The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Opseg 2Legge, 1861 |
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... proleg . , pp . 4 , 5. 2 諸子略 3 孟子十一篇 4 史記七十四列傳第十四與萬章之徒序詩書述仲尼之意作孟子七篇 of all the rest , -there is no mention made CHAPTER I OF THE WORKS OF MENCIUS SECTION Their Recognition under the Han dynasty, and ...
... proleg . , pp . 4 , 5. 2 諸子略 3 孟子十一篇 4 史記七十四列傳第十四與萬章之徒序詩書述仲尼之意作孟子七篇 of all the rest , -there is no mention made CHAPTER I OF THE WORKS OF MENCIUS SECTION Their Recognition under the Han dynasty, and ...
... proleg . , p . 36. 11 I have not been able to refer to the writings of Kung Foo themselves , but extracts from them are given in the notes to Choo He's preface to Mencius in the 13 荀子性惡篇 12 荀卿 14 其書號為諸子故篇籍得不泯* ; ; see ...
... proleg . , p . 36. 11 I have not been able to refer to the writings of Kung Foo themselves , but extracts from them are given in the notes to Choo He's preface to Mencius in the 13 荀子性惡篇 12 荀卿 14 其書號為諸子故篇籍得不泯* ; ; see ...
... 校勘記序 11 孟子指要 12 論孟集義論孟集註 13 See Vol . I. , proleg . , p . 133. 14 孟子正義江都焦孝廉循著 SECTION IV . INTEGRITY ; AUTHORSHIP ; AND RECEPTION AMONG 9 ] SECT . II . ] [ PROLEGOMENA . MODERN COMMENTATORS .
... 校勘記序 11 孟子指要 12 論孟集義論孟集註 13 See Vol . I. , proleg . , p . 133. 14 孟子正義江都焦孝廉循著 SECTION IV . INTEGRITY ; AUTHORSHIP ; AND RECEPTION AMONG 9 ] SECT . II . ] [ PROLEGOMENA . MODERN COMMENTATORS .
... 而託也 2 See Vol . I. , proleg . , p . 132 . 3 Mencius , VII , Pt . II . iii . 13 This eulogy of Han Yu is to be found 10 ] PROLEGOMENA . ] [ CH , I. THE WORKS OF MENCIUS . IV Integrity; Authorship; and Reception among the Classical Books,
... 而託也 2 See Vol . I. , proleg . , p . 132 . 3 Mencius , VII , Pt . II . iii . 13 This eulogy of Han Yu is to be found 10 ] PROLEGOMENA . ] [ CH , I. THE WORKS OF MENCIUS . IV Integrity; Authorship; and Reception among the Classical Books,
... proleg . , p . 132. 11 論語成于門人之手故聖人容貌甚悉七篇成于已手故但記言語或出處 R ; see , sect . xxiv . , at the end . again , which savour more of a disciple or other 12 ] PROLEGOMENA , ] [ CH . 1 . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
... proleg . , p . 132. 11 論語成于門人之手故聖人容貌甚悉七篇成于已手故但記言語或出處 R ; see , sect . xxiv . , at the end . again , which savour more of a disciple or other 12 ] PROLEGOMENA , ] [ CH . 1 . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical ..., Opseg 2 James Legge Pregled nije dostupan - 1861 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
1st tone 3d tone Analects ancient benevolence and righteousness Book Book of Rites brother called Ch'in Ch'ow Chaou K'e CHAPTER Choo Chow dynasty Chung Chung Yung cius clause Comp Confucius death disciple disciple of Confucius doctrines duke emperor empire evil father Han dynasty Heaven Ho-nan honour Hwan Hwuy I. L. vii imperial Kaou king Seuen king Wăn kingdom Kung-sun Leang man's Măng meaning Mencius replied mind minister nature nourish parents philosopher prince principles proleg proper propriety and righteousness reference ruler sæpe sages scholar Seang She-king Shoo-king Shun's sovereign superior suppose surname T'ang Tăng temples of Confucius things tion translation Ts'e Ts'oo Tsăng Tsin tsze universal love verb viii virtue Wan Chang wish words xviii xxiv xxxi xxxvii Yaou and Shun 一節