Slike stranica


Bullens, Mrs. A. N., comp.

Poems of Christmas-tide. Troy, N Y.. Nims & Knight, [1886.] No paging, il. sq. D. pap., $1.

Poems from the works of Kingsley Keble, Herrick, and others; neatly illustrated Bound in Whatman's antique board, ragged edges, with an original illustration, repro duced by photogravure and printed in tints. on tront


*Bullens, Mrs. A. N. ed.

26 p.


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Burbiage, E. Liturgies and offices of the church, for the use of English readers. N. Y., T: Whittaker, 1886. 37+361 p. D. cl. $2.50. Portals of gold. Troy Burch, T. Ross. The fire insurance contract. N. Y., H. B. Nims & Co. 1886 A discussion of the questions which most frebds. $1.25. quently arise in construing the fire insurance policy with authorities. Chic., Barnard & Gunthorp 1886. 8-518 p. O. shp. *Burdett's wrld of humor

Bullens, MI A. N. comp Sheaves of golden grain. Troy, NY Nims & Knight [1886.] No paging, il. T. pap.. 75 c.

Poetical selections from Lowell, Keble, Helen Hunt Jackson, Mrs. Muloch Craik, and others; with neat little vignettes and illustrations Bound in Whatman's antique board, ragged edges with rich stamp iluminated and hand-painted

Bullens, Afrs. A. N.
calendar for 1887.
Knight, [1886 |
Each month has a beautifu stamped and illuminate
lesign, which is accompanied by an appropriate poem
and followed by a page of brief selections for each day it
the month, and other poetical selections. Bound in What
man's asique hand-made board ragged edges, with a rich
luminated and hand-painted design on front cover o

omp. The year in though
Troy, N. Y., Nims &
No paging il. sq D. pap.

Bulwer-Lytton, Sir E: G: E. L., [Lord Lytton.]
Alice; or, the mysteries: a sequel to "Ernest
Maltravers." N. Y., G: Munro, [1886.] 3-
408 p. S. (Seaside lib., pocket ed., no. 650.)

pap.. 20 c.

Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rob., [" Lord Lytton;" pseud. "Owen Meredith."] The earl's return with drawings by W: L. Taylor. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1886. No paging, F. cl., $6 full seal mor., $8; aspec mor., $12.

Mr. Taylor's illustrations, consisting of a number of full-page designs and numerous text pictures, are reproduced in photo-etchings and wood-engravings in the best possible style. The photo-etchings are printed in various tints, and the wood-engravings with a tinted margin. The cloth binding is quite novel, with a design in photoetching.

Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rob., ["Lord Lytton;"
pseud. "Owen Meredith."] Lucile. Family ed.
N. Y., White, Stokes & Allen, 1886. 352 p. il.
O. CL, $2.50.

Illustrated with a number of full-page pictures by H.
S. Cady, the poem being enclosed within graceful decora-
ive border sprinted in tints and designed by W. St. John

*Bulwer-Lytton, E: Rob., [Lord Lytton pseud "Owen Meredith."] Lucile. Cabinet cd. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. S. cl., $1 hf cf., $2 seal or tree cf., $3.

Bunner, H. C. The midge. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 1886. 4+235 p. D. cl., $1.

The editor of Puck has succeeded in writing a witty, bumorous, and tender story of life in the French quarter of New York City, which extends from Broadway to Sixth Avenue and from Washington Square south to Prince Street, and is almost an unknown region to the cultured readers of fiction living in the same city. A college-bred physician, whose only practice is for cases of charity; "the midge," a little girl of twelve, whom he adopts after the death of her mother, under circumstances which the author describes with admirable minuteness; and a young junior ccer in the navy, home on sick-leave, who employs his time in making sketches of great merit, are the leading characters. The story is simple in plot, but every word tells of the author's knowledge of human nature, and proves once more how much "laughter is akin to tears.' Bunyan J: Grate abounding to the chief of sinN. Y., Cassell & Co., [1886.] 3-192 p. T. (Cassell's national lib., no. 38.) pap.. 10 c. *Bunyan, J: The holy wars; with Masson's Dotes. New ed. N. Y., T: Nelson & Sons, 1885. 308 p. il. S. cl. $1.


