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A NEW Story of Italian Life has been completed by Mr. Howells, editor of the Atlantic, which will be first published in that magazine.

READERS of those charming English fictions, "The Rose Garden" and Unawares," will be glad to learn that their author has written a third novel, "Thorpe Regis," which Roberts Bros. will reprint.

THE author of "The Member from Paris," Mr. Granville Murray, has a new story, "The Young Brown," which Jas. R. Osgood & Co. will republish.

THE American Bible Revision Committee, in co-operation with the British Committee, have just finished the revision of Genesis and Matthew, and sent it to England. The committee hold regular monthly sessions in the Bible House, and are making steady progress; but the nature of the work is such that it will require several years of patient and painstaking toil. Dr. Schaff, of the Union Theological Seminary, is the President; Prof. Day, of Yale College, the Corresponding Secretary; Prof. Short, of Columbia College, the Treasurer of the whole committee. Ex-President Woolsey, of New Haven, is Chairman of the New Testament Company, and Dr. Green, of Princeton, is Chairman of the Old Testament Company

THE January number of Old and New contains an interesting glance backward over the leading books of the year, by F. B. Perkins. Here is what he says amusingly of the Verne books:

The Jules Verne books-charmingly probable and charmingly possible-have appeared in this year. They belong to it best fiction. Every one will like them except the New York Observer. That journal counts fiction, except when Dr. Prime puts it into his own travels, as "forgery and counterfeiting." Indeed, nobody knows how they manage about the parabies of the New Testament." But, fortunately, nobody cares. The rest of the world delights in these delicious and instructive exaggerations and imaginations of Verne. THE February Scribner is to contain a reply to Rev. Mr. Blauvelt's now famous articles on modern infidelity.

ANOTHER musical novel, "Music and Money," is nearly completed by Mr. Charles Barnard, who will be remembered as the author of the admirable juvenile called the "Tone-Masters," and of the musical story of "The Soprano."

IN its number for December 27 the Athenæum will publish a series of articles on the Literature of Continental Countries during 1873. Among the articles will be Belgium, by MM. E. de Laveleye and P. Frédéricq; Denmark, by M. E. Jessen; France, by M. Gustave Masson; Germany, by Prof. Zimmerman; Greece, by Prof. Comnòs; Holland, by Herr von Hellwald; Hungary, by Prof. Vambéry; Italy, by Prof. A. de Gubernatis; Norway, by M. Petersen; Russia, by Mr. E. Schuyler; Servia and Croatia, by M. Popovic; Spain, by Don Riaño; and Sweden, by M. Almkvist.

MR. CHAS. F. RICHARDSON, the popular office editor of the Independent, is to become the literary editor of that journal with the number for January 8. He is to enlarge the department by including current literary news, and publishers may be sure that under his management the department will be prompt and vigorous. It yet remains to be seen of what literary character he will make his columns, but there is good reason to believe they will be of the best.

L'ACROBATE COMIQUE is the name of a pretty and ingenious toy just put into the market by Fred. A. Bancker, Brooklyn. It consists of a figure, costumed as a clown, on a horizontal bar, which, at the command of the operator, performs the most astonishing acrobatic feats. The working part of the toy is so hidden that the figure apparently acts of its own free will, causing a great deal of amusement. Put up in a sliding box, with directions. Price $1, or three for $2.50.

MR. SCHENCK, of the Schenck Tag Co., sailed for Europe by the steamship Spain, to visit a number of the large wholesale paper manufacturers and stationers in England and the Continent, with a view of importing a large and fine line of goods for the spring trade.

HENRY HOLT & Co. have received a letter

inquiring the price of " the Autobiography of John Stuart Mill by himself."

THE New York Herald has recently begun to devote a great deal of space to literary correspondence, book reviews, and literary and art news. The literary department, indeed, forms now one of the most valuable features of the Sunday edi. tion.

