THE PUBLISHERS ANCEMENT THE AND OF LEARNING Fourpence. CIRCULAR General Record of British and Foreign Literature ; CONTAINING A COMPLETE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ALL NEW WORKS PUBLISHED IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE present number of the PUBLISHERS' CIRCULAR comprehends extensive lists of SCHOOL BOOKS in MESSRS. BAGSTER have now ready the third and concluding volume of DAVIDSON'S INTRODUCTION the THE CURIOSITIES OF INDUSTRY AND THE APPLIED SCIENCES, this day published by Mr. CHARLES A NEW Edition (the 7th) of Mr. SHARON TURNER'S HISTORY OF THE ANGLO-SAXONS, in 3 volumes, THE First Division of the English Edition of LAMARTINE'S HISTORY OF THE RESTORATION OF THE PUBLISHED FROM THE 29th of June TO THE 14TH OF JULY. [3926 ADAMS'S Pictorial Guide Map of London. 12mo. cloth case. plain, 1s.; coloured, 2s.. .[3925 A FEW WORDS from John Bull in reply to Letters received from Sir E. Bulwer Lytton, Bart. By a Landholder. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, 1s.... ALPHABETICAL (The) Compendium of Scotch Mercantile Sequestrations, 1851; to which is added, Forms of Scotch and English Affidavits, and Explanatory Notes and Directions for proving Debts under both Systems of Bankruptcy. 4to. pp. 70. cloth, 21s. [3927 ARTHUR (T. S.)-Retiring from Business; or, the Rich Man's Error. By T. S. Arthur. 32mo. pp. 160, sewed, 8d. [3928 BLACK'S Picturesque Tourist of Scotland. 9th edition, 12mo. pp. 560, cloth, 8s. 6d. [3929 BUNYAN'S Pilgrim's Progress; with 40 Illustrations. By David Scott. Imp. 8vo. cloth, 178. 6d. . [3930 BURSTAL (E.)-Handbook for Pilots and Coasters navigating to and from the River Thames, through all the Channels, to Dungeness and Orfordness. By Lieut. E. Burstal, R.N. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed, 1s. 6d... . [3931 CAREY (H. C.)-The Harmony of Interests, Agricultural, Manufacturing, and Commercial. By Henry C. Carey. 8vo. (Philadelphia), pp. 236, sewed. 3s. 6d. ..[3932 CARPENTER (M.)-Reformatory Schools for the Children of the Perishing and Dangerous Classes, and for Juvenile Offenders. By Mary Carpenter. Post 8vo. pp. 364, cloth, 5s. . [3933 CASTLE DELORAINE; or, the Ruined Peer. By Maria Priscilla Smith. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 900, boards, 31s. 6d. [3934 CHATTERTON (T.), Life of, including his Unpublished Poems and Correspondence. By John Dix. New edition, tcp. 8vo. pp. 228, cloth, 1s. 6d.... [3935 CLARA CAMERON, the Belle of the Season. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 780, boards, 31s. 6d. CLARENCE LEIGHTON; or, the Outcast. Sanders. Post Svo. pp. 282, cloth, 5s. (Vide Adv. 501.) [3936 By F. H. ..[3937 COLENSO (J. W.)-Plane Trigonometry. By the Rev. J. W. Colenso. Part 2, 12mo. pp. 72. sewed, 2s. 6d... [3938 COUNTY COURTS.-New Rules of Practice to be observed in the County Courts; together with a Scale of Allowance to Witnesses, and of Fees payable on Proceedings therein: with Note- and a copious Index. By a Barrister of the Inner Temple. 12mo. pp. 96, sewed, 3s. [3939 COUSIN (V.)-Elements of Psychology; included in a Critical Examination of Locke's Essay on the Human Understanding. By Victor Cousin. Translated from the French, with Introduction and Notes, by C. S. Henry, D.D. New edition, 12mo. pp. 336, cloth, 5s.[3940 CRAWFORD (H.)-The Consequences of adding the Word "Visible" to the Apostles' Creed: a Letter to the Rev. W. Dodsworth, A.M., and the Congregation of Christ Church. St. Pancras, from One of his former Flock. By Henry Crawford. 8vo. sewed, 1s. [3941 CREASY (E. S.)-The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, from Marathon to Waterloo. By E. S. Creasy. