EDUCATIONAL BOOKS On the Second Supplemental Catalogue of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. OUTLINES of the HISTORY of the BRITISH CHURCH. Fifth Edition, Is. 6d. OUTLINES of the HISTORY of FRANCE. By O. COCKAYNE, M.A., one of the Classical Masters of King's College School. Second Edition, with Additions, 1s. 3d. HANDBOOK of BIBLE GEOGRAPHY. With Twelve Maps. Third Edition, 2s. BIBLE MAPS: an Historical and Descriptive Atlas of Scripture Geography. With copious Index. By W. HUGHES, F.R.G.S. 7s. 6d. BIBLE MAPS for SCHOOLS. Is. 6d. EASY LESSONS on CHRISTIAN EVIDENCES. 11th Edition, revised and enlarged, 6d. THE HOUSE I LIVE IN; or, Illustrations of the Structure and Functions of the Human Selected by ELIZABETH PARKER. Second CIVIL HISTORY of the JEWS, from Joshua to Hadrian. By O. COCKAYNE, M.A., of King's College. With Maps. Second Edition, 4s. 6d. STUDENT'S MANUAL of ANCIENT HISTORY. By Dr. W. COOKE TAYLOR. Fifth Edition, crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. STUDENT'S MANUAL of MODERN HISTORY. Edition, 10s. 6d. By Dr. W. COOKE TAYLOR. Fourth ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA. By T. G. HALL, M.A., Professor of Mathematics in King's College, London. Third and Cheaper Edition, 5s. FIGURES of EUCLID: with Questions, and a Praxis of Geometrical Exercises. By Rev. J. EDWARDS, King's College, London. Fourth Edition, 3s. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY for BEGINNERS. With 143 Woodcuts. Third and Cheaper Edition, 2s. USEFUL ARTS EMPLOYED in the PRODUCTION of FOOD. With Woodcuts. Second Edition, 2s. 6d. USEFUL ARTS EMPLOYED in the PRODUCTION of CLOTHING. 2s. 6d. With Woodcuts. USEFUL ARTS EMPLOYED in the CONSTRUCTION of DWELLING HOUSES. With Woodcuts. 2s. 6d. LECTURES on ASTRONOMY, delivered at King's College, London. By H. MOSELEY, M.A., F.R.S., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. With Woodcuts. Third Edition, 5s. 6d. Grant and Griffith, St. Paul's Churchyard; Whit- A BOOK OF FAMILY PRAYER, taken from the taker and Co., and Simpkin, Marshall and Co. (79) Liturgy, and arranged for every Day in the Week. To be had at the Society's Depository, 18, Salisbury THE BISHOP OF PETERBOROUGH'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. (81) PLAIN and SHORT HISTORY of Rivingtons, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo LETTERS on the ELEMENTS of ROMAN HISTORY. (With Frontispiece.) 2s. (82) Dr. W. Smith's DICTIONARY of GREEK and The Elements of Geography on a New Plan, ROMAN BIOGRAPHY and MYTHOLOGY. Several Hundred Illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo. (3,700 pages), £5. 15s. 6d. Dr. W. Smith's DICTIONARY of GREEK and ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. Several Hundred Illustrations. 1 large vol. 8vo. (1,300 pages), £2. 2s. A Dictionary of GREEK and ROMAN GEOGRAPHY. By various Writers. Edited by Dr. W. SMITH, Editor of the "Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities." 1 vol. with Coins, Plans of Cities, &c.-In preparation. Niebuhr's HISTORY of ROME. 3 vols. 8vo. £2. 10s. 6d. Niebuhr's LECTURES on ROMAN HISTORY. By Dr. SCHMITZ, 3 vols. 8vo. £1. 4s.-The only complete Edition.] Dr. Schmitz's HISTORY of ROME. New Edition, 12mo. 7s. 6d. ; or bound in leather, 88. 6d. Dr. R. G. Latham on the ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Dr. R. G. Latham's ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 5th Rev. W. Linwood's LEXICON to ÆSCHYLUS. 2d Professor de Morgan's FORMAL LOGIC. 8vo. 12s. Classical Museum. 7 vols. 8vo. £4. 17s. 6d. Griesbach's POCKET GREEK TESTAMENT. Fcp. Hodgson's SELECT PORTIONS of SACRED HIS- And The History of England, Being the first Two Volumes of the Series. *** The great success of DARTON'S HOLIDAY LIBRARY has suggested to the proprietors the publication of a Series of School Books, of a similar form and price, to appear at successive intervals, uuder the above title. Shortly will be published, the First Reading Book for Junior Classes, And The Poetical School Book for Junior Classes, Just published, price Ninepence each, The CATECHISM of MODERN HISTORY; Also, New Editions of the following Catechisms, BY THE REV. T. WILSON. CATECHISM OF THE HISTORY OF ENGLAND. CATECHISM OF ENGLISH GRAMMAR. FIRST CATECHISM OF COMMON THINGS. "The Catechisms of the Rev. T. Wilson stand foremost in the rank of this mode or teaching, and the series fill a hiatus in this department of literature. They embody a vast amount of information in every branch of science, and are well worthy the attention of Schoolmasters, Pupil Moore's PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of PERSPEC- Teachers, and Governesses." Dr. W. Smith's TACITUS - GERMANIA, AGRI- Allen's NEW LATIN DELECTUS. 