N. Y., Excelsior Pub. House 1820. 500 p. D cl.. $1.50.

*Burke, C. E., and French, C. W. Tables of descent and distribution of real and personal property at common law and under Massachusetts statutes Pittsfield, Mass., [Sun Printing Co.,] [Bost. Little Brown & Co.,] 1886. 8+51 p. +I slip eriata, O. cl. $1.

Burke, Edmund. Thoughts on the present discontents and speeches. N. Y., Cassell & Co., [1886.] 3-192 p. г. (Cassell's national lib., no. 19.) pap., 10 c.

Burke, Mrs. L., comp. The colored language of N. Y., G: Routledge & Sons, [1886.] 6-128 p. il. Tt. cl., 50 c.


A pretty little book giving in alphabetical order the names of various flowers with their poetical or emblematical meaning. Throughout are illustrations in the text of flowers, many being colored, and in the majority of cases being accompanied by an appropriate verse. The miniature volume is bound in mottled green paper, with pale green cloth back and corners, and has gilt edges. Burke, [W] Talbot. Pingleton or, Queer people I have met, from the notes of a New York cicerone. N. Y., W. T. Burke & Co., 58 Warren St., [1886.] 156 p. S. pap., 35 c.

Describes with considerable humor the experiences of Mr. Pingle ton and Mr. Beggs, two rustic Pickwickians, in their travels about New York City. It contains information about the metropolis that will prove starting even to New Yorkers.

Burkhardt, C. B. ed. Fairy tales, and legends
of many nations; selected newly told and tr. by
C. B. Burkhardt. [New issue.] N. V., T: R
Knox & Co., 1886. 7-302 p. il. D. cl., $1. 25.
Burnaby, F: Our radicals. a tale of love and
politics; ed. with preface by J. Percival
Hughes. N Y., Harper, 1886. 176 p. S.
(Harper's handy ser., no. 90.) pap., 25 c.

The author of "A ride to Khiva " intrusted the MS. of this novel to his private secretary some time before his death, which, occurring unexpectedly, left the work in a somewhat unfinished condition. It is the first novel from his pen, and aims to forecast the future of England, if the demands of Ireland and her colonies are met. It offers a gloomy picture of war and assassination The love scenes are laid in fashionable London society.

Burnaby, F: Our radicals: a tale of love and politics. N. Y., Norman L. Munro, [1886.] 2+156 p. S. (Munro's lib., no. 622.) pap.,

20 C.

Burnham, Clara Louise. Next door. Bost.,
Ticknor & Co., 1886. 371 p. D. cl., $1.50.

"No gentleman" and "A sane lunatic' achieved more than ordinary success. That their author has written a new novel, and one just as bright and clever, may be dis covered in reading "Next door." By an odd chain of circumstances, the characters in the story find themselves living in adjoining houses in a modest street of Boston In one house is a party of bachelors, whose comfort is looked after by "Aunt Ann" from the country. Next door are her two nieces, two charming young girls, who have been left by their father's death dependent on their own exertions for a living-Kate, the elder, being the leading soprano in a prominent church. The intimacy between the two families results in a couple of love affairs which, in spite of many obstacles and unexpected incidents, end happily.


Burnham, B F., and Celeste, S. The life of lives; being the records of Jesus reviewed by a throng of recent biblical scholars, teachers, and thinkers. 2d ed., with maps and pors. Bost. Cleaves, Macdonald & Co. 1885. 10+ 372 p. D. cl., $2.

Contains one hundred pages of new matter, including quotations from Bascom, McCosh, Mill, and others, and appropriate poems by Bleckley, Lowell, Wells, Woolson, and others. The Albertype portraits are by the Forbes Co Boston. They represent thinkers often quoted in the book, and representatives of leading schools of religious thought.

Burnham, S. M. and literature

[blocks in formation]

Burroughs, J. Signs and seasons. Bost Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. 2+289 p. S. cl., $1.50.

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

A number of delightful studies of nature are comprised under this title. Their names give some idea of their subjects, "A sharp lookout," A spray of pine," Hard fare," The tragedies of the nests,' "A snow-jorm. A taste of Maine birch." "Winter neighbors," "A stit breeze, "A spring relish,' "A river view," "Bird enemies. Phases of farm life," and "Roof-tree. *Burrows, Lansing, D.D., ed. American Bapfist year-book, 1886. Phil., American Baptist Pub. Soc., 1886. 216 p. D. pap., 25 c.

