and the postage on them, which is a large item, to sustain a weekly Trade Journal and extend its circulation, they would double the benefit received from the expenditure.”—ROBERT CLARKE, Cincinnati, Ohio THE PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY. A Journal devoted to the interests of the Publishing, Printing, Stationery, News, Music, Art, and Fancy Trades, and Associated Branches. With which is incorporated the American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular. Established in the Year 1852. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE & THE AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION. Prico of Subscription, per annum, $3.00, payable in advance. F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 Park Row, New York. OPINIONS OF THE TRADE. I fully appreciate the value of your excellent WEEKLY as well as your own personal services and sacrifices in the interest of the trade. We have all much to thank you for. You richly merit the united and constant support of the trade in every sec.ion of the country.-ROBERT CLARKE. We desire to express heartily our appreciation of the work you are do ng in securing an exact record of American publications, and trust that you will receive from the various publishers the information you make it so easy for them to give.HURD & HOUGHTON, publishers, Riverside, Cambridge, M. You have laid the jobbers and retailers of the country under great obligations by your sccessful efforts to provide a trade periodical so fully meeting their wants, and we hope they will show a substantial appreciation.-GEO. E. STEVENS & Co., publishers, booksellers, and stationers, Cincinnati, O. We wish to compliment you on the completeness of your paper. It is becoming more and more valuable, and we are pleased to find that the booksellers of the smaller cities are being heard from.-LORING, SHORT & HARMON, publishers, booksellers, and stationers, Portland, Me. It is mainly because the WEEKLY is so good, so much better than anything we have had before, that we have wanted three copies, and have been vexed when we received only one or two.-SUMNER WHITNEY & Co., publishers and importers of law-books, San Francisco, Cal. Your paper is now a real benefit to the public and the booktrade.-S. C. GRIGGS & CO., publishers, Chicago. We wish to express our obligations to you for the efforts you make to promote the interests of the book trade.-JOHN H. THOMAS & CO., booksellers and stationers, Dayton, O. Your WEEKLY I regard as invaluable to the trade, and by me its weekly visit is highly appreciated. I rarely get a number without at once sending an order to my Toronto agents, is not direc' to the publishers, for something announced therein, and generally have my orders in ahead of the receipt of the goods by them, and sometimes simultaneously with their own first information concerning the publication of the particular book. If publishers could be assured of such being the case pretty generally among your subscribers, perhaps more of them might be induced to advertise and push their business through its pages. The publishers ought more generally to make your WEEKLY the medium of communication with the trade, and then we might have something upon which we could depend. We ought to be kept well posted in what has been, is being, and is to be published, and unless publishers do unite upon one medium, it is next to impossible that they can all reach, or any of them reach every member of the trade, and that we can be properly informed of these matters. I should be glad if by any means a pressure could be brought to bear upon them which would induce them more generally to comply.-S. E. MITCHELL, bookseller and stationer, Pembroke, Ont., Can. We wish to thank you for the enterprise, and to express our nope that it will be successful. We, who are so far from the market, need such a paper. Now, if the publisher or manufacturer will tell us what they have, the trade can keep their goods.-MOSELEY & BRO., booksellers, stationers, and music dealers, Madison, Wis. I am well pleased with the WEEKLY, and more than ever convinced that if the whole trade would unite in your support, we would find any other medium of information superfluous. I think it may interest you to learn that many retail dealers make up their orders for new books almost entirely from the WEEKLY.