Also, by the same, with Woodcuts, 16mo. 10s. 6d. A DICTIONARY OF ANTIQUITIES, FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS. Abridged from the LARGER DICTIONARY. "Admirably supplies a long-felt want." JOURNAL OF EDUCATION. "The ability and scholarship displayed in Dr. Smith's School Antiquities."-ATHENÆUM. London: JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street; and TAYLOR, WALTON, and MABERLY. (179) 169, FLEET STREET. LATELY PUBLISHED, BY THE REV. CHARLES B. TAYLER, M.A. 1. SERMONS for all SEASONS: with especial reference to Tractarian Error. New Edition, 5s. THAR 2. HANKFULNESS: a Narrative, comprising Passages in the Life of the Rev. Allen Temple. 2d Edition, fep. 8vo. 6s. 6d. "In every thing give thanks.' This vital duty of sincere Christianity is beautifully enforced by Mr. Tayler in the delightful little volume before us.... The great charm of the work is its unforced piety."-JOHN BULL. "This little volume now before us is one that calls forth our warmest approbation."-MORNING CHRONICLE. "We heartily recommend this interesting narrative to our readers."-CHRISTIAN LADY'S MAGAZINE. "The Diary refers to the past century, and the visits to the old Catholic mansion, with its hiding places, may be justly cited as an example of pictorial power." EA 3. ATHENEUM. THE 5. BY THE REV. W. SCORESBY, D.D. WHALEMAN'S ADVENTURES: Scenes in the Southern Ocean. Edited by the Rev. Dr. SCORESBY. With Eight Illustrations by H. Vizetelly. Fcp. 8vo. cloth, 6s. "A very readable and interesting volume, full of stirring adventure and hair-breadth escapes."-ATHENÆUM. "The Clergyman has not forgotten his own functions in recording those of the Whalers, and his book will be the more acceptable that he blends religion with perilous adventures."-ECONOMIST. "Will be found at once amusing and instructive to the youthful reader."-MORNING Chronicle. L 6. BY THE LATE DR. A. NEANDER. IGHT in the DARK PLACES; or, Memorials of Christian Life in the Middle Ages. From the German of the late AUGUSTUS NEANDER, ARNESTNESS: a Sequel to the above. D.D. Fcp. 8vo. 6s. "Mr. Tayler, an old and zealous labourer in the cause of truth, has added to the obligations already imposed upon the public by the issue of this beautiful little work... The story is an exceedingly interesting one; and, apart from the infinitely higher claims of the volume, would rivet attention by the amiable characters which it exhibits, and the touching simplicity with which these characters are made to act and speak."-STANDARD. CHARITIES of LONDON: compre hending the Benevolent, Educational, and Religious Institutions in and near London; their Origin By SAMPSON Low, Jun. 1 vol. fcp. 8vo. 10s. 6d. cloth. and Design, Progress and Present Position. "We have before us an unobtrusive yet as significant a volume as ever issued from the press. It gives, in the smallest possible compass, an account of all the known Charities of London. The writer has performed a laborious task carefully and well."-TIMES. LONDON: SAMPSON Low, 169, FLEET STREET. LITERARY Gazette. (179) MR. GEORGE BORROW'S NEW WORK. LAVENGRO; THE SCHOLAR, THE GIPSY, AND THE PRIEST. Author of "THE BIBLE IN SPAIN," "THE GYPSIES OF SPAIN," &c. JOHN MURRAY, ALBEMARLE STREET. THE HARMONY of EDUCATION: LA designed to Assist those engaged in Teaching. 2s. 6d. cloth. "The object is to advocate a system of education carried on with reference to the development of individual character, and the harmonious cultivation of conscience, reason, and imagination. Many interesting educational questions are discussed in a Christian and sensible manner."-CHRISTIAN LADY'S MAGAZINE. Sampson Low, 169, Fleet Street. (181) (180) ATIN SELECTIONS: Cornelius Nepos, Phædrus, and Ovid's Metamorphoses; with Historical and Geographical Outlines, the Rules of Syntax for Construction, a Vocabulary, and Exercises in Scanning, &c. By T. S. CARR, one of the Classical Masters in King's College School. 