[ocr errors]

Precious stones in nature, art, Burt, Mary E. Browning's women, with an

Bost., Bradlee Whidden, 1586.

400 p. 1 il. O. cl., $3.50.

It was the aim of the author to present some facts in eterence to the resources of our own as well as of other Cuntries of the globe, in decorative stones for architecttal purposes, in a work published in 1883, on Limestones and marbles The present volume is intended as a sort of supplement, covering the same ground, and illustrating the use of precious stones in decoration, more especially as personal ornaments. In preparing the work use has been of various writers from general literature discoursing upon this topic, and from works exclusively scientific *Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson. barbarian. [New uniform ed.] N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons, 1886. D. cl., $1.25. Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson. Little Lord Fauntleroy, NY., C: Scribner's Sons, 1886. 6+209 p. il. sq. D. cl., $2.

A fair

The little boy who is the hero of this pretty story is born in America of an American mother, his father being an Englishman and the youngest son of an earl Captain Errol, Cedric's father, dies when he is a mere baby, and his mother is left alone in very straitened circumstances. Cedric, however is charmingly brought up, and grows a brave, beautiful, aristocratic-looking boy, with an unfaltering belief in all things American. Though the accidental death of his father's two brothers he becomes Lord Fauntleroy, and is sent for from England by his old grandfather, the earl, who acknowledges him as his heir. The boy is delightfully described his quaint, odd sayings permeating the whole story.

*Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson. That lass
o' Lowrie's. [New uniform ed.] N. Y., C:
Scribner's Sons, 1886. D. cl., $1.25.

*Burns, Islay, D.D. First three Christian cen-
turies: a history of the Church of Christ, with
a special view of the delineation of Christian
faith and lore; from A.D. 1 to 313. N. Y.,
T: Nelson & Sons, 1886. D. cl., $1.25.
*Burns, Rev. R. N. When will Christ come
an essay. Toronto, Canada, W Briggs 1886.
64 p. D. pap.. 15 c.

*Burns, Rob. Poems. Cabine ed
Houghton, Mifflin & Co., 1886. S. cl. $1
cf., 82; seal or tree cf., $3



N. Y., The *Burns, Rob. Poetical works. Worthington Co., 886. 614 p. O. cl., $3: shp., $4.


introduction by Rev. E: E. Ilale, D.D Chic.. CH. Kerr & Co., 188 [1980.] 8+225 p S cl., $1.

Written or those who are no busy to devote suficient time to the study of Browning's works get at the pets meaning. Miss Burt has endeavored to simplity, some of his complexities, to supply a few of the masing links, and to make some of his ethical lessons su plain that the one whe has not constant access to a reference library and who cannot boast a college education, may easily ge breath of the atmosphere which the poet has created for She has aimed to use the poet's own words either in paraphrase or by direct quotation The chapters are headed Intellectual women; The picture of taith The avenging spirit: The shrewd woman The unfortu nates; The lyrical characters The mothers: The brave women, ete


*Busbeɛ, Quenten. Busbee's North Carolina justice and form book, carefully comp. from our public statutes and the decisions of the Supreme Court. New and rev. ed. Raleigh, A. Williams & Co., 1886. 2+567 p. O. shp., *Bush, G: Gary. Harvard the first American University. Bost., Cupples, Upham & Co., 1886. II. S. cl., $1.25. Large paper ed., $5. [Edition limited to 100 copies.]

Business, law and ready forms for general use in all the states and territories. [anon.] Phil., T. H. Kummerer, [1886.] 10 p. +62 1. blank forms, D. cl., $2.

'Butler, C. M., D.D History of the Book of
Common Prayer; with an explanation of its
offices and rubrics. New ed. N. Y., T. Whit-
taker, 1886. 7+297 p. D. cl., $1.50

Butler, W: Allen. Domesticus a tale of the
Imperial city. N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons,


[ocr errors]

6+281 p. D ., $1.25

The first effort in fiction of the author of "Nothing to wear. A domestic tale dealing with the troubles a young wife has with her servants, the incidents are all of the every-day type, and embrace a change of fortune in the wealthy you g couple, and the wife's experience in practically learning housekeeping. The author calls all his people by Roman or allegorical names, and his places also, the United States being Magna Patria, the Fifth Ave., Via Quinta, and so on.

