Slike stranica

Oxenden. Thoughts for Lent. By Right Rev. A-ht n Oxenden, D. D. 16°. $1.25..... Randolph. Perowne.-Sermons preached chiefly in the Chapel of St. David's College, Lampeter, and in Llandaff Cathedral By J. J. Stewart Perowne, D.D., etc. 12. $3... Routledge. Pleadings of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. From the French. With an Introduction by a Catho ic Priest. 18°. ..... Cath. Pub. Soc. Schneck.-Mercersburg Theology inconsistent with Protestant and Reformed Doctrine. By B. S. Schueck D.D. 12. $1.25..... ....Lippincott. Segneri.-Lenten Sermons. Transl from the Italian of Rev. P. Segneri, S. J. Vol. 2.

60 C......

12. $1.50.

Cath. Pub Soc. Shaw.-Day-Thoughts, and Commentary on the New

Testament. By R. Tennent Shaw. 12°. $1.50. Lippincott.

Shipton-The Promise and the Promiser. By Anna Shipton. 18°. 75 c.; pap. 25 c... ....Warren & W. Whittingham.-The Communicant's Guide. Being a Directory to the devout receiving of the Lord's Supper. By the Rev. R Whittingham, Rector of St. John's Church, New Haven. 24. 40 C... ....Pott, Y. & Co. Winkworth.-Theologia Germanica. By Susanna Winkworth. 18°. $1.25.... ......Macmillan.


Andrews.-Manual of the Constitution of the United States, designed for the Instruction of American Youth in the Duties, Obligations, and Rights of Citizenship. Library ed. 8. Shp. $2;--Same, School ed. 12. $1.60. Wilson, H. & Co. Bartholomew.-The Portable Atlas. Consisting of sixteen Maps, constructed and engraved by John Bartholomew, F.R.G.S. Imp 8°. $i.. ..Putnam. Blackie.-On Self Culture-Intellectual. Physical, and Moral. A Vade Mecum for Young Men and Students. By John Stuart Blackie, author of "Four Phases of Morals," etc. 16. $1........ ....Scribner, A. & Co. Clark.-Model Dialogues. A new and choice collection of original Dialogues, Tableaux, etc. Adapted to the wants of School Exhibitions, Literary Societies, Lyceums, the Holidays, Lodges, Church, Sunday school, and Social Gatherings, Temperance Meetings. etc., and also a book for Home Entertainment. Compiled by Wm. M. Clark, Ed. Schoolday Magazine. 12mo. $1.50..........Claxton. Demosthenes on the Crown. Edited by Rev. Arthur Holmes, A. M. Revised ed. by Prot. W. S. Tyler, Am......Allyn. herst College. 16°. $1.50... Diehl.-The Fifth Book of the Choice Reading Series. By Anna T. Randall Diehl, author of "Reading and Elocution." 12°. $1.50..... Claxton.

Douai. The Rational Second Reader. For Phonetic, Elocutional. Etymological, and Grammatical Instruction. By Dr Ad. Douai. 12. Bds. 50 c............Steiger. Flanders.-Exposition of the Constitution of the United States. Second ed., revised by Henry Flanders author of "The Law of Fire Insurance," "Treatise on Maritime Law," The Law of Shipping," etc., etc. 12. $1.75. Claxton.

Kremer -Easy Lessons in Natural Science: Embracing a General Outline of the Physical Constitution and Phenomena of the World, and an Account of the most important and Interesting Animals, Vegetables. and Minerals. With illustr. Designed for Schools and Families. By R. E. Kremer, author of " Bible Gems.' 12. $1.75..Claxton. Norton.-A Treatise on Astronomy, Spherical and Physi cal, with Astronomical Problems and Solar, Lunar, and other Astronomical Tables, for the Use of Colleges and Scientific Schools. By William A. Norton. New ed. With Plates. 8. $3.50.... ...........Wiley. Quick.-Essays on Educational Reformers. By Robert Herbert Quick, M.A., Trin. Coil., Cam., etc. Cr. 8°. $2... ...Clarke. Recor 1 of Mr. Alcott's School Exemplifying the Principles and Methods of Moral Culture. Third ed., revised. 12. $1.50... ...Roberts.

