Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines: 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Subscriptions and Advertisements, from England, received by B. F. Stevens, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Subscriptions from the European Continent filled by E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, and all German booksellers. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indi eating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. MR. TILTON S Tempest-Tussed" has elicited thirteen proposals for publication in book form, the offer of Sheldon & Co., who issued his "Sexton's Tale, and other Poems," and a little book by him published anonymously, carrying off the prize. AN important little volume by Dr. Chas. Hodge, of Princeton, giving a popular answer to the question, "What is Darwinism?" may be expected this month from the Scribners, who will also have ready the fourth volume of Curtius' "History of Greece," Christlieb's greater work on modern skepticism, and that part of the Speaker's Commentary bearing on the current series of Sundayschool lessons. The new Erckmann-Chatrian story, "The College Life of Maitre Nablot," now printing in Every Saturday, will be added to their previous reprints of these popular authors when completed. DR. CLARKE finds a third antagonist in a Philadelphia lady of decided views, and it is said considerable literary ability, Mrs. E. B. Duffey. Her book, which is nearly ready at Stoddarts', Philadelphia, is entitled "No Sex in Education," and professes to be a complete refutation of Dr. Clarke's essay. As books of a controversial character usually excite great general interest-as was the case in the philological controversy of Dean Alford and Prof. Moon-we look for considerable popularity in these anti-Clarke polemics. The same house is to have a new temperance story by T. S. Arthur, dealing with the woman's crusade. THE public will await with curious interest a volume announced by E. J. Hale & Son : "Down the Mississippi River; or, Practical Lessons under the Code Duello." The book will contain twelve full-page illustrations by H. L. Stephens, and an appendix comprising the American (Wilson's), the French, and the Irish duelling codes. THE letters of Lord Macaulay, lately brought to light for publication, and now being published in England in seven monthly sixpenny parts, will be immediately reprinted here by Hurd & Houghton, uniform with their excellent complete editions of his works. ROBERTS BROS. are to issue shortly, in book form, Mr. Perkins' literary novel of "Scrope; or, The Lost Library," whose kaleidoscopic pictures of life in New York, including a book auction, Gowan's store, a subscription publisher, etc., ought to make it of personal interest to the trade as well as of general interest to the public. THE Appletons will issue shortly a new novel by Florence Marryat, "No Intentions," and Miss Fisher's ("Christian Reid ") new story, “A Daughter of Bohemia." strong, by Canon Kingsley, just received at Mac A VOLUME of "Westminster Sermons," very millan's, ought to be well received just now. Some other books of great interest are just received by the American branch: a beautiful little edition of Sophocles, the Greek text of the plays; The Icelandic-English Dictionary, of much importance to students of English for the near relationship of that language to the Anglo-Saxon; an important series of historical Genealogical Tables; a Clarendon Press volume, translating the Logic of Hegel, and other works. BUSINESS CHANGES. PITTSBURGH, PA.