the TRADE CIRCULAR which is incorporated American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular. Established in the year 1852. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND Publisher, 37 Park Row, New York. Vol. V. No. II. NEW YORK, Saturday, March 14, 1874. WHOLE NO. 113. THE International Scientific Series. The following volumes of this series are now ready: I. FORMS OF WATER, in Clouds, Rain, Rivers, Ice, and Glaciers. By Prof. JOHN TYNDALL, LL.D., F.R.S. I vol. 12mo. Price $1.50. 11. PHYSICS AND POLITICS. BY WALTER BAGEHOT. I vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1.50. III. FOODS. By EDWARD SMITH, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price $1.75. IV. MIND AND BODY. The Theories of their Relation. By ALEX. BAIN, LL.D., Professor . of Logic in the University of Aberdeen. I vol., 12mo. Cloth. Price $1.50. V. THE STUDY OF SOCIOLOGY. By HERBERT SPENCER, author of "A System of Philosophy," "Descriptive Sociology," etc., etc. I voi. 12mo. Price $1.50. VI. THE NEW CHEMISTRY. By JOSIAH P. COOKE, Jr. I vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price $2. Price $1.75. From the North American. I vol. 12mo. "The scope of the works will be to explain the subjects of which they treat to non-scientific readers, accurately and thoroughly, and so that the best results and theories shall be known." Morning Express, Buffalo. "The preparation of this series has been confided only to men of eminent ability, who are recognized authorities in their several departments." From the Hartford Times. "So many crude productions have been thrust upon the public, in response to the awakening call for explanatory works on 'popular science,' that a number of intelligent and well-informed gentlemen have resolved to counteract the evil tendency of this mass of marvels' and sensational stories, by furnishing the public with a series of reliable books explanatory of scientific research and discovery, written by recognized and leading authorities, whose very names will be a guarantee that these works will be of a reliable and superior character." Either of the above, when not to be had in bookstores, sent post-paid by mail to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 AND 551 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY. THE SUMMER CAMPAIGN BEGUN. "ANOTHER GREAT LITERARY SENSATION." "THE MODERN ROBINSON CRUSOE." JULES VERNE'S NEW STORY, "THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND." 150 MAGNIFICENT ILLUSTRATIONS. We have secured for serial publication in SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, M. JULES VERNE'S New Serial, entitled, "THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND." It will be begun in the APRIL Number. M. JULES VERNE unites with a wide range of scientific knowledge, an exuberance of inventive imagination that has fascinated the world. His works are as unique in structure as they are unexampled in popularity. Not content with "Robinson Crusoe," and "The Swiss Family Robinson," he has undertaken in "THE MYSTERIOUS ISLAND," to show how a body of men, thrown helpless upon a desert, may develop a living from purely scientific resources, without any convenient wreck to draw upon for the materials of life and comfort. The idea is as attractive as it is ingenious, and affords the author the finest opportunity for the display of his peculiar gifts and acquirements. The story will be profusely illus trated in the style of his other stories :-" From the Earth to the Moon," "Round the World in Eighty Days," "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea," etc., etc. 66 The Story will have an additional interest for American readers, because the party are all Americans. They start from RICHMOND, VA., in a balloon, and are wrecked on an unknown island in mid-ocean. SCRIBNER & CO., 654 Broadway, New York. Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines: 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will plea se notice, on their printed address, the date indieating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. es ners, and Swayne, are the main features of Thursday; on Friday Osgood, Shepard, and Roberts occupy the day, and on Saturday come Leavitt & Allen, Fuller, Harding, Schaefer & Koradi, art publishers, etc. PORTER & COATES have just ready a fine new edition of Mrs. Ellet's " Queens of American Society," on toned paper, and with 13 steel plates, making a handsome table book. This, with the new "Fireside Edition" of the Waverley Novels, will be issued by subscription. THE two novels which the readers of Hearth & Home have been enjoying for some months past, will be issued very soon in book form by Orange Judd Company, publishers, 245 Broad. These are way. "John Andross,' by Mrs. Rebecca Harding Davis, which is talked of as her strongest novel, and John Esten Cooke's 'Pretty Mrs. Gaston." VINCENT'S Work on "The Land of the White Elephant," the Siamese region, will be the next issue of the Harpers, in a handsome 8vo volume, with fine cuts. Though an American work, it has already been published in England, and has met with great success. "The Blue Ribbon," by the author of "Jeanie's Quiet Life," and "Colonel Dacre," by the author of "Caste," will shortly be added to the paper novel library. Victor Hugo's "Ninety-three will be ready within a fortnight, and the Evangelical Alliance volume will be placed in the trade at $6. and Geikie's Science Primer on Geology are AT the Appletons', Upton's Cavalry Tactics tional Science Series will be Maudsley on Renearly ready. The next volume of the Internasponsibility in Mental Disease. Mrs. Macquoid's novel, "My Story," will be published by this house. DR. CHAS. HODGE's new volume, answering the question "What is Darwinism?" from the thoroughly orthodox point of view, the fourth volume of Curtius' great history of Greece, and the separate issue of that part of the Bible Com. mentary relating to the next series of SundayScribner, Armstrong & Co.'s. school lessons, will be the earliest publications at THE Scribners will shortly commence the issue of a cleverly planned new series, to be edited by R. H. Stoddard, the poet, and having for its motto Marlowe's words: "Infinite riches in a little room." The "Bric-a-brac Series" will be chiefly of "choice bits " of personal reminiscence; the first volume will be condensed from the biographies of late notables in musical and dramatic art, Chorley, Planché, and Young; and the second will deal with Latter Day Wits and Humorists. The books will be somewhat larger in size than the popular Bayard series, and in an attractive style, at $1.50 each. ROBERTS BROS. have ready the new edition of Margaret Fuller's life and works. Those THE Spring Trade Sale opens Tuesday, March wonderful memoirs by Emerson, Channing and 24th, continuing through Monday, March 30th, Clarke, formerly issued by the Tribune Associawhich will be Catholic day. The catalogue tion, form the first two volumes; the others are comprises 328 pages, and many leading publishers the "Works," edited by her brother, Arthur B. are represented, Osgood contributing one Fuller, and comprising "Woman in the Ninepecially large invoice. The Appletons' invoice teenth Century," "Art, Literature, and the of books and blank work occupies most of the Drama," "Life Without and Life Within," and first day; Estes & Lauriat, Widdleton, Little, "At Home and Abroad." Margaret Fu'ler was, Brown & Co., Wood, Hinton, Lee & Shepard, perhaps, the most brilliant and remarkable of Desilver, Mason, Baker & Pratt, Claxton, and American women, and in these days of feminine Holman's Bibles, occupy Wednesday; imported pre-eminence her memory ought to be practically invoices, Van Nostrand, Dodd & Mead, the Scrib-honored by a large sale of this set. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Adams.-The Vienna Exposition and the Philadelphia Centennial. Report of Charles Francis Adams, Jr., Commissioner of the State of Mass. to the Universal Exposition of Vienna. 8, pp. 53. Pap................Estes & L. Antoine, the Italian Boy. By an ex-Consul.16, pp. 316. $1.50 ...Hoyt. By Rev. S. 12, pp. 500. Pott, Y. & Co. Baring-Gould,-The Lives of the Saints. Bayard.-The Life of George Dashiell Bayard, late Capt. in a Series of Essays. Edited by Anna C. Brackett. 12, PP, 400. $1.75.... .....Putnam. Brave Dame Mary: or, The Siege of Corfe Castle. 12°, pp. 192. $1...... ...Pott, Y. & Co. 12. ...Lippincott. With Bulwer, E. L. See Lytton. Bunyan-The Pilgrim's P. ogress. New ed., with Notes and several colored illustr. 