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Published on the 1st and}

15th of each

LONDON: MARCH 1, 1851.


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The ANNUAL CATALOGUE will be ready for publication on the 10th inst. price 2s. 6d.

THE BOOKSELLERS' PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, AND PROVIDENT RETREAT.-It is with sincere satisfaction we revert to the fact of the successful state of the funds of these Institutions, and of the good management arising out of the constitution and laws which characterise them. The Annual Meeting of the Subscribers to THE RETREAT was held at the Albion Tavern (by the kindness of the Messrs. Staples) on Friday, the 21st ult., when Mr. Reader, Mr. W. C. Blundell, and Mrs. Sophia Whittemore, were elected inmates, and the Treasurer's Account showed a balance at the bankers of £16. 4s. 3d.; and in the hands of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, on the 31st of December last, £43. 3s. 4d.; in addition to which there is at present invested in 3 per Cent. Consols the sum of £750 towards a permanent fund, the annual dividend on which is appropriated to the current expenses of the buildings, &c. As the annual subscriptions are very small in number, donations towards the establishment of a sufficient permanent fund are earnestly solicited by the Treasurer, Thomas Brown, Esq., who will kindly take charge of the same, and from time to time see to the investment of the amount.

The Annual Meeting of the Members of THE PROVIDENT INSTITUTION will be held at the same place on Thursday, the 13th instant, at Seven o'clock in the evening, for nominating the various Officers for the year ensuing. The Ballot will take place (if found necessary) at 60, Paternoster Row, on Thursday, the 20th instant, from the hours of six to eight in the evening. The Auditors' report of the account with the Treasurer shows the gratifying fact that there is a balance in his hands of £54. 16s. 7d.; in the hands of the Commissioners of the National Debt on Dec. 31 last, £19,272. 16s. 8d. This sum far exceeds the expectations of the most sanguine friends of the Institutions at this early period of their existence. As a Provident Institution, and taking into consideration the advantages resulting to members who may, from time to time, by sickness or other unforeseen causes, require aid, it is astonishing there are not many more applications from the younger branches of those connected with the Trade, who ought to appreciate the benefits derivable from being admitted to participate in the benefits of such an Institution, and with the security of such an amount of funds, which cannot be lessened by any vote of the Directors or Managing Committee.

THE near approach of the period for opening the GREAT EXHIBITION has caused Mr. Murray to announce one or two additions to his useful Hand-book Library, with the view especially of assisting our expected numerous visitors. The first is LONDON AS IT Is-a pocket hand-book for the metropolis : being a complete guide to all the sights, public buildings, places of amusement, &c., with useful hints to visitors and foreigners. Second-LONDON PAST AND PRESENT; giving a more detailed history of the origin and antiquities of every thing worthy of notice in the metropolis. THIRD THE ENVIRONS OF LONDON - a hand-book for travellers or residents, arranged in alphabetical order; with hints for excursions by rail, steam, and road (the two last are by Mr. PETER CUNNINGHAM). Fourth-MURRAY'S OFFICIAL HANDBOOK; being an authentic directory to the public offices, &c.

MESSES. BINNS AND GOODWIN intend to contribute to the GREAT EXHIBITION a most superbly bound copy of Mr. HANHAM's interesting work-NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BRITISH GRASSES; also, a copy of MICHAELO AND THE TWINS, splendidly bound in blue watered silk-the attractive novelty of the coloured engravings (each of which goes through eleven different workings) entitling it to that distinction. THE new and cheap issue of Dr. ADAM CLARKE'S COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY SCRIPTURES is now completed, in six volumes, imperial octavo.

MR. PEAKE, author of THE AUSTRIAN EMPIRE, was employed as private secretary to Lord Ponsonby while ambassador at Vienna.



ANDERSON (W.)-The Mass. By William Anderson, |
LL D. Fcp. 8vo. (Glasgow), pp. 172, cloth, 2s. 6d. [1058
(Vide Adv. 190.)
AINSWORTH'S Historical Romances and Tales; in 12
vols. Vol. 2-Rookwood. By W. Harrison Ainsworth,
Esq. 12mo. pp. 296, boards, Is. 6d.


Cumming; occasioned by a passage in the Sermon
preached before the Queen. By Presbyter. Svo. (Man-
chester), pp. 16, sewed, 6d...
. [1060
ARNOLD (T. K.)-The Oration of Demosthenes on the
Crown. Edited, from the Text of Baiter and Sauppe,
with English Notes and Grammatical References, by the
Rev. Thomas Kerchever Arnold, M.A. 12mo. pp. 14,
cloth. 4s. 6d.

