Slike stranica


Publishing in Monthly Parts, price 1s.


Now ready, for the Exhibition of 1851, full coloured, in case for pocket, price 1s.; or mounted on cloth. 1s. 6d.

to Greswell, by R. MIMPRISS. To be completed in A MAP of LONDON, with the recent Im

Thirteen Parts.

provements; showing all the Omnibus Routes,

The First Volume, crown 8vo., pp. 485, 7s. 6d. and accompanied with a full and descriptive Guide to is now ready.

Also, Eleventh Thousand, fcp. 8vo. 3s. The HARMONY of the FOUR EVANGELISTS, according to Greswell. By R. MIMPRISS. To be completed in Six Parts, price 4d. each.

Thomas Varty, 31, Strand, London. (38)

the Sights and Amusements, in either of the following Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, or Italian.

Guides to the Sights in either of the above languages, price 2d. each.

H. G. Collins, 22, Paternoster Row. (39)


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

To O STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, &c. -The Advertiser wishes a RE-ENGAGEMENT either in the Wholesale or Retail, in Town or Country. He served his apprenticeship to a Bookseller, Stationer, and Printer, and has since had experience in some of the first houses in London, &c. Unexceptionable references and security can be given.— Address, W. P. 32, Corn Street, Bristol.

TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c. -Wanted, by a Young Man conversant with the London Trade, a situation as TOWN TRAVELLER or ASSISTANT. Can give good reference as to character, ability, &c.-Address, E.R. Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street, London.


good address, to manage a Circulating Library.
None need apply who has not filled a like situation.
-Address H. and R. Morrow, Public Library,
Nassau Street, Dublin.

VANTED, by a Printer and Stationer, in the
Country, a respectable Youth, about 17, as

a TURNOVER, accustomed to the Printing Office,
who would also have an insight in the Stationery
Business and Bookbinding.-Address, E. H. C. 13,
Great Portland Street, Cavendish Square, London.
by a Young Man, well accustomed to the
routine of a General Printing Office. Apply to
C. E., Public Library, Thame, Oxon.

TO MASTER PRINTERS, &c.-A respectable Young Man, who has recently completed his Apprenticeship, wishes a SITUATION. Has been used to Case and Press, Book and Job Work.

-Wanted, by a respectable Young Man, a SITUATION in the above line. The Advertiser is perfectly acquainted with the duties required in both branches of the business.-All communications will be answered by applying to W. T. T., care of J. Fowne, Bookseller, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire.

TO Wanted, by a Young Man who has been many years connected with the trade, a SITUATION in either of the above branches: has no objection to go to the Country. The most satisfactory references can be given.-Address to W. B., care of Mr. Blackwood, 44, Paternoster Row London.


[blocks in formation]

Would not object to assist in the Binding depart. TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, &c.

ment; and can be well recommended. Apply to W. W., Mr. Braithwaite, Publisher, Stokesley.

WANTED, by a steady, respectable Young

Man, a SITUATION in a Book or Jobbing Office. Unexceptionable references can be given.Address, J. S., Mrs. Mountain, Printer, &c. Alford, Lincolnshire.

[blocks in formation]

-Wanted, by a Yong Man, who has had six years' experience, a SITUATION in either of the above Businesses, either in Town or Country.


is active, quick at accounts, and thoroughly under

stands the routine of a Public Library. - Address, with full particulars, as to Salary, &c. to T. C. H., J. Harvey's, Bookseller. Sidmouth, Devon.


-Wanted, by a respectable Young Man, aged 22, a situation as ASSISTANT in either of the above capacities. Has been accustomed to the London and Country Trade. Can give good references.Address, T. D., Pilchergate House, Nottingham. TO BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, PRINTERS, &c.-Wanted, by a Young Man from the Country, a SITUATION in either of the above branches. Respectable references on application.-Address, J. C., 8, Dudley Place, Paddington.


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

TO BOOKSELLERS. -- To be disposed of, with immediate entry, the entire Stock and Goodwill of a BOOKSELLING CONCERN in Edinburgh, which has been successfully carried on during the last twenty years. The Stock is chiefly Theological, and would be sold in One Lot in order to wind up the concern, at the price which the Books would realise by Auction. Such an opportunity for an energetic Young Man favourably commencing business rarely occurs. The whole sum would be about £500.-Apply to C. B. Tait and T. Nisbet, 11, Hanover Street, Edinburgh.

suitable for Literary Institutions, Reading Rooms,
Circulating Libraries, &c. is now ready for delivery.