Butt, Beatrice May. Delicia. N. Y., Norman L. Munro, [1886.] 2+189 p. S. (Munro's lib., no. 628.) pap., 20 c. Butterworth, Hezekiah. A zigzag journey in the sunny South or, wonder tales of early American history a visit to the scenes and associations of the early American settlements in the Southern states and the West Indies. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1887 1886.] 3-320 p. il. O. cl., $2 25, bds., $1.75 careThis time the Zigzag journey covers many places in the Southern clime and relates some noteworthy incidents of the early voyagers and discoverers of the American continent. Fully illustrated and bound in colored boards with designs of tropical scenes

Burnz, Eliza Boardman, Burnz phonic shorthand, for schools, business writing, and reporting, arranged on the basis of Isaac Pitman's Phonography." 8th ed., rev. and improved. N. Y., Burnz & Co., 1886. n D cl., $1. *Burr, S. D V. The Hudson River Tunnel, showing its method of construction: fully collected from reliable scurces and from the author's observations in the tunnel, thoroughly illustrated by the drawings of the engineers in charge. N. Y., J: Wiley & 100 p., 27 p, Q. cl., $2.50. How to teach penmanship in

Sors. 1886.

Burritt, J. L. public schools. C. W. Bardeen,

[ocr errors]

2d ed. Syracuse, N. Y.,
1886. 62 p. il. D. pap.,

Butts, Mrs. M. F. Frolic left out, or, country children. N. Y., American Tract Soc., [1886.] 229 p. il. S. cl., 85 c.

"Frolic" returned to the city after her summer visit to Aunt Nell," and sent her a little Italian girl, the child of a street musician, who needet fresh an This little girl's


adventures during the summer spent with other little girls and boys, and by Aunt Nell's city friends, form the subject of this lively book, which teaches all kinds of games and all kinds of healthful amusements.

Butts, Mrs. M. F. Dodo's adventures.

Bost., Congregational S. S. and Pub. Soc., [1886.] 227 p. 1 il. S. cl., $1.

After being locked up in a room for being a naughty little girl, Dodo is let out by the servant, and goes for a walk with her dolly. She loses her way, and meets with gypsies, kittens, other girls with other dollies, and finally s found by "grandma." Dodo is very much like the "Frolic," whose memoirs fill so many of this author's books. Suitable for very young children.

*Buxton, Rev. Wilmot. The life of duty. N. Y., Ja. Pott & Co., 1886. 2 V. D. cl., net, $3. *Buxton, Rev. Wilmot. Parable sermons to N. Y., Ja. Pott & Co., 1880. D. cl.,



Bynner, Edwin Lassetter. Agnes Surriage. Bost., Ticknor & Co., 1887 [1886.] 3-418 p. D. cl., $1.50.

[ocr errors]

Unmistakably a romance and none the less so because based upon an historical episode. Passion and pathos, the wild luxuriance of courtly licentiousness, and the simple but strongly marked affections of ptitive people are interwoven in effective contrast. Henry Frankland brought with him from the easy-going London of the eighteenth century a Bohemian spirit, which was emphasized by being seen against the background of New England Puritanism and was as far removed from the character of its surroundings as from the tone of the quaint fishing hamlet of Marblehead. As the story moves from these shores to the London of 175- and the rural counties of Nottingham and York, and still again to the fair but Babylonian capital of Lisbon, it is seen that the material with which history supplied the author was rich in romantic and dramatic opportunity."-Boston

[ocr errors]

*Byron, G: G. N. (Lord.) Complete poetical works; with introductory memoir by W: B. Scott. N. Y., G: Routledge & Sons, 1886. 3 v., D. cl., $4.50.

*Byron, G: G. N., [Lord.] Poetical works. N. Y., The Worthington Co., 1886. 668 p. O. cl., $3; shp., $4.

Byron, G: G: N., (Lord.) Childe Harold's pilgrimage. N. Y., Cassell & Co., [1866.] 192 p. T. (Cassell's national library, no. 2.) Pip.. IOC.

*Byron, G: G. N., (Lord.) Childe Harold, ed., with introduction and notes, by H. F. Tazer. N. Y., Macmillan & Co., 1885. 336 p. 2. (Cambridge Press ser.), cl., 90 c.; velkara, $1.25.

