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KEATS is the subject of the latest volume in the "English Men of Letters" series. The writer is Mr. Sidney Colvin.

VICTOR HUGO's posthumous work, "Choses Vues," is to be brought out in an English translation, by George Routledge & Sons.

THE Earl of Lytton ("Owen Meredith ") has a new volume of poems ready, with the title "After Paradise, or Legends of Exile."

A VOLUME of "Select Poems by Swinburne " is just published by Worthington. The selections, which include representations of both his lyric and dramatic pieces, are made by the poet himself.

MR. ANDREW LANG's work on folk-lore, which has occupied much of his attention for several years, is shortly to be published. It will be in two volumes, with the title "Myth, Ritual, and Religion."

TICKNOR & Co. announce: "Home Sanitation," a manual for housekeepers; "Penelope's Suitors, a novel of colony days in Massachusetts, by E. L. Bynner; "Prose Pastorals," by H. M. Sylvester; and revised editions of their "American GuideBooks" for 1887.

C.W. MOULTON & Co., of Buffalo, whose projected magazine, "The Modern Muse," was announced in our last issue, request us to say that the publication will contain only poetry which has previously appeared in print,-not original poetry, as we erroneously stated.

A SERIES of biographies of leading French authors, somewhat in the manner of the "English Men of Letters" series, is shortly to be begun in Paris. Eighteen volumes have already been arranged for. The first two will be given to Victor Cousin and Mad. de Sévigné; the writers being M. Jules Simon and M. Gaston Boisser.

BRET HARTE's new story, "The Crusade of the Excelsior," with four illustrations, is just published by Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Also, "The Shaybacks in Camp," a summer book, by S. J. and I. C. Barrows; a treatise on "The Law of Divorce," by A. P. Lloyd; and a new edition, revised, of Bacon's "Dictionary of Boston."

THE series of monographs on Political Economy and Public Law, edited by Professor Edmund J. James and published by the University of Pennsylvania, treats in its second number the Anti-Rent Riots in New York, 1839-46, an important but hitherto almost entirely neglected chapter in American economic history. The author is Mr. E. P. Cheyney, Instructor of History in the University of Pennsylvania.


A NEW book on China, by Gen. James H. Wilson, is just published by Appleton & Co. They announce also, The College and the Church," a collection of papers on educational and denominational questions, reprinted from "The Forum" magazine; "A Game of Chance," a novel by Anne S. Coombs; "A Dateless Bargain," a novel, by C. L. Pirkis; "In the Golden Days," a novel, by Edna Lyall; and a new and cheaper edition of "Arius the Libyan.”

BENJAMIN & BELL, a new publishing firm in New York City, begin their career with a curious pamphlet on "The Poets and Poetry of America," believed to have been written by Edgar A. Poe. They announce for immediate issue, "Society

Verse by American Writers," a new edition of "The Book-Lover's Enchiridion," a novel called "Mr. Incoul's Misadventure," by Mr. Edgar Saltus, a volume of essays on Shakespeare by Mr. Appleton Morgan, and a volume of selections from the poetry of Leigh Hunt.

MR. JOHN BARTLETT, well known by his "Shakespeare Phrase-Book" and "Familiar Quotations," sends us his prospectus of "A New and Complete Concordance or Verbal Index to the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare," to contain about sixteen hundred pages. It will be a complete concordance of words, phrases, and passages to be found in the plays of Shakespeare, giving each word in its various uses. The passages are given so full and entire that in most cases it will be found unnecessary to consult the plays themselves. The adopted text is that of the Globe edition, edited by Messrs. Clark and Wright.

THE report of the commission appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to investigate modern spiritualism is just published by J. B. Lippincott Co. This commission was appointed by request of the late Henry Seybert, who founded a chair of philosophy at the university; and among its members are Dr. H. H. Furness, Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Dr. Wm. Pepper, and other well-known men. Their report is a very full statement of their experiences as investigators, which seem to have been somewhat unsatisfactory in results. The same publishers issue, as a companion volume to the above, "Nineteenth Century Sense, the Paradox of Spiritualism, by John Darby, author of "Odd Hours of a Physician," etc.