85, Queen Street, Cheapside, London.


BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. -For Disposal, a well-established, first-class BOOKSELLING and STATIONERY BUSINESS, at the West End, in one of the best and most leading Thoroughfares in London. Capital required, £1000. -Apply to A. Z., 8. Charing Cross.


T Others. Persons relinquishing business, Trustees, Executors, and others having stationery Printing and Binding materials, Books, or other property to dispose of, may hear of a purchaser, who will give a liberal price and immediate cash, by applying to Mr. Page, 28, Moorgate Street, Bank.



MAUTION to PUBLISHERS and BOOKSELLERS.-Whereas his Honour the ViceChancellor, Sir James Lewis Knight Bruce, did, on the 9th day of December instant, grant an Injunction in the above Cause, restraining the above-named Defendant, Alexander Black, late of No. 8, Welling. Bookseller, a bankrupt, and his Assignee, from vending or exposing for sale, or otherwise dis"posing of any copy or copies of a pirated Edition "of an Original Work of the above-named Plaintiff, "Dr. Ollendorff, purporting to be published at

TO PRINTERS, BOOKSELLERS, and ton Street, Strand, in the county of Middlesex,

OTHERS. To be disposed of, a capital Provincial BUSINESS, established 20 years, within 60 miles of London, in a County Town, containing 11,000 inhabitants. Average annual returns for the last 4 years £3.000, and capable of increase. The Stock, about £1,100, to be taken at a valuation.For particulars, apply to Messrs. Sharman and Turnley, Solicitors, Bedford.




Frankfort, entitled A New Method of Learning "to Read, Write, and Speak a Language in Six "Months, adapted to the French, for the use of "Schools and Privaté Teachers'," which Original Work was published in London by Messrs. WhittaNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that legal proceedings

TLIBRARIANS Tobe disposed of, BUSINESS ker and Company.

or persons exposing for sale or vending any copy or copies of the said pirated Edition, or found having any such pirated Work in his or their possession. STAFFORD MOORE COOPER,

possessing extraordinary claims, and particularly suited for an enterprising party. Part of the Pur-will immediately be commenced against any person chase Money might remain on fair terms for a reasonable period: from £1,000 upwards must be possessed. Principals only will be treated with, and, if suitable, good terms will be offered.-Apply, with name and reference, to A. B. C. care of Mr. Sampson Low, Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street.

11, Gray's inn Square, Solicitor for the said Plaintiffs.


*** Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON Low, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free. Arnott's Physics. Vol. 2.

Atcherley's Free Parliaments.

Binghani (J.) Antiquities of the Church, Knaplock's edit. 1710 to 1723. Vols. 7, 8, and 9.

British Critic. Vols. 9 to 27.

[blocks in formation]

Nordheimer's Hebrew Grammar, 8vo.(New York). Vol. 2.
Oratores Attici, Dove's ed. roy. 8vo. or demy 8vo. Vol. 12.
Photius contra Manichos (Hamburgh).
Portensian Pocket Bible.

Price's Wisdom of Shakspere, 18mo.
Pringle's South African Poetical Sketches.

Richardson's Zoology of North America-The Fishes, 4to.
Rob. Recorde, The Ground of Artes, etc. 8vo. London,
Wolfe, 1543.

Romaine's Works, 8 vols. 8vo. 1796. Vol. 1, or p. 367-368.
Rufine, Historia Ecclesiasticæ, ed. Cacciari, 2 vols. 4to.
Scott's Novels, 25 vol. edit. complete.

48 vol. edit.

Shakspere, edited by Malone, crown 8vo. London, 1730.
Vol. 4, uncut.

Shore's Notes on India.

Singular Travels and Adventures of Baron Munchausen, 3d edit. 12mo. (Kearsley.)

Ditto, Sequel, 12mo. 2s. 6d.