Byron, G: G. N., (Lord.) Childe Harold's pilgrimage. N. Y., G: Munro, [1886.] 3163 p. S. (Seaside lib., pocket ed., no. 719.) pap.. 10 c.

Byron, G: G. N., (Lord.) Childe Harold's pilgrimage: a romaunt; ed., with notes by W: J. Rolfe. Bost., Ticknor & Co., 1886. 288 p. S. (Student's ser.) cl., 75 c.

Byron, G: G. N.,.(Lord.) Don Juan. Comple:: ed, with notes. N. Y. G: Routledge & Sons [1886.] 476 p. il. and por. D. cl., $1.25.

C., A. P. Wahrheit und dichtung: a psychological study suggested by certain chapters in the life of George Eliot. N Y., E. T. P. Allen, 171 Broadway, [1886.] 61 р. Т. pap.. 50 c.

George Eliot's many admirers will read this little brochure with interest, even if they dispute its conclusicas. The unknown author has a theory of his own regarding her love, life and the feelings she entertained not only far Lowes, bat for Herbert Spencer and another per so unnamed, who seemed to have cast a blight upon her girlhood

[blocks in formation]

Caesar, Gallic war; ed. with an introduction, notes, and vocabulary, by Francis W. Kelsey. Bost. J. Allyn, 1886. 508 p. D. hf. leath., $1.25. Oakchiquels. The annals of the Cakchiquels; original text, with translation, notes, and introduction by Daniel G. Brinton. Phil., D. G. Brinton, 1885. 234 p. O. (Library of aboriginal American literature, ed. by D. G. Brinton, v. 6.) cl., $3.

Dr. Brinton, in his preface, gives a most interesting account of the Cakchiquels, a pation of somewhat advanced culture who occupied a portion of the area of the present state of Guatemala. The annals were written about 1562 by a native, who had grown adult years before the whites penetrated his country, and his work displays the language in its pure original form, and also preserves the tribal history and a part of the mythology as they were current before they were in the least affected by European influences. This may be considered one of the most important historical documents relating to the pre-Columbian period. *Caldecott, Randolph. More Graphic pictures a new series of contributions to the Graphic newspaper. N. Y., G: Routledge & Sons, 1886. Obl. F. bds., $3.

[blocks in formation]

amended and in force, 1885, with ref. to all the decisions of the Supreme Court construing or illustrating the sections of the codes, by F. P. Deering. [V. 4:] Penal code and stat utes in force. San Francisco, A L. Ban croft & Co., 1885 6+977 p. O. spp., $7.50 or, $24 for set of 4 v. *California. Spreme Court. California digestsupplement. A digest of the reports, v. 56 to 64 inclusive, [1880-18 84.] With a digest of cases omitted, a general table of cases, and a general index, by H. L. Gear. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co.; S. Whitney & Co., 1886. 655 p. O shp. (o. p., plates destroyed by fire.)

*California. Supreme Court. Reports of cases; W. W. Cope, Rep. V. 66, [Oct., 1884-April, 1885.] San Francisco, Bancroft-Whitney Co.. 1886. 32+742 p. O. shp., $4.

Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. In a grass country: a story of love and sport. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co., 1886. 3-315 p. D. cl.. 75 c. Young people of leisure and many of them are the inhabitants of the " grass country of Meadowshire and Devonshire in England, The descriptions of nature show a love of out-door life, and the descriptions of hunts and races, undertaken by the young, betray an intimate knowl edge of sport. A family consisting of a girl of twenty and her three scapegrace, good-hearted brothers is delightfully The plot is involved and interesting.


Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. In a grass country. a story of love and sport N. Y., G: Munro, 1886. 301 p. S. (Seaside lib., pocket ed., no. 796.) pap., 20 c.


Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett.


Pure gold a novel. Phil., J. B. Lippincott Co.. 1887 1886] 0405 p. D. cl., 75 c.

The events of the story incline to the sensational, and revolve around a miser's wealth, which is inherited by Valentine Eyre conditionally; these conditions get noised abroad, and almost work the hero's undoing beore they serve him, by testing his friends and enabling him to select a wife whose nature is to him as "Pure gold

Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett Vera Nevill; or, poor wisdom's chance: a novel. Phil., J: B. Lippincott Co., 1887 [1886.] 8+ 344 p. S. cl., 75 c.