Riddell.-Mechanic's Geometry: Plainly Teaching the Carpenter, Joiner, Mason, Metal-plate Worker--in fact, the Artisan in any and every branch of industry whatsoever -the constructive principles of his calling. Illustr. by accurate explanatory cardboard Models and Diagrams. By Robert Riddell. Ilustr. by 50 large plates. 4. $5. Claxton. Ribo-English Psychology. Transl. from the French of Th. Ribot. Hartley, James Mill, Herbert Spencer, A. Bai, G. H. Lewes, Samuel Bailey, John Stuart Mill. 12. $1.50... ...Appleton. Rodwell.-The Birth of Chemistry. By G. F. Rodwell, F. A.S., etc. Illustr. 12. $1.25. .Macmillan.


Ruskin.-Art Culture. By John Ruskin. Arranged by
Rev. W. H. Platt A School ed., with all the plates, etc.
Intended for Use in Ladies' Seminaries, High Schools,
and Colleges. 12. $2.50...
Sallust.-Conspiracy of Catiline. By J. H. Allen, W. F.
Allen, and J. B. Greenough. 12°. $1...
Sophocl s.-The Edipus Tyrannus of Sophocles. By
John Williams White. 12. $1.50.......
Tufts.-Questions on the History and Geography of Rome.
Suitable for Schools and Academies, and adapted to Sta-
dents Preparing for Harvard College. By J. F. Tufts,
A.B. 16. Pap. 35 C......

Just or Nearly Ready. Elementary History of Art for Schools and Self-Instruction. By N. D'Anvers. 8° ......Estes & L. The Philosophy of English Literature. Lectures delivered before the Lowell Institute, Boston. By John Bascom, of Williams Coll. 12°. $1 75....... ......Putnam.

The Comprehensive Speaker. Designed for the use of Schools, Academies, Lyceums, etc. Carefully selected from the best authors, with some valuable hints on Style, Expression, and Gesture, and condensed rules for Elocution. By Henry T. Coates. Revised ed. 12°. Half bound. $1.75..... ......Porter & C. The Elements of Algebra. By F. A. Shoup, Prof. of Mathematics in the Univ. of the South. 8°. Half roan.


The Beginner's First French Book. By Henry Van Laun and Victor Pleignier. 12°. 75 C...... Estes & L.

POLITICAL SCIENCE-LAW. Bispham.-The Principles of Equity. A Treatise on the System of Justice administered in the Courts of Chancery. By George Tucker Bispham, Esq., of the Phila. Bar. 8°. $7.50.. ...Kay. North's Probate Practice. A Treatise on the Probate of Wills, Settlement of Estates, etc. With Forms of Wills, Codicils, Clerk's Entries, etc. By Levi North. 8°. Shp. $5...... .....Callaghan. Wharton.-A Treatise on the Criminal Law of the United States. By Francis Wharton, LL D., author of "Conflict of Laws," etc. 7th and rev. ed. 3 vols. 8. $22.50.

Just or Nearly Ready.


New ed.

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Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Rev. by Theodore D. Woolsey, LL.D........Lippincott. A Treatise on Natural Law; or, The Philosophy of Law. Supplemented on the Principal Points by Historical and Political Considerations. To which is added the Theory of Public Law and the Law of Nations. By Henri Ahrens, formerly Prof. of Nat. Law at the Univ. of Brussels and Gratz, etc. First Am. from Sixth French Ed. Edited y Hon. Stanley Matthews. 2 vols. 8....... ....Clarke. MEDICAL SCIENCE. Barker.--The Puerperal Diseases. Clinical Lectures delivered at Bellevue Hospital. By Fordyce Barker, M.D., Clin. Prof. of Midwifery and the Diseases of Women in Bellevue Hospital Med. Coll. 8°. $5.........Appleton. Galvano-Therapeutics. A revised Reprint of a Report made to the Illinois State Medical Society, 1873. 8°. $1.25...... Lindsay & B. Holden.-The Sphygmograph: Its Physiological and Pathological Indications. The Essay to which was awarded the Stevens Triennial Prize by the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, April. 1873. By Edgar Holden, A. M., M.D. With 290 illustr. 8°. $3.... ..Lindsay & B. Meigs and Pepper.-Practical Treatise on the Diseases of Children. By J. Forsyth Meigs and William Pepper. 5th ed., rev. and enl. 8°. $6; leather $7....Lindsay & B. Peugnet.-The Nature of Gunshot Wounds of the Abdomen and their Treatment. Based on a Review of the Case of the late James Fisk, Jr, in its Medico Legal Aspects. By Eugène Peugnet. M.D., Surgeon to the North-western Rockwell and Beard Clinical Researches in ElectroDispensary, etc. 8°. .......Wood. $1.25... Surgery. By A D. Rockwell, A.M., M.D., and George M. Beard, A.M., M.D., etc. 12. $1.25........Wood. Wyeth.-A Handbook of Medical and Surgical Reference. By John A. Wyeth, M.D., etc. 24. $1.25 and $1.50.