6th Edition, with a new Appendix, 3s. 6d. The Appendix may be had separately, price 6d. GOLDSMITH'S GEOGRAPHY IMPROVED BY HUGHES; Containing all the most recent discoveries in Astronomy and Physical Geography, adapted to the requirements of modern education. Just published, an entirely New Edition, printed on large paper, in fcp. 8vo. price 3s. 6d. bound, YOLDSMITH'S GRAMMAR of GEOGRAPHY: for the use of Schools and Young Persons. An entirely New Edition (1851), carefully corrected to the present time, enlarged and improved with the Physical Geography of each of the great Continents and of the Globe incorporated; a new set of Twelve Maps and many Diagrams, including a large coloured Physical Map of the World; and an entirely new series of illustrative Plates. Edited by EDWARD HUGHES, F.R.G.S., Head Master of the Royal Naval Lower School, Greenwich Hospital. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. BUTLER'S GEOGRAPHY AND ATLASES; New and thoroughly revised Editions, enlarged and corrected to the Present Time, and edited by the Author's Son. Just published, in One Volume, 8vo. price 9s. cloth, BISHOP BUTLER'S SKETCH of MODERN and ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. (183) An entirely New Edition (1851), carefully revised throughout, with such alterations introduced as continually progressive discoveries and the latest information have rendered necessary. Edited by the Author's Son, the Rev. THOMAS BUTLER, Rector of Langar. By the same Editor, just published, BISHOP BUTLER'S ATLAS of ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY. Comprising Twenty-three full-coloured Maps; and a complete Index. An entirely New Edition (1851), nearly all re-engraved, enlarged, and greatly improved; with Corrections from the new French Survey of the Morea, Sprüner's large Atlas Antiquus, and the Works of Dr. Robinson, Col. Chesney, Sir W. Gell, Layard, and Kiepert. Royal 8vo. 12s. half-bound. BISHOP BUTLER'S ATLAS of MODERN GEOGRAPHY. Comprising Twenty-eight full-coloured Maps, including a large Physical Map of the World; and a complete Index. An entirely New Edition (1851), nearly all re-engraved, enlarged, and greatly improved; with Corrections from the Government Surveys, and the most recent sources of information. Royal 8vo. 12s. half-bound. Each Map separately, 3d. plain, or 4 d. coloured. BISHOP BUTLER'S GENERAL ATLAS of ANCIENT and MODERN GEOGRAPHY. Comprising Fifty-one full-coloured Maps; with complete Indexes. New Edition (1851), nearly all re-engraved, enlarged, and greatly improved; with corrections from the most authentic sources in both the Ancient and Modern Maps, many of which are entirely new. Royal 4to. 24s. half-bound. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans. NOTICE.-NEW YORK SPRING TRADE SALES. Great Britain consignments of (184) MESSRS. BANGS, BROTHERS, and CO., of New York, solicit from the Publishers of Books, Stereotype Plates, Stationery, And all Merchandise of a like Class, for the TRADE SALE, which will be held early in APRIL: the shipment of all such Goods should be made immediately. These Sales are patronised by the leading and most extensive Houses, and afford means superior to any other for the introduction to the notice of the American Trade of both surplus and new Stock suitable for circulation in the United States, being numerously attended by the dealers of the various States of the Union and the Canadas. Mr. SAMPSON Low, of London, will exhibit CATALOGUES of previous Sales, and afford all needful explanations. 169, FLEET STREET: Feb. 1851. PRINTERS, STATIONERS, BOOKSELLERS, and BINDERS, requiring wellqualified ASSISTANTS, may hear of the same, free of charge. Terms for Assistants may be known on application at Mr. Page's, 28, Moorgate Street. PARTNERSHIP. Wanted, in a first-class Bookselling and Publishing Business in London, an active or sleeping PARTNER, to take the place of a retiring partner. About £2,500 will be required. Address, in the first instance, by letter only, to H. H., care of Mr. Hodgson, 192, Fleet Street, London. A MASTER PRINTER, retiring from business, would be happy to RECOMMEND a JOURNEYMAN late in his employ, to any party requiring an efficient workman and trustworthy man. -Address, prepaid, D.D., Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey. A very complete and old.established BOOK BINDING, LETTERPRESS, COPPERPLATE, and LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING BUSINESS to dispose of, in a County Town, for £400.-Apply to P. C., 169, Fleet Street. WANTED, by a Young Man, a Situation as PRINTER and BOOKBINDER.