Vera Nevill is the daughter of an English colonel and his Italian wife Both her parents die while she is very young. She is taken care of by a sister, who has married an Italian prince, and when the latter dies she comes to England to live with her oldest sister, who is married to a sedate country clergyman and has her mother-in-law to make her life miserable. Proud, spirited Vera engages herself to the rich man of the place to escape from the tiresomeness of the parsonage. She finds out her love for another before her wedding-day, and the remainder of the book shows her earnest struggle to do right and be a good woman. Her rival's jealousy brings the story to a tragic end.

Cameron, Mrs. H. Lovett. Vera Nevill; or, poor wisdom's chance: a novel. N. Y., G: Munro, [1886.] 3-306 p. S. (Seaside lib., pocket ed., no. 8c1.) pap., 20 c.

*Cameron, Ja. Oils and varnishes. Phil., P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1886. 376 p. D. cl., $2.50.

*Cameron, M. G. The ditches and watercourses acts: a manual for the use of municipal councillors, clerks, engineers, etc. Toronto, Canada, Carswell'& Co., 1886. S. cl., 75 c.

Cameron, Verney Lovett. Harry Raymond;

his adventures among pirates, slavers and cannibals. N. Y., F: Warne & Co., [1886.] 2320 p. il. D. cl., $2.

Harry Raymond is left an orphan on the island of Jamaica and in due time goes to sea. Boys can learn a great deal about a sailor's life and in a sailor's language; and also much description is given about the various places at which the ships land. Handsomely bound.

*Cameron, V. Lovett. The cruise of the Black
Prince (privateer). N. Y. and Chic Belford,
Clarke & Co. 1886, D. cl., $1
Cameron, V. Lovett.

The cruise of the Black

Prince, privateer [1886.] pap., 20 c. Campbell, E. L. The science of law, according to the American theory of government. Preliminary chapter. Trenton, N. J., printed for the author, by MacCrellish and Quigley, 1886. 113 p. D. pap., 35c.

N. V., J: W. Lovell Co., +314 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 817.)

A monograph dealing with the law of natural justice. Campbell, Mrs Helen. Miss Melinda's opportunity: a story. Bost., Roberts Bros. 1886. 2-217 p. S. cl., $1.

Miss Melinda after her sister Matilda's death goes on living in the family mansion, reading history, Scott's Commentaries," and very instructive literature just so many hours a day, as she had been accustomed to do for nearly fifty years with Miss Matilda. She is a descendant of the old Dutch New Yorkers, and knows no people outside her set. One Sunday a young clergyman wakes her up by preaching a serraon on Spirits in prison," and the good work that could be done among working-girls in New York City. She begins to think and then to help. finding by chance her "opportunity." Mrs. Campbell is well known as a great worker among the working classes, and in this story she proposes several schemes that would eem practical.

*Campbell, J: R. The theory and practice of the slide-rule; with a short explanation of the properties of logarithms. N. Y.,

E. & F. N. Spor, 1886. 32 p. D. cl., 40 c.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

pap., 25 c.

The subjects treated are contained in the questions, "Is the pope possessor of supreme and universal authority over the whole Christian church?" and "Is the pope the vicar of Christ?" The reverent author states that his book is explanatory and not controversial, and that his aim has been to answer concisely and accurately these questions. *Carey, T. J., ed. and poetry.

Excelsior selections of prose N. Y., Excelsior Pub. House, 1886. 600 p. D. cl., $1. Carleton, W: [Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry.] Shane Fadh's wedding, and other stories. N. Y., J: W. Lovell Co., [1886.] 110 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 820.) pap., 10 c. Carleton, W: [Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry.] Larry McFarland's wake; [also,] The hedge school. N. Y., J: W. Lovell Co., [1886.] 207-304 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 121.)

pap., IO c.

Carleton, W: [Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry.] The party fight and funeral; [also,] The battle of the factions. N. Y., J: W. Lovell Co., [1886.] 110-206 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 822.) pap., 10 c.


*Carlyle, T.

Complete works.