By arrangement with the Paris publishers, from whom they have received advance sheets, Messrs. Benziger Brothers will issue a translation of Mgr. Gaume's new book, "Le Cimetière au XIX. Siècle, ou le dernier mot des Solidaires."

MR. PAUL B. DU CHAILLU has returned from his third Scandinavian journey in fine health and spirits, looking better than ever, after scouring Sweden and Norway, hobnobbing with the Finns and Lapps, and travelling with his reindeers, like St. Nicholas, in close proximity to the north pole. He has brought back with him many interesting pictures and reminiscences of travel, which will be embodied in a volume to be published simultaneously in London and New York next fall. He prefers the regions of the midnight sun, on the whole, to equatorial Africa.-Harper's Bazar.

THE Boston Globe really thinks that the whole world is included in its periphery. Referring to another recent publication of Henry Holt & Co.,

it says: "We find the book filled-as we find all other books we receive from Holt & Co. filled with the announcement that they publish the best gift-book of the season, namely, Taine's Pyrenees, illustrated by Doré.' We have seen no such volume, and begin to doubt if it has ever been published." So capitally-put a hint ought to be taken.

BOOKS RECEIVED. SCHEM'S STATISTICS OF THE WORLD. (G. J. Moulton, New York.) After many delays, we understand, on account of the difficulties caused by cramming a mass of information in the smallest compass, this valuable little publication has made its appearance, and promises to be permanently established as a semi-annual publication. The tables are practically arranged for consultation at a glance, giving the statistics of all countries of the globe in parallel columns, under the following headings: Area, form of government, head of government, population, expenses, public debt, paper money, standing army, navy, merchant vessels, imports and exports, chief produce, coins (and their value at the United States Mint), weights (compared with both pounds avoirdupois and kilogrammes), linear measures (compared with both feet and metres), measures of capacity (compared with bushels, gallons, and metres), the population of capitals, principal cities, and seaports, with the year of census. In addition to the above, there are various side tables exhibiting statistics of Christianity, religious statistics of Europe and of the United States, railroads of the world and of the United States, postal and telegraph statistics of the world, the Presidents of the United States, and Presidential elections from 1788 to 1872, school statistics of the United States, The statistical year-books, public records, almanacs, and periodicals, both of America and Europe, have been carefully compared, and the information on all subjects brought down to November, 1873. As many of the subjects embraced within the scope of these tables, such as form of government, area, population of the country, population of the cities, imports, exports, expenses, public debt, are constantly changing, the value of a work which furnishes the very latest information is obvious. The-e Tables form an indispensable supplement to all historical and geographical works, and especially to cyclopædias, and should be in the hands of every one who takes an interest in the progress of the world. The tables are issued in oblong atlas form, bound in neat boards, for handy reference. Price 50 c.


A. WILLIAMS & Co., Boston, send us a little

book with the title of "The Game of Modern Ombre" according to "Hobah." To those desiring to learn this game, which is considered the most scientific and interesting playing-card game, it will afford much practical information, as it contains its rules and regulations, with many hints towards a thorough knowledge of the best way of playing it. 18mo, cloth, 75 cents.

STORIES OF A GRANDFATHER ABOUT AMERICAN HISTORY, by N. S. Dodge. (Lee & Shepard.) This little volume contains about twenty prominent events in the early history of our country, written out in a familiar and easy style so as to afford children entertaining reading, and at the same time impart a great deal of information. It is printed in large type, and is profusely illustrated,

at least a dozen full-page pictures being scattered through the book. 16mo, cloth, $1.50.

ELEMENTS OF POLITICAL ECONOMY, by Arthur Latham Perry. (Scribner, Armstrong & Co.) The estimation in which this work is held is shown in the fact that the present is the eleventh edition issued. It comes to us considerably enlarged, the author having, in his revision, added about forty pages to its former size. 12mo, cloth, $2.50.

