The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes, Opseg 2Legge, 1861 |
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... I. , proleg . , p . 132. 11 論語成于門人之手故聖人容貌甚悉七篇成于已手故但記言語或出處 R ; see , sect . xxiv . , at the end . again , which savour more of a disciple or other 12 ] PROLEGOMENA , ] [ CH . 1 . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
... I. , proleg . , p . 132. 11 論語成于門人之手故聖人容貌甚悉七篇成于已手故但記言語或出處 R ; see , sect . xxiv . , at the end . again , which savour more of a disciple or other 12 ] PROLEGOMENA , ] [ CH . 1 . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
... Morals . " 21 It is to. 19 Bk . VII . , Pt . II . , xxiv . 20 Bk . II . , Pt . I. ii . 9 . 21 Encyclopædia Britannica , Second Preliminary Dissertation ; on Butler 66 ] PROLEGOMENA . ] [ сн . н . HIS INFLUENCE AND OPINIONS .
... Morals . " 21 It is to. 19 Bk . VII . , Pt . II . , xxiv . 20 Bk . II . , Pt . I. ii . 9 . 21 Encyclopædia Britannica , Second Preliminary Dissertation ; on Butler 66 ] PROLEGOMENA . ] [ сн . н . HIS INFLUENCE AND OPINIONS .
Stranica 60
... xxiv , we have the expressions the more rapid . So much seems plain . See the 食渴者甘飲, where 食 and 飲 must |集證, in loc . 13.猶解倒懸 the same who gives name to the 6th Book of. 60 " BOOK II . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
... xxiv , we have the expressions the more rapid . So much seems plain . See the 食渴者甘飲, where 食 and 飲 must |集證, in loc . 13.猶解倒懸 the same who gives name to the 6th Book of. 60 " BOOK II . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
Stranica 142
... XXIV . i . purpose , with more , however , than his usual Every person waiting on another , a superior , parr . 5 , 7 , and Bk . V. iii . par . 9. Choo He , to kingdom of Tsin , ' —— see I. Pt.I.v.1 . 142 BOOK HI . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
... XXIV . i . purpose , with more , however , than his usual Every person waiting on another , a superior , parr . 5 , 7 , and Bk . V. iii . par . 9. Choo He , to kingdom of Tsin , ' —— see I. Pt.I.v.1 . 142 BOOK HI . THE WORKS OF MENCIUS .
Stranica 157
... xxiv . 6 . , -see the Shoo- 7.行, low.3d tone .有作一有 read as , and = 0 . 8 . 此肥公交是不翟侯其食;. ginning , he appears as 蜚廉, but without mention of his banishment and death . The place called a corner by the sea ' cannot be deter ...
... xxiv . 6 . , -see the Shoo- 7.行, low.3d tone .有作一有 read as , and = 0 . 8 . 此肥公交是不翟侯其食;. ginning , he appears as 蜚廉, but without mention of his banishment and death . The place called a corner by the sea ' cannot be deter ...
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The Chinese Classics: with a Translation, Critical and Exegetical ..., Opseg 2 James Legge Pregled nije dostupan - 1861 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
1st tone 3d tone Analects ancient benevolence and righteousness Book Book of Rites brother called Ch'in Ch'ow Chaou K'e CHAPTER Choo Chow dynasty Chung Chung Yung cius clause Comp Confucius death disciple disciple of Confucius doctrines duke emperor empire evil father Han dynasty Heaven Ho-nan honour Hwan Hwuy I. L. vii imperial Kaou king Seuen king Wăn kingdom Kung-sun Leang man's Măng meaning Mencius replied mind minister nature nourish parents philosopher prince principles proleg proper propriety and righteousness reference ruler sæpe sages scholar Seang She-king Shoo-king Shun's sovereign superior suppose surname T'ang Tăng temples of Confucius things tion translation Ts'e Ts'oo Tsăng Tsin tsze universal love verb viii virtue Wan Chang wish words xviii xxiv xxxi xxxvii Yaou and Shun 一節