Lindsley. The Note Taker; or. The Elements of Tachy- graphy. Part II. By D. P. Lindsley. 12°. $3.75. *Lubbock.-The Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. By Sir John Lubbock. Illustr. Cr. 8°. $1.25. Packard.-Our Common Insects. Illustr. with 4 plates and 268 woodcuts. By A. S. Packard, Jr. 12°. $2.50. *Todhunter.-History of the Mathematical Theories of Attraction and the Figure of the Earth, from Newton to Laplace. By I. Todhunter, M.A. 2 V. 8°. $12. Van Nostrand's Science Series. No. 5. Ventilation of Buildings. By W. F. Butler. 18°. Bds. 50 c. *Young.-Simple Practical Methods of Calculating Strains in Girders, Arches, and Trusses, with a supplementary Es- say on Economy in Suspension Bridges By E. W. Young. With 13 plates. 8°. $3.50... .......Macmillan. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, ETC. Atkinson.-An Art Tour to the Northern Capitals of Europe. By J. B. Atkinson. Cr. 8°. $3...Macmillan. Beardsley.-Life and Correspondence of Samuel Johnson, D.D., Missionary of the Church of England in Connecticut, and First President of King's College, New York. By E. Edwards Beardsley, D.D. 8°. $3.50...Hurd & H. Byrne.-Irish Emigration to the United States: What It Has Been and What It Is. By the Rev. Stephen Byrne. Delesdernier.-Fannie St. John. A Romantic Incident Drake.-Historic Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. Field.-Memories of Many Men and of Some Women: being Personal Recollections of Emperors, Kings, Queens, Princes, Presidents, Statesmen, Authors, and Artists, at Home and Abroad, during the last Thirty Years. Maunsell B. Field. 12°. $2....... .....Harper. Gilman.-Seven Historic Ages. Talks about Kings, Queens, Good Things for Catholic Readers. A Miscellany of Catholic Biography, History, Travel, etc. Illustr. 12. $2. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. relating to all Ages and Nations, for Universal Reference. New 14th English ed., revised to August, 1873. With American supplement, con Mt. Desert in 1873. Portrayed by Crayon and Quill. Obl. Owen.-Threading my Way. Twenty-seven Years of Au- Schem's Statistics of the World. By Alex. J. Schem. Smiles.-The Huguenots in France after the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes: with a Visit to the Country of the Spalding. The Life of the Most Rev. M. J. Spalding, Stanley. My Kalulu, Prince, King, and Slave. A Story *Trollope. - History of the Commonwealth of Florence. By T. Adolphus Trollope. 8°. 4 vols., in box. $12. Tylor.-Primitive Culture: Researches into the Develop- ment of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Art, and Cus- tom. By Edward B. Tylor, author of "Researches into the Early History of Mankind." First American from Second London ed. 2 vols. 8°. $5. Hoit. Warren. -The Life of John W rren, M. D., Surgeon- General during the war of the Revolution, first Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in Harvad College, President of the Massachusetts Medical Society By Edward Warren, White.-Gordon Lodge: or, Retribution. Kelly, P. & Co. Personal Recollections from Early Life to Old Age of Mary Somerville, with selections from her Correspondence. By her Daughter Martha Somerville. With portrait. Cr. Blackburn.-Artists and Arabs; or, Sketching in Sun- shine. By H. Blackburn, author of "Normandy Pictur- Boydell Gallery (The). A Collection of 98 Engravings illustrating the Dramatic Works of Shakespeare. From the Originals in Woodbury Type. Folio. $25; mor. $50. Gallery of Great Composers. Containing Heliotype por- traits, with biographical sketches of Handel. Haydn, Schu- bert, Mendelssohn, Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner. Weber, Meyerbeer, Gluck, Bach, and Schumann. With 12 vig- nettes. 