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Forster has most satisfactorily accomplished his work. Few biographers have ever had so rich a mine to draw from, and few have succeeded so thoroughly in bringing only the pure gold to the surface. 12mo, cloth, $2.00.

THE DEAD ALIVE, by Wilkie Collins. (Shepard tried for a murder and found guilty under strongly convicting circumstances. After pleading innocence of the crime, they strangely make a confession to the effect that they murdered the man, who at the last moment turns up alive. The

& Gill.) A curious story of two brothers who are

author, in a note, says whatever seems improbable in the story is a fact, and whatever reads like truth is pure invention. Truth or fiction, however, the little book will while away an hour very pleasantly. 16mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.00.

"SHIP AHOY!" (IIarper & Bros.) " A Yarn in Thirty-six Cable Lengths," in which are incorporated many thrilling facts of sea life. To substantiate several things which may seem overdrawn i. the story, relative to the reckless sending out of unseaworthy crafts by avaricious owners, an appendix, with some very startling statistics of English ships wrecked and never heard of during the past year, is given by the Hon. Samuel Plimsoll, whose earnest efforts towards the improvement of the "jolly tar's" condition has made him well known. Illustrated 8vo, paper, 40 cents.

LOTTIE DARLING, by John Cordy Jeaffreson. (Harper & Bros.) Mr. Jeaffreson has a very fair reputation as a novelist. He is the author of several works of fiction that have been extensively read.

"Lottie Darling" shows no abatement

of his powers. Its heroine is a soft, pretty, womanly little woman, and is aptly named. The plot of the book is its main feature. It aims to be somewhat out of the way, and presents the singular spectacle of a man attending his own funeral. To solve this apparent parodox the reader must discover how the hero died, and was buried, and was "Not Dead Yet." 8vo, paper,

75 cents.

MARRIED, and ONLY TEMPER, by Mrs. C. J. Newby. (T. B. Peterson & Bros.) Two novels by a popular writer. The Petersons' are publishing all her works uniform with the above. 8vo, paper, 50 cents.

THE DETHRONED HEIRESS, by Miss Eliza A. Dupuy. (T. B. Peterson & Bros.) Of the sensational order of literature. The authoress is not without her admirers, it would seem, as she has given to the world ten other novels. 12mo, cloth, $1.75.

PET; OR PASTIMES AND PENALTIES, by the Rev. H. R. Haweis. (Harper & Bros.) A child's book which is quite in a new line. It does not contain one of the perfect little angels, which we all know do not exist, out of the story books. "Ben" and "Rob" and "Mabel " are quite refreshing in their naughtiness, and little "Pet "is lively, in her innocent, childish way. We advise even the grown folks not to pass the book by-it will amuse them exceedingly-the queer, mean things the children do, are so funny and so like the ways of real children. A very attractively gotten up book, the illustrations being numerous and very good. 16mo, cloth.

RECORD OF A SCHOOL, by A. Bronson Alcott. (Roberts Bros.) Mr Alcott's method of education is well deserving of record. Though we think it scarcely adapted to very young children, and believe it may be advantageously superseded by

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Frocbel's system in their cases, it has much in it worthy the attention of teachers of advanced pupils. A greater part of the daily exercises of his school consisted in instruction imparted without the aid of text-books. The teacher, starting with a word or story or historical fact, led the children

by well considered questions, to an exercise of their reflective, imaginative, and moral faculties, which had quite remarkable results, judging from The child was the diary given of the school. thus made to think and reason, as it never does while merely a passive receptacle of knowledge. We cannot do full justice to the book in our limitspace, but recommend it highly to all instructors of youth. 16mo, cloth.