(Vide Adv. 208.)
ARTHUR (T. S)-Insubordination; or, the Shoemaker's
Daughter: an American Story of Real Life. By T. S.
Arthur. In 2 parts. 32mo. pp. 320, sewed, 1s. 4d.; cl.
. [1062
BANCROFT (G.)-History of the United States from the

Discovery of the American Continent. By George
Bancroft. Vol. 1, 12mo. pp. 544, cloth, 2s. 6d. .[1063
(Popular Library.)

BARD (The) of the Dales; or, Poems and Miscellaneous
Pieces, partly in the Yorkshire Dialect. By John
Castillo. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 184, cloth, 28.
... [1064
BEECHER (H. W.)-Lectures to Young Men on various
Important Subjects. By the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher.
With an Introduction by the Rev. O. T. Dobbin, LL.D.
12mo. pp. 216, cloth, 2s. 6d.
.... [1065

(Vide Adv. 190.)

BELGIAN RAILWAYS, History of: in Numbers. No.
1-The State Lines, and Namur and Liege Railway. By
a Resident in Belgium. 12mo. pp. 50, sewed, 8d... [1066
BERLYN (P.)-A Popular Narrative of the Origin, History,
Progress, and Prospects of the Great Industrial Exhibi-
tion, 1851. By Peter Berlyn. 18mo. pp. 186, boards,
2s. 6d.

BILLINGS (R. W.)-The Power of Form applied to Geo-
metric Tracery: One Hundred Designs, and their Foun-
dations, resulting from One Diagram. By Robert Wil-
liam Billings. Royal 8vo. pp. 26, cloth, 7s. 6d. .... [1068

[ocr errors]

BIRMINGHAM and Midland Gardeners' Magazine, under
the superintendence of C. J. Perry and J. Cole. No. 1.
roy. 8vo. sewed, 18.
BODEN (J.)-A Simple and Elementary Mode of Teaching
the French Language. By Jacques Boden. 12mo. pp.
116, and table of verbs, sewed, 2s. 6d............... [1070

BOYS (R.)-Primitive Obliquities; or, a Review of the
Epistles of the New Testament in reference to prevailing
Offences in the Church. By the Rev. Richard Boys.
12mo. pp. 224, cloth, 3s. 6d.
.... [1071

BROAD LINE DRAWING BOOK, for the use of Young
Children. Oblong, cloth, plain, 4s.; col'd, 7s. 6d.. [1072
(Vide Adv. 134.)

BUTLER (S.)-An Atlas of Ancient and Modern Geo-
graphy. By Samuel Butler, D.D., late Lord Bishop of
Lichfield. New Edition, re-engraved; with Corrections.
Edited by the Author's Son. 8vo. 23 maps and index,
half-bound, 128.
..... [1073

(Vide Adv. 184.)

[blocks in formation]

CHAPLAIN'S Twenty-seventh Report of the Preston
House of Correction, presented to the Magistrates of
Lancashire. Svo. (Preston), pp. 88, 2 plates, sewed,
2s. 6d.
CLARKE (A.)-Holy Bible; with Commentary and Critical
Notes. Vol. 6, roy. Svo. cloth, 10s. 6d............. [1081
(Vide Adv. 209.)

CLARKSON (W.)-India and the Gospel; or, an Empire
for the Messiah, by the Rev. William Clarkson. With
Prefatory Remarks. By the Rev. T. Archer. 3d edit.
post 8vo. pp. 354, cloth, 6s...

CLAYTON (C.)-Parochial Sermons preached at Chatham
and Rochester. By the Rev. Charles Clayton. 2d edit.
post 8vo. pp. 378, cloth, 6s....
.... [1083

COCHRANE (J.)-Discourses on some of the most Difficult
Texts of Scripture. By the Rev. James Cochrane. 12mo.
(Edinb.), pp. 378, cloth, 5s....

[blocks in formation]


COURT ETIQUETTE.-A Guide to Intercourse with Royal
or Titled Persons, to Drawing Rooms, Levees, Courts,
and Audiences, &c. By a Man of the World. 2d edit.
12mo. pp. 215, cloth, 48. 6d.
... [1083
CURTIS (H.)-Beauties of the Rose; containing Portraits
of the Principal Varieties of the Cheapest Perpetuals,
with Plain Instructions for their Cultivation. By Henry
Curtis. Vol. 1, 4to. pp. 37, cloth, 188.
..... [1089

DAHOMEY and the DAHOMANS: being the Journals of
Two Missions to the King of Dahomey, and Residence at
his Capital in the years 1849 and 1850. By Frederick E.
Forbes. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 480, cloth, 21s. ...... [1090
(Vide Adv. 203.)