MACMILLAN & Co. have just issued a "Victoria" edition of Shakespeare in three volumes, dedicated by special permission to the Queen. It is printed from new type, uniform with the single volume edition of Lord Tennyson's Poetical Works, and contains a new glossary specially prepared for this edition by Mr. Aldis Wright. The same publishers announce also the new edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson which the author of "Dr. Johnson, his Friends and his Critics," has been preparing for many years. Besides portraits and other illustrations, the work will contain a concordance of Johnson's sayings and a very elaborate index, this last being intended to form a key to the vast mass of literature and anecdote which has accumulated around the name of Johnson.

IN connection with the paper on "Political and Economic Literature from the Universities," in this number of THE DIAL, attention may be called to the announcement of the faculty of Political Science of Columbia College, that they have in preparation a series of systematic works covering the entire field of political science proper and of the allied sciences of public law and economics, and aiming to present the latest results of institutional development and of scientific thought in Europe and America. The series will consist of the following volumes: "History of Political Theories," by Archibald Alexander; "Comparative Constitutional Law and Politics," by John W. Burgess; Comparative Constitutional Law of the American Commonwealths," by F. W. Whitridge; "Historical and Practical Political Economy," by Richmond M. Smith; "Historical and Comparative Science of Finance," by Edwin R. A. Seligman; "Comparative Administrative Law and Science," by Frank J. Goodnow;

"International Law," by Theodore W. Dwight; "Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence," by Munroe Smith; "Literature of Political Science," by George H. Baker. The first of these volumes will be published in December, and the entire series will probably be completed within four years.

THE American Historical Association's fourth annual meeting, at Boston, late in May, was, both in attendance and transactions, decidedly the most important and encouraging of the gatherings of the society. Of great practical value was, especially, Mr. Justin Winsor's address upon the subject of American historical manuscripts and their collection and preservation in various parts of the country. The Association, as a result of Mr. Winsor's paper, appointed a committee to take measures for the establishment of a governmental commission for the collection and care of historical manuscripts. The Boston meeting was held in connection with the American Economic Association, as many of the members belong to both societies. Next year (in September) the joint meeting will be held at Columbus, Ohio. The West was further honored in the choice, by the Historical Society, of Dr. W. F. Poole, of Chicago, as its President for the ensuing year, -a compliment which THE DIAL takes special pleasure in recognizing, since most of Dr. Poole's historical papers of recent years have been written for its pages. The other newly-elected officers of the society are: Dr. Charles Kendall Adams, President of Cornell University, and Hon. John Jay, of New York, Vice-Presidents; Prof. Herbert B,

Adams, of Johns Hopkins University, Secretary; C. W. Bowen, of New York, Treasurer; and Hon. Andrew D. White, Hon. George Bancroft, Hon. R. B. Hayes, Mr. Justin Winsor, Prof. John W. Burgess, Prof. Arthur M. Wheeler, and Hon. Wm. Wirt Henry, Executive Councillors.

JULY, 1887.

Adams, John. George Bancroft. Century.
Alkestis of Euripides. W. C. Lawton. Atlantic.
Am. Botanists. W. G. Farlow. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Am. Classics in Schools. H. E. Scudder. Atlantic.

Am. History, MS. Sources of. Justin Winsor. Mag. Am. Hist.
Am. Students in Germany. M. B. Crawford. Čentury.
Atlanta. O. O. Howard. Century.

Books, Making of. R. R. Bowker. Harper.

Books that Have Helped Me. A. P. Peabody. Forum.
Canada. D. A. Poe. Forum.

Cherokees, Journalism among. G. E. Foster. Mag.Am.Hist.
Christian Union. R. S. MacArthur. Century.
Clay, Henry. Wm. Henry Smith. Dial.

College Expenses. Century.

Death Penalty, The. Park Benjamin. Forum. Earthquakes. G. H. Darwin. Pop. Sci. Mo.

