THE GREAT EVENTS OF HISTORY FROM THE Creation of Man to the Present Time. THIS work is based upon the famous book of DR. COLLIER, so widely used in the Schools of Great Britain, and favorably known over the world. Wherever used, the book has been found to materially abridge the labor of the learner and sweeten his toil. The American Editor, who is an experienced Teacher, has added to DR. COLLIER's book, the events from the Creation of Man down to the opening of the Christian Era, the articles on the Settlement of America, the Indian wars, the war between Great Britain and her Colonies in North America, the war of 1812, the American Rebellion, and the French and Prussian War. The original plan of the book has not been disturbed. Features of "The Great Events of History." 1. The “GREAT EVENTS OF HISTORY" gives a connected view of the entire Historic Period from the Creation of Man to the present time. 2. It is not too full to weary the pupil―nor too brief to be uninteresting. 3. Its attractive style interests the pupil in General Facts, and thus induces him to study particular History. 4. Each chapter is headed by its central point of interest, which is thus fixed in the mind of the learner. 5. It describes briefly but accurately, Life and Manners in the leading countries. 6. It is brought down to the atest Historical Events.-The American War of the Rebel lion-the Seven Weeks' War between Austria and Prussia, and closes with the Franco-Prussian war. 7. The Appendix contains a concise geographical account of the most important places mentioned in the book. 8. It is a pleasant, readable work which may be used as a Manual of History, a Class-reader, or a book of reference. 6. Throughout it is accurate. teaching no absurdilies—too common with too many of our Modern School Histories. It contains 377 pages, in good clear type; and makes a very handy volume, bound in cloth. First lots for introduction for Class use, by Express.... 1.00 J. W. SCHERMERHORN & CO., PUBLISHERS, 14 BOND STREET, NEW YORK BOOK AGENTS WANTED 5000 For Colley Cibber's Life of Edwin Forrest FIVE THOUSAND BOOK AGENTS WANTED, Ladies or Gentlemen, to engage in selling and getting subscribers, at once, to "Colley Cibber's Life of Edwin Forrest, with Reminiscences and Personal Recollections," by JAMES REES (Colley Cibber), in every town and county in the United States. It is the Best Selling Book ever Published. We want one general agent in every town and county in the United States to take the agency of this work, and push it by employing persons to canvass and sell it, and if such agent is a bookseller, he will be the only one we will supply with the work in such place, and will be the only one who can supply it. He will also have the sole sale of the book at retail in his town. Send on your orders. LIFE of EDWIN FORREST THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST. WITH REMINISCENSES AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS. BY JAMES REES (COLLEy cibber). With PORTRAIT and AUTOGRAPH. Price Two Dollars a Copy. THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST. THE LIFE OF EDWIN FORREST, WITH REMINISCENCES AND PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS OF the Great American Trage dian, by JAMES REES (Colley Cibber), is just published in book form, by T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. No man in the country, perhaps, was as well fitted for writing the Life of Mr. Forrest as Mr. Rees, for the acquaintance of Mr. Rees with Mr. Forrest dated from boyhood. Mr. Rees had enjoyed for a period of nearly fifty years the closest intimacy and friendship with the celebrated tragedian, and this gave him advantages, not possessed by any others, to write a correct and truthful history of Mr. Forrest, from the time of his birth until his death. The volume contains a full and complete history of Mr. Forrest's life, from the time of his birth until the time of his death, as well as reminiscences, personal recollections, and many anecdotes and incidents which have never been published before. It is published in one large duodecimo volume of over Five Hundred pages, and is printed from new type on the finest white paper. Every copy of the work contains a life-like portrait of Edwin Forrest, engraved on steel, in line and stipple, from the last picture for which Mr. Forrest sat, and which he pronounced to be the best portrait ever taken of himself, as well as a copy of his Autograph, his Last Will in Full, and the Charter of "The Edwin Forrest Home," which he endowed. The work is bound in morocco cloth, gilt back, and is sold at the low price of Two Dollars a copy. A SPECIMEN BOOK, to obtain Subscribers with, showing size of the work, style of binding, with Portrait and Autograph of Edwin Forrest, Title-Page, Preface, List of Contents, First Chapters of the Book, and blank pages in it for entering subscribers' names, will be sent to any one, at once, to canvass with, post-paid, on receipt of One Dollar. 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