The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Opseg 2Legge, 1861 |
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... love ? It is allowed that Mih was a native and officer of the State of Sung ; but the time when he lived is a matter ... Universal 1 史記七十四,孟子荀卿列傳第十四, at the end . 2 文子 Love . " 4 A lengthy exposition of this remains.
... love ? It is allowed that Mih was a native and officer of the State of Sung ; but the time when he lived is a matter ... Universal 1 史記七十四,孟子荀卿列傳第十四, at the end . 2 文子 Love . " 4 A lengthy exposition of this remains.
... UNIVERSAL LOVE . PART I. It is the business of the sages to effect the good government of the empire . They must know , therefore , whence disorder and confusion arise , for without this knowledge their object cannot be effected . We ...
... UNIVERSAL LOVE . PART I. It is the business of the sages to effect the good government of the empire . They must know , therefore , whence disorder and confusion arise , for without this knowledge their object cannot be effected . We ...
... love his minis- ter ; he therefore wrongs his minister , and advantages himself . How do these things come to pass ... universal , mutual love prevailed throughout the empire ; -if men loved others as they love themselves ...
... love his minis- ter ; he therefore wrongs his minister , and advantages himself . How do these things come to pass ... universal , mutual love prevailed throughout the empire ; -if men loved others as they love themselves ...
... love ? On this account it is affirmed that universal mutual love throughout the Empire will lead to its happy order , and that mutual hatred leads to confusion . This was what our master , the philosopher Mih , meant , when he said ...
... love ? On this account it is affirmed that universal mutual love throughout the Empire will lead to its happy order , and that mutual hatred leads to confusion . This was what our master , the philosopher Mih , meant , when he said ...
... universal , mutual love , and by the interchange of mutual benefits . ' How will this law of universal mutual love and the interchange of mutual benefits accomplish this ? Our Master said , ' It would lead to the regarding another ...
... universal , mutual love , and by the interchange of mutual benefits . ' How will this law of universal mutual love and the interchange of mutual benefits accomplish this ? Our Master said , ' It would lead to the regarding another ...
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1st tone 3d tone Analects ancient benevolence and righteousness Book Book of Rites brother called Ch'in Ch'ow Chaou K'e CHAPTER Choo Chow dynasty Chung Chung Yung cius clause Comp Confucius death disciple disciple of Confucius doctrines duke emperor empire evil father Han dynasty Heaven Ho-nan honour Hwan Hwuy I. L. vii imperial Kaou king Seuen king Wăn kingdom Kung-sun Leang man's Măng meaning Mencius replied mind minister nature nourish parents philosopher prince principles proleg proper propriety and righteousness reference ruler sæpe sages scholar Seang She-king Shoo-king Shun's sovereign superior suppose surname T'ang Tăng temples of Confucius things tion translation Ts'e Ts'oo Tsăng Tsin tsze universal love verb viii virtue Wan Chang wish words xviii xxiv xxxi xxxvii Yaou and Shun 一節