DONALD (J.)-Land Drainage: Embankment and Irriga- || tion. By James Donald, Civil Engineer. (Forming a Volume of Richardson's Rural Handbooks.) 12mo. pp. 146, sewed, 18.......


DUNCAN (J. F.)-God in Disease; or, the Manifestations
of Design in Morbid Phenomena. By James F. Duncan.
12mo. pp. 210, cloth, 3s. 6d.
...... [1092

EDWARDS (J.)—A First Greek Reader, from the German
of Jacobs; with English Notes by Joseph Edwards. 4th
edit. 12mo. pp. 312, cloth, 4s.
.. [1093

ESSAY on the Agriculture of West Cumberland, to which
the Premium offered by the Rev. Canon Parkinson was
awarded, Oct. 4, 1850. Royal Svo. (Whitehaven), sewed,
2s. 6d.
EVERGREEN (The): a Selection of Religious and Precep-
tive Poetry. 12mo. pp. 252, cl. reduced to 3s. 6d... [1095

4to. 51 maps, copious index, half-bound, 24s. ... [1074 EXILES (The) of LUCERNA; or, the Sufferings of the
(Vide Adv. 184.)

A Sketch of Ancient and Modern Geography; for the use of Schools. By Samuel Butler. New Edition, revised by the Rev. Thomas Butler. 8vo. pp. 430, cl. 9s... [1075 (Vide Adv. 184.)

CAMBIER (G.)-A Grammar of the French Tongue; prepared, by authority, for the use of the Senior and Junior NEWDepartments of the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. By G. Cambier. 12mo. pp. 312, roan, 5s........... [1076 (Vide Adv. 203.)

Recueil en Prose et en Vers de Morceaux tirés des Meilleurs Auteurs français. By G. Cambier. 12mo. pp. 352, roan, 58.

(Vide Adv. 203,)

. [1077

Waldenses during the Persecution of 1686. Post 8vo. pp.
196, cloth, reduced to is....

FABER (G. S)-Papal Infallibility: a Letter to a Dignitary
of the Church of Rome, in reply to a Communication
received from him. By G. S. Faber, B.D. 8vo. pp. 34,
sewed, 18.......

FERNLEY MANOR: a Novel. By Mrs. Mackenzie
Daniels. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 990, bds. 31s. 6d..... [1098
(Vide Adv. 199.)

FESTIVAL of the Sons of the Clergy.-Report of the Anniversary of the Festival for the year 1850, and the Sermon preached in St. Paul's, May 16, 1850, by the Ven. C. Musgrave, D.D. 8vo. pp. 74, sewed, Is. 6d. . [1099

[ocr errors]

Alphabetical List of New Works-continued.

..[1121 HORT (Capt.)-The late Case of Maltreatment, by Capt. Hort, of a Junior Officer. 8vo. (Plymouth), pp. 60, sewed, 1s...... . [1122

FEW (A) Plain Hints upon the Formation of Choirs and the HORACE.-Quinti Horatii Flacci Carmina. Carefully reSelection of Music in Parish Churches; together with a vised from the most recent Text. 12mo. pp. 104, List of the best Psalm Tunes and Chants. 8vo. pp. 20, sewed, 1s. 6d. sewed, 1s...... ..[1100 FISK (G.)-A Seven-fold Aspect of Popery. By the Rev. George Fisk. 12mo. pp. 346, cloth, 48... .[1101 FRANCIS (G.)-Chemistry for Students; being an Abridg. ment of Chemical Experiments. By G. Francis. Abridged and revised by W. White. 12mo. pp. 152, illustrations, cloth, 4s. ..[1102 GAILHABAUD (J.)-Architecture du Ve au XVI⚫ Siècle, et les Arts qui en dépendent. No. 1, royal 4to. 2s.. [1103 (Vide Adv. 51.)

GILFILLAN (G.)-First Gallery of Literary Portraits. By
George Gilfillan. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 304, cloth,



(Vide Adv. 196.) GLEIG'S School Series: Third Book of History-British India. 18mo. pp 130, sewed, 1s. . [1105 (Vide Adv. 203.) GOLDSMITH (J.)—A Grammar of General Geography, for the use of Schools and Young Persons; with Maps and Engravings. By the Rev. J. Goldsmith. Revised, corrected, and greatly enlarged, by Edward Hughes. 12mo. pp. 344, roan, 3s. 6d.... (Vide Adv. 125.) GONZALO.- Memoirs of Gonzalo Hernandez de Cordova, styled the Great Captain. Translated from the Spanish of Don Manuel José Quintana, by Joseph Russell. Post Svo. pp. 240, cloth, 7s. 6d. .[1107 (Vide Adv. 132.)