Carleton, W: [Traits and stories of the Irish peasantry.] The midnight mass; [also,] The station. N. Y., J: W. Lovell Co., [1886.] 304-409 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 823.) pap., N. Y., J. B. Alden, 1886. 12 v. D. cl. ea., $1.30. *Carlyle, T: Complete works, 10 v. People's ed. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1885. l. D. cl. $15; hf. cf., or hf. mor., $30. University ed., IO v., il. D. cl., $17.50; hf. cf. or hf. mor., $35. Sterling ed., 20 v., il. O cl. $35 hf. cf or hf. mor., $75.

*Carlyle, T:


20 V.

II. O.,

Edition de luxe. Bost., C. F. Jewett Pub. Co., 1886. subs., parchment or vellum cl., $80. Carlyle, T: Critical and miscellaneous essays Characteristics, Goethe's portrait, Biography Boswell's Life of Johnson, Death of Goethe N. Y., J: W. Lovell Co., [1885.] 158 p. S (Lovell's lib., no. 652.) pap., 15 c.

"Carlyle, T: Early letters, 1814-1826, ed. by C: Eliot Norton. N. Y., Macmillan, 1886 9+363 p. S. cl., $2.25.

Carlyle, T: The French revolution a history. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 887 [1886.] 2 v. 7+420; 7+461 p. O. cl., $2. *Carlyle, T.


heroes and hero-worship. Bost., Estes & Lauriat, 1885. O. cl. $r


Carlyle, T: Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches; with elucidations. V. 2. N. Y.,

J: W. Lovell Co., [1885.] 507 p. S. (Lovell's lib., no. 646.) pap.,.25 c

[blocks in formation]

a poet, an idealist; who is placed in sharp contrast to one who is materialistic by nature and by choice. His name is Brother Aurelius, who for many years has been the abbot of a monastery in one of the wild, mountainous regions of Auvergne. He is the inheritor of a volume entitled "The book of love," which he received as a last

*Carlyle, T: Past and present. Bost., Estes & bequest from a young Provençal knight, Sir Dorian, f

Chateau d'Or. He it was 'says Aurelius) "who died that I might live, who brought me to these wars, who left me Seated before the the book and the story of his life.' Bost., Estes & midnight fire, in company with Basil, a brother monk, Aurelius depicts the character and career of the young dreamer

Lauriat, 1885. O. cl., $1. *Carlyle, T: Sartor resartus. Lauriat. 1885. O. cl.. $1. Carnegie, Andrew. An American four-inhand in Britain. [New ed.] N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons, 1886. 191 p. D. pap.. 25 c. Ser notice "Weekly Record," P.W., May 19, '83, [591.] Carnegie, Andrew. Triumphant democracy, or, fifty years' march of the republic. N. Y., C: Scribner's Sons, 1886. 10+519 p. O. cl., $2.

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The earnestness and enthusiasm of this wor' are quite as remarkable as its thoroughness and accuracy. Coming as it does from the pen of an "adopted citizen of the Republic," it seems to prove Mr. Carnegie's assertion that there is no class so intensely patriotic, so wildly devoted to the Republic, as the naturalized citizen and his child." It is a review of the progress made during the past fifty years by the United States, and a candid presentation of the present condition, based on the latest statistics, of its manufactures, agriculture, trade and commerce, mining interests, railways and waterways, etc., with chapters on the Republic, the American people, conditions of life, occupations, education, religion, pauperism and crime, art and music, literature, the national balance-sheet, and the government's non-political work. The style is so simple and attractive, and yet so broad and intelligent, that it cannot fail to create for the work a great popular success. Comparisons are made throughout between Great Britain and the United States, and always in favor of the latter. *Carnochan, J. M., M.D. Contributions to operative surgery. Pt. 9. N. Y., Harper 1886. Il Q. pap., 75 c. Caron, Pierre. French dishes for American Lables; tr. by Mrs. F: Sherman. pleton, 1886. 231 p. D. cl., $1.

N Y., Ap

The object of this volume is to present to the public a number of attractive receipts in a form so clear and con cise as to render their execution practicable and comparatively easy. This is a need that has long been felt, books of value on the subject of cookery hitherto pubshed having generally been written in French, while many that have appeared in English have been so full of technical terms as to harass and puzzle the inexperienced. The writer, who was formerely chef d'entre mets at Delmonico's, has endeavored to avoid unusual terms, and to give his receipts in a condensed but perfectly dear form. Good index.