-WM. G. BOYD, bookseller and stationer, Sema, Ala. I depend entirely upon the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY for my information, and I don't know how any bookseller who makes any pretension to keeping up with the times can do business without having its pages to refer to.-J. M. Davis, bookseller and stationer, Farmington, Me. Your WEEKLY is the best thing of the kind that I have ever seen, and I could not get along without it. It is an indispensable article to any bookseller who desires to keep posted, and I would not be without it for five times the subscription price.-J. D. STANTON, bookseller, stationer, and dealer in wall-paper, window blinds, etc., Wheeling, W. Va. We find your WEEKLY our best source of information rerarding new books, and have it in constant use. - BROWN & FAUNCE, booksellers, stationers, and newsdealers, Toledo, O. We follow up the WEEKLY with increasing interest and cannot see how any bookseller can get along without it; live ones can't.-B. EARL & SON., publishers, booksellers, stationers, and blank-book manufacturers, Fall River, Mass. We are highly delighted with the WEEKLY, and would not be without it for double the price.-J. L. SIBOLE, with J. B. Lippincott & Co. I consider the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY the best of any that are published.-E. B. MYERS, law publisher, Chicago. It would be impossible to tell you how much I prize the WEEKLY. I can't see how I ever did business without it.-A. J. WARD, book agent, Newport, R. I. With the ANNUAL LIST and the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY booksellers ought to keep themselves posted.-A. H. DOOLEY, bookseller and stationer, and newsdealer, chromos, frames, etc., Terre Haute, Ind. We cannot dispense with the welcome visits of your truly valuable WEEKLY.-BARBER & WHITCOMB, booksellers and stationers, Norwich, NY. The WEEKLY has become a necessity with me.-GEO. W. GREEN, Jr., jober and dealer in books, stationery, and fancy goods, Newburgh, N. Y. We could not keep a book-house without the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY ROBERTS & HILLHOUSE, booksellers and s ationers, Kalamazoo, Mich. We could not do without your WEEKLY.-J. W. BURKE & Co., publishers, booksellers, stationers, etc., Macon, Ga. We derive more benefit from the WEEKLY than from all the publishers' circulars received.-CRUMRINE & NICHOL, booksellers and stationers, Steubenville, O. I do not want to miss a single number of the WEEKLY. It is more important to me than my "Daily Times."-W. W. WATKINS, bookseller and stationer, Cazenovia, N. Y. I cannot afford to lose a single number of the WEEKLY.H. E. PRATT, bookseller and stationer, Binghamton, N. Y. We can't get along without the WEEKLY.-WEST, JOHNSTON & Co., booksellers & stationers, Richmond, Va. We find that we look for the WEEKLY as a friend indeed every week, and must have it.-ROBT. A. HEIM & Co., Atchison, Kan. Things are out of joint when the WEEKLY don't come regular.-F. A. TAYLOR, bookseller and stationer, St. Paul, Minn. The PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY is the most useful of any of the Literary Bulletins that I have ever had, and I think I have tried them all.-CHAS. E. HAMMERT, JR., bookseller, sta❘tioner, etc. SEND FOR SPECIMEN NUMBER. Opinions and Endorsements of the Trade. SUGGESTIONS TO PUBLISHERS. We are in receipt of letters and requests from several quarters, coinciding entirely with our own views on the subject, as to a needed improvement in the second issue of the "Uniform Trade List Annual." We quote the following: MESSRS. WILSON, HINKLE & Co., Cincinnati, O. write: We will be glad to do all in our power to make the ANNUAL for 1874 even more successful than the present one. Allow us to suggest that the present one came out too late in the season. All publishers could with a little effort print their lists on July 1st, then the ANNUAL could be in the dealer's hands by August 1st, just in time for the heavy Fall school book trade. MESSRS. WILSON, HINKLE & Co. also ask that we "make it strictly a price list of books, not a descriptive price list. We find on looking over the ANNUAL that above 500 pages are taken with descriptive lists, which should have been conup densed into one-fifth the space. Can you not remedy this in future?" MESSRS. COLLINS & BRO.. New York, write that THE TRADE LIST ANNUAL would be much more convenient if the publishers contributing would understand that trade lists and not catalogues are wanted. The volume is made cumbrous and unwieldy by the addition of a vast amount of superfluous matter-repetitions, illustrations, press notices, etc.