| Samuel Hudson - 1658 - Broj stranica: 360
...for ever^ for the' good of them) and of their chidren after them. And Zffhan. 3 . ver. 9. Ihen mill turn to the people a pure language^ that they may all call upon the name of the Lord with one confent , or one {boulder. And this was the bleifing that God gave He^ektab in his... | |
 | Henry Wilkinson - 1660 - Broj stranica: 678
...tetch'ta ground of hope againft , many fearSj from 2. Prophefles: The опг is +Zepb. 3.9. For p 3'9' then will I turn to the people a pure Language, that they may all caS upon the name oj the Lord, to ferve him witb one confent. Theothcr ià * Ztfcfc. 14. 9. And the... | |
 | Thomas Burnet - 1729 - Broj stranica: 140
...the Heathens, from whence arifes a brighter Fate to Ifrael. For then (fays he in the following Verfe) Will I turn to the People a pure Language, that they may all call upon the Name of the Lord, to ferve him with one Confent. And then he goes on, (vn) In that Day thou [halt not be ajbttmed... | |
 | Church of Scotland - 1768 - Broj stranica: 576
...pure offering : for my name (hall be great among the heathen, faith the Lord of doits, Zech. iii. 9. For then will I turn to the people, a pure language, that they raay all call upon the name of the Lord, to ferve him w ithone confent. / i Tim. ii. i . I exhort therefore,... | |
 | Assembly of divines confess. and catech, Church of Scotland - 1773 - Broj stranica: 570
...fécond coming, and our ny name fhall be great among the heathen, faith the Lord of hofts. Zeph. Hi. 9. For then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to ferve him with one content. » I Tim. ii. i. I exhort therefore, that firft of all, fupplications,... | |
 | William Worthington - 1773 - Broj stranica: 526
...tradition, concerning all mankind being of one language, is agreeable to another antient prophecy, Then will I turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, toferve him witb one confent *. It is agreeable likewife to the Mofaical account, that all... | |
 | John Maclaurin - 1773 - Broj stranica: 604
...third chapter, where it is faid, ^8. " My determination is, to gather the nations, that " I mayaflemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them " mine indignation, even all my fierce anger ; for " all the eai th fhall be devoured with the fire of my " jealoufy." And immediately after this threatening, it... | |
 | Thomas Bell - 1780 - Broj stranica: 878
...and the peace of Jerufalem : fo? that happy time when the Babelcurfe being removed, the Lord fliall turn to the people a pure language, that they may all call upon his name, to ferve him with one fooulder : as the word is, Zeph. iii. 9. When like the kine which brought... | |
 | Joseph Priestley - 1787 - Broj stranica: 278
...mountains^ and when he bloweth a trumpet, hear ye. \ Ifai. xviii. 3. And the prophet. Zephaniah fays, For then will I turn. to the people a pure language, that they may IALL call upon the name of the Lord, toferve him with one confent. Zeph. iii. 9. Thefe, befides innumerable... | |
 | John Fletcher - 1790 - Broj stranica: 464
...day that I rife up to the prey : JOT my determination is to gather the nations, that I may affemUc the kingdoms, to pour upon them, mine indignation, even all my fierce, anger ; for all the earth Jhall be devoured with thejire oj my jealoujy. 1 hen will I turn to the people a pure language, that... | |
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