Slike stranica


First Part of the "Practical Introduction to Latin Prose Composition." By THOMAS KERCHEVER ARNOLD, M.A., Rector of Lyndon, and late Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. 12mo. 3s. 6d. cloth.

A KEY to DITTO. 3s. cloth.

London: Longman and Co.; Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.; Whittaker and Co.; F. and J. Rivington; Cowie and Co.; Smith, Elder, and Co.; Darton and Co.; Houlston and Stoneman; J. Green; C. H. Law; E. P. Williams; J. Van Voorst; Routledge and Co.; Hall and Co.; L. E. Wittenoom. Liverpool: G. and J. Robinson. (110)


8vo. 2s. 6d.


"When we say that we know of no short history of Columbus likely to prove so useful as this, we mean to convey a high sense of our estimate of its merits." ATHENEUM.

"We remember no history of Columbus which we have read with so much pleasure."-STANDARD. "This is an elegant little volume, containing all the most interesting features of the Life of Columbus.” BELL'S MESSENGER.

"It is ably executed. The interest of the story is well sustained."-CHRISTIAN TIMES.

"A well-written abridgment of the Life of Columbus." SPECTATOR.

[blocks in formation]


Tenth Edition, reduced to 12s. bound,

Groves's Greek and English and English-Greek Lexicon,

for the use of Colleges and Schools.

Sixty-eighth Edition, 2s. bound,

Knowles's New Spelling Expositor:

containing Words from One to Seven Syllables, accentuated, explained, and divided; Tables of Synonymous Words, Vulgar Anglicisms, Remarkable Events, Discoveries and Inventions, Names of Men of Learning and Genius, Chronological Events, &c.

Dymock's Abridgement of Goldsmith's England,

continued to the present time; with Questions for Exercises, and Heads of the Sovereigns, by Bewick. New Edition, 3s. 6d. bound.

Dymock's Goldsmith's History of Rome;

with Questions for Exercises. 3s. 6d. bound.

Dymock's Goldsmith's History of Greece;

with Questions for Exercises. 3s. 6d. bound.

Jones's Sheridan's Dictionary, by Birkin.

New Edit. completely corrected and enlarged by the addition of several Hundred Words, 3s. 6d. bound.


German Elementary Works,




WILLIAMS's GERMAN and ENGLISH, BECKER's (Dr. K. F.) GRAMMAR of the CONSERVATIONS, and Elementary Phrases. 11th enlarged Edition, 3s. 6d. cloth bds.

A sale of 31,000 copies of this eminently practical book testifies sufficiently to its excellency. LAURENT's (Dr. J. C. M.) PRACTICAL GERMAN GRAMMAR, for Schools and SelfTuition; including copious Exercises, and a Grammatical Dictionary of Nouns and Verbs, with numerous Quotations. 1 thick volume, 12mo. 6s. cloth.

MAR. 7th Edition, Svo. (London, 1849), 6s.
cloth bds.

Becker's System; for the use of Schools and Self-
Tuition. 3d Edition, greatly enlarged and im-
proved. 8vo. (1851), cloth, 7s. 6d. Shortly.

It is necessary to be particular in ordering to specify the Third Edition, with the Exercises,


GERMAN LANGUAGE. 2d Edition, greatly improved, edited by BERNH BECKER. 6s. cloth boards.

Second Stereotype Edition, entirely remodelled. SCHNEIDER's GERMAN and ENGLISH DICTIONARY for Travellers and Students, with a special regard to Pronunciation. Square Svo. 7s. 6d. strongly whole bound.


**The great popularity of this Dictionary will be increased by a considerable improvement in this edition. All Genitives, Plurals, and Irregularities, have been added throughout. SCHILLER'S WILHELM TELL. German Text with an Interlinear Translation, Grammatical and Historical Notes, and an Introduction, containing the Elements of German Grammar, by L. BRAUNFELS and A. C. WHITE. Svo. (London, 1847), 5s. cloth bds. BERNSTEIN's (Dr. L.) GERMAN READING-BOOK: Selections from the best German Authors, in Prose and Poetry. 2d Edition, improved and enlarged. 8vo. (1851), 6s. 6d. cloth.—Shortly.