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 670, cloth, 21s..... . [3942 CRYSTAL PALACE: an Answer to "What is to become of the Crystal Palace?" By Greville. 8vo. pp. 32, swd. [3943 1s. CRYSTAL PALACE (The); The LONDON SEASON: Two Satires for 1851. By E. M. G. 8vo. pp. 24, 1s..... [3944 CURRAN and his Contemporaries. By C. Phillips. 4th edition, 8vo. pp. 600, cloth, 12s. 6d.... [3945 DAVIDSON (S.)-Introduction to the New Testament; containing an Examination of the most important Questions relating to the Authority, Interpretation, and Integrity of the Canonical Books, with reference to the latest inquiries. By Samuel Davidson, D.D. Complete in 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 2.... (Vide Adv. 561.) [3946 [3949 DEFENCE of Ignorance. By the Author of "How to make Home Unhealthy." 12mo. pp. 112, cloth, 3s. [3947 DE PORQUET (F.) Spanish Phraseology, and California Phrase Book. 12mo. pp. 112, cloth, 3s. 6d.........[ 948 DISRAELI (I.)-Curiosities of Literature. By I. Disraeli. New edition, royal 8vo pp. 580, cloth, 16s. DRUMMOND (H.)-A Plea for the Rights and Liberties of Women imprisoned for Life under the Power of Priests; in answer to Bishop Ullathorne. By Henry Drummond. 8vo. pp. 66, sewed, 1s.. ... [3950 DRURY (A. H.)-The First of May: a New Version of a Celebrated Modern Ballad. By Anna Harriet Drury. 12mo. pp. 16, sewed, 6d. [3951 EDUCATION.-Scheme of Secular Education proposed by the National Public Schools' Association, compared with the Manchester and Salford Boroughs' Education Bill. 8vo. pp. 156, sewed, 2s. 6d.... . [3952 ETON Exempla Majora Latina. Exercises adapted to the Rules of the New Eton Latin Grammar. By C. D. Yonge 12mo. pp. 118, cloth, 2s....... .[3953 (V:de Adv. 615.) ETON Exempla Minora Græca. Exercises adapted to the Rules of the Greek Syntax, used at Eton, Winchester, and other Public Schools. By C. D. Yonge. 12mo. pp. 90, cloth, 2s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 615.).. . [3954 (Vide Adv. 615.) ETON Latin Grammar. (Vide Adv. 615.) ETON Exempla Minora Latina. Exercises adapted to the Rules of the New Eton Latin Grammar, and to Edward the Sixth's; with an Index of the Words used. By C. D. Yonge. 12mo. pp. 120, cloth, 28....... . [3955 An Introduction to the Latin Tongue, for the Use of Youth. By C. D. Yonge. New edition, 12mo. pp. 220, cloth, 2s. [3956 FRANCIS (G. W.)-Dictionary of Practical Receipts. By G. W. Francis. New edition, 8vo. pp. 366, cloth, Ss. 6d. (3957 FRUITS of Enterprise, exhibited in the Travels of Belzoni in Egypt and Nubia. 12th edition, 18mo. pp. 260, cloth, ..[3958 GIANT (The) and Fairy Land of Our Own Times. Fcp. Svo. pp. 16, boards, 6d. .(3959 GILPIN (W.)-A Memoir of the late Rev. William Gilpin, M.A.; with Extracts from his Writings on Picturesque Beauty, and a Review of his other Works and Drawings. By an Admirer of his Character and Genius. 8vo. (Lymington), pp. 230, with portrait, cloth, 10s.... .[3960 HAHN HAHN (Countess).-From Babylon to Jerusalem. Post 8vo. pp. 270, cloth, 9s. [3961 38. 5s. (Vide Adv. 504.) HALL (H. B.)-- West of England and the Exhibition. By Herbert Byng Hall. Post Svo. pp. 350, with illustrations, cloth, 148.... .[3962 HARDY (ESTHER le).-Agabus; or, the Last of the Druids an Historical Poem. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 168, cloth, ..[3963 HINDMARSH (R.)-Precious Stones; being an Account of the Stones mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures. By the late Robert Hindmarsh. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 92, cloth, [3964 HUNT (A. W.)-Nineveh: a Prize Poem, recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. By Alfred William Hunt. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 16, sewed, 1s. 6d... ...13965 HUNT'S Universal Yacht List for 1851. Oblong, bound, ..