GOULBURN (E. M.)-Short Devotional Forms for Morning and Night, and for the Third, Sixth, and Ninth Hours, and Eventide of each Day of the Week. Compiled and adapted from Bishop Andrews and other sources, by Edward Meyrick Goulburn, Head Master of Rugby School. 12mo. (Rugby), pp. 52, cloth, 1s. ...[1108

GREEN (M. A. E.)-Lives of the Princesses of England
from the Norman Conquest. By Mary Anne Everett
Green. Vol. 3, post 8vo. pp. 462, cloth, 10s. 6d. ..[1109
(Vide Adv. 19.)

GREENE (G. W.)-Historical Studies. By George Wash-
ington Greene. 12mo. (New York), pp. 478, cl. 10s.[1110
HADDON (J.) Rudimentary Book-keeping and Com-
mercial Phraseology. 12mo. sewed, 18. ....... [1111
(Weale's Series.)
HAKEWILL (E. C.)-The Temple: an Essay on the Ark,
the Tabernacle, and the Temple of Jerusalem; showing
the Correspondence of their Forms with those of Classical
Architecture. By Edward Charles Hakewill. Roy. 8vo.
pp. 124, cloth, 15s......

HANSARD (T. C.)-The Art of Printing; its History and
Practice from the days of John Guttenberg. Post 8vo.
pp. 242, cloth, 2s. 6d.

(Encyclopædia Britannica Treatise.)
HARRY'S HOLIDAY; or, the Doings of one who had
nothing to do. By Jeffreys Taylor. New edition, re-
vised, ismo. pp. 122, boards, Is.

(Favorite Library.) HAZLITT (W.)-The Classical Gazetteer: a Dictionary of Ancient Geography, Sacred and Profane. By William Hazlitt. Post Svo. cloth, 8s. 6d. .................... .....[1115 HAY (D. R.)- The Geometric Beauty of the Human Figure defined; to which is prefixed a System of Esthetic Proportion applicable to Architecture and the other Formative Arts. By D. R. Hay. 4to. pp. 82, cloth, 30s. [1116 HEAVENLY THOUGHTS for Morning Hours; selections in Prose and Verse, with passages from Scripture: with a short introduction. By Lady Catherine Long. 18mo. pp. 300, silk, 4s. 6d. ..... [1117

HEIMANN (A.)-Fifty Lessons on the Elements of the German Language. By A. Heimann. 12mo. pp. 192, cloth, as.


(Vide Adv. 159.) HEMMING (G. W.)-First Book on Plane Trigonometry; comprising Geometrical Trigonometry, and its applica. tion to Surveying with numerous Examples for the Use of Schools. By G. W. Hemming. 12mo. pp. 144, cloth, .[1119

48. 6d..

(Vide Adv. 219.)

HOARE (W.)-Shamrock Leaves; or, Tales and Sketches
of Ireland. By Mrs. Hoare. 12mo. with Engravings,
PP. 238, cloth, 2s. 6d..........
. [1120


IONIAN ISLANDS (The) under British Protection. 8vo.
sewed, 2s. 6d..
IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. 1, 8vo. (Dublin),
sewed, 2s. 6d.
JERNINGHAM (A. W.)-Remarks on the Means of Di-
recting the Fire of Ships' Broadsides; with a proposed
Method of Controlling and Delivering a simultaneous
Converging Fire: with explanatory Plates. By Arthur
Wm. Jerningham. 8vo. pp. 82, cloth, 7s. 6d. ......[1125
JOHNSON (C. W.)—On the Fertilizers. By Cuthbert W.
Johnson. 3d edition, 8vo. pp. 490, cloth, 8s. ...[1126

[ocr errors]

JOYCE (E. D.)- How Half a Million of the Surplus should
be invested for the Benefit of England and her Colonies
By E. D. Joyce. 8vo. sewed, 1s.
KNIGHT (C.) Pictorial Half Hours. Vol. 3, crown 4to.
cloth, 38. 6d..

LAUGHTER BOOK for Little Folks.
German by Madame de Chatelain.
18 large coloured comic engravings,
(Vide Adv. 134.)

..[1128 Translated from the 4to. illustrated with boards, 2s. 6d. [1129

LAURIE (J.)-Tables of Exchange between Paris, Bor-
deaux, Marseilles, Havre, Lyons, Ghent, Brussels, Bruges,
Antwerp, Genoa, and London; being French Money re-
duced into English, and English Money reduced into
French, &c. By James Laurie. 2d edit. 8vo. pp. 308,
cloth, 12s. 6d..

LEAKE (W. M.)-Greece at the end of Twenty-three Years'
Protection. By William Martin Leake, F.R.S. 8vo.
pp. 20, sewed 6d.......