Williams and Norgate, Importers of German Books, 14, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. (113)





1. PARTS I. and II. of a classified Cata- Lithographers, Designers, and Printers in Colours,


logue of 25,000 Ancient and Modern

2. Books on the History and Topography of Great Britain, arranged in Counties.

3. Twelve Hundred Books and Pamphlets relating to America.

4. Five Hundred Books relating to the Counties of Kent, Sussex, and Surrey.

5. Ancient Manuscripts, Deeds, Charters, and other Documents relating to English Families and Counties.

6. Parts I. and II., for 1851, of Choice, Useful, and Curious Books, in most Classes of Literature, containing 2600 articles.

Any of the above Catalogues may be had, gratis, on application, or any one will be sent by post on receipt of four postage labels to frank it.

4, Old Compton Street, Soho, London. RICH QICHARDS's PRINTING ESTABLISH

MENT, 100, ST. MARTIN'S LANE. - The surviving Executor of the late Mr. CHARLES RICHARDS begs to inform the Public that the business of



ASHBEE and TUCKETT bcg respectfully to announce that having secured the services of competent Artists in each department of their profession, they are enabled to execute every branch of Lithography in the most superior manner, with the greatest attention and punctuality.

A. & T. particularly solicit a careful investigation of their Ancient and Modern Fac-similes, both plain and in colours, which they produce from any description of copy with the utmost fidelity and exactness; also, without the slightest injury to the original.

Illuminations, Title-pages, Decorations, &c. Portraits from Life or Copies. Heraldic Drawings, Monumental Brasses, Deeds, Charters, &c.

MAPS, PLANS, SECTIONS, &c. Architectural, Engineering, and Mechanical Drawings, Landscapes, Marine Views, &c. Ornamental Writing, Designing,

the late Mr. Richards continues to be carried on at and every variety of Illustrations required in the

St. Martin's Lane as heretofore, under an arrangement which has been made for the benefit of the Widow and Family of the deceased, with the Widow

and Mr. Jack, late of Edinburgh, by whom all orders OE

will be executed with the same expedition and accuracy which have hitherto been the characteristics of this establishment. Mr. Thomas Richards, the late Managers for the Executors, is no longer connected with the establishment, and it is requested that all orders may be addressed to Mr. Jack, No. 100, St. Martin's Lane, by whom all outstanding accounts due to the Executors of the late Mr. Richards may be received.

[blocks in formation]


ASSISTANTS.Wanted, a YOUNG MAN, well acquainted with the Trade. He must be active, industrious, and quick at accounts.—Apply at 74, Cannon Street, City. TO BOOKSELLERS' ASSISTANTS.Wanted, in an important Commercial Town, a YOUNG MAN, thoroughly conversant with the


Specimens and Estimates forwarded if required.

BSERVE!-ROBERT GARDNER, Printer, Publisher, Bookseller, and Stationer, Peterborough, respectfully offers, to those of the Trade who are about to relinquish or embark in Business, his services in negociating for the purchase or Valuation of Goodwills and Stocks, in the confidence that a long course of experience in general public business, and a thorough practical knowledge of every department of the Book, Printing, and Paper Trades, will enable him to secure the best interests of his Employers.

Peterborough, Jan. 1851.

STATIONERS.-A respectable Young Man
wishes for an ENGAGEMENT. He has served his
time to a Printer, and has had considerable experience
in the Bookselling and Stationery businesses.-Apply
to T. G. B., Mr. C. B. Bennett, 5, Adelaide Place,
London Bridge.

то Bookselling and Stationery Trades, to take the T-The Advertiser wishes for a RE-ENGAGE

management of the Counter. No one need apply who has not served his Apprenticeship in a firstrate town, as a knowledge of the various editions of Standard Books and Modern Literature is indispensable.-Address, with particulars of age, salary, &c., to S. T., care of Mr. Sampson Low, 169, Fleet Street, London.

ral work.