[3966 28. 48. [3967 JAMES (J. H.)-A Practical Application of Joint Stock Companies' and Friendly Societies' Acts to the Registration and Government of Life, Fire, and Guarantee Assurance Societies; with a Precedent of a Deed of Settlement, and Forms. By James Henry James. 8vo. pp. 586, boards, 20s... JERROLD (W. B.)-How to See the Exhibition in Four Visits. By W. B. Jerrold. Visit 3, sewed, 6d. .... [3968 KEMP (G.)-Parks, Gardens, &c. of London and its Suburbs described and illustrated. By George Kemp. 12mo. pp. 190, cloth, 5s. 13969 LADY and the Priest: an Historical Romance. By Mrs. Maberly. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 960, bds. 31s. 6d. .. [3970 LINDSAY (W. H.)-Season at Harwich, with Excursions by Land and Water; to which are added, Researches, Historical, Miscellaneous, &c. By W. H. Lindsay. Svo. pp. 470, cloth, 7s. 6d. ; gilt, 10s. 6d. (3971 LONDON at Table; or, How, Wien, and Where to Dine and order a Dinner, and Where to avoid Dining; with Practical Hints to Cooks. 12mo. pp. 62, cloth, 2s. 6d. [3972 LOTH (J.)—An Elementary Speaking French Grammar; or, a New, Easy, and Certain Plan for Speaking French Fluently in Three Months. By John Loth. 12mo. pp. 174, boards, 2s. 6d. (Vide Adv. 639.) [3973 LOWE (J. B.)-The Worship of the Virgin, as held and practised in the Church of Rome; being a Lecture delivered at St. John's Church, Liverpool, Friday, 23d May, 1851, by the Rev. J. B. Lowe. 12mo. pp. 36, sd. 4d. 3974 LOWRES (J.)-System of English Parsing and Derivation; with the Rudiments of English Grammar, &c. By J. Lowres. 18mo. p. 160, sewed, 1s.... [3975 LUND (H.) A Treatise on the Substantive Law relating to Letters Patent for Inventions. By Henry Lund, Esq. 12mo. pp. 284, cloth, 68. [3976 MACLAREN (J.)-First Lessons in Arithmetic, calculated for Initiating and Exercising Junior Classes in the Elementary Rules. By James Maclaren. 2d edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, 6d... [3977 An Improved System of Practical Bookkeeping, arranged according to Single Entry, and adapted to general Business, exemplified in One Set of Books. By James Maclaren. 5th edit. enlarged, fcp. 8vo. roan, 1s. 6d. [3978 MACLAREN'S BOOKKEEPING. -Set of Ruled Writing Books adapted for using with Maclaren's Bookkeeping.. Folio, sewed, 108. [3979 MARK (D. W.)-Sermons preached on various Occasions at the West London Synagogue of British Jews. By D. W. Mark. 8vo. pp. 346, cloth, advanced to 7s. 6d. [3980 MARLBOROUGH College Calendar, 1851 and 1852. Cr. 8vo. cloth, 18. [3981 MARTIN (M. A.)-The Education of Mothers and Families; or, the Civilisation of the Human Race by Women. By M. Aimé Martin. Translated from the 3d Paris edition, by Edwin Lee. Cheaper re-issue. Post Svo. pp. 394, cloth, 78. 6d. 3982 MEADE (J.)-Scriptural Diversions; or, Scenes and Subjects of Holy Scripture diversified. By John Meade, A.B. 12mo. (Buckingham), pp. 96, cloth, 2s....... ...[3983 [3984 pp. 144, roan, 10d... Congregational Use, for Unison or (Vide Adv. 564.) . [3987 MONK (MARIA) Awful Disclosures of; being a Narrative 1s. at! METRICAL Hymns for the Christian Year, for Congrega- | SCALP HUNTERS (The); or, Romantic Adventures in tional Use. Reprinted from the "Parish Choir." 18mo Northern Mexico. By Capt. M. Reid. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 900, boards, 31s. 6d. [4015 SEARLE (J.)-The Country Sketch-Book of Pastoral Scenes and Memorable Places. By January Searle. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 216, cloth, 1s. 6d.... ... [4016 SERMONS:BOUVERIE (Archd.)-A Charge delivered to the Clergy and Churchwardens of the Archdeaconry of Norfolk at his First General Visitation, in May 1851. 8vo. (Norwich), pp. 32. sewed, 1s. [4017 BRIGHT (J. H.)