-W. W. Waters, for many years connected with the house of R. S. Davis & business of the Presbyterian Board of Colportage. Co. and their predecessors, has taken charge of the After removing to their fine new store, 198 Penn Ave., Mr. Waters expects to enlarge the stock until it covers the ground occupied by all firstclass bookstores. THE partnership of Messrs. Shepard & Gill expired by limitation the first of the month, and a division of the plates of the house has been made between the two partners. Mr. Shepard takes the American Homes magazine and the works of Edward S. Rand, Jr., Blanchard Jerrold, Judge Cozzens, George L. Austin, Henry Day, and others; he will probably locate himself on Federal or Franklin streets, in the burned district. Mr. Gill, who has associated with him Mr. Henry B. Cram, will publish from the old stand, 151 Washington street, the works by Wilkie Collins, Gail Hamilton, Miss Haderman, Miss Douglas, Carleton," and others, and is promised quite a number of new books, including Charles Bradlaugh's "Impeachment of the House of Brunswick," two new tales by Wilkie Collins, and new juveniles by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe and Mrs. Elizabeth Stoddard. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Abbott, E. See Sophocles. Andrews.-Manual of the Constitution of the United States, designed for the Instruction of American Youths in the Duties, Obligations, and Rights of Citizenship. By Israel Ward Andrews, D.D., President of Marietta College. 12, pp. 370, 38. Shp. $2 school ed. $1.60. (Corr. title).. Wilson, H. & Co. Armstrong and Ludlow.-Hampton and its Students. By Two of its Teachers, Mrs. M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Lud ow. With fifty Cabin and Plantation Songs, arranged by Thomas P. Fenner, in charge of Musical Department at Hampton. Illustr. 8°, pp. 256. $1.50. Putnam. Bascom.-Philosophy of English Literature. A course of Lectures delivered in the Lowell Institute. By John Bascom, author of " Principles of Psychology," etc. 12°, pp. 318. $1.75..... Putnam. Campbell, L. See Sophocles. Cleasby and Vigfusson.- An Icelandic English Dictionary. Based on the MS. Collections of the late Richard Cleasby. Enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. With an Introduction and Life of Cleasby by G. Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. Complete. 4. $32. (Part 3, separately, sewed, $10.).... Cleveland -The Story of a Summer; or, from Chappaqua. By Cecilia Cleveland. ..Macmillan. Journal Leaves 12. $1.50. Carleton. Macmillan. With *Davies.-Warnings against Superstition. By J. Llewellyn Davies, M.A. Fcap. 8'. $1... Dickens.-Mutual Friend. By Charles Dickens. Illustr. by H. K. Browne (Phiz). Carleton's New Illustr. ed., vol. 12. 12. $1.50... ...Carleton. Duffey.-No Sex in Education; or, An Equal Chance for both Boys and Girls. A Reply to Dr. Clarke's "Sex in Education." By Mrs. E. B. Duffey, author of "What Women Should Know," etc. 12. $..........Stoddart. Fields. Yesterdays with Authors. By James T. Fields. Comprising Reminiscences and Letters of Thackeray, Dickens, Hawthorne, Miss Mitferd, and others. Cheaper ed. 12. $2.... .Osgood. Gardner.-Conjugal Sins against the Laws of Life and Health, and their Effects upon the Father, Mother and Child. By Augustus K. Gardner, A.M., M.D., late Prof. of Disases of Females and Clinical Midwifery in N. Y. Medical Coll. Twentieth thousand. Rev. ed., with a new preface. 12, pp. 240. $1.50; pap. $1.....Moulton. *George.-Genealogical Tables. Illustrative of English History. By Heraford B. George, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. 4°. $6... Macmillan. Haweis.-Pet; or, Pastimes and Penalties. By the Rev. H. R. Haweis, M.A.. autnor of "Music and Morals." With 50 illustr. by M. E. Haweis. 12°, pp. 314. $1.50. Harper. Hedges.-The White Rose. By Mary J. Hedges. 16, pp. 320. $1.25... .Nat. Temp. Soc. *Hegel.-The Logic of Hegel. Being Part 1 of the Ency clopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Transl. by W. Wallace, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Merton Coll, Oxford. 8. $7...... ......Macmillan. Hudson. Sermons. By Henry Norman Hudson. 16°, pp. 423. $1.75.... .....Ginn. Jeaffreson.-Lottie Darling. A Novel. By John Cordy Jeaffreson, author of "Live it Down," "Not Dead Yet," etc. (Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 405.) 