-that have no excuse for appearance in such a place, If the publishers would give such lists as Ivison's or Butler's in the ANNUAL for 1873, the volume would be reduced to one-tenth its present size; should such extreme brevity be considered undesirable, Harper's list might be taken as a model; it is admirable for its arrangement and for its intelligent condensation of the requisite information. MESSRS. PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia, write: We shall certainly contribute our list to the ANNUAL We believe it to be a most important enterprise and valuable alike to the publisher and the bookseller. We have a number of copies in constant use in our retail department and consider them indispensable. In this connection permit us to suggest that contributing publishers be prevented from bloating their lists with advertisements, cuts, long descriptions, etc. It not only makes the volume unnecessarily unwieldy, but very much lessens its usefulness, to say nothing of its good looks. We do not think any lists will be refused if this restriction is made. COMMENDATIONS. BANGOR, ME.-As a bookseller, I could not afford to be without one at any price.-CHAS. HIGHT, bookseller, stationer, etc. BOSTON. We find your ANNUAL the most useful work of reference we have ever had for general use in the trade, and will supply our list for your next issue. Put us down for 100 copies.-LEE & SHEPARD. BOSTON. We think so highly of your TRADE LIST ANNUAL, that we should consider it a mistake on our part if we failed to have our list in your next issue.-NICHOLS & HALL, publishers, booksellers, and stationers. BOSTON, MASS.-Your uniform TRADE LIST ANNUAL for 1873 amply fulfills the promises you made for it, and proves the wisdom of your plan in preparing it. For booksellers it is so convenient that they must regard it as virtually indispensable; and publishers cannot fail to appreciate the advantage of having all their books catalogued in a volume which every seeker of book information will surely consult.-JAMES R. OSGOOD & Co., publishers. BOSTON. I herewith enclose the only sum which I will consent to pay, being in my judgment the very least the UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL is worth, to wit: Two dollars and a half per vol. or in all five dollars, for which I hand you check.-FRED B. PERKINS, business manager of Old and New. BURLINGTON, Iowa.-I consider it of as much value to a bookseller as a counter in his store to display his books upon.WESLEY JONES, bookseller and stationer. CADIZ, OHIO.-I have found the ANNUAL of last year of very great advantage to me and do not know how the Trade can get along without it; I hope the ANNUAL for 1874 and '75 will be well represented by stationers and manufacturers of miscellaneous goods handled by the book trade.-N. A. HANNA, bookseller, stationer, and news-dealer. CAZENOVIA, NEW YORK.-It has proved a valuable advertisement for me-to say nothing of its conveniences. I have given it a prominent place on my counter, and sold many books from its chance perusal.-W. W. WATKINS, bookseller and stationer. CHICAGO. We want fifteen copies of the ANNUAL; we have found them of great service last year and don't want to be without them in future.-HADLEY BROS., booksellers and tationers. CHICAGO, ILL.-The ANNUAL will prove an indispensable requisite to all booksellers.-W. B. KEEN, COOKE & Co., booksellers, stationers, and jobbers. CINCINNATI, O.-The TRADE LIST ANNUAL issued by you in 1873 we found of the greatest advantage to us, saving both time and labor. Ten copies are in use in the different departments of our business, and besides these we furnished a number of copies to other dealers. We hope a large edition for 1874 will be demanded.-GEO. E. STEVENS & Co., stationers, booksellers, and publishers. CINCINNATI, O.-We have just finished something very like swearing, at not finding a certain Boston firm in the ANNUAL.-WILSON, HINKLE & Co., educational publishers. CLARKSVILLE, TENN.-The ANNUAL for 1873 has been invaluable to us, and we expect even more service from your proposed one.-OWEN & MOORE, booksellers and druggists. Cleveland, O.-The ANNUAL is just what I wanted, and am greatly pleased with it.