Todd's Johnson's Dictionary, 4to. 1814. Part 28 to end.
Urbanus Regius, a Lyttle Treatise after the manner of an
Epistle, Svo. London, 1578.

Wakefield's England and America, 2 vols. 8vo. Last edit.
Warren's Letter to the Queen on a late Court Martial.

Watts's Bibliotheca Britannica, 4to. Parts 5 and 6.
Williams (Jos.) Diary and Meditations.

Young's Discoveries in Hieroglyphics, 8vo. (Murray.)

Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Paliner Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON Low, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstar. in the West.-Wednesday, January1,1851.

[blocks in formation]

General Record of British and Foreign Literature ;



[blocks in formation]

Annual Subscriptions due on the 1st of January are requested to be transmitted forthwith, by Post Office Order, addressed to the Office, 169, Fleet Street, payable to the Order of Sampson Low. The attention of the Retail portion of the Trade is particularly called to the reduced rate of subscription for a dozen copies of The Publishers' Circular, viz. 50s. for one year; which charge includes a printed wrapper, (or without the wrapper, 35s.) with the address of the subscribing bookseller. This will be found an excellent mode of circulating the Catalogue for the individual benefit of the subscriber: a specimen of the Cover will be sent where desired.

The Annual Catalogue will be ready very shortly, with the addition of a considerable list of single Sermons and Pamphlets.

Messrs. Longman and Co.'s Annual Catalogue of Periodicals, Current Law Reports, Newspapers, &c. is now ready.-Vide Advertisement on last page.

The "Memoir of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton," a new library edition, forming a handsome 8vo. vol., will be ready next week.

The new numbers of the "Edinburgh" and "Quarterly" Reviews have each an article on the present interesting question as to the Pope's power in England.

It will be perceived by the present number of the "Circular," that the excitement arising out of the late assumption continues unabated: no less than forty publications have appeared since


our last.

The first vol. of Mr. Ruskin's "Stones of Venice" is just ready.

Major Herbert Edwardes' "Year on the Punjab Frontiers in 1848-1849," with many illustrations, has been unavoidably delayed, but is promised in a few days.

MISS CORNER'S HISTORY of GREECE published this day, completes her interesting and useful series of European Histories for Schools and Families, called "The Historical Library. It is written precisely on the plan of her history of Rome, all that is fabulous being discarded, and her authorities, the best modern authors, are amply referred to in foot-notes.



ADAMS' Pocket London Guide Book: a complete Historical and Topographical Survey for the Resident or Stranger; arranged in an entirely Novel and Interesting Manner. By E. L. Blanchard. New edition, 12mo. cloth. 3s.. [286

ESCHYLI TRAGEDIE. 18mo. cloth, 3s........... [287 (Oxford Pocket Classics.) AIKIN (DR.) and MRS. BARBAULD.-Evenings at Home. By Dr. Aikin and Mrs. Barbauld. New edit. roy. 18mo. pp. 308, bound-reduced to 3s. 6d. .[288 AMBROSE MACLANDRETH; or, the Religious Enthusiast: a Tale. By a Clergyman of the Church of England. Post 8vo. pp. 166, cloth, 4s......... ....[289 (Vide Adv. 49.) ANDERSEN (H. C.)-The Ugly Duck of Hans Christian Andersen, versified by G. N., and dedicated to the Readers of "The Three Bears." Oblong, pp. 50, with 4 illustrations, sewed, 1s...

. [290

APPLETON'S New and Complete United States Guide Book for Travellers; embracing the Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Western States, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, &c. Illustrated with 45 engraved maps, including Plans of the principal Cities of the Union, and numerous engravings. By W. Williams. 12mo. cl. pp. 453, 8s. [291 ARISTOPHANIS COMŒDIE. Tom. I. et II. 18mo. cloth, 6s.... . [292

(Oxford Pocket Classics,) ARTICLES OF FAITH of the Leading Protestant Churches and Sects. New edit. 12mo. pp. 142, cloth, 28. 6d... [293 ASHTON COTTAGE, or the True Faith: a Sunday Tale. 18mo. pp. 132, cloth, 1s. 6d. . [294 ASPLAND (R.)-Memoir of the Life, Works, and Correspondence of the Rev. Robert Aspland. By R. Brook Aspland. 8vo. pp. 630, cloth, 12s... ..[295

BABYLON, and the Banks of the Euphrates. 18mo. pp. 192, sd. 6d.; cloth, 10d... [296

BACKKER (MAD.)-Le Souterrain. Par Mad. Backker. New edition, 18mo. pp. 160, cloth, 2s. 6d. [297 BAILLIE (J.)-The Complete Poetical Works of Joanna Baillie. A new edition, in 1 volume, with portrait and vignette. Square crown 8vo. pp. 900, cloth, 21s.: or handsomely bound in calf, by Hayday, 30s.

