The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Opseg 2Legge, 1861 |
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... 一節一毛固一體萬分中之一物奈何輕肌膚微於一節省矣然則積一毛以成肌膚積肌乎乎子楊楊子不俟志陽旣猶好貴乎。孫日之子問廢於矣。日,之日,陽心弗日楊無死楊若之也,也,古所理問朱不將子將子然矣變猶能無楊孫日有有侵日,任,死日,速百易今易今 ...
... 一節一毛固一體萬分中之一物奈何輕肌膚微於一節省矣然則積一毛以成肌膚積肌乎乎子楊楊子不俟志陽旣猶好貴乎。孫日之子問廢於矣。日,之日,陽心弗日楊無死楊若之也,也,古所理問朱不將子將子然矣變猶能無楊孫日有有侵日,任,死日,速百易今易今 ...
Stranica 1
... 一節第一孟子見章句上梁惠王二節 TITLE OF THE WORK .孟子, - “ The phi- losopher Măng . ' The Work thus simply bears the name , or surname rather , of him whose conversations and opinions it relates , and is said to have been compiled in ...
... 一節第一孟子見章句上梁惠王二節 TITLE OF THE WORK .孟子, - “ The phi- losopher Măng . ' The Work thus simply bears the name , or surname rather , of him whose conversations and opinions it relates , and is said to have been compiled in ...
Stranica 43
... 一節 CHAPTER VIII . 1. The king Seuen of Ts'e asked , saying , " Was it so , that T'ang banished Kee , and that king Woo smote Chow ? " Mencius replied , “ It is so in the records . " 2. The king said , " May a minister then put his ...
... 一節 CHAPTER VIII . 1. The king Seuen of Ts'e asked , saying , " Was it so , that T'ang banished Kee , and that king Woo smote Chow ? " Mencius replied , “ It is so in the records . " 2. The king said , " May a minister then put his ...
Stranica 56
... 一節之功可復許乎孟子當路於齊管仲晏子公孫丑問日夫子公孫丑章句上與西吾已人許矣。也管畏子仲也然與孰日日子問管 CHAPTER I. 1. Kung - sun Ch'ow asked Mencius , saying , " Master , if you were to obtain the ordering of the government in Ts'e ...
... 一節之功可復許乎孟子當路於齊管仲晏子公孫丑問日夫子公孫丑章句上與西吾已人許矣。也管畏子仲也然與孰日日子問管 CHAPTER I. 1. Kung - sun Ch'ow asked Mencius , saying , " Master , if you were to obtain the ordering of the government in Ts'e ...
Stranica 102
... 一節二節 CHAPTER X. 1. Mencius gave up his office , and made arrange- ments for returning to his native State . 2. The king came to visit him , and said , " Formerly , I wished to see you , but in vain . Then , I got the opportunity of ...
... 一節二節 CHAPTER X. 1. Mencius gave up his office , and made arrange- ments for returning to his native State . 2. The king came to visit him , and said , " Formerly , I wished to see you , but in vain . Then , I got the opportunity of ...
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Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
1st tone 3d tone Analects ancient benevolence and righteousness Book Book of Rites brother called Ch'in Ch'ow Chaou K'e CHAPTER Choo Chow dynasty Chung Chung Yung cius clause Comp Confucius death disciple disciple of Confucius doctrines duke emperor empire evil father Han dynasty Heaven Ho-nan honour Hwan Hwuy I. L. vii imperial Kaou king Seuen king Wăn kingdom Kung-sun Leang man's Măng meaning Mencius replied mind minister nature nourish parents philosopher prince principles proleg proper propriety and righteousness reference ruler sæpe sages scholar Seang She-king Shoo-king Shun's sovereign superior suppose surname T'ang Tăng temples of Confucius things tion translation Ts'e Ts'oo Tsăng Tsin tsze universal love verb viii virtue Wan Chang wish words xviii xxiv xxxi xxxvii Yaou and Shun 一節