Books Published During the Year 1873 BY Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, 624,626, and 028 Market St., Philadelphia. MISCELLANEOUS. Administrator's Account Book: With Instructions How to Settle an Estate. By. R. K. Kuhn. .50 c. and 35 c. The Outlaw's Daughter; or, Adventures in the South. By Emerson Be nett. 12mo.. ..$1.50 New Edition.... History of Susquehanna County, Penn- She?" 12mo... -$3.50 .$1.50 Hemlock Swamp. By the author of "Who Was She?" ..$1.50 The Dove. By Rev. J. W. Scott, LL D. 16mo.. Field Flowers. By Mrs. Julia M. Swift. 16mo... C. .$1.50 The Morning Star, and other Poems. By Wm. Newton, Rector of the Church of the Nativity, Phila ..$1.50 12mo..... Butler's Ecclesiastical History. .$1.00 Tides and Tendencies of Religious .$1.50 .$1.50 Napoleon and the Marshals of the Empire. Complete in one Svo vol., cloth extra. New Edi ..$2.50 tion... Clyde Wardleigh's Promise. A Novel. Thought. By J L. Dudley. 12mo.. $1.50 An Exposition of the Prophecies of the Apocalypse. By the Rev James Du Pui. Second edi tion revised. 12n1o... 12mo..... $125 Nature's Testimony to Nature's Go. Arcana Coelestia. 10 vols.... 2 vols. 8vo.... Universal Letter Writer. 16mo, fancy boards.. Ware's Ten Thousand Dollar Prize Rule for the Equation of Payments. Third edition. Ismo...... ..$1.25 .$7.50 The Bee-Hive of Fun. A mirthful game, for 16mo. $1.00 Crispino A New Parlor Game, for Two, Three, ..$2.00 or Four Players. Elegant board, etc... Gen'l Rob't E. Lee. The Christian Soldier. 16mo.... .$1.00 Lily's Hard Words. By Marg't Hosmer. 16mo... POETRY. edition. Labberton's An Historical Atlas. Quarto. Fifth ..$3.50 12mo... .$1.00 NEW STANDARD WORKS ISSUED BY Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, 654 Broadway, New York. With the Story of his Life and Times, and Full and Anecdotal Descriptions of his Engravings. Edited by THOMAS WRIGHT, Esq., M.A., F.R.S. Illustrated with 90 fullpage plates, and over 400 wood engravings. 410, 600 pages. handsomely bound in cloth, extra gilt... 2. Gaskell's (Mrs.) Novels and Tales. New and uniform edition. In seven vols. 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth. Each... $15.75 .$1.75 Vol. 1. Wives and Daughters.-Vol. 2. North and South.-Vol. 3. Sylvia's Lovers.-Vol. 4. Cranford and other Stories. Vol. 5. Mary Barton and other Stories.—Vol. 6. Ruth and other Stories.-Vol. 7. Lizzie Leigh and other Stories. 3. A New Work on Cuba. The Pearl of the Antilles. By A. GALLENGA, author of “ Country Life in Piedmont," etc. Svo..... .$2.25 "The work of a man of large experience, possessed of great powers of observation, and moreover trustworthy. Excels in brightness of description and practical information any contributions that have recently been offered to our knowl edge of the 'ever faithful isle.' A most valuable and interesting book.”—From the N. Ÿ. Daily Times. 4. The Famous Fraser Portraits. Maclise's Gallery of Illustrious Literary Characters. With Literary Notes by the late WM. MAGINN, LL.D. Edited, with copious notes, by WILLIAM BATES, B.A., Professor of Classics in Queen's College, Birmingham. Demy 4to. Eighty-three splendid and most characteristic portraits, now for the first time collected and issued in a complete form. Cloth, extra gilt, $15.75; or in full morocco, elegant........ ..$35.00 "What a truly charming book of pictures and prose-the quintessence, as it were, of Maclise and Maginn, giving the very form and pressure of their literary time-would this century of illustrious characters make."-Notes and Queries, March 11, 1871. 5. Rousseau. By JOHN MORLEY. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth extra..... 6. Fool's Paradise. Further Adventures in Fool's Paradise, as seen in the strange and surprising Peep-show of Professor Wolley-Cobble. Bein a second series of the very successful "Fool's Paradise.' In extra cloth gilt, uniform with the first series..... 7. $3.78 Ancient Athens. Its History, Topography & Remains. By THOMAS HENRY DYER, LL.D., author of " Pompeii, City of Rome," etc. With numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth extra......................... ..