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MENT, either in the Wholesale or Retail, in London
or the Country. He served his Apprenticeship to a
Bookseller, Stationer, and Printer, and has since held
engagements in some of the first houses in London,
&c. Unexceptionable references and security can
be given.—Address W. P., 32, Corn Street, Bristol.
for a SITUATION in the Bookselling Trade.
Has been in a Wholesale House, and has a thorough
Can have a good charac-
knowledge of the Business.
ter from his last employers.-Address A. Z., 32,
Castle Street, East, Oxford Street.


TO TRAVELLING AGENTS. - An experienced agent is immediately required as TRAVELLING AGENT, for the purpose of collecting Subscribers' names to a first-rate Architectu. He must be a person of gentlemanly address, thorough pushing and business-like habits, of undoubted respectability, and accustomed to canvass O BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS. for literary works. A slight knowledge of Architec--The friends of a respectable intelligent Youth, ture would also be desirable. The remuneration will eighteen years of age, of good business capacity, and be a fair commission on the subscribers obtained. who writes a good hand, are desirous of procuring for All communications to be accompanied by unexcep-him a Situation as IMPROVER in a house of tionable references as to ability and character, and business, to board and reside with the family.-Adaddressed to T. W. Z., at Mr. Thomas's Universal dress, per letter, prepaid, to S. L., care of Mr. BosAdvertising Offices, 19 to 21, Catherine Street, Strand. worth, Bookseller, Regent Street.

The Tenth Annual Edition of THE


Current Law Reports, Newspapers, &c.
for the Year 1851.

To which is added, a List of Metropolitan Printing Clubs: also, the Transactions of various Societies, specifying the Last Part published, and price.

The above Catalogue being Classified and Priced, with the Publishers' Addresses attached, affords an easy reference both to the Bookseller and Advertiser, and will be found extremely useful at the Commencement of a New Year. Royal 8vo. price ONE SHILLING, sewed.




MESSRS. REEVE and BENHAM give notice to the Trade, that THE LITERARY GAZETTE, price Threepence, -Stamped, Fourpence, will be charged to them as under :

STAMPS-Per Quire of 27
BLANKS-13 as 12.

6s. 6d. 2s. Od.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

per No., 3d.

[ocr errors][ocr errors][ocr errors]

per No., 2d.

LONDON, 5, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, Jan. 4, 1851.



ESSRS. BANGS, RICHARDS, and PLATT, of New York, solicit from the Publishers of Great Britain consignments of

Books, Stereotype Plates, Stationery,

And all Merchandise of a like Class, for the TRADE SALE, which will be held early in APRIL: the shipment of all such Goods should be made not later than the middle of February.

These Sales are patronised by the leading and most extensive Houses, and afford means superior to any other for the introduction to the notice of the American Trade of both surplus and new Stock suitable for circulation in the United States, being numerously attended by the dealers of the various States of the Union and the Canadas.

Mr. SAMPSON Low, of London, will exhibit CATALOGUES of previous Sales, and afford all needful explanations.

[blocks in formation]

Chambers' Information. 1848. Vol. 1. Two copies.
Chapman's Homer. Knight's edition. Vol. 1.

Church of England Magazine. Vols. 18, 20, 21, 22, 24.
Cobbett's Rural Rides.

Cramp's Text Book of Popery.

Crashaw's Ancient Poems, 3 vols.

Didactic Lectures, 4 vols. 1790.

Dodsworth's Letter to Dr. Pusey, May, 1850.

Dodwell on the Soul.

Dwight's Sermons, 2 vols. 8vo.

Ellis's Specimens, 5th edit. 12mo. Vols. 1 and 2.

Fleming (Robert), the Whole Works of.

Fox's Book of Martyrs, folio, black letter, complete.

3 vols. 1684.

From Sidmouth to Chester, 2 parts. Pt. 2, 1805 (Symonds).
Glossary of Architecture, abridged, 12mo.
Griffith (Rev. Thos.) Christian Church, &c.
Guyon (Madame), Memoirs of, 2 vols. (America).
Hale's Analysis of Civil Law. Several copies.