4°. $10...................... Greatorex.-Nuremberg. An Album of Six Etchings. By Eliza Greatorex. Giving characteristic Views of the City of Nuremberg. 4°. $1.50.. Hamerton.-Chapters on Animals. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With 20 Etchings by J. Veyrassat and Karl Hamilton.-Twelve Miles from a Lemon. Social and Domestic Sketches. By Gail Hamilton, author of "Wo- man's Worth and Worthlessness." 12. $1.50..Harper. Jacox.-The Literary Life; or, Aspects of Authorship. By *Maurice.-The Friendship of Books, and other Lectures. By Rev. F. D. Maurice. Edited, with a Preface, by T. Essays on Home Life Brigham.-The Harvest Moon, and other Poems. By G. Nelson Brigham. With portr. 16. $1.25.. Williams. *Elliotte.-Memoirs and Poems of Charlotte Elliotte, au- thor of the celebrated Hymn, "Just as I Am.", With Griswold -Apple Blossoms. By Hattie Tyng Griswold. Jordan.-Rosemary Leaves. Poems. By Mrs. D. M. Kinney.-Bianca Cappel'o. A Five Act Tragedy in Verse. Shepard & G. Newman-Dewdrops and Sunshine. A Collection of Poetry about Little Children; - Mother, Home, and Heaven. A Collection of Poems about these three Sub- jects. By Mrs. J. P. Newman. Sq. 16°. Ea. $1.50. Phelps.-Dramatic Stories for Home and School Enter- Religious Poems, By the author of "Stepping Heaven- Sheridan.-The Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Chamberlain.-Put to the Test. A Novel. By Charles Collins.-The Dead Secret ;-Basil:-Man and Wife :- The New Magdalen:-The Woman in White-Poor Miss Finch. (Library ed.) By Wilkie Collins. Illustr Davis.-K tty's Choice. A Story of Berrytown. Bv Re- De Forest.-The Wetherel Affair. By J. W. De Forest. Dickens.-Little Dorrit. (Harper's Household Ed.) Illustr. by J. Mahoney. 8. $1.50; pap. $1....Harper. -The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Complete. By Charles Dickens. (Part Second of the Mystery of Edwin Drood. By the Spirit Pen of Charles Dickens, through a Medium ) -The Old Curiosity Shop. With Illustr. by H. K. Browne (Phiz) and G. Cattermole. (New Illustr. ed., vol. 8.) 12°. Douglas.-Home Nook; or, The Crown of Duty. By Amanda M. Douglas. 12°. $1.50. Lee & S. Edwards.-Miss Forrester. By Miss Annie Edwards Eggleston.-A Man of Honor. By George Cary Eggles- Farjeon.-Golden Grain. A Sequel to "Blade-o'-Grass." By B. L. Farjeon. 8. Pap. 35 C................ Holm.-Saxe Holm's Stories. 12°. $1.50...... Scribner. Joseph the Jew. The Story of an Old House. American author. 8°. Pap. 50 c.... Labadye.-The Baron of Hertz. A Tale of the Anabap- tists. From the French. 12°. $2...... ..O'Shea. Lady Bell A Story of the Last Century. By the author of "Citoyenne Jacqueline." 12°. $1.75.....Lippincott. Lascine. By an Oxford Man. 12. $1.50.....Appleton. Marshall-Mrs. Mainwaring's Journal. By Emma Mar- Montgomery.-Thwarted; or, Ducks' Eggs in a Hen's Nest. A Christmas Story. By Florence Montgomery, Muller-The Burgomaster's Family. By Christine Mul- From the Dutch. 8°. $1.50, pap. $1...S. A. & Co. Riddle.-The Portrait. A Romance of the Cuyahoga Val- ley. By A. G. Riddle, author of "Bart Ridgeley. 16°. Robinson.-Her Face was her Fortune. A Novel. By F. W. Robinson. 8°. Pap. 50 c..... Scott.-The Waverley Novels. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Waverley. (Thistle ed., vol. 1.) Illustr. 12°. $1.50. Southworth.-A Beautiful Fiend; or, Through the Fire. By Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth. 12. $1.75. Peterson. Trollope.-Diamond Cut Diamond. A Story of Tuscan Life. By T. Adolphus Trollope, author of "Lindisfarn Very Young Couple (A). By the author of "Mrs. Jerning- ham's Journal." 12. $1.50..........Scribner, A. & Co. Wright.