Wy hes.-The Physician's Dose and Symptom Book, containing the Doses and Uses of all the Principal Articles of the Materia Medica and Officinal Preparations; also Table of Weights and Measures, Rules to Proportion the Doses of Medicines, Common Abbreviations used in writing Prescriptions, Tables of Poisons and Antidotes, Index of Diseases and Treatment, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Tables of Symptomatology, Outlines of general Pathology and Therapeutics. By Joseph H. Wythes, A. M., M.D., etc. 11th ed., revised. 18. $1.25..Lindsay & B.


Agassiz.-On the Structure of Animal Life. Six Lectures delivered at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, in January and February, 1863. by Louis Agassiz, Prof of Zoology and Geology in the Lawrence Scientific School. and cheaper ed. With 46 illustr. 8°. $1.50.


Mass n. - Drummond of Hawthornden. The Story of his Life and Writings. By David Masson, M.A., LL.D. 12. $3.25 ......Macmillan. *Stubbs -The Constitutional History of England, in its Origin and Development. By William Stubbs, M.A.. Regius Prof. of Mod. Hist. in the Univ. of Oxford. Vol. 1. Cr. 8. $4.50....

Scribner, A. & Co. Baird, Brewer, and Ridgway.—A History of North American Birds. By Spencer F. Baird, Thomas M. Brewer, and Robert Ridgway. Land Birds. In vols. 3 Sm. 4°, with 593 wood-cuts ad 64 plates. Vol. 1, pp. 38, 596. With 26 plates: vol. 2, pp. 6, 59. Taylor. With 30 plates. Per. v.. ..Little, B. & Co. $10; colored by hind, $20.... Beach. -The Science Record or 1874. A Compendium of Scientific Progress and Discovery during the past year. With illustr. Edited by Alfred E. Beach. 12°. $2.50.

*Jevons.-The Principles of Science. A Treatise on Logic
and Scientific Method. By W. Stanley Jevons, M.A.,
F.R S., etc. 2 vols., 8°. $9...
Kohlrausch.-An Introduction to Physical Measurements.
With Appendices on Absolute Electrical Measurement, etc.
By Dr. J. Kohlrausc, Prof. at the Dirmstadt Polytechnic
School. Transl. from the 2d German ed by Thomas
Hutchinson Waller, B.A., and Henry Richardson Proctor,
F.C.S. S. $2.50......


Mahan.-Elements of Permanent Fortification. By Prof.
D. H. Mahan. New ed. Revised and Edited by Col.
J. B. Wheeler, Prof. of Civil Engineering, U. S. Acad.,
West Point. With plates. 8°. $6.50....
Pettigrew.-Animal Locomotion; or Walking, Sw mming
and Flying. With a Dissertation on Aeronautics.
J. Bell Pettigrew, M.D., etc. Illustr. by 130 engr. on
wood. 12. $1.75....
Proctor.-The Borderland of Science. By Richard A.
Proctor, author of " Light Science for Leisure Hours," etc.
With Portrait from steel. 12°. $4...........Lippincott.
Putnam's Advanced Science Series:-Inorganic Chem-
istry, by Prof. T. E. Thorpe, Ph.D., F.R.S.;-Animal
Physiology. The Structure and Functions of the Human
Body, by John Cleland, M.D., F.R.S., etc. With 158
engr.;-Physical Geography, by Prof. John Young, M.D.
Ilustr. 12°. Ea. $1.50.....
....... Putnam.
Putnam's Advanced Science Series:-Naval Architecture,
Ship-Building, and Laying Off. By S. J. P. Thearle,
F.R.S., N A. Text. 12. $1.50; and Plates. 4°. $2.50.

Putnam's Elementary Science Series :-Building Con-
struction. A. Stone, Brick, and Slate Work. By R. S.
Burn. Text and Plates. 2 vols.;-Building Construction.
B. Timber and Iron Work. By R. S. Burn. Text and
Plates. 2 vols.;-Inorganic Chemistry. By W. B. Kem-
shead, F.R.A.S.; Zoology. By M. Harbison. Illustr.
16. Per vol. 75 C......
Stewart. -The Conservation of Energy. By Balfour
Stewart, LL.D. With an Appendix treating of the Vital
and Mental Applications of the Doctrine. (International
Scientific Series, vol. 7.) 12°. $1.50........Appleton.
Upton. Infantry Tactics, Double and Single Rank.
Adapted to Am. Topography and Improved Fire Arms.
By Bvt. Maj. Genl. Emory Upton. U.S.A. Rev. ed,
with illustr. $2...