Hart's Annual Army List. A complete set, from com-

Hazlitt's Table Talk, 12mo. 1845. Vol. 2 to.
Hildershaw on the Fifty-first Psalm, folio.

the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free.
Irving's Life of Columbus, 8vo. 1828. Vol. 4.
Key (The) which opens the Sacred Cabinet of the Vatican,
&c. &c.

Knight's Standard Shakspere. Part 14 to end.
Lane's Arabian Nights, roy. 8vo. cl. 1840. Vols. 1 and 3.
Lavater's Physiognomy, 5 vols. 4to.

Law's Theory of Religion.

Le Keux's Memorials of Cambridge. Vol. 2 to end.
Letter to Dr. Pusey, jointly by Dodsworth, Allies, and

M askell.

Lingard's History of England, 18mo. 1837. Vols. 6, 7, and

10 to 13.

Lowth (Patrick) Commentary on the Scriptures, 4 vols. roy.
Svo. 1844. Vol. 1.

Macknight on the Epistles, 4 vols. 8vo. (Edinburgh), 1829.
Malone's Shakspere, by Boswell. Vol. 17.

[Vol. 3.

Manton's Works, folio. Vol. 5.

[blocks in formation]

Oberlin (Pastin), Memoirs of.

Pope's Homer's Odyssey, roy. 8vo. 1802. Vol. 1.

Porchester (Lord) The Moor, a Poem.

Prescott's Peru, 2 vols. 8vo.

Ravenson's Metallica, 1613.

Recreations of Christopher North. Vols. 2 and 3.

Ridley (Dr. Glocester) on the Passover.

Schimmelpenninck's Port Royal, &c. 2 vols. Svo.

Scott's Prose Works, people's edit. 8vo. Vols. 1 and 3.
Shakspere's Plays, 14 vols. (Lewis, 1841). Vol. 6.
Shelley's Poems, fcp. 8vo. 1839. Vols. 2 to 4.
Shore's Notes on India.

Swinnock's Christian Man's Calling, 3 parts, 4to.
Smith (Rev. W.) Concordance. (Glasgow.)
Stewart's Philosophy of the Human Mind, 4to. Vol. 1.
Sturtevant's Metallica, 4to. 1612.

Taylor's Historic Survey of German Poetry. Vols.
1 and 3 cloth.

Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON Low, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street,in the Parish ofSt. Dunstan in the West.-Thursday, January 16, 1851.

[blocks in formation]




General Record of British and Foreign Literature ;



[blocks in formation]

NOTICE. The attention of the Retail portion of the Trade is particularly called to the reduced rate of subscription for a dozen copies of The Publishers' Circular, viz, 50s, for one year; which charge includes a printed wrapper, (or without the wrapper, 35s.) with the address of the subscribing bookseller. This will be found an excellent mode of circulating the Catalogue for the individual benefit of the subscriber: a specimen of the Cover will be sent where desired. NUMBER of BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, and SERMONS, of which the full titles are given in the CIRCULAR, from January 1850 to January 1851:—

[blocks in formation]

The whole of the above, with the Prices and Publishers' Names, will be included in the

Which is nearly ready for publication.




236, bds. 1s,; cloth, 18. 6d.

[ocr errors][ocr errors]

ACHILLI (G.) Dealings with the Inquisition; or, Papal | BANCROFT's History of America. Part 2, 12mo. pp. Rome, her Priests and her Jesuits: with important Discourses. By the Rev. Giacinto Achilli. Post 8vo. pp. 500, cloth, 10s. 6d.

(Vide Adv. 46.)


ADDERLEY (C. B.)-Transportation not necessary. By
C. B. Adderley, M.P. 8vo. sewed, 2s.....
(Vide Adv. 138.)


ANN ASH; or, the Foundling. 18mo. pp. 130, cloth,


25. ..[603 ARNOLD (T. K.) Cornelius Nepos: with Answered Questions and Imitative Exercises. By the Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold. 3d edit. Part 1, 12mo. pp. 216, cloth, 45. (604 ASHLEY (A.) The Art of Etching on Copper. 2d edition. 4to. cloth, 10s. 6d. . [605 BACON (Lord) on the Advancement of Learning. By B. Montague. New edit. 12mo. cloth, 5s. [606 BAKER (C.) Graduated Reading. Gradation 1, square, cloth, reduced to 9d.; Gradation 2, sq. el. red. to 9d.[607 BALFOUR (C. L.)-Happy Evenings; or, the Literary Institution at Home. By Clara Lucas Balfour. 12mo. pp. 312, cloth, 4s. 6d. ..[608

(Popular Library.)