-Apply, R. S., Post-office, Pontefract. TO BOOKSELLERS anter of Bretted Book. BOOKSELLERS and LIBRARIANS. seller and Stationer, who has always been accustomed to the above business, a Situation as ASSISTANT in a Shop or Library. The most efficient references can be given.--Apply (prepaid) to C. Q., Mr. S. Low, Publishers' Circular Office, 169, Fleet Street. EXHIBITION OFFICIAL CATALOGUES. : -PARTIES who wish their Advertisements to be classified under any of the following heads are requested to send them to the Office immediately :1. Literature and the Fine Arts. 2. New Inventions. 3. Agricultural Machines and Implements. 4. Insurance Offices. 5. House Agency-Hotels, Taverns, and Lodging6. Places of Public Amusement. 7. Railway and Steam-Boat Arrangements. [houses. 8. Miscellaneous. Fleet Street. WAN WANTED a YOUNG MAN capable of keeping the Books and assisting generally in a Bookseller and Stationer's Shop: if qualified to aid occasionally in the Printing Office the more desirable. -Address, stating age, salary required, and other particulars, to Mr. Bowden, Gainsborough. TO BOOKSELLERS ASSISTANTS. Wanted, by a large Bookselling and Publishing House in Dublin, an ASSISTANT, of good address, and well acquainted with Modern English Literature. A Young Man who has served his apprenticeship to a Retail Bookseller, and desirous of improving him. self, would be preferred.-Apply, by letter addressed F. W., care of Messrs. Simpkin and Co. London. WANTED, in a large Second-hand Book seller's Shop in London, a YOUNG MAN of industrious and active habits, who has been used to the business. He must write well, understand corresponding and the entry of common accounts, and be able to make himself generally useful. Apply, by letter, stating full particulars, to B. J. W., care of F. Hallett, Esq. 24, Great Sutton Street, Clerkenwell. VALUABLE STEREOTYPE PLATES for SALE.-Gibbon's Roman Empire, 4 vols. 8vo. 129 Sheets-4 Maps engraved on copper and steelPortrait. Specimen copy of the book may be seen at the "Publishers' Circular" Office, 169, Fleet Street. то NO BE DISPOSED OF, a well-established PRINTING and WRITING-INK MANU. FACTORY. The Machinery, &c. all in perfect working order. There is a good connection attached above is a very eligible opportunity for any one to the concern, both in England and Scotland. The wishing to commence business, as only a small capital will be required.-For particulars, apply to Mr. Kelly on the premises, 70, Wood Street, Liverpool. TO PRINTERS, BOOKBINDERS, and STATIONERS.-To be disposed of, an old. established BOOKBINDING and STATIONERY BUSINESS, carried on by the present proprietor, and on the same premises, for the last 25 years, and where the Printing may be added with every probability of success. The Shop and Premises are situated near the centre of the flourishing town of Truro, in Cornwall, having about 14,000 inhabitants, with a densely-populated neighbourhood and two large markets every week. The Stock is small and well selected, including Fixtures, &c. about £150; and Rent moderate. Apply to Mr. E. E. Edwards, Bookbinder and Stationer, Truro; or to Messrs. J. Simmons and Co. Wholesale Stationers, 59, Bishopsgate-Street Without, London. BOOKS WANTED TO PURCHASE. Inglis's Channel Islands, post 8vo. Vol. 2. 1834. Letters to be addressed to Mr. SAMPSON LOW, Office of the Publishers' Circular, stating lowest price, carriage free. Alison's Europe, 10 vols. 8vo. Vols. 1, 9, & 10 (Original | Edition.) Andran (Gerard), The Proportions of the Human Body measured on the finest Figures of Antiquity. Folio, 1683. Annals of the Four Masters, 4 vols. Annals of Oriental Literature. Parts 2 and 3. 1804. Archæologia. Vol. 1 to 7; Vol. 18, Part 2; & Vol. 20, Pt. 1. Brande's Antiquities, by Ellis, Knight's square edit. Vol. 2. Burns's Works, 8 vols. 12mo. Sheet U in Vol. 3; or, Calcutta Review. Nos. 5, 8, and 14. Campbell's Adventures in Ceylon, 8vo. Vol. 1. German Romance, 4 vols. crown 8vo. Vol. 4. 1827. Catalogue of Arundel Manuscripts in British Museum. Catlin's North American Indian Portfolio, coloured. Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary. Vols. 3 and 23. British Essayists, 38 vols. Vol. 5; Spectator, 1823. Vol. 1. Church of England Magazine. Vols. 18, 23, 24, & 25, Parts or Volumes. Clarendon's State Papers, folio. Vols. 1 and 2. 