Van Nostrand's Science Series. No. 6. On the Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs, by Arthur Jacob:-No. 7. Surcharged and different forms of retaining Walls, by James S. Tate, C. E.;-No 8. A Treatise on the Compound Engine. By John Turnbull, Jr. 18°. Ea. 50 c........... Van Nostrand.

HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, ETC. Ellis.-Life of Mrs. Barbauld. Memoir, Letters, and a Selection from the Poems and Prose Writings of Anna Lætitia Barbauld. By Grace E. Ellis. With steel portrait. 2 vols 12. $5........ ......Osgood. Forster.-The Life of Charles Dickens. By John Forster. (In 3 vols.) Vol. 3. 1852-1870. Illustr. 12°. $2.

Lippincott. Gridley.-History of the Town of Kirkland, New York. By Rev. A. D. Gridley. Illustr. 12°........Hurd & H. Hueffer.-Richard Wagner and the Music of the Future. By Franz Hueffer. Large 12°. $3.50. Scribner, W. & A. Jewell.-Among our Sailors. By J. Grey Jewell, M.D., late U. S. Consul, Singapore. With an Appendix containing Extracts from the Laws and Consular Regulations governing the United States Merchant Service. 12°. $1.50 .Harper. Mirtin.-The Statesman's Year Book for 1874. A StatisDICAL and Historical Annual of the States of the Civilized World. A Handbook for Merchants and Politicians. By Frederick Martin. (Eleventh Annual Publication ) Cr. 8°. $3.50.... ..Macmillan.


Taine.-A Tour Through the Pyrenees. By Hippolyte Adolphe Taine. Large 12°. $2.50... ..Holt. Taylor.-Central Asia. Travels in Cashmere, Little Thibet, and Central Asia. Compiled and arranged by Bayard (Illustr. Library of Travel, Exploration and Adventure.) Illustr. ......Scribner. 12. $1.50... Warren.-Sights and Insights; or, Knowledge by Travel. By Rev. Henry W. Warren. With $1.25...

Just or Nearly Ready.

Illustr. 3 12°. Nelson & P.

Public Men and Events, from the Commencement of Mr. Monroe's Administration, in 1817, to the close of Mr. Filmore's Administration, in 1853. By Nathan Sargent ("Oliver Oldschool "), 8°. ....Lippincott.

Passages from the Life of Charles Knight, Publisher, Author, and Leader in the Work of Popular Education, Editor of the "Penny Encyclopædia," etc. Rev. and abridged from the Engl. ed. With portr. Large 12°.....Putnam. Hampton and its Students. By two of its teachers, Mrs. M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Ludlow. With 16 illustr. drawn on wood. 8°. $1.50.... ...Putnam.

The Life of Benjamin Franklin. Written by Himself. Now first edited from original manuscripts, and from his printed correspondence and other writings. By Hon. John Bigelow. 3 vols. Cr. 8° Lippincott.

Lincoln and Seward. Their Relative Position in Mr. Lincoln's Administration. By Ex-Secretary Gideon Welles. 12. $1.50; pap. $1...... Sheldon.

Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Ed. by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. 8°. Vol. I.... ..Lippincott.

LITERARY AND ART MISCELLANY. Fuller.-Margaret Fuller's Works. New ed., in 6 vols. 12. Cont.:-Memoirs, 2 vols.;-Life Without and Life Within-Art. Literature, and the Drama ;-Woman in the Nineteenth Century;-At Home and Abroad. Per vol. $1.50... ....Roberts. Goethe.-Conversations of Goethe with Eckerman and Soret. Transl. from the German. By John Oxenford. 12. $1.50..... ...Lippincott. Lessing.-Laocoon. An Essay upon the Limits of Painting and Poetry. With Remarks Illustrative of various Points in the History of Ancient Art. By Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Transl. by Ellen Frothingham. $1.50...