...[649 BANISTER (J. T.)-Pictorial Geography of the Holy Land designed to elucidate the Imagery of Scripture and demonstrate the Fulfilment of Prophecy. By the Kev. J. T. Banister. Roy. 8vo. pp. 376, cloth, 188.; silk, 23s.; morocco, 288,.... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... «******

BARRETT (B.)-Gothic Ornaments. By B. Barrett. Roy. 8vo. cloth, 21s.


BAXTER (R.)-Saint's Everlasting Rest. 32mo. cloth,
BELLENGER (W. A.)—Modern French Conversation. By
W. A. Bellenger. 20th Edition, carefully revised, with
Rules for the Promunciation of Consonants at the end of
words. 12mo. cloth, 2s. 6d.....
* [H3
BONNIN (T. S.)-The Domestic Altar; or, Morning and
Evening Communion with God. By the Rev. Thomas
Scott Bonnin. 18mo. pp. 125, cloth, 25...'.. ....[614
BOOK of Enterprise and Adventure. 18mo. pp. 142, bds.


(Darton's Holiday Library.)

.[617 18mo. pp. .[618

BOOK of Mottos borne by Nobility and Gentry, Public Companies, Cities, &c. New edit. with additions, cloth, 3s. 6d. BOOK of Riddles: Pastimes for the Parlour. 142, boards, Is. (Darton's Holiday Library.) BOWLER (W.)-The Management of Shipping for Emigration; in a Report to the Canterbury Association. By William Bowler. 8vo. sewed, 6d. .[619 BRASSEUR (I.)—A Grammar of the French Language. By Isidore Brasseur. 7th edition, 12mo. pp. 282, cloth, BROWN (J.)—The Forester: a Practical Treatise on the Planting, Rearing, and General Management of Forest Trees; with an improved Process for Transplantation of Trees of large size. By James Brown. 2d edit. enlarged, 8vo. pp. 540, cloth, 21s.


. [620

..[621 BROWNE (R. W.)-Rudiments of Latin Grammar for Ladies. By R. W. Browne, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 68, cl. 1s. 6d. .[622

(Vide Adv. 138.) BRUCE (J. C.)-The Roman Wall: an Historical, Topographical, and Descriptive Account of the Barrier of the Lower Isthmus, extending from the Tyne to the Solway. By the Rev. John Collingwood Bruce. Svo. pp. 470, halfbound, 21s... . [623

(Vide Adv. 45.) BUCKLAND (T)- The Handbook of Mesmerism, for Guidance and Instruction. By Thomas Buckland. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 66, sewed, 1s. [624 BURKE'S (J. B.) Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire. 13th edition (1851), royal 8vo. cloth, 38s. [625 BURNS (R.)- The Life and Works of Robert Burns. Edited by Robert Chambers. In 4 vols. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 350, sewed, 2s. 6d. ; cloth, 3s. .[626 (Chambers's Instructive and Entertaining Library.) (Vide Adv. 133.)

(Vide Adv. 118.)

BURTON (R. E.)-Memorial of Robert Edward Burton. 18mo. pp. 52, with an engraving, neat cover, 6d.....[627 (Vide Adv. 123.)

CALVERT (F.)- Second Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Charles Wood, Bart., M.P., upon certain Laws affecting Agriculture. By Frederick Calvert, Esq., Q.C. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 42, sewed, 1s... CAMILLUS (S.)-The Life of S. Camillus, of Lellis, of the Clerks Regular, Ministers of the Sick. 12mo. pp. 404, cloth, 4s...