-COBB, ANDREWS & Co., wholesale booksellers, stationers, and blank book mfrs. you COLUMBUS, O.-A plank in our constitution recommends the publication of valuable helps for the book trade. I rejoice to know had anticipated the needs of the trade and have given them your UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL, which I beg to say is invaluable to the trade.-ISSAC C. ASTON, of Randall & Aston, President American Book Trade Union. DAYTON, O.- It will be a valuable aid to the trade. It is a matter of no little difficulty to keep ourselves supplied with the current lists of the publishers. We wish in this connection to express our obligations to you for the efforts you make to promote the interests of the book trade.-JOHN H. THOMAS & Co., dealers in books, stationery and pictures. DELAWARE, O.-We could in no way afford to do without so valuable a work.-T. C. O'KANE & Co., booksellers, stationers, and dealers in pictures, wall paper, etc. FARMINGTON, ME.-Your ANNUAL was a great need; I have the only one in this county, and almost daily some lawyer, doctor, teacher, or clergyman wishes to refer to it and almost always finds what they are looking for.-J. M. DAVIS, bookseller, stationer, and dealer in fancy goods, etc. GRIFFIN, GA. We trust that your enterprise, which is really a charity to the retail trade, may receive the greatest encouragement.-H. T. BRAWNER & SON, booksellers, stationers and music dealers. HARRISBURG, Pa.-The last ANNUAL has been a constant help.-E. S. GERMAN, Bible, theological, and Sunday-school book depository. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.-We desire at this eleventh hour to express our thanks for the TRADE ANNUAL. It is a "big thing." Hope you may see your way to something similar in the stationery line. Count us in if you do.-CATHCART & CLELAND, booksellers and stationers. JACKSON, MISS.-We would not take ten times its cost for it.-EYRICH & Co., booksellers and stationers. JACKSONVILLE, ILL-We could not get along without it.W. CATLIN & Co., booksellers and stationers. KANSAS CITY, Mo.-We wish both the ANNUAL and the WEEKLY unbounded success. They are valuable and indispensable to every live and intelligent bookseller.-J. R. WHITTEMORE & SONS, booksellers and stationers. KNOXVILLE, TENN.-It is precisely what we need as it saves much trouble in collecting the thousand-and-one "Cats." of as many publishers.-WILLIAMS, STURGES & Co., wholesale booksellers and stationers, dealers in musical instruments, wall paper, etc. LEXINGTON, KY.-We are very much pleased with the one issued last year, and incomplete as it is, it has saved us hours of probably unsuccessful searching through single catalogues for books which we have found in the UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL in a few minutes. The additions you propose to make to the new one will make it almost invaluable to any bookseller who makes the least pretens on at keeping up with the times.--PURNELL, ATKINS & Co., booksellers, stationers and printers. MADISON, Wis.-It does you great credit, and is worth to us ten times its cost; any publisher that has not his list in it is a slow man.-MOSELY & BRO., booksellers and music dealers. MARIETTA, O.-I am so glad you are going to issue these uniform lists, that I feel as happy as a boy with his first jackknife. I know my trade has suffered very much because there has been a lack of uniform lists.-C. E. GLINES, bookseller, stationer, and jobber. MIDDLETOWN, N. Y.-Were your efforts in their behalf but estimated by the several publishers at their true value, and could they know of the universal desire on the part of dealers for just such information as your ANNUAL is designed to furnish, we are satisfied that you would meet with such a hearty co-opperation on their part, that you would feel greatly encouraged in the prosecution of your present undertaking.S. R. MORGAN & Co., booksellers and stationers. MILWAUKEE, Wis.-Permit us to thank you as one of the "Trade" for the great service you are rendering us. It seems to us that all thinking men in the "Trade" must appreciate the great benefit already derived from your well directed efforts, and cannot fail to see that if you are properly sustained, complete success must be the result -STRICKLAND & Co., dealers in books, stationery, fancy goods, etc. MITCHELL, IND.-We want five copies of the ANNUAL; we wish you every possible success in your praiseworthy and strenuous efforts to elevate the bookseller.