Business Law, Cases, Text, Statutes, Opseg 1West Publishing Company, 1945 |
Iz unutrašnjosti knjige
Broj stranica koji odgovara izrazu Company u ovoj knjizi iznosi: 88
Rezultati 1 - 3 od 88.
Introduction to | 3 |
ence of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws | 37 |
Autorska prava | |
Broj ostalih dijelova koji nisu prikazani: 9
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
Business Law, Cases, Text, Statutes, Opseg 2 John Charles Teevan,Len Young Smith Prikaz isječka - 1945 |
Business Law, Cases, Text, Statutes, Opseg 3 John Charles Teevan,Len Young Smith Prikaz isječka - 1945 |
Business Law, Cases, Text, Statutes, Svesci 1-2 John Charles Teevan,Len Young Smith Prikaz isječka - 1945 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
acceptance action affirmed agency agent agreed agreement alleged amount appeal appellee authority automobile binding breach of contract broker buyer Citations claim Coe College commission common law Company consideration constitute corporation court of equity creditor damages debt debtor defendant defendant's delivered delivery disaffirm discharge duty effect employer employment enforceable entered equity evidence example executed fact fendant held illegal implied infant injury interest Jackson Bros judgment jurisdiction jury land liable ment minor necessary negotiable instruments obligation offer offeree offeror oral contract paid party payment performance plaintiff principal promise promisor public policy purchase purpose question reason received recover refused rendered restraint of trade rule S.CAS.BUS sell seller servant sold specific Statute of Frauds terminated thereby thereof third person tion tort tract transaction trial court undisclosed principal unilateral contract usury valid violation void voidable words wrong