The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Opseg 2Legge, 1861 |
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... Tsăng . Originally , we have seen , he followed Yen Hwuy , but Hwuy , Tsze - sze , Tsăng , and Măng were appointed the sage's four assessors , and had their relative positions fixed , in 1267 . 2. The second edict of Hung - woo ...
... Tsăng . Originally , we have seen , he followed Yen Hwuy , but Hwuy , Tsze - sze , Tsăng , and Măng were appointed the sage's four assessors , and had their relative positions fixed , in 1267 . 2. The second edict of Hung - woo ...
... 直合於善也用此觀之然則人之性惡明矣其善必將待聖王之治禮義之化然後皆出於治栝烝矯然後直者以其性不直也今人之性明皆善治性直待後梧 Heaven did not make favourites of Tsăng , K'ëen , 87 ] APP . I. ] [ PROLEGOMENA . THAT THE NATURE IS EVIL .
... 直合於善也用此觀之然則人之性惡明矣其善必將待聖王之治禮義之化然後皆出於治栝烝矯然後直者以其性不直也今人之性明皆善治性直待後梧 Heaven did not make favourites of Tsăng , K'ëen , 87 ] APP . I. ] [ PROLEGOMENA . THAT THE NATURE IS EVIL .
... Tsăng , K'ëen , and Heaou - ke , and deal unkindly with the rest of men . How then was it that they alone were distinguished by the greatness of their filial deeds , that all which the name of filial piety implies was complete in them ...
... Tsăng , K'ëen , and Heaou - ke , and deal unkindly with the rest of men . How then was it that they alone were distinguished by the greatness of their filial deeds , that all which the name of filial piety implies was complete in them ...
Stranica 49
... Tsăng said , ' Beware , beware . What proceeds from you , will return to you again . ' Now at length the people have returned their con- duct to the officers . Do not you , O prince , blame them . 3. “ If you will put in practice a ...
... Tsăng said , ' Beware , beware . What proceeds from you , will return to you again . ' Now at length the people have returned their con- duct to the officers . Do not you , O prince , blame them . 3. “ If you will put in practice a ...
Stranica 56
... Tsăng Se looked uneasy , and said , ' He was an object of veneration to my grand- TITLE OF THIS Book . The name of ... Tsăng Se was the grand- son , according to Chaou K'e and Choo He , of Tsăng Sin , the famous disciple of ...
... Tsăng Se looked uneasy , and said , ' He was an object of veneration to my grand- TITLE OF THIS Book . The name of ... Tsăng Se was the grand- son , according to Chaou K'e and Choo He , of Tsăng Sin , the famous disciple of ...
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1st tone 3d tone Analects ancient benevolence and righteousness Book Book of Rites brother called Ch'in Ch'ow Chaou K'e CHAPTER Choo Chow dynasty Chung Chung Yung cius clause Comp Confucius death disciple disciple of Confucius doctrines duke emperor empire evil father Han dynasty Heaven Ho-nan honour Hwan Hwuy I. L. vii imperial Kaou king Seuen king Wăn kingdom Kung-sun Leang man's Măng meaning Mencius replied mind minister nature nourish parents philosopher prince principles proleg proper propriety and righteousness reference ruler sæpe sages scholar Seang She-king Shoo-king Shun's sovereign superior suppose surname T'ang Tăng temples of Confucius things tion translation Ts'e Ts'oo Tsăng Tsin tsze universal love verb viii virtue Wan Chang wish words xviii xxiv xxxi xxxvii Yaou and Shun 一節