$10.00 8. Remarkable Claimants, Ancient and Modern. Being the histories of all the most celebrated pretenders and claimants during the last six hundred years. F'cap 8vo, 300 pages. Illustrated. Boards... 9. Illustrious Women of France, 1790-1873. $1.00 Including Madame Tallien-Empress Josephine-Queen Hortense-Duchesse de Berri-Queen Marie Amélie-Duchesse D'Orleans-Empress Eugénie, etc., etc. Each with portrait. By Mrs. CHALLICE, author of "Memories of French Palaces," etc. izmo, elegantly bound, cloth extra, gilt edges, paneled imitation ivory sides............. ......$3.00 Any of the above books sent, post-paid, upon receipt of the price, by the publishers, SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG, 654 Broadway, N. Y. PROF. MAX MULLER'S lecture "On Missions," just published by the Scribners, with an introductory sermon by Dean Stanley, cannot fail to attract much attention, seeing that it was the first discourse ever delivered in Westminster Abbey by a layman, and that it treats of a subject which has involved an incalculable amount of Christian $20.00 labor. Another important volume, just out at the same house, is the fourth volume of the "Speak. er's Commentary" running from Job, which is treated by the editor, to the Song of Solomon. 12.00 7.00 2.50 .25 Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indieating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. THE Harpers have about ready "No Name," in their popular edition of Wilkie Collins's novels; "Lottie Darling," another volume of the Library of Select Novels, and "Ship Ahoy!" a short but entertaining sailor's yarn. JOHN CHURCH & Co. have recently published a short burlesque opera by an American composer. It is written in the style of the Grand Italian Opera, and is entitled "Extract of Opera (Condensed)." THE publication of "Prometheus," an oratorical work by Abbé Franz Liszt, is announced by J. Church & Co., Cincinnati. This will be the first English translation of this interesting work, either in this country or Europe. OBITUARY. DISPATCHES from Berlin announce the death, on the 9th inst., of the distinguished theologian, David Friedrich Strauss. He was born in Würtemberg, 1808, and received his education at the University of Tübingen, where, at the age of 24, he became an instructor. His great work was the "Life of Jesus," 1835, although his name is just now eminent in connection with his remarkable book, "The Old Faith and The New." A PARIS telegram on the 10th announced the death of the French author, Jules Michelet. He was born in Paris, 1798, and passed brilliantly through the College of France. His most elaborThe Convention met on the 12th inst. ate works were in history, among them a "HisLarge representation from the South tory of France," 12 vols., 1833-'57, and a series of and West. One hundred and fifty envolumes directed against the Jesuits. His spec dorsements received. Isaac C. Aston ulative writings on "The Bird," "The Insect," 'Love," and " Woman," have had not a few of Columbus, O., permanent Chair-appreciative readers in this country. man. Everything promises well. PETTIGREW's "Animal Locomotion" will be published in Appleton's "International Scientific [OFFICIAL.] Series" next Saturday. At the same time will Publishers' Board of Trade, also appear Ribot's "English Psychologists," and "Upton's Tactics." THE Carletons have published a volume called "Genesis Disclosed," whose intent is to reconcile the Biblical narrative of creation with the scientific doctrine of a plurality of Adams. The discussion turns on the difference between "Adam" and "Ha-Adamı," in the original Hebrew. They have issued also, "Bessie Wilmerton," a fresh novel by Margaret Westcott, and "Martin Chuzzlewit," the eleventh volume of their "New Illustrated Edition" of Dickens. JOHN STUART BLACKIE'S work " On Self-Culture" will be ready on the 19th at Scribners'. It treats the question broadly, in its intellectual, physical, and moral aspects, and offers a deal of practical advice to young men and students. On the same day, also, a new volume of Lange's Commentary will be ready, its field being the minor prophets. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, 25 Bond Street, New York. NEW YORK, February 11, 1874. AGENCY REPORTS. ENGAGEMENTS. By Messrs. HARPER & BROS.; Mr. CLARKSON DAVIS, Burlington, Iowa. WITHDRAWALS. By Messrs. HARPER & BROS.; Mr. W. S. WRIGHT, Burlington, Vermont. HENRY HOLT, Secretary. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Alle and Greenough. See Cicero. Austin-Stumps. A Story for Children. By Stella Austin. With Ilustr. by Maye. 18, pp. 180. 60 c. Am. S. S. Union. Barker.-The Puerperal Diseases. Clinical Lectures delivered at Bellevue Hospital. By Fordyce Barker, M.D., Clin. Prof. of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women in Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll. 8°, pp. 526. $5.Appleton. Bartholomew.-The Portable Atlas. Consisting of sixteen Maps, constructed and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Imp. 8. $1....... ....Putnam. Beach.-The Science Record for 1874. A Compendium of Scientific Progress and Discovery during the past year. With Illustr. Edited by Alfred E. Beach. 12, pp. 598. $2.50.. .Munn. Bible.-The Holy Bible according to the authorized Version (A. D. 1611), with an Explanatory and Critical Commentary, and a revision of the translation by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F. C. Cook, M.A., Canor of Exeter, etc. (Speaker's Commen. tary.) Vol. 4. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon. Roy. 8°, pp. 702. $5. (Corr. title.) Scribner. *Brown.-Thoughts through the Year. Sonnets suggested by the Collects. By J. E. A. Brown, author of "Lights through a Lattice," etc. 16°, pp. 85. $1......Routledge. Candlish.-Sermons by the late Robert S. Candlish, D.D., Minister of Free St. George's and Principal of the New Coll., Edinburgh. (Memorial volume) With a biographical preface. 12, pp. 315. $2.... Carter. *Carey.-The History of a Book. By Annie Carey, author of "Threads of Knowledge," etc. 4, pp. 176. $1.75. Cassell. Catiline. See Cicero. Cicero.-The Conspiracy of Catiline. By J. H. Allen, W. F. A.len, and J. B. Greenough. 12, pp. 84. $1...Ginn. Cleland, J. See Putnam's. Cook, F. C. See Bible. Davies.-Genesis Disclosed. Being the Discovery of a stupendous Error which changes the entire Nature of the creation of mankind. Also showing a Divine Law plainly laid down, proving the Error that all Mankind cescended from Adam and Eve. By Thomas A. Davies, author of Cosmognomy." 12, pp. 222. $1.50....Carleton. Dickens.-The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. By Charles Dickens. With Illustr. by H. K. Browne (Phiz) (Carleton's New Illustr. ed., vol. 11.) 12, pp. 804. $1.50..... .......Carleton. Farrar.-The Silence and the Voices of God, with other Sermons. By Frederick W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. 12°, pp. 196. Cheaper ed. $1.25...... .....Macmillan. Fenelon.-Christian Counsels. Selected from the devovotional works of Fénelon, Archbishop of Cambrai. Transl. by A. M. James. 16°, pp. 211. $1.25...Dutton. Garret-Gold and Dross. By Edward Garrett, author of "Crooked Places," etc. 12, pp. 305. $1.50. Dodd & M. Gilbert.-Endless Mirth and Amusement. A capital and clever collection of Mirthful Games, Parlor Pastimes, Shadow Plays, Magic, Conjuring, Card Tricks, Chemical Surprises, Fireworks, Forfeits, etc. Compiled and arranged by Charles Gilbert. Illustr. by George Cruikshank and others. 12. $1.50........ .....Pott, Y. & Co. Hare.-The Alton Sermons. By Augustus W. Hare. 12, PP. 574. $3.50.... Hodges.-Baptism tested by Scripture and History. By the Rev. William Hodges, D.D. 3d ed. Revised and improved. 12, pp. 431. $2..... ...Dutton. Routledge. 50 C... Hutchinson Waller, B.A., and Henry Richardson Proctor, F.C.S. 8. $2.50...... ...Appleton. Lent.-Dear Feast of Lent. A series of Devotional Readings, arranged by the author of "Rutledge," "A Rosary for Lent," etc. 12°, pp. 286. $1.50....... ..Dutton. Lilian Dalzell. By the Author of "Unclaimed." 8°. Pap. ...Loring. *Living Voices. Selected chiefly from recent poetry. With a preface by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. 16°, pp. 546. $2... ..Routledge. MacDonald Cure for Thought Taking. By George MacDonald. 18°, pp. 48. 50 c......... Warren & W. *Masson. - Drummond of Hawthornden. The Story of his Life and Writings. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D. 12, pp. 490. $3.25.. ..Macmillan. Meline-In Six Months; or, The Two Friends. By Mary M. Meline, authoress of the "Montarges Legacy." 16. pp. 299. $1.25 and 1.75......................Kelly, P. & Co. Muller.-On Missions. A lecture delivered in Westminster Abbey on December 3, 1873. By F. Max Müller, M.A., etc. With an Introductory Sermon by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley, D.D. 12°, pp. 77. $1....... Scribner. *Myers.-Present Day Papers; or, Prominent Questions in Theology.-Catholic Thoughts on the Church of Christ and the Church of England By the late Frederick Myers, M A., etc. 12°, pp. 446. $3..... ..Routledge. New by.-Langley Manor. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 8°. Pap. oc..... ......Loring. *Page.-Out and all About. Fables for Old and Young. By H. A. Page, author of "Golden Lives," etc. With 85 Illustr. by eminent artists. 12°, pp. 256. $2... Routledge. *Perowne.-Sermons preached chiefly in the Chapel of St. David's College, Lampeter, and in Llandaff Cathedral. By J. J. Stewart Perowne, D.D., etc. 12°, pp. 394. $3. Routledge. Peugnet.-The Nature of Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen and their Treatment. Based on a Review of the Case of the late James Fisk, Jr., in its Medico Legal Aspects. By Eugène Peugnet, M.D., Surgeon to the North-western Dispensary, etc. 8°, pp. 96. $1.25..... ....Wood. Pleadings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. From the French. With an Introduction by a Catholic Priest. 18, pp. 144. 60 c...... .....Cath. Pub. Soc. **Pollock.-A Botanical Index to all the Medicinal Plants, Barks, Roots, Seeds, and Flowers usually kept by Druggists, arranged in alphabetical order, with their officinal and common names. By Allan Pollock, Druggist. New ed., rev. and enl. 8°, pp. 137. $1.50.... ....(Wood). Putnam's Advanced Science Series:-Inorganic Chem. istry, by Prof. T. E. Thorpe, Ph.D., F.R.S.;-Animal Physiology. The Structure and Functions of the Human Body, by John Cleland, M.D., F.R.S., etc. With 158 engr.;-Physical Geography, by Prof. John Young, M.D. Ilustr. 12". Ea. $1.50... Putnam. Rockwell and Beard.-Clinical Researches in Electro- Taylor.-Central Asia. Travels in Cashmere, Little Tibet, Turnbull, J. See Van Nostrand's. Van Nostrand's Science Series. No. 6. On the Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs, by Arthur Jacob;-No. 7. Surcharged and different forms of retaining Walls, by James S. Tate, C. E.;-No. 8. A Treatise on the Compound Engine. 18. By John Turnbull, Jr. Ea. 50 c...... ...Van Nostrand. **Virginia.-Third Edition of the Code of Virginia. Including Legislation to January 1st, 1874. Prepared by the State of Virginia, pursuant to law, under the direction of R. F. Walker, Supt. of Public Printing. 8°. pp. 1547. Shp. (net) $6; same in 2 vols. $8; interleaved, $12. (West, J. & Co.) Warren.-Sights and Insights; or, Knowledge by Travel. By Rev. Henry W. Warren. With 3 Illustr. 12, pp. 298. $1.25...... .....Nelson & P. Westcott.-Bessie Wilmerton; or, Money, and What Came of It. A Novel. By Margaret Westcott. 12, pp. 384$1.75.. ..Carleton. Sophocles, Edipus Tyrannus (White's).... 1.50 KELLY, PIET & Co., Baltimore. Meline, In Six Months......... D. VAN NOSTRAND, New York. Van Nostrand's Science Series:-No. 6, Jacob's Designing, etc., of Storage Reservoirs ;-No. 7, Tate's Forms of Retaining Walls;-Turnbull on the Compound Engine..... Bds., ea. .50 WARREN & WYMAN, New York. $1.25 and 1.75 MacDonald, Cure for Thought-Taking...... .50 A. K. LORING, Boston. Masson, Drummond of Hawthornden...... Rodwell, Birth of Chemistry.... Pollock, Botanical Index, new ed... 3.25 1.50 1.25 Rockwell and Beard, Clinical Researches in Electro-Surgery.... 1.25 Wyeth, Handbook of Medical and Surgical Reference.... $1.25 and 1.50 ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. The Reef, and other Parables. By Rev. E. H. The Gospel and its Fruits. By Wilson. Crossing the River. Capt. Vicars." A Lawyer Abroad; or, What to See and How to See. By Henry Day, Esq., a member of the New York Bar. The Period of the Reformation, 1517 to 1648. By the late Prof. Hausser, of Heidelberg. A History of Scottish Philosophy, from the Earliest |