BELLS ON MULES AND CAMELS. Zechariah, xiv. 20. CEDARS OF LEBANON, Finden. Psalm xxix. 3. Specimen of Illustrations in Matthew Henry on the Psalms. Octavo Edition, just published, cloth, 5s. ; morocco, 8s. (Vide Adv. 957.) Specimens of Illustrations in Cobbin's Domestic Bible. Strongly bound in cloth, 21s. ; calf, 30s.; morocco, 36s. (Vide Adv. 1008.) ORIENTAL VERANDAH. Micah, v. 4. Specimen of Illustrations in The Oriental Bible. Morocco flexible, 20s.; ditto, extra, or antique, 24s. (Vide Adv. 1008.) RUINS OF TADMOR, OR PALMYRA, from Cassas. 1 Kings, ix. 18. Specimen of Illustrations in Matthew Henry's Commentary. 3 vols. 4to. cloth, £2. 13s. ; half-calf, £3. 10s. ; calf, £3. 17s. 6d. |