3d Edit. 12mo. 4s. Tables of Logarithms, Common and Trigonome- The above, with other EDUCATIONAL WORKS, will be found described in T., W., and M.'s Descriptive Catalogue, which will be sent by Post (free) to any one writing for it. For upwards of a hundred favourable critiques from the London and Provincial Press, see Darton's Printed List. BLAIR'S MOTHER'S CATECHISMS. BY THE REV. DAVID BLAIR. The Second, or Mother's Catechism. Also, The Third, or Mother's Catechism. The extensive demand which yet prevails for these excellent Catechisms proves that they continue to sustain their well-deserved popularity, as mediums of instruction, and that, notwithstanding the many compilations and imitations which have been brought into existence, solely by the success of these favourite little books, BLAIR'S CATECHISMS are still regarded by the intelligent portion of the ublic, as unequalled for the variety and accuracy of the information they contain, as well as for the admirable simplicity and perspicuity with which that information is conveyed. Darton and Co. 58, Holborn Hill. (84) EDUCATIONAL BOOKS Published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. BIBLE WORD BOOK; or, the Rudiments of English Grammar taught by the Words of the Old and New Testament, classed according to the Parts of Speech, and arranged according to the number of syllables. 1s. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. By Dr. RUSSELL, formerly Head Master of the Charter House. Tenth Edition, Is. 6d. ARITHMETIC TAUGHT by QUESTIONS. Eighth Edition, Is. 6d. OUTLINES of GEOGRAPHY. Twenty-fourth Edition, with Woodcuts, 10d. OUTLINES of ASTRONOMY. By Professor HALL, of King's College. Thirteenth Edition, revised, with Woodcuts, 10d. OUTLINES of the HISTORY of ENGLAND. -Nineteenth Edition, improved by the addition of Genealogical Tables, with Woodcuts, 1s. 3d. OUTLINES of ROMAN HISTORY. Twelfth Edition, with Woodcuts, 10d. OUTLINES of GRECIAN HISTORY. By the Rev. B. BOUCHIER, M.A. Ninth Edition, with Woodcuts, 1s. OUTLINES of SACRED HISTORY. Twelfth and Cheaper Edition, with Woodcuts, 2s. 6d. EASY LESSONS on MONEY MATTERS. Eleventh Edition, Is. TALES, CONVERSATIONS, and EASY LESSONS from HISTORY: with Questions. Being the First Volume of the Instructor. 2s. LESSONS on HOUSES, FURNITURE, FOOD, and CLOTHING: with Questions. Being the Second Volume of the Instructor. 2s. 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Three Volumes, with a copious Index, Historical, Biographical, Literary, and Scientific. 3s. per volume. HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH. By the late Dr. BURTON. Eighth and Cheaper Edition, 5s. READINGS in POETRY. Tenth Edition, 4s. 6d. READINGS in ENGLISH PROSE LITERATURE. Sixth Edition, 4s. 6d.. READINGS in BIOGRAPHY. Sixth Edition, 4s. 6d. READINGS in SCIENCE: Explanations of Appearances and Principles in Natural Philosophy. Fourth Edition, 5s. ELEMENTS of BOTANY. Seventh Edition, 2s. FIRST BOOK in ALGEBRA. Second Edition, Is. 6d. FIRST BOOK in GEOMETRY. Fourth Edition, Is. 6d. MINERALS and METALS; their Natural History and Uses in the Arts. Fifth Edition, with Woodcuts, 2s. 6d. EASY LESSONS in MECHANICS: with Illustrations of the Practical Application of Mechanical Principles. Third Edition, 3s. MECHANICS applied to the ARTS. By H. MOSELEY, M.A., F.R.S., one of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools. With Woodcuts. Third Edition, 6s. 6d. POPULAR PHYSIOLOGY; Explanations of interesting Facts connected with the Structure and Functions of Animals, and particularly of Man. By P. B. LORD, M.B. Second Edition, with Woodcuts, 7s. 6d. LONDON: JOHN W. PARKER, WEST STRAND. (85) Elementary School Books, By THOMAS TATE, Of Kneller Training College, Twickenham; late Mathematical Professor, and Lecturer on I. The ELEMENTS of MECHANISM. Containing a familiar Explanation of the Construction of various kinds of Machinery, &c. For the Use of Schoolmasters and Students. With numerous Woodcuts, 12mo. 3s. 6d. II. The PRINCIPLES of MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY applied to IN III. DUSTRIAL MECHANICS. Forming a Sequel to the Author's "Exercises on Mechanics and Natural Philosophy." 