(Vide Adv. 23.)



BAILY (L. R.)-General Average, and the Losses and Expenses resulting from General Average Acts, practically considered. By Laurence R. Baily. 8vo. pp. 150, bds. 6s.. ..[299 BARBER'S (MR.) CASE.-The Royal Pardon Vindicated, in a Review of the Case between Mr. W. H. Barber and the Incorporated Law Society. By Sir George Stephen. 8vo. sewed, 1s. [300 BARTH (DR.)-Christmas Morning; or, the Little Ink Cask. Translated from the German of Dr. Barth. 18mo. pp. 92, boards, 1s. .. [301 BARTLETT (W. H.)-Scripture Sites and Scenes, from actual Survey in Egypt, Arabia, and Palestine. By W. H. Bartlett. Post 8vo. pp. 190, with engravings, cloth, reduced to 4s. [302 BARWELL (MRS.)-Sunday Lessons for Little Children. By Mrs. Barwell. 3d edit. Square, pp. 192, cl. 3s.. [303 BASILE (G.)-Pentamerone, or the Story of Stories. Translated by J. E. Tayler. Square. cl. 6s., reduced 304 BATEMAN (J.)—A Practical Treatise on the Law of Auctions. By Joseph Bateman. 12mo. pp. 384, reduced to 78. 6d. ..[305 BAUER (G. L.)-The Theology of the Old Testament; or, a Biblical Sketch of the Religious Opinions of the Ancient Hebrews. Extracted and translated from the German of Georg Lorenz Baner, Professor of Biblical Criticism at Heidelberg. 8vo. reduced to 2s. 6d...


BAXTER (R.)-Key for Catholics. By the Rev. J. Allport. Fcp. 8vo. (Nottingham), cloth, reduced to . [307


BAXTER (R.) Saints' Everlasting Rest. 32mo. cloth, reduced to 2s. .[308

BAYLEE (J.)-Thoughts upon Questions of existing Controversy, in Letters to a Friend. By J. Baylee. No. 2, Justification and Regeneration. Fcp. 8vo. (Birkenhead), pp. 20, sewed, 6d... [309 BEAUFORT (W. L.)-Sermons preached in the Parish Church of Glanmire. By the Rector, the late Rev. Wm. Louis Beaufort. 8vo. pp. 334, cloth, 8s.... . [311 BECKER (K. F.)—A Grammar of the German Language. Edited by Bernhard Becker. 2d edition, greatly improved. 12mo. pp. 360, cloth boards, 6s. ..[312 BERENS (E.) - Twenty-Three Short Lectures on the Church Catechism. By the Rev. Edward Berens, M.A.,

Archdeacon of Berks. 12mo. pp. 460, cloth, 4s. 6d... [313

(Vide Adv. 7.)

[blocks in formation]