THE ARITHMOMETER. In the advertisement of "The Arithmometer," page 221 of our No. under date 21st February, a typographical error was made in stating the price at $2.00 to $2.85. It should have been "from $200 to $285." The "Arithmometer " (Arithmomètre, Machine à calculer) is approved by the Institut de France (Academie des Sciences); le directeur de l'Observatoire de Paris; Le Chemin de fer du Nord; Faculté des Sciences de Clermont; Bureau Statistique du royaume de Wurtemberg, and many others. This curious and elaborate instrument may be seen in Banker's Magaoperation at the office of the " zine," No. 251 Broadway, New York, where orders will be executed.


ForsJ. B. LIPPINCOTT & Co., Philadelphia. ter's "Life of Dickens" is at length completed by the issue of the third volume. The work is far from being like the production of a Boswell, but it is nevertheless a very readable book. In point of manufacture the publishers have left nothing to be desired. The firm have nearly ready "Memoirs of John Quincy Adams," edited by Charles Francis Adams; "A Manual of Toxicology," by John J. Rees. M.D.; "Alide, a Romance of Goethe's Life," by Emma Lazarus ; "The Heir of Malreward," a novel, by the author of "Son and Heir; " "Ligation of Árteries," by Dr. L. H. Farabeuf, translated by John D. Jackson, M.D.; and "Plato," by Clifton W. Collins, forming the XIX. volume of the very excellent series of Ancient Classics for English Readers. John Bigelow's new" Life of Benjamin Franklin" is going through the press, and may be expected very shortly. Lippincotts had a great run on the last number of the Medical Times, containing the official account of the autopsy of the Siamese twins.

PORTER & COATES, Philadelphia, have in the press a new volume of the Sportsman's Club Series, by Harry Castlemon, entitled "The Sportsman's Club Afloat." They have also in preparation a new novel by Madame Schwartz.

H. N. MCKINNEY & Co., Philadelphia, have in the press "Clouded in Mystery," by M. A. A. B., 12mo, illustr., $1.50; "Winifred's Jewels," by Mary Atherston Bird, 12mo, illustr., $1.50; and Education of the Kindergarten," being the first of a series of lectures on the Nursery and Kindergarten, by Miss Elizabeth P. Peabody, 12mo, pap. 25 C.

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CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Philadelphia,have become the publishers of the two following works, and have new editions of both in preparation:"The Field Practice of Laying Out Circular Curves for Railroads," by John C. Traut

wine, 12m0, $2; and "A New Method of Calculating the Cubic Contents of Excavations and Embankments by the Aid of Diagrams, together with Directions for Estimating the Cost of Earthwork." by the same author as the foregoing, 8vo, $2. These works were until recently published by Turner Hamilton.

IT is said that the name of Geo. W. Cable is a coming one in literature. He is a New Orleans literateur, discovered by Mr. Edw. King during his "Great South" journey, has already published one story, "Sieur George," in Scribner's Monthly,

and will have a second," Belles Demoiselles Plantation," in the April number. He is doing for the Creole life of the South something like Bret Harte's work for the characteristic California society," and the work already published is very fresh and fine.-Evening Mail.

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THE Nation says: "We have from time to time referred in our notices of Stieler's Hand-Atlas' to the plates of the United States, six in number. These have now been completed, and are issued by Stechert & Wolf of this city, in sheet form, at $3.50, or mounted (30 x 50) at the price of another dollar. This work partakes of the high character of all the maps published by Justus Perthes at Gotha, under the supervision of Dr. Petermann. It will be particularly valued on this side of the Atlantic for its full and scrupulously accurate delineation, according to the latest authorities, of the country west of the Mississippi."

MRS. MOULTON thus writes to the Tribune of the long talked of "Lotos Leaves," by members of the "Lotos Club," of New York: "This volume, which I believe is not to ap ear until the early fall, promises to be rarely delightful. It will be edited by the two Johns, John Elderkin and John Brougham, and will comprise origi nal papers by nearly fifty well-known literary men who are members of the Club, including Col. John Hay, John Brougham, and other brilliant names, too numerous to be recited here. Many of the designs which will illustrate it will also be executed by artists who are members of the Club. I think these Leaves are such as all we wayfarers shall gladly gather."