12mo. with Wood Engravings. [In the press. EXERCISES on MECHANICS and NATURAL PHILOSOPHY; or, an Easy Introduction to Engineering. Containing various Applications of the Principle of Work; the Theory of the Steam Engine, with simple Machines; Theorems and Problems on accumulated Work, &c. New Edition, enlarged with Diagrams, 12mo. 2s. "Contains a well-arranged course of instruction, and is an excellent manual." MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. IV. The PRINCIPLES of GEOMETRY, MENSURATION, TRIGONOMETRY, LAND-SURVEYING, and LEVELLING; containing Familiar Demonstrations and Illustrations of the most important Propositions in Euclid's Elements; and Proofs of all the Useful Rules and Formulæ in Mensuration and Trigonometry, with their Application to the Solution of practical Problems in Estimation, Surveying, and Railway Engineering. New Edition, with 317 Diagrams and Woodcuts, 12mo. 3s. 6d. "We can conscientiously recommend it to those who wish to acquire the description of knowledge of which it treats. The chapter on the principles of estimating the value of artıncers' work will be found very useful." BUILDER. V. The FIRST THREE BOOKS of EUCLID'S ELEMENTS of GEOMETRY; from the Text of Dr. Robert Simson: together with various useful Theorems and Problems, as Geometrical Exercises on each Book. New Edition, 12mo. 1s. 6d. "An admirable elementary publication, the title of which sufficiently explains its contents, and which we cordially recommend to those who have charge of public-teachers, and to the instructors of youth generally." VI. JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. TREATISE on the FIRST PRINCIPLES of ARITHMETIC, after the Method of Pestalozzi. Designed for the Use of Teachers and Monitors in Elementary Schools. New Edition, with Additions and Improvements, 12mo. 1s. 6d. "A work of merit, containing a simple method of rendering both the principles and the practice of Arithmetic familiar to the Scholars of elementary schools." MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. VII. ALGEBRA MADE EASY. New Edition, 12mo. 2s. "A good manual for pupil-teachers." Chiefly intended for the use of Schools. MINUTES OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. The PRINCIPLES of the DIFFERENTIAL and INTEGRAL CALCULUS simplified and applied to the Solution of various useful Problems in Practical Mathematics and Mechanics. 12mo. 4s. 6d. IX. OUTLINES of EXPERIMENTAL CHEMISTRY; being a Familiar Introduction to the Science of Agriculture. Designed for the use of Schools and Schoolmasters. With many Woodcuts, 12mo. 1s. 6d. "Contains a variety of simple experiments that can be cheaply performed, followed by some of a more complicated character; after which there is a brief account of agricultural chemistry. It is well adapted to answer the purpose of conveying an elementary knowledge of the science." SPECTATOR. "This little volume will enhance the high reputation which Mr. Tate has acquired as a writer of cheap compendious treatises for teachers, chiefly remarkable for their philosophical soundness and perfect simplicity. The experiments which he proposes are capable of being performed with the most inartificial apparatus." JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. X. On the STRENGTH of MATERIALS; containing various Original and 66 This Useful Formulæ, specially applied to Tubular Bridges, Wrought-Iron and Cast Iron Beams, &c. 8vo. 5s. 6d. may be briefly regarded as the best and most scientific treatise on a subject of great practical importance." LADY'S AND GENTLEMAN'S DIARY, FOR 1851. LONDON: LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN. AND LONGMANS. Messrs. Longman and Co.'s List-continued.] GLEIG'S SCHOOL SERIES. Just published, forming the First, Second and Third Works of a OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BOOKS, Edited by the Rev. G. R. GLEIG, M.A., Assisted, in the Department of GRAMMAR, the ENGLISH Language, and the ART OF Teaching, Head Master of the Model School, and Master of Method in the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea. History of England. I. Being the First Book of History, and forming the first work of the Series. Complete in Two Parts, 18mo. is. each. II. History of the British Colonies. Being the Second Book of History, and the second work of the Series. 