-Mrs. Armington's Ward; or, The Inferior Sex. By D. Thew Wright. 12. $1.50............. Lee & S. Yonge.-Lady Hester; or. Ursula's Narrative. Charlotte M. Yonge. Cr. 8°. $1.75........Macmillan. G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS will publish immediate- ly a translation, by Prof. J. M. Hart, of "L'An- JUVENILES AND SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS. Abbott.-The Child's Christmas Sheaf from the Bible Field-1. The Good Voices. 2. Parables. By Edwin Abbott. Revised from the London Ed. 16°. $1. The Good Voices. A Child's Guide to the Bible. By Alger.-Bound to Rise; or, How Harry Walton Rose in the World. By Horatio Alger, Jr. (Luck and Pluck Anderson.-New Songs for Little People. By Mrs. Mary E. Anderson. Illustr. sq. 16°. $1.25........ Lee & S. Dodge.-Stories of a Grandfather about American History. By N. S. Dodge. Illustr. Sq. 16. $1.50.....Lee & S. Downs.-Nettie Loring. By Elizabeth Downs. Every Boy his own Manufacturer. Containing Instruc- tions in Carpentry, Turning, Boat Building, and Glass Blowing. With full Instructions how to make S'eam En- gines, Locomotive Engines. Electric Telegraph, Steam- boats, Dioramas, Clocks, Brackets, Telescopes, etc., etc. Profusely Illustr. (In six parts.) Parts 1, 2, and 3. Per Lorimer.-Under the Evergreens; or, A Night with St. Nicholas. By Rev. George Lorimer. Illustr. Sm. 4°. Pletsch and Heaton.-Happy Spring Time. In Pictures Smith.-The Bishop and Nannette. A Church Story for Children. By Mrs. F. Burge Smith. 12°. $1.50. Tuttle. The Boy's Book about Indians. Being what I saw and heard for Three Years on the Plains. By Rev. Edmund B. Tuttle. Illustr. 12. $1.50.... Whittaker. Wilmer.-The Dumb Traitor. A Story of "Keeping Alive by Stimulants." By Margaret E. Wilmer. 16°. **Wines.-The Infant Harper, and other Poems. By Wise.-Elbert's Return; or, Foxy at Home Again. By ..... Almanacs for 1874.-The Atlantic Almanac. Illustr. - The Illustrated Catholic Family Almanac. 12. Pap. -Ladies' Almanac for 1874. 18°. Pap. 50 c.... Bailey.-Life in Danbury. Illustr. (Holiday ed) 12°. Burritt. -Ten Minute Talks on All Sorts of Topics. By Elihu Burritt. With au Autobiography of the Author. 12°. *Duval.-Some Playful Episodes in the Career of Ally Sloper. Pictorially portrayed by Marie Duval, and verbally explained (with moral observations) by Judy's Office Boy. Hood.-World of Anecdote Library. By Edwin Paxton Ombre.-The Game of Modern Ombre: Its Rules and Regulations. With Practical Hints for Beginners, and Suggestions for more advanced Players. According to *Popular Recreation. A Guide and Key to Indoor and Row-The only Complete Ready Reckoner for the Buying and Selling of any kind of Merchandise, giving fractional parts of a pound, yard, etc., from one-quarter to one thou- sand, at any price from one cent to five dollars. 16°. Bds. What Shall We Do To-night? or, Social Amusements for ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. Publishers' First Announcements. From the New York Commercial Advertiser for the DEC. 23. Roberts Bros. :-Thorpe Regis, a novel, by the author of "The Rose Garden." From early sheets, immediately. Harper & Bros.:-The Alps of Arabia.-The Naturalist in Nicaragua.-Lord Harry Bellair.-Business.-The Plagues of Egypt.-Distinguished Persons in Russian Society. DEC. 24. Scribner, Armstrong & Co :-Le Fille au Pieds Nus, translated from the French of Gourdault.-En Congé, translated from the French of Mile. Zená de Fleuriot. DEC. 26. Roberts Bros. :-In the Camargue, by Emily Bowles. DEC. 27. Henry Holt & Co. :-Phantasmion, Prince of Palmland Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Splendide Mendar, by D. Appleton & Co. :-Social Physics; or, An Essay on Procter. Anson D. F. Randolph & Co.:-The State of the Blessed Dead, by Henry Alford, D.D., Dean of Canterbury. Belt. T. Hurst & Blackett... Collins, Mortimer. Transmigration. 