REV. AUGUSTUS BLAUVELT, whose articles on "Modern Skepticism," etc., in Scribner's Monthly, have attracted such wide attention both in religious circles and the general community, is to have an important paper on "The Resurrection of Christ," in the April number, for Easter reading. The Mail states that Mr. Blauvelt has devoted himself for the last four years to the study of skeptical literature, and in the present paper he meets the skeptics on their own ground in proving the authenticity of the great fact of Christianity. THE Macmillans have in press an important book by Dr. Pettigrew, author of "Animal Locomotion," on The Physiology of the Circulation," and also coming a remarkably bright book of travel. "By Sea and by Land," notes of a trip through the Southeastern countries to America. by H. A. Meriwether, who thinks America themittance," two love stories in blank verse, which best place to stay in after all, and "Telegraph and Travel," by Col. Sir F. J. Goldsmid, who laid the Anglo-Indian cable.


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THE Saunterer's Series, in the Bayard style, has taken so well that the Messrs. Osgood propose a somewhat similar and very dainty new series of "Little Classics." Mrs. Moulton gives the following particulars in the Tribune: " They will be edited by Rossiter Johnson, and a dozen volumes are projected. The first will be called Exile,' and will comprise Ethan Brand,' by Hawthorne ; Rip Van Winkle,' by Irving; A Night in a Workhouse,' by James Greenwood; 'The Outcasts of Poker Flat,' by Bret Harte; The Man without a Country,' by Rev. E. E. Hale, and The Flight of a Tartar Tribe,' by De Quincey. If all these are not already classic, they ought all to be, and Mr. Rossiter is going to try his best to make them so. Intellect,' 'Tragedy,' 'Life,' 'Laughter.' 'Love,' 'Romance,' Mystery,' 'Comedy,' and Childhood,' are the titles of the ensuing nine volumes, while the eleventh and twelfth yet wait for some happy inspiration to christen them. All the selections seem worthy of the honor done them."

SHEPARD & GILL have sold 34,000 of the Danbury News Man's book, and 40,000 of his almanac. He feels jolly.

WE call attention to an error in our Educational List in stating the price of " Easy Lessons in Natural Science" (Claxton) at $1.50. It should be at $1.75.

DION THOMAS, 16 New Church street, New York, has issued a steel portrait of the late Dr. David Friedrich Strauss, author of "Old and New Faith." size 9 1-2 x 12 in., price 50 cents; India paper $1.

AMONG books announced for some time ahead Geo. A. Shore, who tried to induce Atlantic by the Osgoods are "Life Under Glass," by Mr. readers into that way of life; a volume of poems by Miss H. R. Hudson, favorably known to the Cowden Clarke's "The Trust" and "The Rereaders of Harper's and the Atlantic; Mary

she dedicates to her husband, now eighty-five years old; and a companion to the useful "New England" guide-book, dealing with "The Middle States."

JULES VERNE'S next story is to be commenced in the April Scribner's. It is said to be the most remarkable yet. The idea of "The Mysterious Island" is, to coin a word, scientized from Robinson Crusoe. His four characters are Union pristhe late war,in a balloon, during a terrific tempest, oners, who escape from Richmond some time in which lands them, with nothing but their clothes, on the island. Their scientific knowledge, in short, is all they have to depend on, but they succeed even better than our old friend Robinson or the Swiss Family nevertheless. It will be superbly illustrated.

A PORTRAIT and sketch of John Hay is to appear in the April Scribner's.

AMONG Roberts Brothers' books for summer publication will be a republication of Mr. Hale's admirable sermons, under the title of "A Summer Vacation," and a little book, "Sea and Shore, a Poetical Selection for the Summer Idler," by two well-known literary ladies.