...[628 Founder Vol. 1, . [629 (Saints and Servants of God.) CARLISLE (Earl of).-Two Lectures: On the Poetry of Pope; and on his own Travels in America. By the Right Hon. the Earl of Carlisle. Delivered to the Leeds Mechanics' Institution and Literary Society, Dec. 5 and 6, 1850. Revised and corrected by the Author. 8vo. swd. 6d... .[630 CASTLEREAGH (Visct.) Correspondence, Dispatches, and other Papers of Viscount Castlereagh, Second Marquess of Londonderry. Edited by his Brother, Charles William Vane, Marquess of Londonderry. 2d seriesMilitary and Miscellaneous. 4 vols. (Vol. 5—8), 8vo. pp. 1902, cloth, 2. 16s.


CASTRO (A. de).-The Spanish Protestants, and their Persecution by Philip II.: an Historical Work. By Senor Don Adolfo de Castro. Translated from the original Spanish by Thomas Parker, Esq. 8vo. cloth, 68..... [C32 (Vide Adv. 122.)


CHAPMAN (J.)-The Cotton and Commerce of India considered in relation to the Interests of Great Britain; with Remarks on Railway Communication in the Bombay Presidency. By John Chapman. 8vo. pp. 440, cloth, [633 CHILD'S (The) Guide to Knowledge. By a Lady. 19th edition, greatly enlarged, 18mo. half-bound, 3s. . [634 CHRISTIAN PRAISE for the Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. New edit. 18mo. cloth, 2s. 6d.... ..[635 CHRONOLOGICAL NEW TESTAMENT. cloth, reduced to 7s. 6d....

CONDER (J.)-The Poet of the Sanctuary: a Centenary Commemoration of the Labours and Services, Literary and Devotional, of the Rev. Isaac Watts. By Joseph Conder. 12mo. pp. 150, cloth, 5s...... .[644 ! CONSCIENCE: a Tale of Life. 12mo. pp. 170, cl. 5s. [645 CONVERSATIONS on the Life of Jesus Christ; for the use of Children. By a Mother. New edit. square, plates, cloth, 3s. 6d. .[646

CORPE (H.)-An Introduction to Neo Hellenic, or Modern Greek; containing a Guide to its Pronunciation and an Epitome of its Grammar. By Henry Corpe. Post Svo. pp. 162, cloth, 5s......

[647 COTTINGHAM (L. N.)-Catalogue of the Museum of Mediæval Art. Collected by the late L. N. Cottingham, F.S.A. 4to. pp. 78, sewed, 2s. 6d.


[648 COX (E. W.) and LLOYD (M.)-The Law and Practice of the County Courts in England and Wales. By E. W. │ Cox and Morgan Lloyd. 3d edit. (1850), 12mo. boards, 21s. .[649 CROSBY'S Builder's Price Book for 1851. 8vo. sewed, .[650 CUBITT (G.)-Granada; or, the Expulsion of the Moors from Spain. By George Cubitt. 18mo. pp. 144, sewed, 1s... .[651 (Memorable Men and Memorable Events.) CULTUS ANIME: or, an Arraying of the Soul: being Pravers and Meditations which may be used in Church before and after Service; adapted to the Days of the Week. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 96, sewed, 2s. 6d.

[652 CURATE (The) of Linwood. By C. G. H. 3d edit. 12mo. (Edinburgh), cloth, 3s. 6d. [653 DAILY FOOD for the Inner Man. 32mo. cl. 1s. 6d. [654 DANIELL'S Chancery Practice, a Supplement to; containing the Statutes, General Orders, and Decisions to the commencement of the Year 1851: with Notes and an Index. By Thomas Emerson Headlam, Esq., M.P. 8vo. pp. 254, boards, 10s. ...[655 DAUGHTER (The) of the NIGHT: a Story of the Present Time. By 3. W. Fullom. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 912, bds. 31s. 6d..... .[656 DEAN (G. A.)—The Land Steward. By G. A. Dean. Roy. 8vo. pp. 312, cloth, 21s. [657 DEATH at SEA-Perfect Peace. 32mo. pp. 86, cloth, 8d... [658 DEMAN (E. F.)-Flax, its Cultivation and Management; with Instructions in the various Belgian Methods of Growing and preparing it for Market. By E. F. Deman. 8vo. pp. 46, sewed, 2s. 6d... . . . [659 DODSWORTH (W.)-Anglicanism considered in its Results. By William Dodsworth, M.A. 8vo. pp. 112, swd. 2s. 6d.