Bebee; or, Two Little Wooden Shoes. By "Ouida," author of "Strathmore," etc. 12. $1.50.......Lippincott. Braddon.-Publicans and Sinners; or, Lucius Dav ren. A Novel. By Miss M. E. Braddon, author of Aurora Floyd," etc. (Harper's Library of Select Novels. No. 408.) 8°. Pap. 75 c........ .........Harper. Dickens.-The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. By Charles Dickens. With Illustr. by H. K. Browne (Phiz). (Carleton's New Illustr. ed., vol. 11.) $1.50.... Carleton. Dickens.-Nicholas Nickleby. By Charles Dickens. (Being vols. 5 and 6 of the Standard Illustrated Edition.) Per vol. $3.. .......Lippincott. Dupuy. The Dethroned Heiress. By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy, author of "The Hidden Sin.' 12. $1.75 pap. $1.50. Garr t-Gold and Dross. By Edward Garrett, author of "Crooked Places," etc. 12°. $1.50..........Dodd & M. Jeaffreson.-Lottie Darling. By John Cordy Jeaffreson. (Harper's Lib. of Select Novels, No. 405.) 8°. Pap. 75 c. Harper. Jenkin.-Jupiter's Daughters. By Mrs. C. Jenkin, author of "Who Breaks, Pays," etc. (Leisure Hour Series.) 16. $1.25............... Lilian Dalzell. By the Author of "Unclaimed." S°. Pap. 50 C....... ......Loring. Lytton.-Pelham; or, Adventures of a Gentleman.-A Strange Story: and the Haunted and the Haunters. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. Each complete in one volume. (Lord Lytton ed.) 12. Per vol., $1.50.




The Parisians. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. With illustr. by Sydney Hall. (Library Ed.) 2 vols. in 1. 12. $1.75; same, 8°. Pap. $1..... .......Harper.

Lytton.-The Parisians. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. (Globe Ed) Sm. 12°. $1.50;-Same (Lord Lytton Ed.) 12. $1.50..... .Lippincott.

- What will he Do with It? By Pisistratus Caxton. A Novel. By Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton Ed.) 2 vols. 12°. Per vol. $1.50........Lippincott. Meline-In Six Months; or, The Two Friends. By Mary M. Meline, authoress of the "Montarges Legacy." 16. $1.25 and 1.75.... ...Kelly, P. & Co. Newby-Langley Manor. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 8°. Pap. oc..... ....Loring. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 8°. .Peterson.

Married. A Novel. Pap. 50 c.....

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Only Temper. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby, author of Kate Kennedy," etc. 8°. Pap. 50 c....Peterson. Ship Ahoy. A Yarn in Thirty-Six Cable Lengths. With an Appendix by Samuel Plimsoll, Esq., M.P. Illustr. by Wallis Mackay and Frederick Waddy. 8°. Pap. 40 c.

Harper. Thorpe Regis. A Novel. By the author of "The Rose Garden" and "Unawares." 12°. $2..........Roberts. Trollope.-Phineas Redux. By Anthony Trollope. 11lustr. 8. $1.75: pap. $1.25..... ...Harper. Westcott.-Bessie Wilmerton, or, Money, and What Came of It. A Novel. By Margaret Westcott. 12°. $1.75. Carleton. Zelda's Fortune. By the author of "Earl's Dene," etc. (Vol. 37 in Osgood's Library of Novels.) 8. $1.50: pap. $1. ..Osgood.

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*Carey.-The History of a Book. By Annie Carey, author of "Threads of Knowledge," etc. 4. $1.75.... Cassell. Davis. Miss Wealthy's Hope. By Mrs. C. E. K. Davis. 16. $1.50...... ....Lothrop. Haweis.-Pet; or, Pastimes and Penalties. By Rev. H. R. Haweis, M.A. With 50 illustr. by M. E. Haweis. 12. $1.50..... Harper. By Oro Noque. 16°. ....Lothrop.

Historicals for the Young Folks. $1.25.


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By M.

*Kirby.-Stories about Birds of Land and Water. and E. Kirby. Illustr. 4°. $2.50..... ...... Cassell. Mathews.-Giuseppe's Home. By Julia A. Mathews. author of "The Golden Ladder Series," etc. With 3 illustr. 16. $1.10.... Carter. Page.-Out and all About. Fables for Old and Young. By H. A. Page, author of "Golden Lives," etc. With 85 Iliustr. by eminent artists. 12. $2....... ..Routledge. Tropics (The). By Uncle Ned. 16°. $1.25....Lothrop. Willow Brook. By the author of "The Wide, Wide World." With 3 illustr. 16°. $1.25............Carter.