-ANDERSON & HAMILTON, wholesale and retail booksellers, stationers, and dealers in music, mus. insts. paper hangings, etc. NEW ORLEANS, LA.-If it should cost double, or more, we will cheerfully pay the additional cost.-KAIN & Co., booksellers and stationers. NEW YORK.-Having evidence that the TRADE LIST ANNUAL has proved one of the most time-saving and protitable instrumentalities used by the trade, and by whom it is daily consulted, we hope in our own interest, as well as that of the trade generally, every publishing house will be repre sented in it. Please send us, when it is ready, two hundred and fifty (250) copies.-THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY. NEW YORK. We find the UNIFORM TRADE LIST ANNUAL so valuable for reference that it is in daily use, indespensable for library orders, and certainly the most complete collection of catalogues ever issued of American publishers, and is equally a necessity for the book buyer and the bookseller. We want 100 copies.-D. APPLETON & Co. NEW YORK.-Please send us as soon as ready 100 copies of the TRADE LIST ANNUAL for 1874. After our experience of the past year we wonder that the trade has gone for so long a time without any uniform Trade List. We have found that of last year made by you of very great convenience, and we do not see how any bookseller can get along without it. We hope those houses which failed to furnish their catalogues last year will do so this. We believe that a publisher cannot advertise his books so advantageously through any other medium as this. Let us have the ANNUAL as complete as possible and we shall feel under renewed obligations to you for your efforts to help the trade.-BAKER, PRATT & Co., wholesale booksellers and stationers. NEW YORK.-The TRADE LIST ANNUAL has become beyond all question a necessity to booksellers. The only thing to be desired is a greater completeness, and we trust publishers will consult their own interest by leaving in this issue nothing to be desired on this point.-DODD & MEAD, publishers and booksellers. NEW YORK.-The TRADE LIST ANNUAL is the cheapest salesman a bookseller can have. It can answer more questions on books than the oldest hand in the trade. Booksellers should keep it on their counters. It will be as much consulted in bookstores as the city directory in the drugstores. We want ico copies.-LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHam. NEW YORK.-Both as publishers and as booksellers we attach great importance to the idea of bringing into uniform and accessible shape the catalogues of the American publishers, and we hope nothing may prevent the proposed volume from being in readiness in time for fall trade.-G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, publishers, booksellers and stationers. NEW YORK.-We have great pleasure in bearing testimony to the value of the TRADE LIST ANNUAL; we could not now do without it. Not a day passes that we do not consult it many times; and we wish you abundant success in the proposed re-issue.-A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., publishers and booksellers. OMAHA, NEB.-I need not say that I am pleased with the ANNUAL. I find occasion to refer to it so often, that a facetious customer, noticing my hesitancy in answering a question relating to some book, said, "Go get your Bookseller's Bible." I have a tradesman's love for a good bargain, but when I turn the leaves of the bulky volume, my conscience won't let me chuckle over this one as I ought. So to make things more even I enclose a postal order for five dollars, which please credit to the profit or loss (?) account of this enterprise of yours for the benefit of our trade.-L. THORVEL SOLberg, bookseller. PITTSBURG, PA -We think if publishers respond as they should do, acting in their own interests merely, the volume will be cheap at $1.50. Yours gratefully.-R. S. DAVIS & Co., booksellers and stationers. PHILADELPHIA.-We want 50 copies of the ANNUAL We use it daily as a book of reference for prices, and we find it of incalculable value. Would not be without it on any account as it saves us an immense amount of trouble in hunting up lists of prices. We hope your next venture will be as much superior to the last as that was over all previous attempts in the same direction.-CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, publishers, booksellers and stationers. PHILADELPHIA.