LECTURES to Young Men on their Educational, Moral,
and Religious Improvement, delivered in Glasgow by
Ministers of various denominations: with Lectures to
Young Men, founded on the History of Joseph. By Wm.
B. Sprague. New edition, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. pp. 656,
cloth, 3s. 6d.

LIVES of the Popes, from the Rise of the Romish Church
to the Age of Gregory VII. Part 1, pp. 204, 6d. fancy
paper cover; ditto, cloth boards, gilt edges, 10d... [1133
(Religious Tract Society Monthly Volume, Vol. 64.)

LOCHEE (A.)-An Address to the Students of the Mis-
sionary College of St. Augustine, at Canterbury, prepa-
ratory to their commencing the study of Practical Medi-
cine. By Alfred Lochee, M.D. 8vo. (Canterbury), pp.
22, sewed, 1s.
LONGFELLOW (H. W.)-Hyperion and Kavanagh. By
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 18mo. pp. 380, cloth, 28.
LORGNETTE (THE); or, Studies of the Town. By an
Opera Goer. 2d edition, post 8vo. (New York), pp. (08,
cloth, 12s....

LOUIS PHILIPPE (The Public and Private Life of), from
his Birth to the close of his Reign. By L. G. Michaud.
Translated by Mons. V. L. Chemeny. 8vo. pp. 400, cl. 12s.


MADAM DORRINGTON of the Dene: the History of a
Life. By William Howitt. 3 vols. post 8vo. pp. 966,
boards, 31s. 6d. .
(Vide Adv. 192.)
MAHOGANY TREE (The): its Botanical Characters,
Qualities, and Uses; with Practical Suggestions for Cut-
ting, &c. An Appendix in favour of the use of Mahogany
for the building of first class vessels. With Illustrations
and a Map. 8vo. pp. 120, cloth, 5s.. ........ [1139

MAHON (Lord).-The Forty-Five: being a Narrative of
the Rebellion of 1745. By Lord Mahon. (Extracted
from his History of England.) To which are added.
Letters of Prince Charles Stuart; from the unpublished
Stuart Papers at Windsor. Post 8vo. pp. 160, cl. 3s.[1140
(Vide Adv. 191.)

MAMMA'S Own Story Book. By the Author of "Chickseed without Chickweed," &c. Square, pp. 128, cl. 2s. 6d.

Alphabetical List of New Works-continued.

MARSHALL (W.)-A Collection of Anthems used in the Cathedral and Collegiate Churches of England and Wales. By Wm. Marshall. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 320, cl. 3s. [1142 MARTIN (J. C.)-The Revelation of St. John briefly explained. By Mrs. J. C. Martin. 12mo. pp. 254, cl. 4s. [1143

MAYO (H.)-The Philosophy of Living. By Herbert Mayo. 3d edition, revised, 12mo. pp. 290, cloth, 5s.[1144 (Vide Adv. 160.) M'CLINTOCK (L.) A Volume of Divinity for Young Students: being an Analysis of Scripture, a Summary of Prophecy, &c. By the Rev. Loury M'Clintock. 12mo. (Dublin), pp. 170, cloth, 4s...... ....[1145

MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL TRANSACTIONS, General Index to the First Thirty-three Volumes of the. Published by the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. 8vo. pp. 316, cloth... ..[1146

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NOVELLO'S Glee-Hive: a collection of popular Glees and Madrigals in Vocal Score, with ad lib. accompaniment for the Pianoforte. Vol. 1, royal 8vo. pp. 180, cloth, 8s. [1152 ORD (W.) Every Mother's Book.-On the Prevention and Cure of Diseases incidental to Mothers and Children. By William Ord, M.D. 12mo. sewed, 1s. .[1153 (Vide Adv. 62.) OVID.-Selections from the Fasti and Tristia of Ovid, collated with the best texts, and revised by Prof. Pillans. 18mo. (Edinb.), pp. 108, cloth, 1s. ...[1154 OXFORD University Calendar, 1851. 12mo. bds. 6s.[1155 PAPAL QUESTION:

A CALM REVIEW of the late Protestant Panic: a second Letter to the Bishop of London. By a Layman. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 82, sewed, 1s. [1156 BLACKLEY (Rev. W.)-A Pastoral Letter to a Rural Congregation; with peculiar reference to the special danger of the times. By the Rev. W. Blackley, B.A. 8vo. pp. 36, 1s....

