii.;
xxiv. (2) Τo be without office, in ob-

i. 3.

scurity.遺佚, II.上. ix. 2 : V. 下








(1) To rise up, arise. II. F. i, 8, 11:
III. 下. ix. 1, 5, 7, 9, 10: et al. To be
aroused, to rise, to act. VI. 下. xv. 3.
我疾作, I have become ill. IV.
下. xxiv. 2. (2) To make, to form ; to
cause to be. I. F. iv. 6; 下. iii. 7; iv.

6, 9, : II. 上. iv. 6: IV. 上. viii. 5.
To be made. IV. T. xxi. 1.

Glib-tonguedness. VII.下. xxxvii. 12.

(1) To cause, to make to; to make to
be. I. F. iii. 9; iv. 6; v. 3, 4 ; vii. 18,
21: et al., sæpe. Obs. 行或使之
1. 下. xvi. 8. = to send, (ouce, we have
the addition of 來.) II.下. 1, 8; vi. 1 :
et al., sæpe. (2) To employ, to command;
no other verb following. II. 上. ii. 22;
v. 1. et al. (3) 如使=if, supposing
that. II.下. x. 5: V. 下. vi. 5: VI. 上
vii. 5; x. 5. Without the 如. VI.上.
ix. 8. ? VI. 下. x. iv. 4.

上. vii. 16. 使者

下. vi. 4.

Up. 3d tone. To be commissioned. ? 1.
, a messenger. V.


plied, but not always. The phrase 如來
之何則可, how is the exigency


to be met, is very common.
iv. 6; v. 1; 下. vi, 1, 2, 3: V. 下. ii. 1:
et al., sæpe. Other words are found also
between 如and 何, and then the phrase
to do with-? I. 下.來
xiv. 3: et al.(3)何如, what sort of, lae

what has


of what nature, in what manner. At the

end of

何如= a sentence,


what do 侈

you think of? What shall be said? I. ch'e
上. iii. 2; vii.; 3; vi. 1: VII. 下. xxxvii,
3, 8: et al., sape. (4)何有,what
difficulty is there. I. 下. 5: VI.下, shih

i. 4: et al.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

VII. 上. xxxiv.; 下. iii. 1; xii. 1.

To be believed; to obtain the confidence

of. IV.上. xii. 1; 下. xi. (3) As an adverb, really, truly. II. F. v. 6; III. 上.v.3: V.上. ii. 1; vi. 2: VI.上.ii. 3.

Up. 1st tone. To stretch out straight,

to straighten. VI. 上. xii, 1.

[blocks in formation]

Together; = both. VI. 上. ix. 3: VII. 上. xx. 2.

A granary; a storehouse for grain gener

侵 To make incursions on; to attack stealth- 倉 ts ang ally. Commonly found along with 厦, III. 下. v.

ily. II. 下. xiv. 2; xv.

ts'in eh'in

6: IV. 下. xxiv. 2.


[blocks in formation]

a granary for rice. I. 下. xii. 2: III. 上. iv. 3: V.上. i. 8; ii. 3; 下. vi. 下.. v. 4. (2) A

6. Used as a verb. I.

name 臧倉, I. 下. xvi. 1, 3.

(1) To rebel against, revolt from. III.

上. iv. 12, 14. (2) Double, as much again as. I. 下. xi. 3: III. 上. iv. 18:

IV. 上. xiv. 1: V. 下. ii. 6, 7, 8: VI. 下

vi. 7. In this second sense, the char. is aspirated, and low. 2d tone, in the Canton dialect.

Inverted, upside down. II. 上. i. 13.

To be tired, weary. II. 上. ii. 19:

keuen VI. . xvi. 1.




倫 lun

信 (1) Truthfulness, fidelity. I. 上.v.偃 yen




3: III. 上. iv. 8: VI. 上. xvi. 1: VII. 上. xxxii; 下. xxvii, 11, 12. True, 假 real. V. F. ix. 1: VII. 下. xxv. 1,2, chia 4; xxxiii. 2. (2) To believe; have confidence in (it may be to obey or follow, as 偕 principles; or to employ, as officers). I.

下xi. 2: IV.上. i. 8; V.上. ii. 4:

keae chieh

[blocks in formation]
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