F. LEYPOLDT, Editor and Publisher, 37 Park Row, New York. VOL. V. No. 5. NEW YORK, Saturday, January 31, 1874. 5th Thousand Now Printing. WHOLE NO. 107. IN THE DAYS OF MY YOUTH. A NOVEL. By AMELIA B. EDWARDS, authoress of "Barbara's History," "Debenham's Vow," 12mo, Cloth, Black and Gold... etc. .$1.50; paper, $1.00 Mr. E. P. WHIPPLE, the well-known critic (author of "Literature and Life," etc., etc.), says, in the Boston Globe, of this book: "A singularly brilliant novel. We acknowledge, somewhat guiltily, that we have wasted some valuable hours, which should have been consecrated to more important books, in reading it from beginning to end." LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO THE TRADE. LATE NOVELS. THE SON OF THE ORGAN-GRINDER. By Mme. SCHWARTZ. 12mo, Cloth, Black and Gold...... ..$1.50; paper, $1.00 “The very first page fascinates the reader at once. . . . It is a compactly written, intensely interesting story, spiced with 'legitimate' adventure, and pointing a wholesome moral that every one may digest. The tale is very dramatic and highly colored, and is never dull or 'draggy.' The Arcadian, New York. THE CROSS OF BERNY. By Mme. DE GIRARDIN, MM. GAUTIER, SANDEAU, and Mery. 12mo, Cloth, Black and Gold.. .$1.50; paper, $1.00 "As a story, it is no less notable than as a collaboration, distinguished as it is by a plot of deep interest, characters drawn with masterly power, and a style of dazzling brilliancy."-Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston. PORTER & COATES, Publishers, PHILADELPHIA. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. Problems of Life and Mind. The Foundations of a Creed. By GEORGE HENRY LEWES, author of "The Story of Goethe's This volume is the first part of a very important work, embodying the author's investigations and studies for many years, in various fields of speculative and philosophical inquiry. The work attempts the transformation of Metaphysics by reduction to the method of Science, to meet "the great desire of this age for a Doctrine which may serve to condense our knowledge, guide our researches, and shape our lives, so that Conduct may really be the consequence of Belief." It gives the results of a remarkably wide range of reading, of acute and sincere thinking, and evinces at once the author's great acquirements, and his earnest desire to aid an inquiring age in securing an immovable intellectual basis for faith. Life of Mrs. Barbauld. Memoir, Letters, and a Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of ANNA LÆTITIA BAR- This memorial of Mrs Barbauld and revival of her most excellent works will be heartily welcomed by many. If her fame is less now than a generation ago, it is altogether fit that she should be recalled to the present generation of Americans; for she was one of the purest lights in English literature, and "her society was equally a benefit and a delight to all within her sphere." The Boston Transcript says:-" We have looked through the sheets of Mrs. Ellis' memoir, and have been pleased and surprised at the fullness and value of the material which she has gathered for exhibiting the admirable character and illustrating the life of Mrs. Barbauld. Part of this material the author obtained by personal efforts in England. As for the rest, she has diligently and with wonderful success culled out from contemporary literature and from the memoirs and letters of prominent persons of the time, many most interesting and striking evidences of the wide extent of Mrs. Barbauld's acquaintance and influence, and of the strength and depth of the attachment and respect with which she was cherished." Euthanasy. OR, HAPPY TALK TOWARDS THE END OF LIFE. BY WILLIAM MOUNTFORD, author of " Miracles Past and Present." New edition. I vol. 12mo. $2.00. The object of this striking book is to realize somewhat the conditions, employments, and happiness of the future life, to lighten the burdens and griefs of the present by attempting vividly, yet reasonably, to anticipate the rest and satisfactions of the life to come. "This is a book which will prove an incalculable treasure to those who are in sorrow and bereavement, and cannot be perused by any thoughtful mind without pleasure and improvement.”— Christian Examiner. Zelda's Fortune. 66 Vol. 37 in Osgood's Library of Novels. 8vo. Illustrated. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.25. Quite out of the range of ordinary novels. It is distinguished by unusual descriptive power, strong characterization, and a vigor of narration that enchains the reader's attention." Sex in Education. By DR. E. H. CLARKE. $1.25. NEW EDITIONS OF No book published within many years has excited the kind and degree of interest which Dr. Clarke's work has elicited. It has been sharply criticised, but its most pronounced opponents admit that it must do immense good; while its advocates deem it a work of incalculable value, their unanimous opinion being that “Every Mother and Every Teacher should read it." FOR SALE BY BOOKsellers. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO., Publishers, 131 FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. Some of the Books Published by MACMILLAN & CO. During the latter part of 1873. Atkinson's Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe.... Birks' First Principles of Moral Science..... Brachet's Etymological French Dictionary. Cooper's New Biographical Dictionary Church's Influence of Christianity on National Character.. Farrar's Silence and Voices of God..... $3.00 3.00 .. 4.00 3.50 3.50 5.00 1.50 1.75 Freeman's Norman Conquest of England. Revised American Edition. Vols. I.-IV.. 16.00 Trench's Plutarch. His Life, his Lives, and his Morals. (New and Revised Edition in Valuable and Popular Works, TO BE PUBLISHED EARLY IN FEBRUARY BY SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., 654 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Early orders from the Trade for the following Books, are solicited. I. On Self-Culture. INTELLECTUAL, PHYSICAL, AND MORAL. A Vade Mecum for Young Men and Students. By JOHN STUART BLACKIE, author of “ Four Phases of Morals," Professor of Greek in the University of Edinburgh, etc. One vol., 16mo, cloth....... ......$1.25 Prof. Blackie's work upon the "Four Phases of Morals " showed that while he was a thorough student and a profound scholar he had preserved his own independence as a thinker, and that he possessed great vigor and freshness as a writer. Practical advice to the young students from such high authority would be eagerly received and carefully studied, and this volume, which is precisely what it claims to be—a vade mecum-is sure to be widely useful. PROF. MAX MULLER. II. On Missions. DEAN STANLEY. A Lecture delivered in Westminster Abbey, on December 3, 1873. By F. MAX MULLER, M.A., Professor of Comparative Philology at Oxford. With an Introductory Sermon by ARTHUR PENRHYN STANLEY, D.D., Dean of Westminster. One vol., 8vo, cloth... ......$1.00 Special interest The views of two such earnest thinkers as Dean Stanley and Prof. Max Muller upon a subject which has for so many years enlisted the exertions of the benevolent in all Christian countries would at any time attract attention. attaches to Prof. Max Muller's discourse, because it was the first ever delivered in Westminster Abbey by a layman, an event which has provoked earnest discussion in England. III. A NEW EDITION OF LECTURES OF THE LATE PROF. AGASSIZ On the Structure of Animal Life. Six Lectures delivered at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, in January and February, 1863, by LOUIS AGASSIZ, Professor of Zoology and Geology in the Lawrence Scientific School (a new and cheaper Edition). One vol., 8vo, forty-six illustrations, cloth...... $1.50 These Lectures, although delivered in 1863, were not given to the public until 1865, when they had the benefit of the author's careful revision. The demand for all the formal utterances of the lamented Naturalist abundantly justifies the reproduction of these lectures in this new and cheaper edition. IV. A NEW VOLUME IN THE ILLUSTtrated liBRARY OF TRAVEL. TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA. Central Asia. Combined and arranged by BAYARD TAYLOR. One vol., 12m0, with map and 23 full-page illustrations, cloth.... .