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Of Books of 1886, of which titles were not sent for record until 1887. full titles, see publishers' lists herewith. Books merely new issues or imported in small lots without American imprint, are not included in the Index and Supplementary List.

A Kempis, Imitation of Christ. $..... White, S. & A. Aluminium. Richards, J. W. $2.50.. Baird. American (The) system of dentistry. V. 1. $6; $7; $8. Lea. Anatomy, Compend of. $1; $1.25... Blakiston. Anderson, J. W. Prospector's handbook. D. $1.50.

Baird. Art, Principles of. Van Dyke, C. $1.25.. Fords, H. & H. Arts (The) in the middle ages. Lacroix, P. $7.50.. Pott. At the sign of the lyre. Dobson. $2 to $5.

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White, S. & A. Aubert. Cupid's holiday; Cupid's menu; Winter. ea. $1.50 to $3. White, S. & A.

Bad habits of good society. Baker. $1 to $3.50.

White, S. & A. Baker, Geo. A. Bad habits of good society. $1 to $3.50. White, S. & A. Point lace and diamonds. $1 to $2.50.. White, S. & A. Ballard, Harlan H. Handbook of blunders. 50c.

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Rand, McN White, S. & A. Blakiston.

Detective's (The) eye. Du Boisgobey, F. p. 25c.
Diffidence. Worrall. (Etchings.) $6 to $20.
Disease, Symptoms of. $r.....
Dobson, Austin. At the sign of the lyre. $2 to $5.
White, S. & A.

Vignettes in rhyme. $2 to $5. White, S. & A.
Douglas, A. M. The foes of her household. $1.50.
Lee & S.
Dover. The ministry of mercy. $1.75: vel. $2.... Pott.
Druggists' general receipt-book. Beasley, H. $2.25.

Blakiston. Drummond, H. Natural law in the spiritual world $1.. Pott. Du Boisgobey, F. Cecil's fortune. 25c..Rand, Mc N. The detective's eye. p. 25c..


...Rand, Mc N.

Rand, Mc N.

The steel necklace. p. 25C.. Ear (The). Pritchard, U. $1.50. English history, Handbook of. Guest, M. J.

Parliament (The) and its transformation thousand years. Gneist, Dr. R. $3.50. Erdman, W. J. Unseen world. 20c. Exegetical theology. Weidner. $1.

Blakiston. Revell.

Funk & W

Eye, Refraction of. Morton, A. $1. Fevers. Collie, A. $2.50.

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Biblical difficulties, Handbook of. Tuck, Rev. Rob.

Whittaker. Rev, H. M. $1.50. Whittaker.


...Spon. $1.50....Baird.

Bishops (The) in the tower. Lubbock,
Bjorling, P. R. Pump construction.
Blowpipe in chemistry. Ross, W. A.
Bolton, H. W. Home and social life. $1; p. 50c.. Revell.
Book (A) of the running brook and of still waters.
Campbell, Lady Colin. $1.25...
Box, Thos. Practical hydraulics. O. $2..... Spon.
Britten, F. J. Watch and clock makers' hand-book. $2.
Brown, C. O. Labor troubles. P. 30c.....
Brown. Rab and his friends. $1 to $2.50.
White, S. & A.
Butts' Civil engineers' field-book. $3........... Wiley.
Campbell, Lady Colin. A book of the running brook
and of still waters. $1.25...
Cecil's fortune. Du Boisgobey, F. p. 25c. Rand, Mc N.
Chemistry, Blowpipe in. Ross, W. A. $1.50... Baird.

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Gallaudet, E. M. International law. $1.50...... Holt.
Gems of modern art. $7.50......

Geology, Blowpipe in. Ross, W. A. $1.50......Baird.
Giberne, Agnes. A quiet life. il. $1.25.
American S. S. Union.
Gneist, Dr. The English Parliament and its transfor-
mation through a thousand years. $3.50......Little, B.
Golden words of holy men. Houghton. $r.
White, S. & A.
Goodell, T. D. The Greek in English. 75c...... Hoit.
Gordon, A. J., Works of. ea. $1; $1.25; $1.50.. Revell.
Greek in English. Goodell, T. D. 75c.............
Greenough, Mrs. R.

[blocks in formation]

White, S. & A.

Heart (The) of the weed. $1...
Heath, C. Minor surgery and bandaging.

Young. ..Houghton, M. D. $2.

Blakiston. Heavenly recognition. McWhinney, Rev. T. M. il. 6oc. Fords, H. & H.


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Hubert, H. P. Studies of great composers, with portraits. $1.75.