.[1157 DAVIS (G. H.)-Rome; its Temper and its Teachings: in Six Lectures. By George Henry Davis. Fcp. 8vo. (Bristol), pp. 170, boards, 1s. 6d. [1158

ELLIS (W.)-Village Lectures on Popery; exhibiting the Chief Doctrines of Romanism, and illustrating some of its Practices, by Personal Observations made during a Residence in Rome. By the Rev. William Ellis. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 232, cloth, 3s. 6d. ... [1159 (Vide Adv. 190.) M'CAUL.-The Bill Worse than the Bull: a Letter to the Very Rev. Gilbert Elliott, D.D. Dean of Bristol. By the Rev. Dr. M'Caul. 12mo. sewed, 1d....... .[1160 MaGILL (Rev. D.)-Rome Reviewed, not as a strictly Spiritual, but a Worldly Power.-Lecture 2, delivered on Sunday Evening, Dec. 1. By the Rev. D. MaGill. Svo. (Edinburgh), pp. 421, sewed, Is....... [1161 PAPAL PRANK (The): a Serio-Burlesque. Dedicated without permission to Cardinal Wiseman. 8vo. sewed, is. 6d.... ....[1162 ROMISH RITES, Offices, and Legends; or, Authorized Superstitions and Idolatries of the Church of Rome. Literally translated and compiled from the authorized editions of Roman Catholic Works. By the Rev. M. W. Foye, M.A. 2d edition, post 8vo. pp. 418, cl. 6s. [1163

RUSSELL (LORD JOHN.) - The Speech of the Right Hon. Lord John Russell on the Papal Aggression, delivered in the House of Commons on Friday, Feb. 7th: with an Appendix. 8vo. pp. 48, sewed, ls.......[1164 SERMONS:


MOLESWORTH.-The Trumpet of Nehemiah: on the Real Causes and Right Preventives of the danger indicated by the Papal Aggression. By I. E. N. Molesworth. 8vo. (Manchester), pp. 16, sd. 1d.[1165 MUEHLEISEN (REV. J.)-Popish Conspiracy against the Civil and Religious Liberty of Great Britain; preached at the Parish Church, Brewood. 2d edition, 8vo. pp. 44, sewed, 6d. ...[1166 URWICK (W.)-A Voice from an Outpost. Two Sermons on the Papal Aggression. By William Urwick. 12mo. pp. 48, sewed, 4d.; fine paper, 6d. ......[1167 WORDSWORTH (CHR.)-On Secessions to the Church of Rome. Nos. 14 and 15 of Occasional Sermons. 8vo. sewed, 28. .... [1168 STOWELL(Rev. H.)-Birmingham Protestant Lectures. Lect. 6, Popery the Great Enemy of England; delivered in the Town Hall, Birmingham, on Tuesday Evening, Jan. 21, 1851. 8vo. pp. 24, sewed, 6d... [1169 THE MIDNIGHT CONFERENCE between Westminster Abbey and St. George's Catholic Church overheard by a Protestant Fabulist. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 24, sd. 3d.[1170 TRUE Account of the Gunpowder Plot, extracted from Lingard's and Tierney's Histories of England; with Notes and Remarks. By Vindicator. 8vo. pp. 142, cloth, 3s. 6d.


WHAT shall be done with Nicholas Wiseman and his Company? A few Plain Words of Fairness and Consistency, addressed to Members of the House of Commons. By One of the People. Svo. sewed, 6d. .. [1172 PARKINSON (R.)-The Protestant's Catechism; or, the True Christian's Defence against the Church of Rome. By the Rev. Richard Parkinson. 5th thousand, revised and enlarged. 18mo. pp. 56, sewed, 6d. . [1173

PEILE (T. W.)-Annotations on the Apostolical Epistles. Vol. 3, Thessalonians- Hebrews. 8vo. pp. 446, cloth, 13s...

. [1174 PEPYS (S.)-Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F.R.S.; with Life and Notes. By Richard Lord Braybrooke. 3d edition, enlarged. Vol. 3, post Svo. pp. 440, cloth, 6s. [1175


PHARMACOPOEIA (The) of the King and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland, 1850. Post Svo. (Dublin), pp. 238, cloth, 10s....... . [1176 PICTORIAL Bible Atlas, 1851. 6 maps, col'd, 2s... [1177 PLATONIS PHEDRUS, recensuit Carolus Badham, A.M. 12mo. pp. 66, sewed, ls. 6d. . [1178 POEMS. By a Prisoner in Bethlehem. Edited by John Perceval, Esq. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 96, cloth, 2s. 6d. . [1179 PUSEY (E. B.)-A Letter to the Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of London, in explanation of some Statements contained in a Letter by the Rev. W. Dodsworth. By the Rev. E. B. Pusey. 2d edition, 18mo. pp. 204, sewed, ls....