18mo. ls. History of British India. III. Being the Third Book of History, and the Third Work of the Series. 18mo. 1s. Its A class, whether composed of adults or pnpils, which has been judiciously conducted through both parts of the History of England, may be assumed to have overcome all the ordinary difficulties of the English language. members will have acquired, at the same time, the rudiments, so to speak, of an important branch of knowledge; which the teacher will do well to improve upon, by putting into their hands successively the Histories of the British Colonies, of British India, and of France. Greece and Rome, with the Outlines of Ancient and Modern History, will come The present History of England is written upon a plan devised to render it acceptable to learners of all ages, ranks, and conditions. Care has been taken to tell, as far as possible, the story of the nation, rather than of its rulers, and to place events in an interesting point of view without, in any instance, swerving into controversy. The style, likewise, has been so cast, that the merest beginner can find no difficulty in mastering it. Except where proper names occur, and these are introduced as sparingly as possible, the reader will not find, throughout the first fourteen or fifteen pages, a single word which exceeds one syl-in to better purpose after the faculties of the learners are lable in length. Throughout the next fifty pages or so, the longest word introduced comprises only two syllables; and so on till about the middle of the work, when words of three and even of four syllables occasionally present themselves. Finally, in the closing chapters, the English language takes the form which it usually bears when writers most conversant with their mother-tongue make use of it to amuse or instruct the world. more matured. The Book of Sacred History ought to be read simultaneously with each of the other historical books, as soon as the class shall be able to pronounce correctly the least difficult of the proper names that occur in it. Full directions in regard to the arrangement and combination of the various branches which constitute a regular course of instruction will be given in the Book of Method. Opinions of the Press. "These little books are not only good in themselves, but promise a whole crop of goodness in educational literature. The present History of England is a sample, and a very good one,-clear, comprehensive, and conveying knowledge." SPECTATOR. The two parts at present before us are executed with great care and skill. The style is admirably suited to the capacities of children; and we have no doubt that when this series becomes known to schools, it will come into very general use." SUNDAY TIMES. "We have been surprised to find so much solid matter brought within the compass of such small volumes, and within the comprehension of pupils so little advanced as those for whom the present series must be considered as primarily intended." GLOBE. "The object of the editor is, that the merest elementary instruction should be so given as to convey actual knowledge: that the words which the chi'd is taught to spell should communicate truths more important than the cat mews, and the dog barke,' We heartily commend Mr. Gleig's design." LITERARY GAZETTE. "The first two books of the series are exceedingly well done. Brief, succinct, clear, they lead the reader on by easy stages through every epoch in our history, omitting no fact of importance, and leaving nothing essential unexplained. We augur well of the whole undertaking from this felicitous commencement." UNITED SERVIce Gazette. The Prospectus of Gleig's School Series may be had on application to the Publishers, and of all Booksellers. The plan of the Series is still more fully described in Messrs. Longman and Co.'s Annual School Catalogue, which will be ready in a few days, corrected to January, 1851. LONDON LONGMAN, BROWN, GREEN, AND LONGMANS. [Continued on the next page. |