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The "Bab" Ballads By W. S. GILBERT. With 113 humorous Illustrations. This contains "The Yarn of the Nancy Bell," and many other ballads. Cloth, gilt, gilt edges, $1.75.

The Poems of Charles Fenno Hoffman. Collected and Edited by his Nephew, EDWARD FENNO HOFFMAN. With fine steel portrait. 12mo. Cloth, extra, bevelled boards, gilt top, $1.75.

Household Worship, Partly Responsive. By a Layman. With an Introduction by Rev. DANIEL MARCH, D.D., author of " Night Scenes in the Bible," etc. 12mo. Cloth extra, $1.25.

A Novel. By

In the Days of My Youth
AMELIA B. EDWARDS, authoress of "Bar-
bara's History," "Debenham's Vow," etc.,
etc. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00.
Edwin P. Whipple, the best literary critic in America, says
in the Boston Globe: "A singularly brilliant novel.
We acknowledge somewhat guiltily, that we have wasted
some valuable hours, which should have been devoted to
more important books, in reading it from beginning to end.”

The Son of tho Organ Grinder. A Novel.

By Mme. M. S. SCHWARTZ, translated from the original Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. With portrait and sketch of the author. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00.

"At once a remarkable study of character, a discussion of politico-social problems, and a fascinating story."-Daily Globe, St. Louis.

The Cross of Berny. A Novel. Translated


from the French of Mme. EMILE DE GirarDIN, MM. THEOPHILE GAUTier, Jules SanDEAU, and JULES MERY. This is the most successful and brilliant collaborated novel ever written. 12mo. Cloth, $1.50; Paper, $1.00.

"A book of unusual brilliancy and of curious literary interAs a story it is no less notable than as a collaboration, distinguished by a plot of deep interest, characters drawn with masterly power, and a style of dazzling briliancy."-Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston.

The Leaders of France; or, The Men of the Third Republic. Giving capital sketches of the most prominent Frenchmen of the present day. Cloth, $1.75.

PORTER & COATES, Publishers,


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Or, The Relative Position of these two great men in the


One vol. 12mo. Tinted paper cloth....
One vol. 12mo. Paper covers....

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The object of this book is to give a true history of the acts and views of Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward, and the measures of administration during Mr. Lincoln's Presidency.

The book is an earnest effort to give the public a proper view of Mr. Lincoln's administration, and some idea of the fearful ordeal through which it was called upon to pass. Mr. Welles believes that Mr. Lincoln was himself the great central figure and controlling mind in his own administration, and that neither Mr. Seward, Mr. Chase, or any other of his able counselors was the " the throne." Ready March 12th.


Tinted paper. Black and gold......

Cheap edition.

One vol. 12mo.

power behind


"An attractive edition, at a reasonable price, of such a book as this, which presents in a single volume the gems of poetry of all ages on this sacred theme, must find a prominent place in our literature." Ready March 12th.




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"Mrs. Blake's already established reputation as a writer, and her celebrity as a brilliant speaker w secure for her book an immediate and careful consideration." Ready March 25th.

Aarance Orders Solicited, and Editors' Copies and Show Bills supplied with them.



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THE work on "English Psychologists," from the French of Th. Ribot, now ready at the Appletons, is a valuable study of the works of Hartley, Jas. Mill, Spencer, Bain, Lewes, Bailey, and J. S. Mill in this field, and should attract general attention from college and other scholars.

"THE Education of American Girls," edited by Miss Brackett, but with contributions from many leading women, will be ready at the Putnams' the second week in March. While this book bears directly upon Dr. Clarke's "Sex in Education,' it is yet of much broader scope than this, and was indeed planned long before that now famous little volume.

MESSRS. Porter & Coates will shortly begin a new edition of the works of Sir Walter Scott, to be completed in twenty-three volumes, with the issue of Waverley."

HURD & HOUGHTON are to issue in April a new edition of "The Satchel Guide to Europe," whose popularity will doubtless be enhanced by the adding of maps to it in its new shape.

THE Harpers are about to publish Trollope's "Phineas Redux," which has delighted the thousands who read Harper's Weekly, and Rev. H. R. Haweis' juvenile entitled "Pet.'

THE Appletons have in advanced stages of preparation Archibald Geikie's "The Great Ice Age,' and a "Science Primer " on geology, by the same author. They will issue soon, also, "Expanse of Heaven," by R. A. Proctor, and "Wilkes, Sheridan, and Fox," by W. J. Rae.


HOLLISTON, MASS.--Cyrus W. Bemis has been succeeded by A. B. Clarke, dealer in fancy goods, school books, stationery, pictures, musical instruments, toys, etc.

FITCHBURG, MASS.-Cyrus E. Bemis, son of Cyrus W. Bemis, of Holliston, has established a stationery business and circulating library at this place, and requests catalogues and trade lists.