Economic Disturbances since 1873. D. A. Wells. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Economic Literature from Universities.
England, Lecky's History of. Wm. Eliot Furness.
Fiction, Recent. W. M. Paine. Dial.

A. Shaw.

Dial. Dial.

Food, Potential Energy of. W. O. Atwater. Century.
George's Land Mistake. W. T. Harris. Forum.
Gettysburg, Pickett at. A. F. Devereaux. Mag. Am. Hist.
Human Brain-weights. Joseph Simms. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Human Stature. Pop. Sci. Mo.

Immigration, Dangers of. H. H. Boyesen. Forum.
Labor and Capital. Washington Gladden. Century.
Lakes of No. America. Isaac Kinley. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Laughter. St. George Mivart. Forum.
Laurens, Henry. Martha J. Lamb. Mag. Am. Hist.
Lawsuit or Legacy. H. H. Gardener. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Lea, Isaac. Pop. Sci. Mo.

Life, The Object of. Grant Allen. Forum.
Lincoln, Abraham. Hay and Nicolay. Century.
Longfellow Memorial. E. G. Johnson. Dial.
Man's Physical Proportions. D. A. Sargent. Scribner.
Men and Women, Mental Differences of. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Mind Cure. J. M. Buckley. Century.
Municipal Government, Reform in. Century.
Muybridge Photographs, The. T. Williams. Century.

Napoleon. J. C. Ropes. Scribner.

Our Hundred Days in Europe. O. W. Holmes. Atlantic.
Over-Education. Pop. Sci. Mo.

Panama Canal, The. S. F. Weld. Pop. Sci. Mo.
Portsmouth, Water. Ways of Louise I. Guiney. Atlantic.
Princeton, Is it Humanizing? Newman Smyth. Forum.
Race Prejudice at Summer Resorts. Forum.
Railroad Problem, The. W. A. Crafts. Atlantic.
Relation the Ultimate Truth. Mary Parmele. Forum.
River and Harbor Bill. A. B. Hart. Mag. Am. Hist.
Sentiment, Decay of. Agnes Repplier. Atlantic.
Sherman's "March to the Sea." W. T. Sherman. Century.
Soudan Town, A. J. Thomas. Harper.

Tenement House Morality. J. O. S. Huntington. Forum.
Thackeray Letters. Scribner.

Thousand Islands, The. Grant Allen. Pop. Sci. Mo. Tolstoi and the Public Censor. I. F. Hapgood. Atlantic. U. S. Mail Service. J. M. Bishop. Mag. Arn. Hist. University of Va., Life at. J. B. Minor, Jr. Lippincott. West Point. Charles King. Harper.

West Point and the Army. F. P. Powers. Lippincott. White House, The Mistress of. Lucy C. Lillie. Lippincott. Wild-Flowers. John Burroughs. Čentury.


[The following List contains all New Books, American and Foreign, received during the month of June by MESSRS. A. C. MCCLURG & Co., Chicago.]


Letters of Horatio Greenough to his brother Henry
Greenough. With Biographical Sketches. Edited by
Frances B. Greenough. 12mo, pp. 250. Ticknor & Co.
Around the World on a
Francisco to Teheran.
547. C. Scribner's Sons.
The World as We Saw It.


Vol. I. From San By Thomas Stevens. 8vo, pp. $4.00.

By Mrs. Amos R. Little. 4to, pp. 476. Cupples & Hurd. $7.50. Letters from the Far East. Being Impressions of a Tour Around the World by way of England, India, China and Japan during 1885-86. By De Lancey Floyd. Jones. 8vo, pp. 277. Public Service Publishing Co. $2.00.

The Story of Assyria. From the Rise of the Empire to the Fall of Nineveh (continued from "The Story of Chaldea"). By Z. A. Ragozin. 12mo, pp. 450. "The Story of the Nations." G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50.