MISCELLANEOUS. Almanac.-The Banker's Almanac for 1874. Edited by 1. Smith Homans. Twenty-third Annual Volume. 8°. $3.... ...Banker's Mag. Office. Asbjornsen.--Tales from the Fjeld. A second series of popular Tales from the Norse of P. Chr. Asbjornsen. By G. W. Dasent, D.C.L. Post 8°. $3.

Scribner, W. & A. *Gilber-Endless Mirth and Amusement. A capital and clever collection of Mirthful Games, Parlor Pastimes, Shadow Plays, Magic, Conjuring. Card Tricks, Chemical Surprises, Fireworks, Forfeits, etc. Compiled and arranged by Charles Gilbert. Illustr. by George Cruikshank and others. 12. $1.50...... ....Pott, Y. & Co.

Mackay.-Lost Beauties and Perishing Graces of the English Language. An Appeal to Authors, Poets, Clergymen, and Public Speakers. By Char es Mackay, LL.D. Large 12. $1.75... Bouton. Mountford.-Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk towards the End of Life. By William Mountford, author of "Miracles Past and Present." New ed. 12°. $2........Osgood. Proffatt.-Woman before the Law. By John Proffatt, LL.B., of the New York Bar. 12. $1 and $1.25. Putnam.

Just or Nearly Ready.

Conjugal Sins against the Laws of Life and Health, and their Effects upon the Father, Mother and Child. By Augustus F. Gardner, A.M., M.D., etc. Twentieth thousand. Rev ed., with a new preface. 12°. $1.50: pap. $1..... ...Moulton.

No Sex in Education; or, An Equal Chance for both Boys and Girls. A Reply to Dr. Clarke's "Sex in Educ tion." By Mrs. E. B. Duffey, author of "What Women Should Know." 16. $1.. .......Stoddart. The Story of a Summer; or, Journal Leaves from Chappaqua. By Cecilia Cleveland. $1.50........... Carleton. Down the River; or, Practical Lessons under the Code Duello. By an Amateur. With 12 full-page Illustr. by H. L. Stephens. 12°. $1 50......


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making first announcement) -Sir Henry Maine's Works (by arrangement with the author).-Meyer's Dictionary of Universal Knowledge (from the German).-Bruner's History of the Jury (from the German).

FEB. 24.

Roberts Bros :-Dr. Channing's Correspondence with Lucy Aiken.--William Blake's Poems. edited by Michael Rozzetti.Bothwell, a poem, by A. C. Swinburne.- Bechstein's As Pretty as Seven.-Farraday's hemical History of a Cand e.-Shirley Brooks' Amusing Poetry.-Carlyle on the Choice of Books.-Paradoxes and Puzzles, by John Paget.

Porter & Coates:-Meta Holdenis, by Victor Cherbuliez. -Colomba, by Prosper Merimée.-The Sportsman's Club Afloat, by Harry Castlemon.

FEB. 26.

Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Histoire des Astres.Les lois de la vie et l'art de prolonger ses jours.-L'Education maternelle pratique (translated from the French of M. Rambosson).

FEB. 27.

Porter & Coates:- Lady Livingstone's Legacy.-The
Children of Work, by Marie Sophie Schwartz.-David
Waldner, by Marie Sophie Schwartz.

Harper & Bros.:-Richard Wagner, and the Music of the
FEB. 28.

Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-The College Life of
Maitre Nablot, by Erckinann-Chatrian.-Reminiscen-
ces of a Canoness. Selected by the Viscountess De
Kerkader. Hours in a Library.

Harper & Bros.:-Hours in a L brary, by Leslie Stephen.
-Sketches in Italy and Greece, by J. A. Symonds.-The
Forest Cantons.



James R. Osgood & Co.:-Werner's Glück Auf! (Good
Luck), translated from the German by Frances A. Shaw.-
Hours in a Library, by Leslie Stephen.-Argus Fairbairn.
-Charles and Mary Lamb: their Poems, Letters, and
Remains, by W. Carew Hazlitt.-The Queen of the Regi-


Roberts Brothers:-The French Romantic School, by
Théophile Gautier.- Count Montalembert's Letters.-
Music and Moonlight, by Arthur O'Shaughnessy.

J. B. Lippincott & Co.:-Once and Forever. - Frank
Sinclair's Wife, by Mrs. Riddell. -The Queen's Shilling.


Present rate of Importation, 33 c., gold, per Franc. Baschet, A. Le Duc de Saint-Simon, son cabinet et l'his toire de ses manuscrits. Plon....... .........8 fr. Eschenauer, A. La Morale universelle; par A Eschenauer. In-8°, 473 p. Sandoz et Fischbacher.