THE IRISH ON THE PRAIRIES, AND OTHER POEMS, by Rev. Thos. Ambrose Butler. (D. & J. Sadlier & Co.) The various poems in this volume are particularly addressed to the "exiles of Erin." Many of them were composed in the author's early home, amid the hills of Wicklow, and have for their subjects thoughts and objects dear to the heart of the Irishman. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

DRAMATIC STORIES FOR HOME AND SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT, by Lavinia Howe Phelps. (S. C. Griggs & Co.) Amateur theatrical performances contribute so largely nowadays to social entertainment, that all dramatic literature adapted to this purpose is eagerly sought for. The plays embraced in this volume can be acted at an outlay of very little trouble or expense. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

NETTIE LORING, by Elizabeth Downs; "The Dumb Traitor," by Margaret E. Wilmer, ea. "Zoa Rodman," by Mrs. E. 12mo, cloth, $1.25. "Work and Re

J. Richmond, 12mo, cloth, $1. ward," by Mrs. M. A. Holt. (National Temperof all these stories is intemperance, and all its ance Society and Publication House.) The theme many sad results. The writers have ably sucdrink, and inculcating some sound principles unceeded in setting forth the debasing influence of der the attractive guise of fiction. are all nicely gotten up and neatly bound.

The volumes

MRS. ARMINGTON'S WARD; or, The Inferior Sex, by D. Thew Wright. (Lee & Shepard.) That the strong-minded of the fair sex may not get indignant, we beg to state that the sub-title of Mr. Thew Wright's novel is "sarkasum "-Susan B. and Co. may welcome the author with confidence to their ranks-the object of his book being to prove that a woman's sphere is wherever her talents or her tastes carry her. His heroine is an M.D. who cut off a limb "as coolly as if carving a beefsteak," and then tossed it aside with a carelessness that startled some poor miserable specimens of the male sex, who were looking on, and who "forgot that it was no longer a man's leg, but a mere bit of cold meat." 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

HAND-BOOK OF CHURCH TERMS. (D. M. Dewey.) A little pocket dictionary of words in common use in evangelical churches, "relating to the order, worship, architecture, vestments, usages, and symbolism of the church. It will be found

of interest to the general reader, and of great service in the instruction of Bible classes and Sunday schools. Illustrated. 24mo, paper, 15 cents.

HISTORY OF SCOTLAND, by Margaret Macarthur. (Henry Holt & Co.) The third volume of "Freeman's Historical Course for Schools." The publishers state that "the object of this series is to put forth clear and correct views of history in simple language and in the smallest space and cheapest form in which it could be done." This edition is adapted for American students. The volume is well printed and neatly gotten up. 16mo, cloth, $1.

APPLE BLOSSOMS, by Hattie Tyng Griswold. (Strickland & Co.) Aspirants for poetical fame, multiply so rapidly that it becomes difficult to award to all their exact place or the just measure of their deserts. The volume before us is a collection of short poems, the versification of which is smooth and the sentiments graceful and refined. Without being remarkable, they are quite readable, and offer to tne lovers of poetry pleasant enough entertainment. The book is gotten up very attractively. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

RELIGIOUS POEMS, by the author of " Stepping Heavenward." (A. D. F. Randolph & Co.) The same earnestness and deep religious fervor which marked the story of " Stepping Heavenward" is evinced in these poems. Many of them are of special beauty, while all of them are written under the inspiration of such strong feelings and with so much faith as to yield the greatest comfort and consolation to those who may read them. The book is handsomely brought out and very tastefully bound. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.

THE GOSPEL OF THE CHILDHOOD, by Edward Meyrick Goulburn, D.D. (Pott, Young & Co.) The few incidents recorded in the New Testament of our Lord's childhood are herein made the subject of a number of discourses chiefly adapted to the comprehension of children, and designed to aid them in reading the Scriptures. Devotional exercises are also added for perusal, both before and after the reading of the chapters. 16mo, cloth, $1.25.

before Christmas the entire edition of Taine's Pyrenees, illustrated by Doré, will now immediately publish the text separately, It will be in a library edition, something like the same author's "Notes on England," and will be sold at not over a quarter the price of the illustrated volume. It is remarkable that in the illustrated edition the work of the author has attracted possibly more attention than the embellishments of the artist and publishers. This fact indicates a large sale for the library edition.