$1.50 Mr. Bayard Taylor opens this volume with a general description of the geography and location of that portion of the Eastern Continent known as Central Asia. A short résumé of the earlier accounts given of it by Marco Polo and others is then presented and Mr. Taylor proceeds to describe in his entertaining way the travels of Mr. G. T. Vigne and Robert Shaw, extracting now and then from their narratives. A supplementary chapter gives a succinct account of the Russian campaign against and the capture of Khiva. Like the other volumes of the series, the book is profusely illustrated, and altogether forms a very desirable addition to the "Library." V. THE FOURTH VOLUME OF The Speaker's Commentary. SECTION III. THE POETICAL BOOKS, JOB, PSALMS, PROVERBS, ECCLESIASTES, and THE SONG OF SOLOMON. In one vol., 8vo, cloth..... VI. A NEW VOLUME OF Lange's Commentary. $5.00 THE MINOR PROPHETS. Edited by Rev. Dr. PHILIP SCHAFF. One vol., 8vo, cloth..$5.00 $20.00 12.00 4.00 250 .25 Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. next volume in the International Science Series' at the Appletons. Dr. Barker's work on "Puerperal Diseases," the only monograph on this special subject, and which has received the compliment of an order for an English edition, and s scientific work on "Physical Measurements," translated from the German, are also ready. ANSON D. F. RANDOLPH & Co. will publish 7.00 shortly a new hymn and tune book, entitled "Songs of Praise," edited by Rev. Drs. Roswell D. Hitchcock, Zachary Eddy, and Philip Schaff. It will contain over 1,400 hymns, representing all ages and communions, and these have been edited with great care, the original text having been restored in many cases, and in others alterations accepted that have been made deliberately and confirmed by long usage. The music has been edited by Prof. John K. Paine, of Harvard University-widely known as the composer of the oratorio of " St. Peter "-and he has had the assistance of Mr. Burnap, the organist of the Church on the Heights, Brooklyn. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in ad vance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. MESSRS. J. R. OSGOOD & Co. have taken possession of their elegant new store, corner of Federal and Franklin streets, Boston, and are now busily occupied with setting their premises "to rights." Their publications, this month and next, will be very few. George Henry Lewes' "Problems of Life and Mind" is just ready. This may be said to be the author's life-work, its beginning dating back to 1836. In it Mr. Lewes endeavors to show that the method of science may be applied to metaphysics, and that by it the inductions and deductions from experience will furnish solutions to every metaphysical problem that can be rationally stated. He also undertakes to show that metaphysical problems, when scientifically treated, are capable of solutions not less satisfactory than those of physics. "The great desire of the age," says the author, "is for a doctrine which may serve to condense our knowledge, guide our researches, and shape our lives, so that conduct may really be the consequence of beliet." The work is divided into two parts, "The Method of Science and its Application to Metaphysics" and "The Rules of Philosophizing." THE Volume by Prof. Christlieb, on "Modern Doubt and Christian Belief," to be published here by Scribner, Armstrong & Co., is not, as has been mistakenly stated, a reprint of his Evangelical Alliance essay on "Modern Infidelity," which is issued by the Harpers, but the series of lectures Publishers' Board of Trade, delivered in Swiss cities under the auspices of the Evangelical Society of that Republic, to counteract the prevailing Rationalist tendencies of its State church theologians. These were published in Germany under the title of "Moderne Zweifel." A SUPPLEMENTARY chapter, giving a rapid review of the Russian campaign against Khiva, is appended to Bayard Taylor's new volume summarizing the travels of Marco Polo, Vigne, and Shaw, in "Central Asia," which will be one of the first publications at the Scribners. THE publication of some of Lee & Shepard's early books of the year has been considerably delayed by the fire in Fleming's bindery, Boston. THAT important volume by Consul Jewell, "Among our Sailors," which is to be an American Plimsoll, though in a somewhat different field from that work, dealing with the ill-treatment of sailors by captains, and citing many instances that came under the writer's official knowledge, will be published by Harpers next week, with a new volume of "Barnes' Notes," as revised by him, on "Hebrews,' and Miss Braddon's latest novel, Publicans and Sinners." " PETTIGREW's "Locomotion of Animals" is the [OFFICIAL.] |