ESSAYS-BELLES-LETTRES-ETC. Renaissance in Italy. Part V. The Catholic Reaction. By J. A. Symonds. 2 vols., 8vo. H. Holt & Co. $7.50. Richard the Third and The Primrose Criticism. 16mo, pp. 164. Gilt top. A. C. McClurg & Co. $1.00. Reminiscences. By Thomas Carlyle. Edited by C. E. Norton. 12mo, pp. 325. Macmillan & Co. $2.50. Obiter Dicta. Second Series. By Augustine Birrell. 16mo, pp. 291. Gilt top. C. Scribner's Sons. $1.00. The Sunny Side of Shadow. Reveries of a Convalescent. By Fannie N. Benjamin. 18mo, pp. 188. Ticknor & Co. $1.00.

How to Make a Saint; or, The Process of Canonization in the Church of England. By THE PRIG. 16mo, pp. 118. H. Holt & Co. $1.00.

The College and the Church. The "How I was Educated" Papers and Denominational "Confessions." From the Forum Magazine. 8vo, pp. 214. D. Appleton & Co. $1.50.

Memorials of a Half-Century. By Bela Hubbard. 8vo, pp. 581. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $2.00.

Men and Manners in America One Hundred Years Ago. Edited by H. E. Scudder. New edition. 16mo, pp. 320. C. Scribner's Sons. $1.25.

Selected Essays of Joseph Addison. With an Introduction by C. T. Winchester. 16mo, pp. 175. Chautauqua Press. 75 cents.

From the Marriage License_Window. Observations made, and Incidents told. Facts from every-day life. By M. Salmonson. 12mo, pp. 206. John Anderson & Co. $1.00.

The Poets and Poetry of America. A Satire by "Levante," published in Philadelphia in 1847. With an introductory argument to prove that "Levante" was Edgar A. Poe, by Geoffrey Quarles. Paper. Ben. jamin & Bell. 50 cents.


The Sailing of King Olaf, and other Poems. By Alice W. Brotherton. 18mo, pp. 145. C. H. Kerr & Co. $1.00.


Fugitive Pieces by George Gordon, Lord Byron, fac-simile reprint of the suppressed edition of 1806. Limited to 100 copies. Vellum. 4to, pp. 66. London. Net, $16.80. England's Helicon. A Collection of Lyrical and Pastoral Poems published in 1600. Edited by A. H. Bullen. 8vo, pp. 262. Limited to 500 copies. London. Net, $4.00. The Same. Large-Paper Edition. Calf back, gilt top. Limited to 250 copies. Net, $5.50.

The Franklin Square Song Collection. No 4.

Selected by J. P. McCaskey. 8vo, pp. 184. Paper. Harper & Bros. 50 cents.

The Mermaid Series. The Best Plays of the Old Dramatists. Edited by Havelock Ellis. Christopher Marlowe. Edited by H. Ellis. Philip Massinger. Vol. I. Edited by Arthur Symons. 8vo. London. Each, net, 90 cents.


Examples of the Architecture of Venice. 15 large and fine plates, some colored, drawn by John Ruskin, with descriptions, illustrative of the Stones of Venice." Imperial folio, in portfolio. London. Net, $28.50. The Same, printed on Whatman paper, with India proof impressions of the plates. Net, $57.00.

Claude Gellée, Le Lorrain. By Owen J. Dullea. "Illus. trated Biographies of the Great Artists." 12mo, pp. 144. Scribner & Welford. $1.25.


Shakespeare Lexicon. A complete Dictionary of all the English Words, Phrases and Constructions in the Works of the Poet. By Alexander Schmidt, LL.D. Second edition. 8vo. 2 vols. London. Net, $11.00. On Teaching English. With detailed Examples and an Enquiry into the Definition of Poetry. By Alexander Bain. 16mo, pp. 256. D. Appleton & Co. $1.25. The Ruling Principle of Method, Applied to Educa. tion. From the Italian of Antonio Rosmini Serbati. 16mo, pp. 363. D. C. Heath & Co. $1.50. Spanish Idioms, with their English Equivalents, embracing nearly ten thousand phrases. Collected by Sarah C. Becker and Federico Mora. 8vo, pp. 331. Ginn & Co. $2.00.