Carr, Christopher, [pseud.?] Memoirs of Arthur Hamilton, B. A. of Trinity College, Cambridge; extracted from his letters and diaries, with reminiscences of his conversation, by his friend Christopher Carr of the same college. N. Y., H: Holt & Co., 1886. 10+

226 p. D. cl., $1.50.

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Arthur Hamilton is a fictitious character. The author invents the circumstances and events in the life of a student at Cambridge. His aim is to describe, discuss, and account for the various beliefs, philosophical systems, doubts, religious aspirations and character-shaping epi sodes in the life of earnest, honest, educated men of the present day. The larger part of the letters and conversations deal with religious questions. Arthur is sketched "thorough-going determinist, who was still faithful to the voice of duty, still striving upward. He preserved at heart a serenity that was not thoughtlessness, a cheerfulness that was not hilarity, a humor that was Bot cynicism." The book will only be appreciated by thoughtful people. It teaches that the end of life is to teach discipline for ourselves and helpfulness for others. Carpenter, H: Bernard. Liber amoris, being the book of love of Brother Aurelius. Bost., Ticknor & Co., 1887 1886.] 5-311 p. S. cl.,

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*Carpenter, S. W. The law of water for irrigation in Colorado. Denver, W. H. Law rence & Co., 1886. 127 p. D. bds., $1.25. #Carpenter, W Boyd. Truth in tale: addressed chiefly to children. N. Y., Macmillan & Co, 1885. 260 p D cl., $1.25. Let it alone and it won't hurt Carswell, E: you. N Y., National Temperance Soc. and Pub. House, 1886. 286 p. il. D. cl., $1.

A bright domestic story, illustrating not only that the use of strong drink is wrong, but that it hurts others besides those who use it. The heroine, Mabel, a girl of fifteen, is an orphan, who to earn a living becomes a governess in a family, some of the members of which are ignorant and inclined to intemperence. Many of the incidents are quite painful.

*Cassell's miniature library of the poets.

Contents Hood, 2 v smith, a v


14 v.

N. Y., Cassell & Co., 1886. Ea., cl., 75 c.; French mor., $1.50; parchmen., $2; rus., $3. Milton, a v Wordsworth, 2 v.: Scott, 2 V.; Burns, 2 v Byron, 2 v, Sheridan and GoldOriginally published by W Kent & Co., Lon*Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius, Senator. The letters of Cassiodorus, being a condensed translation of the Variæ Epistolæ with an introd. by T: Hodgkin. N. Y., Macmillan, 1886. 28+560 p. O. cl. net. $6.50. Catholic Church. Catechismo della dottrina cristiana, preparato e prescritto per ordine del Terzo Concilio Plenario di Baltimore; tradotto dali Inglese per Mgr. G. de Concilio. N. Y., Catholic Pub. Soc. Co., [1886.] 72 p. S. pap., $2.50 per hundred. *Catholic church. A catechism of Christian doctrine, prepared and enjoined by order of the Third Plenary Council of Baltimore. N. Y., Benziger Bros., 1886. 88 p. D. bds.,

25 C.

Catholic church. The office of the dead; from the Roman breviary, missal, and ritual. N. Y., Catholic Pub. Soc. Co., 1886 110 p. Tt. cl., net. 30 c

*Catholic church. New sodality prayer-book; compiled from approved sources, and methodically arranged by a priest of the diocese of Fort Wayne. N. Y., Fr. Pustet & Co., IS86. 363 p Tt. cl., 50 c.

*Catholic flowers from Protestant gardens. Red line ed. N. Y, P. J. Kenedy, 1886. 275 p. D. cl., $1.25. *Catholic memoirs of Vermont and New Hampshire, with sketches of the lives of Rev. W: H. Hoyt and Fanny Allen; also, with accounts of the lives of Revs. D: and Horace Barber and Jerusha Barber, (Sister Mary Augustin.) with many other settlers of Burlington, Vt. N Y., Benziger Bros., 1886. 166 p. il. D. cl. $1.

Oave, Mme. Marie Elizabeth. Drawing from memory the Cavé method for learning to draw from memory. [New ed.] N. Y., G: P. Putnam's Sons, 1886. III p. S. (Putnam's art handbooks.) sateen, $1.25.

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