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By JOHN Glasgow: Maurice Ogle and Son, Royal Exchange NOW READY, PRICE ONE GUInea, A LATIN-ENGLISH LEXICON, FOUNDED ON THE LARGER LATIN-GERMAN LEXICON OF DR. WILLIAM FREUND: WITH ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS FROM THE LEXICONS OF GESNER, FACCIOLATI, SCHELLER, GEORGES, &c. Royal 8vo. pp. 1690. EXTRACT FROM THE EDITOR'S PREFACE. THE basis of the new Latin Lexicon here offered to the public consists of a translation of the Wörterbuch der Lateinischen Sprache of Dr. Wilhelm Freund, which was published at Leipsic in four volumes, containing in all about 4500 pages, in the following order: vol. i. (A-C) appeared in 1834; vol. iv. (R-Z) in 1840; vol. ii. (D—K) in 1844; and vol. iii. (L-Q) in 1845. In the latter year, the Author published, also, a smaller school lexicon in two volumes, comprising about 1800 pages, from which some corrections have been adopted in preparing the present work. From this has also been taken Appendix B, containing lists of words from the Italian and French languages derived from the Latin, whose origin is more or less obscured by the euphonic MAT changes they have undergone. An examination of the lists will show the student the nature of the changes suffered by Latin words passing into either of those languages, and will enable him to refer without difficulty almost any Latin word found in them to its original. The lexicons of Gesner, Facciolati, Scheller, and Georges have likewise been made use of for the purpose of supplying occasional deficiencies in those of Dr. Freund. The object which the Editor has proposed to him self and his associates in the preparation of the work has been to condense these materials within the convenient limits of a single volume, and yet to preserve everything of real importance for general use in the larger lexicon of Dr. Freund. LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, 169, FLEET STREET. 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