Massachusetts Reports, Opseg 228

H.O. Houghton and Company, 1918

Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve

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Stranica 246 - Each individual of the society has a right to be protected by it in the enjoyment of his life, liberty, and property, according to standing laws.
Stranica 199 - A charity, in the legal sense, may be more fully defined as a gift, to be applied, consistently with existing laws, for the benefit of an indefinite number of persons, either by bringing their minds or hearts under the influence of education or religion, by relieving their bodies from disease, suffering or constraint, by assisting them to establish themselves in life, or by erecting or maintaining public buildings or works or otherwise lessening the burdens of government.
Stranica 361 - ... physical or mental incapacity it is impossible for the person injured to give the notice within the time provided in this section, he may give the same within ten days after such incapacity is removed...
Stranica 150 - This is an action to recover damages for personal injuries sustained by the plaintiff while in the employ of the defendant...
Stranica 549 - Every negotiable instrument is deemed prima facie to have been issued for a valuable consideration ; and every person whose signature appears thereon to have become a party thereto for value.
Stranica 495 - Code undertook to abolish these distinctions by enacting that "every act whatever of man that causes damage to another, obliges him by whose fault it happened to repair it.
Stranica 108 - Having the absolute power of excluding the foreign corporation the State may, of course, impose such conditions upon permitting the corporation to do business within its limits as it may judge expedient ; and it may make the grant or privilege dependent upon the payment of a specific license tax, or a sum proportioned to the amount of its capital.
Stranica 262 - Upon these facts, so far as it is a question of fact, I find that the name of Frederick W. Mansfield should precede that of Samuel W. McCall in the arrangement of names in alphabetical order upon the official ballot of candidates for Governor.
Stranica 67 - States may deprive persons of life, liberty, and property without due process of law (and the amendment itself does suppose this), why should not Congress proceed at once to prescribe due process of law for the protection of every one of these fundamental rights, in every possible case, as well as to prescribe equal privileges in inns, public conveyances, and...
Stranica 335 - That where by reason of the [shortness of the time during which the workman has been in the employment of his employer, or the casual nature...

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