-We have found your TRADE LIST ANNUAL a very useful and reliable assistant in our business. Our order is for 50 copies.-J. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co. publishers, booksellers, importers and publishers. PORTLAND, ME.-We think your plan excellent, and just what is wanted.-LORING, SHORT & HARMON, publishers, booksellers, stationers, and dealers in school book and room papers. PROVIDENCE, R. I.-We consider it the most complete work yet issued and it is of the greatest value.-TILLINGHAST & MASON, News Co. QUINCY, ILL.-I find it a vast improvement over my old arrangement. You have my hearty thanks for all you have done and are doing.-T. D. WOODRUFF, bookseller, stationer, and dealer in music and mus. instruments. RICHMOND, Va.-I would not be without it for ten times the cost of it.-JAS. C. Roy, bookseller and stationer. ST. JOSEPH, Mo.-I know it will be the means of taking many orders where clerks would be too lazy to hunt up cata logues.-JAMES B. JOHNSON, bookseller and stationer, ST. PAUL, MINN.-Your ANNUAL is of incalculable value to booksellers. It is to be hoped that those publishers who, unfortunately for themselves and greatly to the inconvenience of the trade, were not represented last year, will not fail to put in an appearance in the forthcoming volume.-JAMES T. DUDLEY, bookseller and stationer. SCRANTON, Pa.-Have you any extra copies of" UNIFORM TRADE LIST" left? We have only one left, and that we have to loan occasionally, and feel lost without it; it is one of the most useful and necessary articles of furniture we have in the store.-M. NORTON, bookseller, stationer and dealer in fancy goods, toys, games, wall paper, window shades, etc. TERRE HAUTE, IND.-The TRADE LIST ANNUAL is just what the book-trade needs-and that badly. I daily feel the want of such a list. With the ANNUAL LIST before them, and the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, booksellers ought to keep themselves posted. It would be of great advantage if you could induce the small publishers-out-of-the-way publishers—and publishers of subscription books, to insert their lists.-A. H. DOOLEY, bookseller, stationer, and newsdealer, chromos, frames, etc. TROY, N. Y.-We hope you will be able to get lists of all the small and out-of-the-way publishers, for it is their books that we always have the most trouble to get a knowledge of.— H. B. NIMS & Co., publishers, wholesale and retail booksellers and stationers. VICKSBURG, MISS.-I should like to see included catalogues in the various lines which I carry.-W. H. WOODRUFF, wholesale dealers in books, stationery, fancy goods, chromos, wall paper, musical instruments, etc. WASHINGTON, D. C.-I have found the first volume to be very useful, and believe the second, with the promised improvements, will be better still for reference.-C. C. PURCELL, bookseller and stationer. WILMINGTON, DEL.-We are heartily in sympathy with your efforts to so largely benefit the trade. 'Tis something long needed, and will be of immense advantage both to publisher and retailer. Without something of this character it is impossible to keep posted in books and prices. The irregular multiplicity of lists, circulars, cards, and newspaper advertisements is thorough confusion, making a systematic, regular, complete, and accurate list a constant necessity.-BOUGHMAN, THOMAS & Co., booksellers, stationers, and blank-book manu facturers. the TRADE CIRCULAR which is incorporated American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular, Established in the year 1852. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE. F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, New York. VOL. V. No. 1. NEW BOOKS. I. WHOLE NO. 103. COMMENTARY ON EXODUS. To Sunday-School Teachers about to take up THE INTERNATIONAL UNIFORM SERIES OF LESSONS, THE BEST COMMENTARY is that part of the "SPEAKER'S" COMMENTARY relating to EXODUS. Edited by CANON COOK, M. A. With Sketch Maps and Illustrations. II. I vol., 8vo A THRILLING STORY OF ADVENture. MY KALULU, PRINCE, KING, AND SLAVE, A STORY FROM CENTRAL AFRICA. BY HENRY M. STANLEY, author of "How I Found Livingstone." I vol., 12mo.... ..$2.00 III. A PROSE STORY BY THE AUTHOR OF "MRS JERNINGHAM'S JOURNAL.” I vol., 12mo. A VERY YOUNG COUPLE. With an Illustration. Uniform with "Mrs. Jerningham's Journal," Cloth. Price $1.50 SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO.. 654 Broadway. N. Y. |