Hunter, Thos. ed. Home culture. $2..
Imitation of Christ. A Kempis. $... White, S. & A.
Jackson, Geo. T. The hair and scalp. $3.50... Treat.
Jones, J. C. The saints of the Prayer-book. $1.. Pott.
Labor troubles. Brown, C. O. p. 30c..........Revell.
Lacroix, P. The arts in the middle ages. $7.50.. Pott.
Ladies of the White House. Halloway. 2 v. ea. $3.50.






Pastor in his closet. Potter, Rt. Rev. H. 6oc.; leath. $1.
Am. S. S. Union.
Perry, Prof. Jno. Telpherage. O. p. 20c........Spon.
Phillips, C. D. F. Materia medica. $7.50.. Blakiston.
Planet (Our), Life history of. Gunning. $1.50.
Point lace and diamonds. Baker. $1 to $2.50.


White, S. & A.

Potter, Rt. Rev. H. Pastor in his closet. 6oc.; leath. $1; ea, net.... Potter, S. O. L. $1.25.....

Materia medica.


Compend of anatomy. 4th ed. $1;


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Practical Hydraulics. Box, Thos. $2. Prayer-book, The saints of the. $..


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Ministry of mercy. Dover. $1.75; vel. $2.
Minor surgery and bandaging. Heath, C. $2.. Blakiston.
Mississippi. Sup. Ct. Repts. (Heming.) $6.
T. & J. W. Johnson.

Modern art, Gems of. $7.50.....
Moody, D. L. Himmillen. p. 40c.; 60c
Morning family prayers. Macduff, Rev. J. R. $2.
Morton, A. Refraction of the eye. D. $1.. Blakiston.
Munhall, L. W. Furnishing for workers. 20c.; flex.
leath. 25C...
United Breth. Pub. House.
Murrell, W. Massage as a mode of treatment. D. $1.
My sermon notes. V. 3. Spurgeon. $1.... Funk & W.
Natural law in the spiritual world. Drummond, H.

Norway nights and Russian days. il. $1.25.

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Houghton, M.

Quiet life (A). Giberne, Agnes. Rab and his friends. Brown, J.

il. $1.25. Am. S. S. Union. $1 to $2.50.

White, S. & A. Rand, E. A. The Schooner on the beach series. il. in a box. $3.50... .....Am. S. S. Union. Rhetoric, Practical. Clark, J. S. $1.25.. ..... Holt. Rice, E. W. People's commentary on Matthew. il. $1.25... ..Am. S. S. Union. Richards, J. W. Aluminium. D. $2.50......... Baird. Richardson, J. Mechanical dentistry. $4.50 leath. $5.50.. Blakiston. Richter, V. Inorganic chemistry. D. $2.....Blakiston. Organic chemistry. 4th ed. $3; leath..$3.50. Blakiston. Ritchie, A. Bible doctrines. D. $1.25.. Ritchie,-. Spiritual studies in St. John's gospel. net, 6oc. Roberts, A. S. Club-foot. D. 50c........... Blakiston. Ross, Clinton. The silent workman. 75... Putnam. Ross, W. A. The blowpipe in chemistry, mineralogy, and geology. $1.50.... Baird.



Russian days and Norway nights. $1... Fords, H. & H.
Sadler. Commentary on St. Luke. $3.. ...........tott.
St. John's gospel, Spiritual studies in. Ritchie. net,

-Luke, Commentary on. Sadler, $3..
Schooner (The) on the beach series. See Rand.
Service and healing. $..


Carter. Silent workman (The). Ross, Clinton. 75c.... Putnam. Silver thoughts of great minds. Houghton. $1. White, S. & A.

Putnam. ..Carter.

Sketches and impressions. Mason, R. O. $1.25.
Slave girl of Pompeii. Holt. 6oc....
Small, S. W. Old Si's sayings. 75c.; P. 35c.....Revell.
Smith, G. B. The prime ministers of Queen Victoria.
$3. Routledge.
Funk & W

-The life and times of Queen Victoria.
Spear, D. Bible heaven. 50c..
Spon's mechanics' own book. O. p. $2.50.......
Spurgeon. My sermon notes. V. 3. $1.. Funk & W.
Steel necklace (The). Du Boisgobey, F. P, 25c.
Rand, McN.
Studies of great composers. Hubert, H. B. $1.75.
Sun and star calendar. Hall. $....... White, S. & A.
Surgery, Operátive. Bryant, J. D. $5; shp. $6.
Sutherland, J. Talks on living subjects. 6oc.. Revell

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Of the Books of 1886

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