MR. W. SIMPSON, F.R.G.S, whose "Meeting the Sun: a Journey All Round the World, through Egypt, China, Japan, and California" is about to appear in England, is the artist whom the London Iliustrated News sent on a tour of the world. chanced to be in California upon the breaking out of the Modoc war, and found himself the only artist "on the spot," even the New York papers depending upon his facile pencil. His book elaborates this topic particularly, and contains forty-eight heliotypes and wood engravings from his drawings.

We are indebted to Mr. Chas. Evans, librarian

of the Public Library of Indianapolis, for a copy

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Price List of CROQUET made
to send for the cheapest and best
in the U. S.



108 Church Street, Nashville, Tenn.,

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

of the Library Catalogue just issued. Considering the short time allowed the Library Committee for collecting and cataloguing, the completeness and correctness of the work are quite remarkable. The work of organizing a Public Library in Indianapolis was only brought to a successful conclusion in January, 1873, and the onerous business of collecting the books begun. In making their lists the committee were fortunate enough to secure the valuable assistance of Mr. Wm. F. Poole, librarian of the Public Library of Cincinnati. The judiciousness of the selection, SCHOOL which, as yet, modestly admits many deficiencies, must be credited to his long experience and wellknown judgment. The catalogue embraces the titles of nearly thirteen thousand volumes, and is arranged like most catalogues used in public libraries; that is, each book is entered under the author, title, and subject, the whole being arranged in one alphabetical series. The typographical Equal Chance for both Girls and Boys.

excellence of the work is also noticeable.

THE Long Island Historical Society's library, lately injured by fire, is now open again. Mr. Hanna, the librarian, is appealing for means to provide for the erection of a new library building at Clinton and Pierrepont streets.

IT is proposed to open the Congressional Li rary on Sundays.

THE Librarian and Assistant Librarian of the Illinois Legislature are Mrs. Bolivar, sister-inlaw of the Secretary of State of Illinois, and Miss Fanny Wright, niece of the late President Lin


THE library of the late Robert Nasmyth of Edinburgh, a widely-known Libliophile, is on sale



Supplies of Every Description.
No Sex in Education,



By Mrs. E. B. Duffey,

Author of "What Women Should Know," etc., etc. Showing by facts (not theories) the fallacy of Dr. Clarke's arguments, rejecting the plea of natural feminine invalidism, and suggesting modes of lite by which females may pursue the same mental occupations as the mile, with the enjoyment of equally good health. Truly a work for thoughtful parents who desire to unite the blessing of excellent health with inte ligence in their sons and daughters. 12mo, cloth price $1.00. For sale by booksellers generally, or will be mailed on receipt of the price.


in London. The collection contains several first TEACHERS' AIDS

editions of Shakspeare's plays, with manuscript notes which, it is said, have never yet been com. pletely collated.

In the study of the

THE second volume of the Catalogue of Satiri- 'NTERNATIONAL LESSONS of 1874. cal Prints in the British Museum, prepared in the Print-Room by Mr. F. G. Stephens, may now be obtained from the Museum.

Six hundred and forty pages of the new catalogue of the Boston Athenæum have been printed, constituting somewhat more than a fifth of the entire work. The outlay up to this point has exceeded $30,000. Mr. Charles A. Cutter has of late years had charge of the enterprise.

THE second annual report of the Lawrence, Mass., Public Library shows satisfactory results. The accessions to the Library during the past year have been 3,326 volumes, making in all, 11,411, exclusive of pamphlets. Over one-half of the patrons of the Library are found among the industrial classes, and a large proportion of the remainder are clerks or merchants. School attendants comprise but little over one-tenth of the whole number registered.


NEWSDEALERS wishing to exchange any of the popu

lar magazines of 1871 dates and later, address, Box 332, Houston, Texas.


TO buyers and sellers of "Second-Hand School Books.', Correspondence solicited by A. H. Clark, Bookseler, Peekskill, N. Y.

Across the Desert.


By the Rev. S. M. CAMPBELL, D.D. Price $1.50.

The Hebrew Lawgiver.

By the Rev. JOHN M. LOWRIE, D.D.
In Two Volumes. 12mo. Price $2.50.