BEVERIDGE (W.)-Private Thoughts on Religion and a Christian Life; with the Necessity and Advantage of Frequent Communion. In Two Parts. By William Beveridge, D.D. Fcp.8vo. pp. 284, cloth antique, 5s.6d.; morocco, 9s.; morocco or calf antique, 10s. 6d. .[316 BIDEN (J.)—The True Church: showing what is the True Church. By James Biden. 12mo. pp. 608, cl. 78. 6d.[317 BIRD (C. S.)-For Ever; and other Devotional Poems, particularly Hymns, adapted to the Earlier Psalms. By the Rev. Charles Smith Bird. 2d edition, 32mo. pp. 150, silk, 2s. 6d... ..[318 BIRKENHEAD and Liverpool Dock Bills. Minutes of Evidence of the Session 1848; with Plans showing the State of the Works, Nov. 1850. By Thos. Webster, M.A. Royal 8vo. pp. 124, sewed, 5s.. . [319 BISHOP'S WIFE (The), a Tale of the Papacy. Translated from the German of Leopold Schefer; with a Historical Notice of the Life and Times of Hildebrand (Pope Gregory VII.), to which it relates. By Mrs. J. R. Stodart. 12mo. pp. 200, cloth, 4s... BLACK'S New and Complete German Dictionary. Edited by F. W. Thieme. New edit. 12mo. pp. 408, bd. 7s. [321 BLISS (F. H.)-British India: an Essay on the Introduction and Establishment of English Supremacy in that Country. By F. H. Bliss, M. A... · [322 BLISS (H.)-Ideas seldom thought of for extending Knowledge. By Henry Bliss, Esq. Post Svo. pp. 244, cloth, 7s. 6d. [323 BOSWELL'S Life of Johnson. Edited by the Right Hon. John Wilson Croker. New edition, royal 8vo. cloth, 15s.... .. [324

. [320

(Vide Adv. 30.)

BOTANY of the Bible: Juvenile Conversations on, illustrative of the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God. Part 1, 12mo. (Edinburgh), pp. 120, cloth, 2s... BRADSHAW'S General Railway Directory Almanack, &c. 1851. 12mo. cloth, 4s. 6d. [326


BRAMPTON RECTORY; or, the Lessons of Life. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 408, cloth, Ss. 6d. (Vide Adv. 11.)

. [327

BRIDAL (The) and the Bridle; or, a Honeymoon in the East in 1850. Post 8vo. pp. 250, cloth, 10s. 6d....... [328 BROWN (J. H.)-The Shipmaster's Guide. By the Register of Seamen. New edit. 12mo. pp. 200, sd. 2s. 6d. [329 BUNN (H.)-The Seven Cries of Christ on the Cross. By the Rev. Henry Bunn. 18mo. (Bath), pp. 56, cloth, 1s. 6d. [330 BUTLER (THE) and Yacht Steward's Manual. 2d edit. (Liverpool), 12mo. sewed, 1s.... [331 CHAMBERS' Edinburgh Journal. New Series, Vol. 14, royal 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. [332 Papers for the People. Vol. 6, post 8vo. boards, 1s. 6d. ..[333 CHANNING (DR.)-Remarks on the Slavery Question, in a Letter to Jonathan Phillips, Esq. By Dr. Channing. 8vo. sewed, reduced to 6d.... ...[334 CHANNING (W. E.)-Memoir of William Ellery Channing; with Selections from his Correspondence. 8vo. pp. 540, cloth, 5s... . [335 CHILD'S (A) First Lesson Book; chiefly in Words of One Syllable. Illustrated with upwards of 60 Pictures by Birket Foster and Harrison Weir. Square, pp. 96, cloth, . [336 CHILDREN'S (THE) MAGAZINE AND MISSIONARY REPOSITORY. Edited by J. F. Winks. Square (Lei



cester, half-bound, 2s. [337 CHITTY'S Collection of Statutes, with Notes thereon; intended as a Circuit and Court Companion. 2d edition, containing all the Statutes of practical utility in the Civil and Criminal Administration of Justice to the present time. By W. N. Welsby, Esq.; and Edward Beavan, Esq. 3 vols. Vol. 1, roy. 8vo. pp. 1160, cloth, 42s. [338 CHOLERA: its Nature and Management; in a Letter to the Editor of the "Times" Newspaper. 12mo. (Taunton), sewed, 3d. ... [339

(Vide Adv. 42.) CLARA EVERSHAM.