8°, pp. 196. Pap. 75 c..... Harper. *Kingsley.-Westminster Sermons. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, Canon of Westminster and Chaplain to the Queen and the Prince of Wales. 8°, pp. 340. $3....Macmillan. Lytton.-Fables in Song. By Robert Lord Lytton, author of "Poems by Owen Meredith." "Lucile," etc. 16, PP. 332. $2.... ...Osgood. Moore.-The Presbyterian Digest. Compend of the Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presoyterian Church in the United States of America. Compiled by the Order and Authority of the General Assembly. Wm. E. Moore, D.D. 8°. Shp. $6.50. Presb. Bd. of Pub. *Nixon.-Parallel Extracts. Arranged for Translation into Erglish and Latin, with Notes on Idioms. By J. E. Nixon, M.A., Classical Lecturer King's Coll., London. Part 1, Historical and Epistolary. Cr. 8°. $1.50. By Rev. Macmillan. *Perry.-Steam. An Elementary Treatise. By John Perry, B.E., late Lecturer on Physics at Clifton College. With numerous Illustr, Examples, and Exercis s. (Macmillan's Science Class Books.) 18°, pp. 412. $1.50. Macmillan. Pettigrew.-Animal Locomotion; or, Walking, Swimming, and Flying. With a Dissertat on on Aeronautics. By J. Bell Pettigrew, M.D., F.R.S. Ilustr. by 130 engr. on wood. 12, pp. 260. $1.75. .........Appleton. Reade.-The Martyrdom of Man. By Winwood Reade 12. pp. 543. $3....... .....Butts. Ribot.-English Psychology. Transl. from the French of Th. Ribot. Hartley, James Mill, Herbert Spencer, A. Bain, G. H. Lewes. Samuei Bai ey, John Stuart Mill. 12°. $1.50... .Appleton. *Schorlemmer.-A Manual of the Chemistry of the Carbonompounds, or, Organic Chemistry. By C. Schor lemmer, F.R.S. 8°. $5..... Macmillan. With an ApIllustr. by Wallis Pap 40 c. Harper. For the use Ship Ahoy. A Yarn in 36 Cable Lengths. pendix by Samuel Plimsoll, Esq., M.P. Mackay and Frederick Waddy. 8°, pp. 92. Sophocles.-The Greek Text of the Plays. of Students in the Universities. By Lewis Campbell, M.A., Prof. of Greek at St. Andrews. Extra Fcap. 8. $1.75. Macmillan. - With Introduction, and English Notes. For Schools. Each Play separately. By Prof Lewis Campbell and Evelyn Abbott, M. A. Part 1, Edipus Tyrannus. Extra fcap. 75 c...... Macmillan. ...Harper. Tait.-An Elementary Treatise on Quaterniors. By P. G. Tait, M.A., Prof. of Nat. Philos. in Univ. of Edinburgh. New and enl. ed 8. $7..... ......Macmillan. Trollope. Phineas Redux. A Novel. By Anthony Trollope, author of "The Warden," etc. Iliustr. S°, PP. 255 $1.75; pap. $1.25.. United States. Decisions of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and the Secretary of the Interior under the U. S. Mining Statutes of June 26, 1866, July 9, 1870, and May 10, 1872. With an Appendix of Circular Instructions and Forms. By Henry N. Copp, of General Land Office, Washington, D. C. 8, pp. 357. $4.50. - Bancroft. Upton.-Infantry Tactics. Double and Single Rank. Adapted to American Topography and Improved Fire Arms. By Brevet Major General Emory Upton, U.S.A. Rev. ed. (By Authority.) Leather, with clasp, $a. Appleton. Woman, Love, and Marriage. By the author of "Salad for the Solitary and Social." 12. 75 C... Caricton. ALPHABETICAL REFERENCE LIST OF BOOKS RECORDED IN FEBRUARY. The figures in () refer to the (whole) number of the "PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY" in which the full title has been recorded under the word preceding the figure. The more prominent works appear in this list, both under author and title or subject, with reference from the latter to the former. Agassiz, L. (108). Structure of Animal Life, cheaper ed., $1.50....... ......Scribner A. & Co. Alabama (108), Jones' Reports, v. 47, $6.50.