SCRANTON, PA.-F. E. Williams & Co., booksellers and stationers (successors of Hall & Pratt), have been succeeded by Pryor, Williams & Co., Mr. Pryor, who has been a silent partner, having taken an active part in the business.


A VERY strong list is announced by Henry Holt & Co. Most of these books we have already spoken of: Thomas Hardy's "Desperate Remedies" and "Far from the Madding Crowd," by arrangement with the author; Auerbach's Walfried," and Conway's "Sacred Anthology," by like arrangement; Freytag's "Nest of the Wrens;" the literary remains of Emanuel Deutsch, and Mr. Stillman's "History of the Cuban Rebellion." To these are to be added Col. Chesney's "Military Biographies," and Chorley's autobiography, condensed by the competent hand of Mr. Jones. The chief defect of this interesting musical work was its prolixity, which will thus be remedied.

"THE Comprehensive Speaker," compiled by Henry T. Coates, and published by Porter & Coates, has evoked the highest terms of praise from S. Austin Allibone, whose " Dictionary of Authors" attests his competence to criticise such a work.

THE Putnams will include in a new edition of "The Best Reading '.a select list of belles lettres works in the French, German, Italian, and Spanish languages proper for general reading; to include about a hundred volumes in each of the former two languages, and fifty in the others. This will be especially useful to those having children studying these languages, and who desire to find safe and suitable reading.

HENRY HOLT & Co. have purchased from Messrs. Scribner the plates of Sir Henry Maine's SHELDON & Co. will publish, March 12, Exwell-known "Ancient Law," and have made Secretary Welles' book and the new and cheaper arrangements with that distinguished scholar to edition of "Heaven in Song," the latter with the | become his American publishers.

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H. C. BAIRD, Phila.

Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. By M. L. Gruner, President General Council of Mines, France. Transl with the author's sanction, with an Appendix by L. D. B. Gordon. 8°. pp. 185. (Mch.)

The Theory and Practice of the Art of Designing Fancy Cotton and Woollen Cloths from Sam ple. By Thomas T. Asht. n. Illustr. by large plates. 4. (Mch.)

A. J. BICKNELL & CO., New York. The Carpenter's and Builder's Assistant and Wood Worker's Guide. By Lucius D. Gould, Architect and Practical Builder. 8°. (Apl. 1.)

GEO. W. CARLETON & CO., New York. The Art of Pleasing. By Feydeau.

The Story of a Summer; or, Journal Leaves from Chappaqua. By Cecilia Cleveland. $1.50.

ROBT. CLARKE & CO., Cincinnati.

A Treatise on Natural Law; or, The Philosophy of Law. Supplemented on the Principal Points by Historical and Political Considerations. To which is added the Theory of Public Law and the Law of Nations. By Henri Ahrens, formerly Prof. of Nat. Law at the Univ. of Brussels and Gratz, etc. First Am. from Sixth French Ed. Edited by Hon. Stanley Matthews. 2 vols. 8°.

DRESSER, MCLELLAN & CO., Portland, Me. New Edition of Oliver's Precedents. Carefully revised by Members of Cumberland Bar.

E. J. HALE & SON, New York. Down the River; or, Practical Lessons under the Code Duello. By an Amateur. With 12 full-page ilustr. by H. L. Stephens. 12, pp. 2.2. $1 50. (Mch. 14) The Elements of Algebra. By F. A. Shoup, Prof. of

Mathematics in the Univ. of the South. 8'. Half roan. (Mch.)

LORING, SHORT & HARMAN, Portland, M.. Maine Civil Officer. By Wm. Wirt Virgin. 12, pp. 640. Shp. $3.50. (Mch. 10.)

D. LOIHROP & CO., Boston. Willie's Money Box. $1.25.

MOLOUGHLIN BROS., New York. Ten Little Niggers. In colors. Same as English Edition. 4. Pap. 25 c. (June 1.)

PORTER & COATES, Phila. The Comprehensive Speaker. Designed for the use of Schools, Academies, Lyceums, etc. Carefully selected from the best authors, with some valuable hints on Style, Expression, and Gesture, and condensed rules for Elocution. By Henry T. Coates. Revised ed. 12°, pp. 672. Half bound. $1.75.

The Christian Year. Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holidays throughout the Year. By Rev. John Keble. A new ed. 16°. $1.50.

The Pilgrim's Progress By John Bunyan. A new ed., with several colored Illustr. 16. $1.25.

SHELDON & CO., New York. Lincoln and Seward. Their Relative Position in Mr. Lincoln's Administration. By Ex-Secretary Gideon Welles 12. $1.50; pap. $1. (Mch. 12.) Heaven in Song. A Collection of the choicest Poems of all Ages on this great theme. By Henry C. Fish, D.D.

12. $2.50. (Mch. 12.)

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