By Harriet D'Oyley Howe, Anthor of "A Present for Servants," &c. 18mo. pp. 196, with etchings, cloth, 2s. 6d. .. [340 CLOSE (F.)-The Stage, Ancient and Modern; its Tendencies on Morals and Religion: a Lecture delivered in the Town Hall, Cheltenham, Oct. 24, 1850. By the Rev. F. Close, A.M. Fcap. 8vo. pp. 48, cloth, 1s. .[341 COLERIDGE (S. T.)-Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 3d edition, 12mo. pp. 380, cloth, 6s.. .[342 (Vide Adv. 40.) CONVERSATIONS on the Life of Jesus Christ: for the

use of Children. By a Mother. New Edition, with COOKE (WINGROVE) on Agricultural Law, with Model Engraving, coloured. Square, pp. 160, cl. 3s. 6d. [343

Leases and Agreements for every System of TenantRight and Culture. 8vo. pp. 570, bds. 18s. ...... [344 COPE (W. H.)-The Responsal for the Visitatio Infirm 0rum. Portions to be said by those who assist the Priest in Ministering to the Sick, Infirm, and Afflicted. By W. H. Cope and H. Stretton. 12mo. pp.176, cl. 3s.6d.[345

CORNER (MISS) - The First History of England that should be placed in the Hands of a Child. Square, with plates, cloth, 3s. 6d......... (Vide Adv. 98.)


The History of Greece, from the Earliest Period to the Roman Conquest; with a Sketch of its Modern History to the Present Time. Adapted for Schools and Families. By Miss Corner. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 232, cl. 3s. [347 (Vide Adv. 98.) DAILY STEPS towards Heaven; or, Practical Thoughts on the Gospel History, and especially of the Life and Teaching of Our Lord Jesus Christ, for Every Day in the Year, according to the Christian Seasons: with Titles and Characters of Christ, and a Harmony of the Four Gospels. 3d edit. 32mo. pp. 448, cloth, 2s. 6d. ; morocco, 4s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 22.).. DANIELL (W.)-Warminster Common; showing the steps by which it has advanced from its Former State of Notorious Vice, Ignorance, and Poverty, to its Present State of Moral and Social Improvement: to which is added, an Account, never before published, of numerous and important Cures performed by that wonderful agent, Medical Electricity. By W. Daniel!. 12mo. pp. 400, cloth, 5s....



DARTON (M. E.)-Words in Season for the Weary. By Margaret E. Darton. 18mo. pp. 94, cloth, 2s.. [350 DAWSON (G. F.)-Memoir: reprinted from "The Record." 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 24, sewed, 3d. [351 DAVY (SIR H.)-Salmonia; or, Days of Fly Fishing. With some Account of the Habits of Fishes belonging to the genus Salmo. By Sir Humphry Davy. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 316, with woodcuts, cloth, 6s.

(Vide Adv. 40.)


Consolations in Travel; or, Last Days of a Philosopher. By Sir Humphry Davy. 5th edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 300, with woodcuts, cloth, 6s. ..[353

(Vide Adv. 40.) DELILLE (C. J.)-A Key to the Exercises of Delille's French Grammar; with Annotations. By C. J. Delille. New edit. 12mo. pp. 108, cloth, 3s.

. [354 Key to the Exercises of Arnold's First French Book. By C. J. Delille. 12mo. pp. 78, cloth, 2s. 6d........ [355 DENNIS (J. C.)--A Diurnal Register for the Barometer, Sympresometer, and Thermometer; arranged so as to exhibit at one View, on each Page, the Variations of the Instruments, and the Character of the Weather, &c. for a Week. Adapted to the Use of the Officers of Her Majesty's Navy and of the Merchant Service. By J. C. Dennis, F.R.A.S. 4to. cloth, 5s. [356 DEWEY (0)-Discourses on Human Life. By the Rev. Orville Dewey, D.D. 12mo. reduced to 4s.... 357 The Old World and the New; or, a Journal of Reflections and Observations made on a Tour of Europe. By the Rev. Orville Deey, D.D. 2 vols. reduced to 38. 6d. [358 DICKENS (C.)-Household Narrative of Current Events. By Charles Dickens. Roval Svo. cloth, 3s.. DICTIONARY (A) of Scripture Proper Names, with their Pronunciations and Explanations. 12mo.pp.48,cl.6d. [360 DOD (C. R.)-The Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage of Great Britain and Ireland for 1851; including all the Titled Classes. By Charies R. Dod. (11th year), 12mo. pp. 630, cloth, 10s. 6d. .[361 DOMESTIC SCENES in Greenland and Iceland. 2d edit. 18mo. pp. 116, cloth, 2s. DOWNING (A. J.)-Country Houses; including Designs for Cottages, Farm-houses, and Villas; with Remarks on Interiors, Furniture, and the best Mode of Warming and Ventilating. By A. J. Downing. Svo. (New York), pp. 484, with 320 engravings, cloth, 23s.