Elements of Botany, Including Organography, Vege. table Histology, Vegetable Physiology, and Vegeta. ble Taxonomy, and a Glossary of Botanical Terms. By E. S. Bastin. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 282. G. P. Engel. hard & Co. Net, $2.50.

Principles of Education Practically Applied. By J. M. Greenwood. 12mo, pp. 192. D. Appleton & Co. $1.00. A Third Reader. By J. H. Stickney. 16mo, pp. 328. Ginn & Co. 55 cents.

Wentworth and Hill's Exercise Manuals. No. 1. Arithmetic. 16mo, pp. 282. Boards. Ginn & Co. 55 cents.

Little Flower-People. By Gertrude E. Hale. 12mo, pp. 85. Ginn & Co. 50 cents.

The Art of Reading Latin: How to Teach It. By W. G. Hale. Paper. Ginn & Co. 30 cents.

The Study of Rhetoric in the College Course. By J. F. Genung, Ph.D. "Monographs on Education." Paper. D. C. Heath & Co. 25 cents.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

The Waverley Novels. By Sir Walter Scott. New library edition. To be completed in 25 vols. 8vo. Gilt tops. Vols. 1-16 now ready. ¡J. B. Lippincott Co. Per vol., $1.75. Yellowplush Papers, etc. Fitzboodle Papers, etc. By W. M. Thackeray. "Pocket Edition." 16mo. London. Boards, per vol., 50 cents; half morocco, per vol., $1.00.

The Van Gelder Papers, and other Sketches. Edited by J. T. I. 12mo, pp. 316. G. P. Putnam's Sons. $1.50. Wallingford. A Story of American Life. 12mo, pp. 308. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25.

A Summer in Oldport Harbor. A Novel. By W. H. Metcalf. 16mo, pp. 285. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25. Behind the Blue Ridge. A Homely Narrative. By Frances C. Baylor. 12mo, pp. 313. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25.

Mistaken Paths. A Novel. By Herbert G. Dick. 16mo, pp. 321. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.25.

Arius the Libyan. An Idyl of the Primitive Church. Cheaper edition. 12mo, pp. 398. D. Appleton & Co. $1.25.

Judith. A Chronicle of Old Virginia. By Marion Harland. New and cheaper edition. 12mo, pp. 391. C. Scribner's Sons. Paper, 50 cents; cloth, $1.00. Bellona's Husband. A Romance. By Hudor Genone. 16mo, pp. 332. J. B. Lippincott Co. Paper, 25 cents; cloth, $1.00.

Frankincense; or, The Bride of Clairemont. By Mrs. M. J. Porter. 18mo, pp. 180. G. W. Dillingham, $1.00. Dick's Wandering. A Novel. By Julian Sturgis. 12mo, pp. 397. D. Appleton & Co. Paper, 50 cents; boards, 75 cents.

A Nameless Nobleman. By Jane G. Austin.
Paper. Ticknor & Co. 50 cents.


The Cruise of a Woman Hater. By G. de Montauban. Paper. Ticknor & Co. 50 cents.

Nights With Uncle Remus. Myths and Legends of the
Old Plantation. By J. C. Harris. Paper. Ticknor &
Co. 50 cents.

The Prelate. A Novel. By Isaac Henderson. 16mo, pp.
337. Paper. Ticknor & Co. 50 cents.
Tempest-Driven. A Romance. By Richard Dowling.
Paper. D. Appleton & Co. 50 cents.

A Plucky One. By Mrs. George L. Spencer.
Cassell & Co. 50 cents.


[blocks in formation]


No. XIII.; or, The Story of the Lost Vestal.
Emma Marshall. Paper. Cassell & Co. 25 cents.
John Parmelee's Curse. By Julian Howthorne. 12mo,
pp. 270. Cassell & Co. 25 cents.
Ruhainah. A Story of Afghan Life. By Evan Stanton.
16mo, pp. 272. Paper. Cassell & Co. 25 cents.