. [661


. [662

DUNN (S.) Dictionary of the Gospels. 4th edit. cloth, 2s.. DUPUY (A. E.)-The Conspirator. By A. E. Dupuy. pp. 250, bds. 1s.; cloth, is. 6d. (Railway Library.) ELLISON (H. J.)-The recent Postal Changes considered: a Letter. By Henry J. Ellison, A. M., Vicar of Edensor. 8vo. sewed, 6d. [663 EUPHRANOR: a Dialogue on Youth. 12mo. pp. 82, cl. 2s. 6d. ..[664

(Vide Adv. 120.) FAMILY ALMANACK and Educational Register for the Year of Our Lord 1851; containing, in addition to the usual contents of an Almanack, a List of the Foundation and Grammar Schools in England and Wales: together with an Account of the Scholarships and Exhibitions attached to them. 12mo. sewed, 4s.... . [665

Crown 4to. ..[636

(Vide Adv. 22.) FORBES (J.)-Happiness in its Relations to Work and Knowledge: an Introductory Lecture delivered before the Members of the Chichester Literary Society and Mechanics' Institution, and published at their request. By John Forbes, M.D. 12mo. cloth, 2s... • [666 FREEMAN (E. A.)-Notes on the Architectural Antiquities of the District of Gower, in Glamorganshire. By E. A. Freeman, M.A. Svo. sewed, 2s.... .[667 GAUNTLETT (H. J.) Comprehensive Tune-Book. 2d series, oblong, cloth, 9s. 6d. . [668


CHURCHILL (F.)-On the Diseases of Women; including
Diseases of Pregnancy and Childbed. By Fleetwood
Churchill. 3d edition, 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 780, cloth,
12s. 6d...
CICERO.-M. Tullii Ciceronis de Senectute et de Amicitia.
Translated literally into English Prose, from the Text of
Nobbe, by William Lewers. 12mo. cloth, reduced to
1s. 6d.


Vol. .[639

CLARKE (Adam) Commentary on the Holy Bible. 5, imp. 8vo. cloth, 10s. 6d... CLARKE (M. C.)-The Girlhood of Shakspeare's Heroines; in a series of Fifteen Tales. By Mary Cowden Clarke. Tale 2, The Thane's Daughter; Tale 3, Helena, the Physician's Daughter. Square, sewed, each 1s............................. [640 CLAYTON (J.)--Pastoral Recollections. By John Clayton. Vol. 1, containing Miscellaneous Discourses. 12mo. pp. 238, cloth, 48... [641

COLTON (C. C.)-Lacon; or, Many Things in Few Words: addressed to those who think. By the Rev. C. C. Cotton. New edit. post 8vo. pp. 450, cloth, 6s. ..[642 CONDER (G. W.)-Six Lectures to Working Men on Christianity. By the Rev. George W. Conder. 12mo. pp. 180, cloth, 1s. 6d.


GENESTE (M.)-One Talent improved; or, a True Account of Harriet Ann Taylor, the Little Missionary Collector. By the Rev. Maximilian Geneste. 18mo. pp. 50, sewed, 6d..... ...[669 GLOSSARY of Terms used in the Coal Trade of Northumberland and Durham. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 56, swd. 2s. [670 GOLDEN HORN (The); or, a Visit to Constantinople, the Cities of Asia Minor, and the Monuments of Egypt. By a Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. post Svo. pp. 660, plates, 21s. .[671

GOODE (W.)-Aids for determining some Disputed Points in the Ceremonial of the Church of England. By Wm. Goode. 8vo. pp. 112, cloth, 48. ...[672 GORE (M.)-The Dwellings of the Poor, and the Means of Improving them. By Montague Gore, Esq. 8vo. sewed, ..[673 GRAHAM (T. J.)-The Best Methods of improving Health and invigorating Life, by regulating the Diet and Regimen. By Thomas J. Graham, M.D. 6th edition, 12mo. boards, 9s. ..[674


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