Gautier, Théo. Histoire du romantisme. In-18 jés. Char-
.......3 fr. 50 c.
Haeckel, E. Histoire de la création des êtres organisés
d'après les lois naturelles. Trad. de l'allem. par Ch. Le-
tourneau. In-8°, xxxii-680 p., avec pl. et fig. Reinwald.
Spencer, Herbert. Principes de psychologie. Trad. par
Th. Ribot et A. Espinas. T. 1. In-8°, xv-741. Ladrange.
Procès du maréchal Bazaine. In-4°, 728 p.
Lefaure, A.

Vaisse, J.-L. Nouvelle économie sociale universelle et le
salut de la société moderne par la solution mathématique de
toutes les questions économiques. T. 1. In-8°, 359 p.
Sandoz et Fischbacher...
...3 fr. 50 c.


Present rate of Importation. $1.10 gold, per Thaler, à 30 gr. Rönsch, H. Das Buch d. Jubiläen od. die kleine Genesis. gr. 8. Leipzig, Fues... ......4 Th. 20 gr. Siebeck, H. Untersuchungen zur Philosophie der Griechen. 8. Halle, Barthel... ..2 Th. Stutz, U. Der alte u. der neue Glaube od. Christen. thum u. Naturalismus. gr. 8. Zürich, Hanke.1 Th. 10 gr. Lasker, E. Zur Verfassungsgeschichte Preussens. gr. 8. Leipzi, Brockhaus..... .......2 Th. Wigand, A. Der Darwinismus u. die Naturforschung Newtons u. Cuviers. 1. Bd. gr. 8. Braunschweig, VieRabuteau A. Eléments de toxicologie et de médecine weg & Sohn... ..4 Th. légate appliquée à l'empoisonnement. er fasc. In-8 Raabe, W. Meister Autor, od. die Geschichten vom verjés, vii 324 p. avec pl. et fig. Lauwerey, s. sunkenen Garten. 8. Leipzig, E. J. Günther..1 Th. 15 gr. Saint-Albin, A. de. Histoire d'Henri V. In 8°, viii-516 Stengel. F. v. Aristocraten. Roman in 2 Bdn. 8. Nürnp. Palmé.

The Question of Prices.

The question of the prices of books is one of the most important phases of the discussion of reform, and it should be thoroughly understood that it is not a reduction simply, but chiefly areorganization of prices that is needed under the present circumstances. The wording of the Convention recommendation itself suggests this:

berg, Richter & Kappler....

3 Th.

pass. It is not which house shall attract patronage by offering the best goods at the lowest price, but which shall make them dearest, so as to tempt fallacious buyers by more enormous nominal discounts. This is not wholesome, but the contrary. We do not believe, then, in attempting to bring the trade to a dead level of uniformity, which indeed would be impossible were it desirable, but we do desire to see such a state of things that the best books and the best men shall succeed best, and that artificial and factitious "tricks of trade" should be severely "let alone " by the trade.

"IMITATION is the highest flattery," says the proverb, and we rejoice accordingly in Mr. Whittaker's project of an English "Reference Catalogue," on the plan of the "Uniform Trade List Annual." Mr. Whittaker has asked us to act as the American agency for this useful compilation, which will be even larger than our own, and sub

4th. That to assure permanence in these reforms, the retail price of books should be reduced so that the largest discount under any circumstances could not exceed one-third. That is to say, it is desirable that the prices of American books, at least, should be based fairly upon the cost of production. As things now stand, prices are chaotic. The less conscientious houses use thick coarse paper, and large type, and pad frightfully to make a $2 book out of one that could be put in much better shape at $1, while other houses make a volume which is very well worth the price now charged. Add to this the diversity of discounts, and it will be found that there is scarcely scriptions will be received at $1.50 per copy, which, any standard in the trade. Of course, this is an in-counting exchange and freight charges on this dividual matter, which is in one sense the business bulky work, is the same as the English price of 2s. 6d. They should be sent in immediately. of the individual publishing houses alone, and so far as healthful competition is concerned, it is well that there should be difference. This is a wholesome principle of trade, which can neither be suppressed nor overlooked. But it is the abuse, the reversion, of this principle in the present case which has helped to bring things to their present

THE letter of Mr. Solberg, in our correspondence columns, will, we trust, receive the attention of publishers. It has always been our grievance that it is so difficult and wearisome a task to obtain information for the trade, even when all the neces

sary blanks are supplied freely and no charge of any kind made. A change in this respect would certainly be most gratifying to us.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The interests of the trade cannot be better served than by a full discussion by its members of all questions which affect it. Our columns are always open to communications on any such subject, provided they be brief and suggestive, and we cordially invite the trade to express any suggestions or opinions of interest or value in "Letters to the Editor."