3 vols. Dasent, G. W. Tales from the Fjeld. Cr. 8°. Chapman & Hall.. .1os. 6d. ......125. Tegetmeier, W. B. Pheasants for Coverts and Aviaries. FRANCE .....10s. 6d. Present rate of Importation, 33 c., gold, per Franc. Leger, L. Le Monde slave, voyages et littérature. In-12. ...3 fr. 50 c. Lescure, M. de. Henri IV., 1553-1610. Gr. in-8°. Ducrocq.... ..15 fr. Lubomirski, le prince J. Un nomade, Safar-Hadgi. Les Russes à Samarkand. In-12. Didier.... .3 fr. Poincare. Leçons sur la physiologie normale et pathologique du système nerveux. T. 1. In-S°, ,405 p. J. B. Baillière et fils. Mitchell, S. W. Des lésions des nerfs et de leurs conse Banville, de. Poésies de Théodore de Banville. Petit ........2 fr. 50 c. des esclaves à la côte Challamel ainé. basse-cour, d'agrément 3 ir. 50 c. Comettant, O. En Amérique, en France et ailleurs. In-4°. Bureaux du Siècle....... Fleuriot de Langle. La Traite orientale d'Afrique. In-8°, 44 p. Gobin, A. Traité des oiseaux de et de produit. Niclaus et Ce.... Guillemin, A. Les Applications de la physique aux sciences, à l'industrie et aux arts. Ouvrage contenant 427 fig. 22 grandes, et 3 cartes. Gr. in-8°. Hachette. La Borderie, A. de. Les Bretons insulaires et les Anglosaxons, du ve au viie siècle. In-12, 271 p. Didier....3 fr. La Marmora, le general A. Un peu plus de lumière sur les événements politiques et militaires de l'année 1866. duit de l'Italien. In-8°. Dumaine.... ......308. Lindsey, Rev. Theophilus, Memoirs of. By T. Belsham. Studies for the Pulpit. Outlines of Sermons. ..30s. Tra .......5 fr. Leotard. E. Essai sur la condition des Barbares établis dans l'empire romain au ive siècle. In-8°, xiv 238. Franck. Proces (le) du maréchal Bazaine. Gr in-8°. Tessier. 10 fr. Saboia, V. Traité théorique et pratique de la science et de Stanley, H. M. Comment j'ai retrouvé Livingstone. * GERMANY. Present rate of Importation, $1.10 gold, per Thaler, à 30 gr. Ratzeburg, J. T. C. Forstwirthschaftliches Schriftsteller Lexikon. gr. 4. Berlin, Nicolai's Verl...........8 Th. Wackernagel, W. Kleinere Schriften. 2. Bd. Abhandlungen zur deutschen Literatur-Geschichte. gr. 8. Leipzig, Hirzel. mann.... ...4 Th. ..2 Th. 20 gr. Körner, H. J. A. Natur-Ethik. 2 Bde. gr. 8. Hamburg, Meissner... Lober, R. Alte Wahrheit in neuer Gestalt. 1. Bd. Allgemeiner Theil. Die neue Schöpfg. gr. 8. Gotha, Schloess.......2 Th. 10 gr. Opitz, H. Das System d. Paulus nach seinen Briefen. gr. 8. Gotha. F. A. Perthes..... ...2 Th. 12gr. Gotha, Besser. Köllicker, A. Die normale Resorption, d. Knochenge webes. hoch 4. Leipzig, Vogel................6 Th. 10 gr. Pagenstecher, H. u. C. Genth. Atlas der pathologisch Köhler, K. Luther u. die Juristen. gr. 8. 1 Th. en Anatomie d. Augapfels. 1. Lfg. Fol. Wiesbaden, Krei del... ...3 Th. Wund, W. Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie. 1. Hälfte. gr. 8 Leipzig. Engelmann.... 3 Th. Koch, L. Dendrologie. Bäume, Sträucher u. Halbsträucher welche in Mittel- u. Nord-Europa im Freien kultivirt werden. 2 Thle. Lex.-8. Erlangen, Enke...............11 Th. Preyer, W. Das myophysische Gesetz. gr. 8. Jena, Mauke's Verl..... ........2 Tn. Weberbauer, O. Die Pilze Norddeutschlands m. besond. Berücksicht. Schlesiens. 1. Hit. Breslau, Kern. In Map pe...... .......4 Th. Stöckl, Dr. A. Lehrbuch der Pädagogik. gr. 8. Mainz, Kirchheim..... ......1 Th. 18 gr. Meyer, Dr. G. Die mit nasalen gebildeten praesensstäm me d. griechischen m. vergleich. berücksicht. der andern indogerman. sprachen. gr. S. Jena, Mauke.....1 Th, 10 gr. Mommsen, Th. u. G. Studemund. Analecta Liviana. Accedunt tabulae quinque. 