WM. P. NIMMO, the Edinburgh publisher, has opened an establishment also in London, under the management of Mr. John Nimmo, well-known also on this side the Atlantic.

THE popular collection of "Hymns Ancient and Modern" is to be revised by the English editors, the disproportionately bulky appendices to be incorporated with the original work, and "some hymns, which have been generally objected to, will be omitted." The American publishers will, no doubt, bring out the reformed vol

ume here.

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MESSRS. HENRY HOLT & Co., having sold ler, Peekskill, N. Y.



The Editor of the "Publishers' Weekly" begs to call the attention of publishers to the advantage of having their advertisements, at the beginning of the new year, prepared in the form of Complete Lists of their Publications issued during the past year.

The utility of such lists has already been recognized by the ieading houses, and the facilities they afford to the dealer in taking and renewing stock, make it desirable that this practice should become a custom.

It is an advantage both for publisher and dealer, that, in replacing stock and making out orders, the latter should be in the possession of the Special Lists of the publishers from whom he orders. It will save him time and trouble, and will generally induce him to send fuller orders, on detecting at a glance the deficiencies of his stock.

The want for such Lists will be more particularly feit this year, as no General Annual Catalogue will appear before August or September.

The Annual Reference List will hereafter be embodied in the Unifo m Trade List Annual, which really is its proper place. It will, in the forthcoming volume, embrace the books recorded and advertised in the "Publishers' Weekly" from January 18, 1873, to July 1, 1874, supplementary to the preceding Annual Lists, and after that record the books from July to July.

The numbers of the "Publishers' Weekly" of January 17, 24 and 31, which will have an extra circulation, are specially recommended for the advertisements of Publishers' Annual Summaries.

Now Ready.




Exegetical, Practical & Devotional Wrapping Paper & Twines.

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1874. The Handsomest, and one of the Best and most Entertaining of the 1874.





Popular Literature and Science.

The New Volume,



It is the purpose of the conductors of the Magazine to render it a model of literary and mechanical excellence, and with this view no advantage has been or will be neglected which either talent or capital can command to render each issue an agreeable and instructive compendium of

Attractive Serial Works

which will appear in LIPPINCOTT'S MAGAZINE; among these is

"Malcolm," by George Macdonald,

Commencing in the February Number.

TERMS:-Yearly Subscription, $4; Single Number, 35 cents.


J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers.




Lectures on Bright's Disease.

With special reference to Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment. By GEORGE JOHNSON,
M.D., F.R.S., Professor of Medicine in King's College, etc. 8vo. Cloth. Illustrated...$2.25
Also ready, the new number of

The London Medical Record.

A review of the Progress of Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics, and the allied sciences. Published weekly. Price, 25 cents a number; per year....



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IX. How to Conquer; or, Allen Ware.


X. The Gold Dollar. 18mo.........
XI. The Mapleville Boys. 16mo....



XII. Emma Marble and her Cousin. 18mo.........
XIII. The Oakville Dove's Nest. 16m0
XIV. Archie's Keys. 16mo..........




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VII. The Two Friends. 16mo....

of all Music Books published in VIII. Jennie's Bible Verses.

the United States. Trade supplied,

and orders promptly filled.


Root's New Curriculum.

Model Organ Method.

F. W. Root's School of Singing.
Palmer's Concert Choruses.
Graded Singers, bks. 1, 2, 3, & 4.

Sunshine for Sunday Schools.
Joy, by Bliss.

The quickest selling Music Book in the market

is the "SONG KING."

XV. Nettie Wallace; or, The Priceless Ornaments. 18mo.......

Miss Trowbridge has the happy art of talking to children in her books; she carries them with her by the tender sympathy of her heart with their feelings, whether of joy or sorrow, and the manner in which her lessons are given cannot fail of making a deep impression on the young mind.

Published by


1214 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.

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