The Annual American Catalogue 1886-1900: Being the Full Titles, with Descriptive Notes, of All Books Recorded in the Publishers' Weekly, 1886-1900 with Author, Title, and Subject Index, Publishers' Annual Lists, and Directory of Publishers

Publishers' weekly, 1887

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Popularni odlomci

Stranica 121 - THE SPIRITUAL GUIDE, which Disentangles the Soul and brings it by the Inward Way to the Fruition of Perfect Contemplation, and the Rich Treasure of Internal Peace. Written by Dr. Michael de Molinos, Priest.
Stranica 44 - THE HOUSE OF WALDERNE. A Tale of the Cloister and the Forest in the Days of the Barons
Stranica 92 - History of New York, from the beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty.
Stranica 65 - MD, Professor of Diseases of the Mind and Nervous System in the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital, etc. With 118 Illustrations. NINTH EDITION, WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 8vo. 932 pages. Cloth, $5.00; sheep, $6.00. "Dr. Hammond's treatise on the diseases of the nervous system...
Stranica 65 - Manual of Operative Surgery. By Joseph D. Bryant, MD, Professor of Anatomy and Clinical Surgery, and Associate Professor of...
Stranica 102 - Lives of the Queens of Scotland, and English Princesses connected with the Regal Succession of Great Britain.
Stranica 69 - Druggists' General Receipt Book. Comprising a Copious Veterinary Formulary, Recipes in Patent and Proprietary Medicines, Druggists' Nostrums, etc. ; Perfumery and Cosmetics, Beverages, Dietetic Articles and Condiments, Trade Chemicals, Scientific Processes, and an Appendix of Useful Tables.
Stranica 160 - Manual of Chemistry. A Guide to Lectures and Laboratory work for Beginners in Chemistry. A Text-book, specially adapted for Students of Pharmacy and Medicine.
Stranica 103 - Currying, Finishing and Dyeing of every kind of Leather ; including the various Raw Materials and the Methods for Determining their Values; the Tools, Machines, find all Details of Importance connected with an Intelligent and Profitable Prosecution of the Art, with Special Reference to the Best American Practice. To which are added Complete Lists of all American Patents for Materials, Processes, Tools, and Machines for Tanning, Currying, etc.
Stranica 77 - Plank, Scantling and Timber Measure ; Wages and Rent, by Week or Month; Capacity of Granaries, Bins and Cisterns; Land Measure, Interest Tables, with Directions for Finding the Interest on any sum at 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 per cent., and many other Useful Tables.

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