4. Leipzig, Hirzel, cart...4 Th. Raabe, A. Gemeinschaftliche Grammatik der arischen u. der semitischen Sprachen. gr. 8. Leipzig, Klinkhardt. I Th. Schlagint weit, R. v. Die Mormonen od. die Heiligen vom jüngsten Tage v. ihrer Entstehg. bis auf die Gegenwart. Mit Illustr. gr. 8. Leipzig, E. H. Mayer.....2 Th geb. 2 Th. 10 gr. Wessely, J. E. Adolph Menzel. Sein Leben u. seine, Werke. gr. 8. Leipzig, Danz...... .....15 gr. Kohl, J. G. Die geographische Lage der Hauptstädte Eu- The Coming Convention. Maltzan, H. Frhr. v. Reisen in Arabien. 2 Bde. gr. Wallner, Frz. Ueber Land u. Meer. Reisebilder aus ....4 Th. Musterblätter f. Holzmalerei. Imp. Fol. (18 Chromolith. u. 4 S. Text.) München, Mey & Widmayer. In Mappe..... 4 Th. Bethke, H. Details f. decorativen Holzbau. (In 12 Lfgn.) 1. u. 2. Lfg. Fol. (à 6 Steintaf.) Stuttgart. Wittwer. a . Th. Möller, G. Die neue Bauanlage der königl. PorzellanManufactur zu Berlin. Berlin, Ernst & Korn.. 3 Th. 15 gr. Pinzger, L. Die geometrische Construction v. WeichenAnlagen für Eisenbahn-Gleise. gr. 8. Aachen, Mayer. 2 Th. 15 gr. Petersen, C. Die Rindviehzucht im landwirthschaftlichen Betriebe. Danzig, Kafemann....... ..........2 Th. Schumacher, W. Der Ackerbau. Die Lehre von der dasselbe. Hft. B. 1. gr. 4. Ebd...........1 Th. 10 gr which it is hoped the convention will remedy, that his profits have been so small. The present is the opportunity to utter such a protest as will show every one in the trade the movement and the convention, let us add, though originating in the West, are entirely national in scope, and it is to be hoped also that the publish THE notices and letters printed elsewhere officially inform the trade of the progress of the movement against underselling, and of the post-true bearing of this demoralizing evil. The ponement of the proposed convention of the trade until February 12. We have before urged such postponement, and we believe it wise. During this month of January, publishers, jobbers, anders as well as retailers will be present or repreretailers alike are busy closing last year's books and taking account of stock; but by February, one of the dull months of the year, all this is finished, and there is no reason why there should not be a large attendance at Cincinnati of the trade from all parts of the country. sented at the meeting. It should not be one of opposition of one part of the trade to another, but of taking counsel together, in the effort to ameliorate evils which the very slightest consideration shows to be harmful to all alike. We trust that those who cannot be present at the convention, though indorsing its purpose, will communicate at once with the secretary, Mr. Gunn, with such suggestions as may be thought useful. Much remains to be done before the meeting of the convention to make its work useful and effective. There should be, as we have before said, as general an agreement as possible beforehand as to the questions to be discussed, and the best methods of disposing of them. For all such pur poses of preliminary discussion our columns are wide open. We shall continue to discuss these questions editorially until the date of the meeting, but our especial desire is to draw out the views of the trade as to the proper remedies in point. That is, after all, the main question. THE press of matter on our columns during the holiday season has prevented the publication of several letters and other matter. These will be be given in good part in the next number, with which will also be included the title page and index to the last semi-annual volume of the