(Mongomery.) Albany (109) Zouav: Cadets, Experience of, pap. 50 c. (Munsell.) Alcott, A. B See Record. Alice (19) in the Country, 50 c... ..Am. S. S. Un. Allen, J. H. & W. F., and J. B. Greenough. See Sailust. Almanacs (111), Am. Baptist Year Book, 1874, pap. 50 c. Bible & Pub. Soc. -(110), Banker's Alm., 1874, $3....... Banker's Mag. Off. ― (108) N. Y. Herald Alm., 1874, pap. 25 c....Herald Off. (108,, Tribune A'm., 1874, pap. 20 c........Tribune Off. Alton Sermons. See Hare, A. W. Among our Sailors. See Jewell, J. G. Asbjornsen, P. C. (111), Tales from the Fjeld, $3. Banker's Almanac. See Almanacs. Birker, F (109), Puerperal Diseases, $5.......Appleton. Harper. Captain's Story. See Townsend, M. A. Carey, A. (109), Hist. of a Book, $1.75... Cassell, P. & G. Central Asia. See Taylor, B. Clark, W. M. (111), Model Dialogues, $1 50...... Claxton. Cloud (108) of Witnesses, by "Opal," $2.50.......Miller. Davies, T. A. (109), Genesis Disclosed, $1.50....Carleton. Delaware (108), Houston's Reports, v. 3, $10. Lothrop. (Wilmington.) Demosthenes (108) on the Crown, Ed. by A. Holmes, rev. ed., $1.50...... Allyn. Dethroned Heiress. See Dupuy, E. A. Dickens, C. (109), Martin Chuzzlewit, C's Illustr. ed.. $1.50... Carleton. -(108), Nicholas Nickleby (Standard Illustr. ed) 2 v.. per v. $3.. Lippincott. -See also Forster. Diehl, A. T. R. (111), Fifth Book Choice Reading Series, Campbell & Son. Bessie Wilmerton. See Westcott, M. Drummord of Hawthornden. See Masson, D. Flanders, H. (111), Exposition of the Constitution of the Murray Hill Pub. Co. Fuller, M. (111), Works, new ed. in 6 vols., per v. $1.50. Galvano-Therapeutics (11c), $1.25 .....Lindsay & B. Genesis Disclosed. See Davies, T. A. .Carter. Pott, Y. & Gilbert, F. (108), Railway Law in I, $3.50..Callaghan. | Minnesota (108), Bissell's Statutes at Large, 2 v., $15. Goethe's (108) Conversations with Eckermann and Soret, Gold and Dross. See Garrett, E. ..Lippincott. Great Britain (108), Clark and Finnelly's Rep., v. 6 and .....Little, B. & Co. 7, per v. $6..... — (108), De Gex, Fisher, and Jones' Rep., v. 4, $5. Little, B. & Co. — (108), De Gex, Jones, and Smith's Rep., v. 1, $5. Little, B. & Co. Great Britain (108) and North Am., Littleton & Blatchley's Digest of Fire Ins. Decis.ons, 3d ed.. $1.50. Baker, V. & Co. Gridley, A. D. (110), History of Kirkland, N. Y. Hurd & H. Harbison, M. See Putnam's Elem. Sc. Series. Hare, A. W. (109), Alton Sermons, $3.50......Routledge. Historicals (111) for the Young Folks, $1.25.....Lothrop. History of a Book. See Carey, A. Hodges, W. (109), Baptism Tested by Scripture and Hist., ......Dutton. 3d ed., $2.. Holden, E. (108), The Sphygmograph, $3..Lindsay & B. Hueffer, F. (111), Richard Wagner, $3.50. (Springfield). In Six Months. See Meline, M. M. Jeakin, C. (110) Jupiter's Daughters, $1.25.........Hoit. Macmillan. Jewell, J. G. (108), Among our Sailors, $1.50.....Harper. Kolrausch, J. (109), Introd to Phys cal Measurements, Lange. See Bible. Langley Manor. See Newby, C. J. Laocoon. See Lessing, G. E. L.wyer's (108) Diary for 1874, $1.50.. Lent (109), Dear Feast of, $1.50..... Lenten Sermons. See Segneri, P. Lessig, G. E. (111), Laocoon, $1.50.. Lilian (109) Dalzeli, pap. 50 c.......... Little Peter. See Kingston, W. H. G. Living (109) Voices, $2..... Claxton. Watson. .Dutton. Lytton, E. B. (108), The Parisians $1.75;-Same, 8", pap. $1.... Roberts. ...Loring. ...Routledge. (Library ed.), 12°, ..Harper. (108), Same (Globe ed.), sm. 12°, $1.50;-Same (Lord Lytton ed.), 12°, $1.50...... ..Lippincott. (110), Pelham;-Strange Story (Lord Lytton ed.), ea. ......Lippincott. $1.50... ...... (108), What Will He Do With It (Lord Lytton ed.), 2 v., ..Lippincott. per v. $1.50 Ma Donald, G. (109), Cure for Thought Taking, 50 c. Warren & W. Mackay, C. (108), Lost Beauties, etc., of Engl. Language, $1.75.... Bouton. Mahan, D. H. (108), E.em. of Permanent Fortification, ....Wiley. new ed., $6.50... Married. See Newby, C. J. Martin, F. (110), Statesman's Year Book, 1874, $3.50. Macmillan. Maryland (108), Stockett's Rep., v. 37, $6......Murphy. Masson, D. (109), Drummond of Hawthornden, $3.25. Miss Wealthy's Hope. See Davis, C. Ł. K. Callaghan. Gilbert. .Cope. Model Dialogues. See Clark, W. M. — (108), Sickel's Ct. of Appeals Rep., v. 7, $3......Banks. North, L. (108), Probate Practice, $5.........Callaghan. North America. See Great Britain. North Am. Birds, Hist. of. See Baird, S. F. Only Temper. See Newby, C. J. Out and all About. See Page, H. A. Pennsylvania (111), State Rep., v. 71, Smith's v. 21. ...Kay. $4.50........ ― (111), Sargeant and Rawle's Rep.. v. 11 and 12, 3d ed ......Kay. $6... Perowne, J. J. S. (109), Sermons, $3.........Routledge. Peugnet, E. (109), Gunshot Wounds in the Abdome... Wood. $1.25.... Lippincott. Pleadings (109) of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 60 c. Macmillan. Macmillan. Ruskin, J. (108), Art Culture School ed, $2.50....Wiley. Sallust (110), Conspiracy of Catiline (Al en & G.'s). $1. Ginn. Schiller (108), Poems, transl. by E A. Bowring, $1.50. Lippincott. Sights and Insights. See Warren, H. W. Speaker's Commentary. See Bible. Stumps. See Austin, S. .... United States (108), Bentley's Opinions of Attys. Genl., v. 13, $2..... .Morrison -(108), Bissell's Circuit Ct. Rep. for 7th Judicial Circuit, v. 2, $7.50.... ..Callaghan. — (108), Dillon's Circuit Ct. Rep., v. 2, $6 .Day, E. & F. -(108), Fisher's Patent Rep., v. 5, $25.... ....Clarke. .Parsons. ― (108), Thompson's Am. Rep., v. 9, $6............. 50 C... Van Nostrand's (109) Science Series:-No. 6 Jacob's West, J. & Co. Nelson & P. Whittingham, R. (109), Communicant's Guide, 40 c. Willow (111) Brook, $1.25...... Pott, Y. & Co. ....Carter. Woman Before the Law. See Proffatt, J. Wythes, J. H. (110), Physician's Dose and Symptom ....Lindsay & B. Young, J. See Putnam's Adv. Sc. Series. Tufts, J. F. (110), Questions on Hist., etc., of Rome, pap. Xariffa. See Townse d, M. A. Zelda's (110) Fortune, $1.50; pap. $1.............Osgood. The following List, which includes the most prominent books just published or forthcoming, has been reprinted from the MONTHLY BOOK CIRCULAR, on account of its classified arrangement. The "Monthly Book Circular" List will hereafter form a regular feature of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, and be found in the first number of each month, where, together with the Monthly Alphabetical List u will much increase the facilities for ready reference. *Farrar.-The Silence and the Voices of God, with other CLASSIFIED LIST OF RECENT AND FORTHCOMING BOOKS. The prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise expressed. Imported books are marked with an asterisk (*); Author's and Subscription Books with two asterisks (**). THEOLOGY AND RELIGION.-METAPHYSICS. Barnes.-Notes, Explanatory and Practical, on the Epistle to the Hebrews. By Albert Barnes. Revised ed. 12°. $1.50.... ........Harper. Bible.-The Holy Bible according to the authorized Version (A. D. 1611), with an Explanatory and Critical Commentary, and a revision of the translation by Bishops and other Clergy of the Anglican Church. Edited by F. C. Cook, M.A., Canon of Exeter, etc. (Speaker's Commentary.) Vol. 4. Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, The Song of Solomon. Roy. 8°. $5.... ......... Scribner. Bible.-Lange's Commentary. The Minor Prophets. Edited by Rev. Dr. Philip Schaff. Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah. Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. By Dr. Ott Schmoller, Rev Paul Kleinert, Rev. Jas. F. McCurdy, Dr. Talbot W. Chambers, and Dr. Joseph Packard. The first nine transl. and enlarged by Rev. J. F. McCurdy, Dr. John_Forsyth, Dr. T. W. Chambers, Dr. George R. Bliss, and Dr. Chas. Elliott. 8°. $5..... ..Scribner, A. & Co. Brown.-Thoughts through the Year. Sonnets suggested by the Collects. By J. E. A. Brown, author of "Lights through a Lattice," etc. 16. $I..... ..Routledge. Buckley.-Sermons, Lectures, etc., of the Rev. Michael B. Buckley. With a Memoir of his Life by Rev. Charles Davis. 12. $2.50..... .....Donahoe. Candlish.-Sermons by the late Robert S. Candlish, D.D., Davies.-Genesis Disclosed. Being the Discovery of a *Hare.-The Alton Sermons. By Augustus W. Hare. |