1786. Coke (Sir E.) Report on the Royal Prerogative. Economist (The). No. 378, Nov.23; No. 381, Dec. 14, 1850. English Translation of Grossi Marco Visconti. Foxe's Acts and Monuments. Vol. 1, 8vo. (Townsend and Cattley.) Friends in Council. Vol. 2. Gilbert's History of Cornwall, large paper. Vol. 1. 1820. Goldsmith's Works, 4 vols. 8vo. Glasgow, 1821. Grant Thorburn. Lavater's Essay on Physiognomy. 1788. Nos. 13 to 18, 1. p. Marta (Dr.) Tractatus de Jurisdictione per et inter Judi- Mayer's Views in Turkey. Part 36. 1810. Montfaucon's Antiquities. Vol. 3, Pt.2. Supplem.V.1. 1719. Napier's Peninsular War. Svo. edition. Vol. 6. Neander's History of the Christian Religion. Translated by Rose. 8vo. Vol. 2. Palmer's Origines Liturgicæ. 8vo. Vol. 1. Pilgrims of the Rhine. 12mo. 6s. 1840. Plutarch's Lives. Vols. 4 and 5, large paper. 1683-6. Pope's Homer. 12mo. Vol. 2. 1732. Quarterly Journal of Prophecy. No. 1, 2s. 6d. Quesnel on the New Testament, in English. Vol. 1, Part 2, about 1720; being second half of the Gospels: or, a set of the whole work. Registrum Wiltunense. Folio. 1827. Robertson (Dr.) Works. 8vo.; standard edit. Vol. 1. 1824. Roselen's Egypt. Rushworth's Historical Collections. Large paper. All except the 2 vols. of second part. Sandcart's Homographia: an Essay on the Proportions of Man's Body, &c. By Stevens. Shakespere. 11 vols. crown 8vo. Pickering, 1825. Vol. containing Romeo and Juliet. Sowerby's Thesaurus Conchyliorium. All but Pts. 7 and 11. Taunahill's Poems and Songs; with Notice of his Life, &c. 4th edition, 8vo. 1807. Turner (S.) History of the Anglo-Saxons. Tyas's Napoleon. Part. 4, pp. 233 to end, Voyage Pittoresque de Naples et de Sicile. Vol. containing Plates 41 to 48. Warburton's Crescent and the Cross. 8vo. Vol. 1. 1848. Wellington Dispatches. Vol. 13, (Index). Wild's Exploring Voyages to the Dead Sea. Wilkinson's Modern Egyptians. 8vo. Vol. 1. 1843. Zurlauben, Tableaux de la Suisse. Fol. Faris, 1780. 8vo. Vols. 23 and 24. WAVERLEY COPYRIGHTS. Extensive Sale of Valuable Copyrights, THE PROPERTY OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE LATE ROBERT CADELL, PUBLISHER, EDINBURGH, CONSISTING OF THE ENTIRE COPYRIGHTS, STEEL PLATES, WOODCUTS, STEREOTYPE PLATES, &c. OF THE WORKS OP SIR WALTER SCOTT, BART. COMPRISING HIS NOVELS, POETRY, PROSE WRITINGS, AND LIFE BY MR. LOCKHART, As published in the various Editions of these Works from June 1829 to the Present Time, AT THE LONDON COFFEE-HOUSE, LUDGATE HILL, LONDON, On WEDNESDAY, the 26th of March, 1851, At ONE o'CLOCK precisely. It may be safely affirmed, without risk of contradiction, that at no period in the history of British Literature has so important a Copyright Property been offered to public competition, whether viewed in regard to the number and variety of the Works themselves, to the different sizes and forms in which they have been brought out to suit the taste and fancy of all classes of readers, or to the unrivalled popularity which they have now for so many years maintained. The magnitude of the sales of all the Editions of Sir Walter Scott's Writings, and the unceasing demand for them which still exists, are facts so familiar to the Trade and the Public, that they do not require to be noticed here. In order, however, to show that there is ample time and scope to develope still further the abundant resources of this valuable Property, and to render it a most desirable and advantageous acquisition to any Publishers of enterprise, it is right to mention that the Copyright of WAVERLEY" does not terminate for upwards of Five Years, and that the Novels, as a whole, are protected for a period of upwards of Twenty Years. * Particulars and Conditions of Sale may be had by intending Purchasers on application to the Trustees of Mr. Cadell, 31, ST. ANDREW SQUARE, EDINBURGH; Messrs. HOULSTON & STONEMAN, 65, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON; or Mr. HODGSON, 192, Fleet Street, London. Printed at 57, Skinner Street, Snowhill, in the City of London, by ELIEZER CHATER WILSON, of 6, Palmer Terrace, in the Parish of St. Mary, Islington; and published by SAMPSON Low, of 14, Great James Street, in the Parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, at the Office, 169, Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West.-Saturday, February 15,1851. |