(Vide Adv. 53.)




DRUMMOND (H.)-Remarks on Dr. Wiseman's Sermon on the Gorham Case. 2d edition, Svo. pp. 72, sewed, 18. 6d. . [364 DRUMMOND (MRS.)-The Heritage of Peace; or, "Quietness and Assurance for ever." Selected by Mrs. Drummond; with a Preface by the Rev. D. T. K. Drummond, A.B.; and an Introductory Notice by the Rev. C. Bickersteth. 2d edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 492, cloth, 5s...... . [365 ELLIS (G.)-Specimens of the Early English Poets. 5th edition, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, reduced to 15s. [366 EPISCOPAL REFORM. By an Anglican Layman. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 34, sd. 6d... [367 EUGENIE, the Young Laundress of the Bastile. By Marin de la Voye. 3 vols. post svo. pp. 1036, cloth, 31s.öd. [368 (Vide Adv. 49.)

EUSEBIUS.-The Ecclesiastical History of Eusebius Pamphilus, Bishop of Cæsarea in Palestine. Translated from the Greek by the Rev. C. F. Cruise, A.M. With Notes selected from the edition of Valesius. 12mo. pp. 472, cloth, 52. [369 (Bohn's Ecclesiastical Library). EVANS (D. M.)-Annual Commercial Register and General Record of Prices of the Year 1850. Crown 8vo. cloth, 6s... .[370 FABER (G. S.)-The Unproved Assertions of the London Meeting of July 23, 1850, touching the Evidence in favour of the Unconditional and therefore Invariable Effect of Infant Baptism in Spiritual Regeneration. By the Rev. George Stanley Faber, B.D. 8vo. swd. Is. [371 FACTS to correct Fancies; or, Short Narratives compiled from the Biography of Remarkable Women. By a Mother. New edition, with coloured plates, square, pp. 270, cloth, 4s. 6d....


FIRST (THE) ANGEL: a Novel. 594, cloth, 21s.

2 vols. post 8vo. pp. . [373 FIRST (THE) DAY of the Week. New edition, square, pp. 124, boards, Is.. .[374

FLAX (THE) QUESTION, as affecting the Interests of the Farmer at Home and in the British Colonies. sd. 1s.[375 FOLDED (THE) LAMB. Memorials of an Infant Son: with Hints on Infant Education. By his Mother. With a Preface by his Father, the Rev. George Albert Rogers. Post 8vo. pp. 194, cloth, 4s. 6d... [376 FORBES (J.)-Of Happiness in its Relation to Work and Knowledge: an Introductory Lecture delivered before the Members of the Chichester Literary Society and Mechanics' Institute, Oct. 25, 1850. By John Forbes. 12mo. pp. 80, half-bound, 2s. [377 FOX (W. J.)—On the Religious Ideas. By W. J. Fox, M.P. Svo. cloth, reduced to 5s. 6d. . [378

Lectures addressed chiefly to the Working Classes; including a Speech on Mr. Hume's Motion for Repre sentative Reform, and a Prefatory Address of "Counsels to the Working Classes. By W. J. Fox. Vol. 4, 12mo. cloth, reduced to 2s. 6d.... [379 FRERE (J.)-Mormonites, or Latter Day Saints: a short History of this Sect. With an Account of the Real Origin of the Book of Mormon. Compiled from various sources. By the Rev. J. Frere, M.A. 12mo. pp. 24, swd. 3d.. [380 FURNESS (W. H.)-Remarks on the Four Gospels. W. H. Furness, Author of the "Genius of Christianity." 12mo. reduced to 2s. 6d....



GILES (DR.)-An Historical Inquiry concerning the Age, Authorship, and Authenticity of the Old Testament. By the Kev. Dr. Giles. 8vo. pp. 354, cloth, 10s. 6d. .[382 GLEIG (G. R.)-School Series. Edited by the Rev. G. R. Gleig. Second Book of History: The British Colonies. 18mo. pp. 160, sewed, Is.

(Vide Adv. 87.)


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