-Errors in the Church; their Origin, and our Position with regard to them. Preached in St. Mary's, Stafford, May 26, 1851. 8vo. pp. 40, sewed, . [4018 CLARKE(W.W.)-Mercy better than Sacrifice. Preached ynn at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Norwich, May 30, 1851. 8vo. pp. 28, sowed, od . [4019 CLEAVER (W.)- Preached at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Maidstone, at Ashford, May 19, 1851. 8vo. pp. 20, sewed, Is. [4020 M'NEILE (H.)-Reply to Dr. Cahill on Satisfaction for Sin. Preached in St. John's Church, Liverpool, Friday Evening, May 30, 1851. 12mo. pp. 24, 4d. .[4021 PUSEY (E. B.) - Rule of Faith as maintained by the Fathers of the Church of England. 8vo. pp. 70, sewed, 18. 6d... .[4022 WILBERFORCE (R. J.)-Evangelical and Tractarian Movements: a Charge. 1851. 8vo. sewed, 1s... 14023 SHAKSPEARE (W.)-Works. Knight's Cabinet Edition, Vol. 6. 18mo. pp. 450, cloth, 1s. 6d. · [4024 SHARP(S.) - Essay in condemnation of Cruelty to Animals. By Samuel Sharp. 8vo. pp. 26, sewed, 3d.; in a packet, containing 25, 2s. 6d. ..[4025 SHARP (S.)-Handbook of Burghley, Northamptonshire; comprising an Account of the House, and its interesting Contents, a List of the Pictures, a Genealogical and Biographical History of the Noble Family of Cecil, and Biographical Notices of several hundreds of Painters and other Eminent Persons. Illustrated by a Portrait of the Lord Treasurer Burghley, &c. Compiled by Samuel Sharp. 8vo. (Stamford), pp. 150, sewed. 3s... .[4026 SHEPPARD (J. G.)-St. Paul at Athens: a Poem. By John G. Sheppard. 2d edit. 12mo. (Oxford), pp. 32. sd. (Vide Adv. 498.) [3989 MORMONS (The), or Latter Day Saints: with Memoirs of PALEARIO (A.)-The Benefit of Christ's Death: or, the [3996 [4001 By John Crutchley [4002 (4003 (Railway Library.) PRINCE (J. C.) The Poetic Rosary. Prince. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 284, cloth, 2s. 6d. PULPIT (The). Vol. 59, 8vo. cloth, 8s. 6d... RANKING (W. H.)-The Half-Yearly Abstract of the Medical Sciences. Edited by W. H. Ranking. Vol. 13, post 8vo. pp. 390. cloth. 6s. 6d... . [4004 REEVE (1.) The Vision; or, the Spirit of the Great Industrial Exhibition, 1851 : a Poem. By Isaac Reeve. Sewed, 1s.; cloth, 2s. [4005 REIGN (The) of Avarice: an Allegorical Satire, in 4 Cantos. 12mo. pp. 160, cloth, 5s. ..[4006 (Vide Adv. 486.) REMARKS on the Customs Establishment, as at present 1s 6d. [4027 SHREWSBURY (J. B.), Life and Character of. By his 48. (Vide Adv. 556.) STANDISH (E. J.) The Pastor's Family; or. Faith and VISITOR'S Pocket Director to London. 18mo. pp. 112, | WILSON (D.)- Revival of Spiritual Religion the only cloth, 1s. [4045 WATER REPORT.-Report by the Government Commis- Effectual Remedy for the Dangers which now threaten the Church of England. 8vo. sewed, 1s. .... .[4051 WILSON (D.) -- Christian Character illustrated: Lent Lectures, 1949. By Daniel Wilson. 12mo. pp. 146, cloth, reduced to 2s. 6d. .[4052 WOOLRYCH (H. W.)-A Treatise of the Law of Waters; including the Law relating to Rights in the Sea and Rights concerning Rivers, Canals, Dock Companies, Fisheries, Mills, Watercourses, &c. By Humphrey W. Woolrych. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 512, boards, 18s. [4053 ZORNLİN (R. M.)—Outlines of Physical Geography, for Families and Schools. By Rosina M. Zornlin. pp. 130, sewed, reduced to 10d... Law Reports. [4047 WILEY (C. H.)-Adventures of Dan Tucker with his Son Walter. By C. H. Wiley. 8vo. 3s. 6d.. ..[4018 WILLIAMS' Arsenic Register. 4to. (Wolverhampton), half-bound, 3s. 6d... [4049 WILLIAMS (Sir E.)-A Letter to the Bishop of Exeter, containing Strictures on his Pastoral Letter. By the Rev. 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