Trade Journalism.

[THE following letter seems intended for publication in connection with the Convention, but did not reach us, of course, till some time afterward. We print it as still of interest, and desire to express here the gratitude which we feel for such encouragement as that of our correspondent.ED.]

OMAHA, February 12, 1874.

not give the amount of time and attention needed for reading them if he did.

Now, suppose a trade journal is published containing in a condensed form all the book announcements of the various papers, and containing otherwise only what would directly relate to his business, he could well afford once a week to give such a paper a thorough perusal, and it would keep him better posted than any dozen other journals that he might select and read. Right here there lies the remedy. Let every bookseller in the country subscribe for and read carefully and regu larly a good trade paper, and already will the back of the book trade distemper be broken and convalescence set in; and if then the publishers will but follow and abolish the "trade sales," stiffen their discounts, and leave themselves a paying margin, so that underhanded dealings may not be necessary, the book trade will soon regain its rightful healthy and vigorous condition.

However great the wrongs the bookseller may imagine he suffers at the hands of the publisherand no one can deny that he is wronged-he must still bear in mind that the first condition of success lies in being qualified to sell books. If the bookseller is totally ignorant of the books that a customer wants, the customer is forced to look elsewhere for them.

Let every bookseller then support his trade journal, and let the publisher see that it is de. Conven-manded of him to make this journal a medium of communication with his salesmen.

To the Editor of the Publishers' Weekly.
DEAR SIR: To-day the Booksellers'
tion meets for the avowed purpose of attempting
the correction of certain grievous disorders in the
book business. What manner of cure they may
devise remains to be seen. But in the mean time
we indulge in the belief that we have discovered
the simple first step in a cure ourselves, and beg
leave to lay it before you.

When a book is about to be published it is customary for the publisher to advertise it by inserting "advance notices" in the principal periodicals. The wider the distribution of such notices the better. The more newspapers and magazines in which some item of interest concerring the forthcoming work is published, the greater will be the number of persons interested, and in this way led to become purchasers.

The reader sees in some one of his papers the announcement of a new book by Herbert Spencer on Sociology, and before his interest has time to become cold he goes to the nearest bookseller and asks for the book; but the bookseller, instead of answering promptly, "Not received yet, sir, but my advance order for it is in, and as soon as the book is out of the press it will be sent me," looks bewildered, and confesses that he has not heard of it.

We remember an example years ago, before the birth of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY. Mr. A. and Mr. B., both proprietors of considerable bookstores, were chatting at Mr. A. 's counter. A lady entered and asked for Longfellow's new volume of poems. Mr. A. handed her a volume, but she politely informed him that there was a later one, recently issued. He was astonished, and suggested the possibility of a mistake, turning to Mr. B. and asking him if he had heard of it. Mr. B. was also ignorant and doubt ul, but the customer set their doubts at rest by saying that she had seen a copy at a friend's. Now, to our certain knowledge these two men read more than the majority of booksellers, and tried to keep them selves posted.

The trouble lies simply in the fact that the bookseller cannot afford to take all the papers likely to publish book announcements, and could

In a well supported trade journal is the only reasonable hope the dealer has of being able to keep pace with his customers in book intelligence, and this is the first requirement of a successful business.

A Suggestion.

L. T. S.

[blocks in formation]


LIFE OF CHARLES DICKENS, by John Forster. Vol. 3. (J. B. Lippincott & Co.) The conclusion of this absorbing work is of intense interest. opens with much that is fresh and new about the writing of "David Copperfield" and "Bleak House." A history of many of the characters in both stories is given, identifying them with real people. Many delightful particulars of Dickens' residence abroad, his home life at Gadshill, and his readings throughout England, also appear. His separation from his wite is briefly related. The few details we receive will not place the great novelist any higher in public estimation. His wonderfully lucrative readings in the United States, with their attending incidents, are described by his own pen in letters to his daughter and Mr. Forster. The little that can ever be known about "Edwin Drood" fills the concluding chapters. The short, sad story of his sudden death will recall the universal regret felt for his loss. Mr.

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