One of the Duanes. A Novel. By Alice K. Hamilton.
Paper. J. B. Lippincott Co. 25 cents.
Oliver Twist. By Charles Dickens.
lingham. 25 cents.

Paper. G. W. Dil.

Lena Rivers. By Mary J. Holmes. Paper. G. W. Dil. lingham. 25 cents.

It's a Way Love Has. A Novel. By William Featherstone. Paper. G. W. Dillingham. 25 cents.


Chaucer. By Adolphus W. Ward. 25 cents.
Cowper. By Goldwin Smith. 15 cents.

The Hunters of the Ozark. By Edward S. Ellis. 16mo, pp. 410. Porter & Coates. $1.25.

Our Fellows; or, Skirmishes with the Swamp Dragoons. By Harry Castlemon. 16mo, pp. 303. Porter & Coates. $1.25.

When I Was a Boy in China. By Yan Phou Lee. 12mo, pp. 111. D. Lothrop Co. 60 cents.

The John Spicer Lectures. By Mrs. A. M. Diaz. 12mo, pp. 99. D. Lothrop Co. 60 cents.


Le Horla. Par Guy De Maupassant. Paper. Paris. Net, $1.05.

Figaro-Salon 1887. Par Albert Wolff.

12mo, pp. 354.

To be in seven

parts. Nos. 2 and 3. Paper. Paris. Each, net, 75 cents. Propos d'Exil. Par Pierre Loti. 16mo, pp. 323. Paper. Paris. Net, $1.05.

La Plus Jolie Femme de Paris. Par Marie Colom. bier. 16mo, pp. 389. Paper. Paris. Net, $1.05. L'Inconnu. Par Paul Hervieu. 16mo, pp. 270. Paper. Paris. Net, $1.05.


Sacred Books of the East. Edited by Max Müller. The
Clarendon Press, Oxford. Vol. XXXI. The Zend-
Avesta. Part III. Translated by L. H. Mills. 8vo,
pp. 404. Net, $3.25.

The Rosicrucians. Their Rites and Mysteries. By
Hargrave Jennings. Revised edition. 2 vols., 8vo.
Gilt top. London. Net, $7.35.
Young People's Prayer-Meetings in Theory and Prac-
tice, with fifteen hundred topics. By F. E. Clark.
12mo, pp. 167. Funk & Wagnalls. 75 cents.
Evolution and Christianity. A Study. By J. C. F.
Grumbine. 18mo, pp. 75. C. H. Kerr & Co. 50 cents.
The New Birth. With a Chapter on Mind-Cure. By L.
P. Mercer. 16mo, pp. 127. C. H. Kerr & Co. 50 cents.
The English Reformation and the Book of Common
Prayer. A. D. 1531 to A. D. 1662. By A. T. Wirgman.
18mo, pp. 100. The Young Churchman Co. Net, 50


The Seybert Commission on Spiritualism. Being the Preliminary Report of the Commission Appointed by the University of Pennsylvania to Investigate Modern Spiritualism. 8vo, pp. 147. J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.00.


A Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Eye. By Dr. Edouard Meyer. Translated by Freeland Fergus. 8vo, pp. 647. P. Blakiston, Son & Co. Cloth, $4.50; leather, $5.50.

Abdominal Surgery.

By J. G. Smith. 8vo, pp. 600. P. Blakiston, Son & Co. $5.00. A Friend in Need: A Household Guide in Health and in Disease. By "Doctor Frank." 8vo, pp. 460. Thayer Publishing Co. $3.00.

Outlines for the Management of Diet. By Edward T.
Bruen, M.D. 12mo, pp. 138. "Practical Lessons in
Nursing." J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.00.

Maternity, Infancy, and Childhood. By John M.
Keating, M.Ď. 12mo, pp. 221. "Practical Lessons in
Nursing." J. B. Lippincott Co. $1.00.
Anæmia. By F. P. Henry, M.D. 18mo, pp. 136. P.
Blakiston, Son & Co. 75 cents.