[1180 By

RAMSAY (W.)-A Manual of Roman Antiquities, William Ramsay. Post 8vo. pp. 496, cloth, 8s. 6d. [1181 (Encyclopædia Metropolitana.)

REID (D. B.)-Rudiments of Chemistry; with Illustrations of the Chemistry of Daily Life. By D. B. Reid, M.D. 4th edition, fcp. 8vo. pp. 196, cloth, 2s. 6d... [1182 RELATION of Philosophy to Theology, and of Theology to Religion; or, "S. T. Coleridge, his Philosophy and Theology." Reprinted from the Eclectic Review" for January, 1851. Revised and extended. 8vo. pp. 42, cloth, 1s. [1183

(Vide Adv. 190.)

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Alphabetical List of New Works-continued.

RICHINGS (REV. B.)-A few Words on Uniformity in the Performance of the Public Services of the Church of England. By the Rev. B. Richings, M.A. 8vo. pp. 11, sewed, 1d..... .[1185 RIDLEY (W. H.)-A Plain Tract of Confirmation, explaining the Two Parts of that Holy Ordinance. By the Rev. W. H. Ridley, M.A. Fcp. 8vo. pp. 32, sewed, id... [1186 ROBERTON (J.)-Essay and Notes on the Physiology and Diseases of Women, and on Practical Midwifery. By John Roberton. 8vo pp. 542, cloth, 128........... ..[1187 ROGERS (J. G.)-Christianity and its Evidences: a Course of Six Lectures delivered in the Lecture Room, Nelson Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne. By the Rev. J. G. Rogers. 12mo. pp. 154, cloth, 28. .1188 ROVINGS in the Pacific, from 1837 to 1849; with a Glance at California. By a Merchant long resident at Tahiti. 2 vols. post 8vo. pp. 748, with 4 illustrations printed in colours, cloth, 218.... ..[1189

(Vide Adv. 203.)


RUSSELL (J. S.)-A Treatise on the Steam Engine. From the Encyclopædia Britannica." New edition, revised and corrected, post 8vo. (Edinburgh), pp. 308, cl. 5s.[1190 SCHOEDLER (F.)-Book of Nature: comprehending an Introduction to the Sciences of Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry, Mineralogy, Geology, Botany, Physiology, and Zoology. From the German of Schoedler; with numerous Additions. Edited by Henry Medlock. Post 8vo. pp. 276, with several hundred engravings, cl. 5s [1191 SCOTT (P)-Lelio, a Vision of Reality; Hervor; and other Poems. By Patrick Scott. 12mo. pp. 192, cl. 5s. [1192


BISHOP (REV. G.)-Dives and Lazarus; preached at the Parish Church of St. Helier, Jersey, on Sunday, Jan. 12, 1851, on the Occ sion of the Sudden Death of a Soldier. 8vo. pp. 24, 2d... . [1193 MANNING (ARCHD.)-The Lost Sheep. 8vo. (Brighton), sewed, 18. . [1194 RICHMOND (H. S.) · The Baptism which saves; preached at St. Mark's, Lyncombe, Bath. 8vo. (Bath), pp. 30, sewed, 9d. ...[1195 SEYMOUR (M. H.)—Certainty unattainable in the Roman Church: a Consideration bearing upon Secession to Rome. By the Rev. M. H. Seymour, M.A. 12mo. pp. 116, cloth, 3s. 6d.

[1196 (Vide Adv. 188.) SHAKSPEARE.-The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare, from the Text of Johnson, Stevens, and Reed; with Glossarial Notes, Life, &c. New edition, by William Hazlitt, Esq. In 4 vols. Vol. 1, Part 1, 12mo. pp. 256, boards, 1s. [1197 SKINNER (LIEUT.-COL. J.)-Military Memoirs of Lieut.. Col. James Skinner, C. B., commanding a orps of Irregular Cavalry in the Hon. East India Company's Service. By Baillie Fraser, Esq. 2 vols. post svo. pp. 552, portraits, cloth, 218... ..[1198

(Vide Adv. 185.) SLAUGHTER (M.)-Railway Traffic Tables, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852; intended as a ready Means of comparing the Gross Traffic Receipts of Sixteen Principal Lines in 1849 and 1850, with those current and to come. Compiled from Official Returns, by Mihill Slaughter. Folio, pp. G4, sewed, 5s. .[1199 SOMERSET (DUKE OF)-Alternate Circles, and their Connection with the Ellipse. By the Duke of Somerset. 12mo. pp. 72, cloth, 3s.....


STEPHENS (H.)-The Book of the Farm. By Henry Stephens. Vol. 2, royal 8vo. pp. 800, cloth, 18s. 6d. [1201 (Vide Adv. 214.)