WEEKLY. Booksellers' Protective Union. SPRINGFIELD, O., Dec. 25, 1873. THE next meeting of this association has been postponed to Feb. 12, 1874. This is done at the instance of a large number of friends of the movement to give time to communicate with the publishers, and in the hope that the meeting in February will be a general meeting of booksellers and publishers, and result in much good to the trade. J. W. GUNN, Springfield, O. Executive Committee. SPRINGFIELD, O., Dec. 25, 1873. To the Publishers and Jobbers of Books. DEAR SIRS: It is made the duty of the Executive Committee of The Booksellers' Protective Union" to submit to you the accompanying letter, which is signed by most of the leading booksellers from West Va. to Kansas, and from the Lakes to Tennessee. So much has been said upon the general subject of the letter through the columns of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, and in other journals, that it is not at all necessary to elaborate the petitions. You will see by a notice in this number of the WEEKLY that the next meeting of the "Booksellers' Protective Union " has been postponed to Thursday, February 12, 1874, and will take place at the Burnett House, Cincinnati, O. We hope to have many responses to this communication, and invite publishers and jobbers generally to meet with us in convention at that time. From the facts that our interests are mutual, and that several publishers and jobbers have already expressed their willingness to adopt some regulations looking to a reform, we are encouraged to hope for a speedy remedy of these evils. We shall be pleased to have communications from any publisher or jobber who cannot meet with us in convention. Respectfully yours, J. W. GUNN, Springfield, O. A. F. PAYNE, Dayton, O. ABEL LOW, Springfield, O. HOWARD L. Ross, Hamilton, O. To the Publishers and Fobbers of Books. "WHEREAS, A great irregularity exists in the book trade, viz.: publishers and jobbers selling books to persons not in the trade, at nearly the same discount as to the trade, and in some instances at even a greater discount, therefore "Resolved, 1. That we consider the foregoing irregularity as very detrimental to the interests of both the publishers and retail dealers. "Resolved, 2. That the various publishers and jobbers throughout the country are under obligations to the trade to immediately discontinue this custom, and furnish no one outside the trade with books at any other than the regular retail prices, except school books for first introduction." The undersigned retail booksellers call your attention to the above resolutions, and respectfully request that you comply with the second resolution. FIRM NAMES. J. W. Gunn... Abel Low........ Payne, Holden & Co., and other firms. Howard L. Ross..... W. H. Gillard.. S. C. Richey..... T. C. O'Kane & Co...... P. Kram & Bro., and other firms.. E. Kelly.. E. Miller..... J H. V. Smith, and other firms......... Newell Sanders..... E. Kirtland... W. T. Bowers..... W. T. Berry & Co....... Wheeler, Marshall & Bruce..... Tavel, Eastman & Howell... W. C. Collier & Co........ PLACE OF BUSINESS. .Springfield, O. R. H. Singleton & Co....... Dunaway, agent......... Hunter & Warren.. A. H. Redford.. Owens & Moore.... Chas. Humphrey.. W. W. Hewitt & Son...... Executive Committee. J. F. Tureman & Son.... C. G. Glines................... "GENTLEMEN: At a Convention of Western Booksellers, held at Cincinnati, October 16, 1873, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: De Nise & Nichols........ S. B. Woolson........ H. F. Wright.. G. W. Weikert.... Rochester, Ind. ....Liberty, Ind. .Nashville, Tenn. Kansas City Book and News Co.......... Bushnell & Brackett |