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This Sale will commence on Tuesday, March 24.

Catalogue is now ready, and embraces contributions by many leading Publishers, comprising all their new and salable Books, some of the best books in the country, many in large quantities. The whole to be sold by auction to the highest bidder.

Parties who have not usually attended these sales, and intending to purchase, can obtain Cataogues on application, by mail or otherwise, to the auctioneers.


On all amounts more than $300 and less than $1,000-4 months' credit. On all amounts more $1,000-four and six months' credit for approved endorsed notes. Less than $300-cash. The trade throughout the country are respectfully invited to attend this sale.


Attention is Invited



The Fifth Book of the Choice Reading Series.

By ANNA T. RANDALL DIEHL, author of Randall's Reading and Elocution." 12mo, 408 pages, neatly bound, red mor. back, cloth sides Price. $1.50 per copy.

The Introductory part furnishes an epitome of reading and oratory for voice and action, the practical hints to the learner are clearly and forcibly expressed, and the selections cover a wide range from our best writers of prose and poetry. The book closes with sketches of authors, in itself quite a compend of biography.


An Exposition of the Constitution of the United

STATES. By HENRY FLANDERS, Esq., author of " A Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance," "A Treatise on Maritime Law," "The Lawf Shipping," "Lives of the Chief Justices of the United States," etc., etc. One vol., 12mo, 295 pages, including a full Index, cloth....

Easy Lessons in Natural Science.

... Price, $1.75

Embracing a General Outline of the Physical Constitution and Phenomena of the World, and an account of the most important and interesting Animals, Vegetables, and Minerals. With Illustrations. Designed for Schools and Families. Py R. E. KREMER, author of "Bible Gems." 12mo, neatly bound, red mor. back, cloth sides., Price, $1.50 per copy

Single Copies of the above Books furnished to teachers for examination, with a view to intro luction, at one-half the retail price. Terms for first introduction one-third off.




Nearly Ready.

TAINE'S PYRENEES. Library Edition. Large 12mo.

THOMAS HARDY'S (author of "Far from the Madding Crowd," "A Pair of Blue Eyes," "Under the Greenwood Tree ") DESPERATE REMEDIES. 16mo. Leisure Hour Series. AUERBACH'S new novel WALDFRIED. Translated by S. A. STern.




Lately Published.

Tylor's Primitive Culture. Researches in- | Lord Houghton's Monographs, Personal to the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Reli zion, Art, and Custom. By E. B. Tylor. First American from the Second London Edition. 2 vols., 8vo, $5.

"One of the few erudite treatises which are at once truly great and thoroughly entertaining." North American Review.

John Stuart Mill's Autobiography and

Miscellaneous Works. Uniform with the Library Edition of his Miscellaneous Works. Tinted and laid paper, $2.25 per vol. Strauss' The Old Faith and the New. A Confession. By David Friedrich Strauss. Translation preceded by an American version of the author's "Prefatory Postscript." 12mo. $2.

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A book which we feel sure, both from the nature of the subjects treated, the serious manner of discussion, and the deservedly great reputation of the author, will make its mark upon the time, not so much as an attack upon what'we venerate, as an apology for those who honestly differ from the majority of their brothers."-Atlantic Monthly.

Moscheles' Recent Music and Musicians. 12mo. $2.

"It is a personal history of music for sixty years of this century-full of the names of artists and composers, each of them a centre of pleasur able emotions."-Examiner.

Prof. Hadley's Essays. Essays, Philological and Critical. Selected from the Papers of James Hadley, LL.D. 8vo, cloth, $4.

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and Social. 12mo. With Portraits. $2. "An extremely agreeable volume. He writes so as to adorn everything which he touches." -London Athenæum.

Stephen's Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Post 8vo, $2.

"One of the most valuable contributions to

political philosophy which have been published in recent times.'-London Saturday Review.

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HENRY HOLT & CO., Publishers,


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