STUART (H. W. V.)-The Eve of the Deluge. By the Hon. and Rev. H. W. Villiers Stuart. Post 8vo. pp. 212, cloth, 7s. 6d. [1202 SUGGESTIONS for the Defence of Great Britain without Increased Expenditure. 8vo. sewed, 1s........... [1203 SWEETSER (W.)-Mental Hygiène, or an Examination of the Intellec and Passions; designed to illustrate their Influence on Health and the Duration of Life. By William Sweetser. Royal Svo. pp. 60, sewed, 1s... [1204

SYMONS (E. W.)-The Law relating to Merchant Seamen, arranged chiefly for the use of Masters and Officers in the British Service; with an Appendix containing the Navigation Act, &c. &c. By Edward William Symons. 12mo. pp. 324, cloth, 5s.... .[1205

TALES in Rhyme, for Boys. By Old Humphrey. 18mo. pp. 106, with engravings, cloth boards, 1s. ........ ...[1206 TAYLOR (A. and J.)-Hymns for Infant Minds. By Ann and Jane Taylor. 14th edition, containing Hymns never before published. 18mo. pp. 144, cloth, 1s. 6d..... [1207 TAYLOR (J.)-Readings for every Day in Lent. Compiled, for the use of Young Persons, from the Writings of Bp. Jeremy Taylor. By the Author of " Amy Herbert." 12mo. pp. 374, cloth, 5s....... .[1208 THIRLWALL (BP.)—A Second Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury in reply to the Statements of Sir Benjamin Hall, Bart. M.P., with regard to the Collegiate Church of Brecon, from Connop Thirlwall, D.D., Bishop of St. David's. 8vo. sd. 1s. ... [1209

THORNBORROW (M.)-Elementary Latin Exercises, intended to illustrate by appropriate Examples the Accidence of the Eton Grammar and the more common Rules of Syntax. By M. Thornborrow. 7th edition, 12mo. pp. 74, cloth, 1s. 6d...... ..... [1210

TOURRIER'S Model Book, or 100 Lessons on the True Principles of the Pronunciation and Construction of the French Language, printed on the plan of "French as it is Spoken." A Selection of French Poetry, preceded by Lessons on the same. 4th edit. 8vo. pp. 376, cl. 9s.[1211 WALFORD (W.)—Autobiography of the Rev. William Walford. Edited, with a Continuation, by J.Stoughton. 12mo. pp. 376, cloth, 5s.....

(Vide Adv. 205.)


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WALTON(W.)-Problems in illustration of the Principles of Plane Coordinate Geometry. By William Walton. 8vo. pp. 438, cloth, 16s. .. [1214 WANOSTROCHT (N.) – Recueil Choisi des Traits Historiques et de Contes Moraux, avec la Signification des Mots en Anglais au bas de chaque page. By N. Wanostrocht. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée by J.Delille. 12mo. pp. 284, roan, 3s. . [1215 WARBURTON (E.)-The Crescent and the Cross. By Eliot Warburton. 8th edit. revised, post 8vo. 10s.6d [1216 (Vide Adv. 192.)


WARREN (S.)-The Moral, Social, and Professional Duties of Attornies and Solicitors. By Samuel Warren. 2d edit. 12mo. pp. 450, cloth, 9s. ........ [1217

WILKINSON (C.)—Lecture on Self-reliance delivered before the Members and Friends of the Retford Literary and Scientific Institution by Mr. Councillor Wilkinson. 2d edit. 18mo. pp. 42, sewed, 4d. ..[1218

WILLIAMS (J.)-The Footman's Guide; containing Plain Instructions to the Footman and Butler for the proper Arrangement and regular Performance of their various Duties, &c. By James Williams. 5th edition, 12mo. pp. 131, bound, 2s. 6d..... ..[1219 WILSON (D.)-The Archæologia and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. By Daniel Wilson. Royal 8vo. pp. 742, cloth, 28s..... ..[1220 WRATISLAW (A. H.)-Patriotism, an Ancient LyricoEpic Poem. Translated from the Original Slavonic by A. H. Wratislaw. 8vo. (Rugby), pp. 20, sewed, 6d.[1221 YEARSLEY (J.)-A Treatise on the Enlarged Tonsil and Elongated Uvula, and other Morbid Conditions of the Throat. By James Yearsley. 4th edition, 8vo. pp. 105, cloth, 5s. [1222

Law Reports.

ROLLS COURT (Beavan), Vol. 12, Part 2, 10s. 6d. ..[1223 QUEEN'S BENCH (Dowling and Lowndes), Vol. 7, Part 1, 11s....... .[1224 QUEEN'S BENCH (Adolphus and Ellis), V.12, Pt.4,11s.[1225

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