Health in Our Homes. By "Doctor Frank." 12mo,
pp. 112. Thayer Publishing Co. 75 cents.
Health of Our Children. By "Doctor Frank." 12mo,
pp. 128. Thayer Publishing Co. 75 cents.
Psychology. The Motive Powers, Emotions, Conscience,
Will. By James McCosh. 12mo, pp. 267. C. Scribner's
Sons. $1.50.

SPORTS-MISCELLANEOUS. Sports and Anecdotes of Bygone Days in England, Scotland, Ireland, Italy and the Sunny South. By C. T. S. Birch Reynardson. Colored illustrations. 8vo, pp. 294. Uncut. London. Net, $4.20.

Lawn Tennis as a Game of Skill. With latest Revised Laws as played by the Best Clubs. By Lieut. S. C. F. Peile. 16mo, pp. 101. New edition. C. Scribner's Sons. 75 cents.

The Vacation Journal. A Diary of Outings from May until November. With Hints and Information for Tourists. 12mo, pp. 261. A. D. F. Randolph & Co. $1.50. Chance and Luck.

A Discussion of the Laws of Luck, Coincidences, Wagers, Lotteries, and the Fallacies of Gambling. By Richard A. Proctor. 12mo, pp. 263. London, $1.75.

Fingers and Fortune. A Guide Book of Palmistry. By Eveline M. Farwell. 16mo, pp. 141. London. Net, 35 cents.

The Obelisk and Its Voices; or, the Inner Facings of the Washington Monument, with their Lessons. By Henry B. Carrington. Paper. Lee & Shepard.

50 cents.

*** We will mail any book in this list, when not to be had at the local bookstores, on receipt of price, excepting those marked net, to the price of which ten per cent. must be added to pay postage. A. C. MOCLURG & Co.

Published Simultaneously in London and Chicago.


The Financial Rulers of Nations. By JOHN REEVES. One volume, 12mo. Ten illustrations. Price, $1.50.

This history of the House of Rothschild, prepared in London with the sanction of the family, gives a very interesting account of its various branches from the time of its founder until to-day. The humble beginning is fully described, and the numerous descendants of the founder are portrayed with clearness and with illustrative anecdotes, so that the reader gets an intimate knowledge of their different characteristics and methods of doing business. The defence of the Jews is hardly needed in this country, but it is full of historical information, and pays a deserved tribute to the children of the Hebrew race who have gained great distinction in science, literature, art, and music, in spite of persecution and malicious misrepresentation.

The volume contains portraits of the famous Rothschilds, and the frontispiece represents the old house at Frankfort.

Just Published.





164 pages. Price, $1.00. "A primrose by the river's brim A yellow primrose was to him, And it was nothing more."

This pretty and sprightly little volume, the work of a Chicago gentleman, owes its origin to the now famous address of Mr. James Russell Lowell, delivered in Chicago last winter, in which that distinguished critic sought to show that the play of Richard III.," commonly ascribed to Shakespeare, is in reality the product of another hand.

The work is in three parts. Part I. is devoted to a critical examination of Mr. Lowell's argument, a summary of the historical evidences of the genuineness of the play, and citations from the opinions of leading Shakespearian critics.

Part II. considers "The Historical Basis of Richard III.," and examines the authorities from which Shakespeare drew the subject matter of the play, showing the dramatic to be the historic Richard. By reference to the old chronicles many obscure passages are explained.

Part III., "The Histrionic Richards," is a series of pen-portraits of the great Richards of the English stage, from the days of Shakespeare to the present time, including Burbage, Ryan, Garrick, Cooke, Kean, Kemble, Macready, J. B. Booth, and others.

"THE PRIMROSE CRITICISM" will be found of special value to all Shakespearian collectors; while its racy style and clever treatment give it an interest for all who are familiar with the curious literary discussion on which it is founded.

Sold by all booksellers, or mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price by the publishers,

A. C. McCLURG & CO., Chicago.

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