BLAC S Princess of Thule," which appeared late in December in England, as a guinea-and-ahalf book, after running as a serial in Macmillan's, reached a third edition by January 1. Mr. Smalley considers it," on the whole, Mr. Black's best work. more original and at the same time more finished than either the Daughter of Heth,' or the 'Adventures of a Phaeton."" THEODORE PARKER'S "Discourse on Matters pertaining to Religion" has been issued by a London house, with a preface by the Rev. C. Voysey, the clergyman whose ultra-liberality has given his name such notoriety. MR. SMALLEY COmplains that "of Mr. Mill's complete works, there is, as yet, no uniform editio ,nor are they all to be had even in volumes of the same size" in England. In America we have done better, the " we being in particular Messrs. Henry Holt & Co THE Marquis de Chambrun's remarkable work "The Executive Power in the United States," has been translated by Mrs. Dahlgren, widow of the Admiral, and is to be issued soon with an introduction by Hon. Caleb Cushing. A FRIEND of Prof. F. J. Child has obtained per a wealthy builder, was born in Edinburgh, 1784. Victoria. mission to copy two manuscript volumes of Scotch and orders promptly filled. ballads, in possession of Mr. Kinlock, of Edinburgh, for use in a new edition of the Professor's "English and Scotch Ballads." If now the heiress of Abbotsford will suffer a copy to be made of the collection at that place, the Professor's work will contain results of researches into all the known depositories of these lyrics of the people. OBITUARY. ADAM BLACK. A TELEGRAM from London announced the death, on the 25th instant, of Adam Black, the OUR LATE PUBLICATIONS: Root's New Curriculum. Model Organ Method. F. W. Root's School of Singing. Mannerchor. Sunshine for Sunday Schools. The quickest selling Music Book in the market Edinburgh publisher. Mr. Black was the son of is the "SONG KING." JUST PUBLISHED. BELLA; or, The Cradle of Liberty. A STORY OF INSANE ASYLUMS. BY MRS. EUGENIA ST. JOHN. The story i This is a story of truth, exceeding fiction, even as truth always exceeds romance. drawn from actual life in our country, and represents scenes that should be known universally. 5. COOK'S (F. C.) EXODUS. Svo...... DIEULAFAIT'S (L.) DIAMONDS AND PRECIOUS STONES. Illustrated. 12mo. DODGE'S (MRS. MARY MAPES) HANS BRINKER. Illustrated. 6. 7. FIELD'S (T. W.) INDIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. 8vo....... 8 FISHER'S (DR. G. P.) HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION. 8vo.... 1зmo....... ..$1.75 5.00 5.00 ... 1 50 2.00 HOLLAND'S (DR. J. G.) ARTHUR BONNICASTLE. Illustrated. 12mo. 13. HOPKINS' (DR. M.) OUTLINE STUDY OF MAN. 12mo....... THE ILLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. Each 1 vol. 12mo, cloth.. 5.00 3.00 3.25 2.50 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.00 .50 75 1.00 20. LYNDON'S OXLEY. 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