16. $1.25.... Porter & C. Burris. A New Discussion of the Trinity. By Rev. F. H. Burris, Member of the South Kansas M. E. Conference. With an Introduction by Prof. Joseph Haven, D.D., LL.D., author of "Mental Philos.," etc. 12, pp. xxxvii., 216. $1.50.... ....Griggs. Clarke.-The Constants of Nature. Part 1. Specific Gravities, and Chemical Formula. Compiled by Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, S. B. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, 255.) Roy. 8°, pp. vii., 263. Pap. (December, 1873.)..... ...Smithsonian Inst. Coates.-The Comprehensive Speaker. Designed for the Use of Schools, Academies, Lyceunis, etc. Carefully selected from the best authors, with some valuable Hints on Style, Gesture, and Expression, and condensed Rules. Rev. ed. 12°, pp. 672. Half bd. $1.75....Porter & C. Crosland.-Hubert Freeth's Prosperity. A Story. By Mrs. Newton Crosland, author of "Lydia," etc. $1.75... Deutsch.-Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch. a brief Memoir. 8°, pp. xx., 464. $4............Holt. Doudney.-Janet Darney. A Tale of Fisher-Li.e in Chale Bay. By Sarah Doudney. 16°, pp. 331. $1.25....Hoyt. Down the River; or, Practical Lessons under the Code Duello. By an Amateur. With twelve full-page illustr. by H. L. Stephens. 12, pp. 268. $1.50... Hale. Dun.-Veterinary Medicines: their Actions and Uses. By Finlay Dun. 4th ed. 8, pp. 576. $6............ Wood. Eden.-The Fortunes of the Fletchers: a Story of Life in Canada and Australia. By Charles Henry Eden. 12°, pp. 237. $1.25... ...Pott, Y. & Co. **Ellet.-Queens of American Society. Illustr. with 13 steel engr. of celebrated Beauties and Leaders of Fashion, expressly designed for this book. 8°. $3 75 and $4.50; mor. $6.... Porter &C. Emery.-Pilgrimage of Grace. A Tale of the Days o Henry VIII. Transl. from the French of M. Emery. (Tales from Church History.) 12°, pp. 401. $2..O'Shes. Farrar.-The Silence and Voices of God, with other Serm ns. By Frederic W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. 238. $........ .......Dutton. Fish.-Heaven in Song. Comprising the Gems of all Ages on the Better Land. By Henry C. Fish, D.D. Cheaper ed. Sq. 12, pp. 742. $2.50... ......Sheldon. Frothingham.-The Safest Creed, and twelve other recent Discourses of Reason. By Octavius B. Frothingham. 12, pp. 250. $1.50...... ......... Butts. 12, PP. Gray. The Biblical Museum: a Collection of Notes, Explanatory, Homiletic, and Illustrative, on the Holy Scriptures, especially designed for the Use of Ministers, Bible Students, and Sunday-School Teachers. By James Comper Gray. Vol. 3, containing the Acts of the Apostles and Romans; vol. 4, containing the Epistles I. Corinthians to Philemon. Ea. 12°, pp. 384. Per v. $1.50...Randolph. Hamilton.-Present Status of Social Scie ce. A Review, historical and critical, of the Progress of Thought in Social Philosophy. By Robert S. Hamilton. 12°, pp. 340. $2. Hinton. Hessey.-Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible. Third Series, including Prayer and Recent Difficulties about it, etc. Being the Boyle Lectures for 1873, preached in Her Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall. By James Augustus Hessey, D.C.L. 12, pp. 276. $1.35.. Pott, Y. & Co. Keble.-The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the Year. New ed. 16. $1.50... .......Porter & C. Kelland and Tait.-Introduction to Quaternions, with numerous Examples. By P. Kelland, M.A., F.R.S., and P. G. Tait, M.A., Profs. in the Dept. of Mathematics in the Univ. of Edinburgh. 12, pp. 227. $3...Macmillan. Kingston.-Michael Penguyne; or, Fisher-Life on the Cornish Coast. By William H. G. Kingston. 12, pp. .....Pott, Y. & Co. Jackson.-Stories about Animals. By the Rev. Thomas Jackson, M. A. 4°, pp. 253. $2.50....Cassell, P. & G. Lacroix.-The Life of Rudolf Stier. (From German Sources.) By John P. Lacroix. 12, pp. 332. $1.50 157. 90 C........ Nelson & P. Lytton.-The Last Days of Pompeii. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton ed.) Complete in one vol. 12, pp. 320, 334. $1.50...Lippincott. Rienzi, the last of the Roman Tribunes. By Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton ed.) Complete in one vol., 12, pp. 373, 366. $1.50........ ..Lippincott. Marvin.-Epidemic Delusions. A Lecture, with valuable Appendix. By Frederic R. Marvin. 12, pp. 30. 50 c.; pap. 25 c..... Moran.-Lite of Most Rev. Oliver Plunkett, D.D., Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland, who suffered death for the Catholic Faith in the year 1681. By Rev. Patrick Francis Moran, Bishop of Ossory. 18°, pp. 396. $1. Butts. O'Shea. Neale and Littledale.-A Commentary on the Psalms: from Primitive and Medieval Writers, and from various Office Books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Am brosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syriac Rites. By the Rev. J. M. Neale, D.D.. and the Rev. R. F. Littledale, LL.D. Vol. 4 (and last), Psalm 119 150. With Index of Scripture References 12, pp. 511. $4. Pott, Y. & Co. Newby.-Common Sense. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. .Peterson. Newby. 8, pp. 147. Pap. 50 c.... Oxenden.-Confirmation; or, Are You Ready to Serve Christ? By the Right Rev. Ashton Oxenden, D.D., Bishop of Montreal. Adapted to American Service. From the 313th thousand of English ed. 18°, pp. 32. Pap. 10. C. Parker.-Quadrature of the Circle. Containing Demon- Presbyterian Cook Book, compiled by the Ladies of the 75 C...... St. Francis de Sales.-The Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales. Gathered from his Writings and arranged in order by the Rev. Père Huguet. Transl. from the 7th French ed. 18, pp. 351. 75 C....... ...Donahoe. Saunders.-Woman, Love, and Marriage. By F. Saunders, author of "Salad for the Solitary and Social " 12, PP. 319. Pap 75 c. (Corrected Title.)........ Carleton. Sewell.-Readings for a Month Preparatory to Confirmation, compiled from the Works of Writers of the Early and of the English Church. By Miss Sewell. New ed. 18, pp. 323. $1.25.. ..Dutton. - Readings for Every Day in Lent, compiled from the writings of Jeremy Taylor. By Miss Sewell. New ed. 18°, pp. 360. $1.25... ....Dutton. Shipton.-Asked of God. (I. Samuel, 1, 20.) By Anna Taigi, Anna Maria. See Thompson. Thompson.-The Life of the Venerable Anna Maria ........ tions of General Principles to the Construction of Steam Generators. An Introduction to the Study of Heat Engines. By William P. Trowbridge, Higgin Prof. of Dynamic Engineering in the Sheffield Scientific School of Yale Coll. 8°, pp. 209. $3.50...... Wiley. Weir.-Rockbourne. A Tale. By Marion Eliza Weir, author of "Mabel's Experience," etc. 16°, pp. 367. $1.25. Carter. Welles-Lincoln and Seward. Remarks upon the Memorial Address of Charles Francis Adams, on the late Wm. H. Seward, with Incidents and Comments Illustrative of the Measures and Policy of the Administration of Abraham Lincoln, and Views as to the Relative Positions of the late President and Secretary of State. By Gideon Welles, Ex-Secretary of the Navy. 12, pp. 215. $1.50 pap. ..Sheldon. Willis.-Theodore Parker in Spirit Life. A Narration of Personal Experience inspirationally given. By Fred. L. H. Willis, M.D. 12, pp. 21. Pap. 25 C....... ..Colby & R. ORDER LIST. $1.50 A. K. BUTTS & Co., New York. Frothingham, Safest Creed.. Marvin, Epidemic Delusions.. .50 c.; pap. .25 Rocco, The Masculine Cross...... $1; pap. 75 GEO. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. Saunders, Woman, Lo e and Marriage (corr. title)..... . Pap. .......... ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Weir, Rockbourne... P. O'SHEA, New York. 1.00 1.55 2.00 1.00 .... 2.50 Peebles, Spiritualism Defined and Defended, Keble, Christian Year, new ed.... I 50 St. Francis de Sales, Consoling Thoughts of. .75 Eden, Fortunes of the Fletchers.. E. P. DUTTON & Co., New York. Farrar, Silence and Voices of God...... Sewell, Readings for Month Preparatory to Hessey, Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible... 1.25 1.25 Kingston, Michael Penguyne.. ....... .90 10 Neall and Littledale, Commentary on Psalms, v. 4 (last)... 4 00 Confirmation... Readings for every day in Lent. ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. 1.25 1.25 Rice, Scholar's Handbook of Intern. Lessons for 1874, part I FR. PUSTET, New York. Thompson, Life of A. M. Taigi... .... .10 ............ PRESB. BD. OF PUB., Phila. E. J. HALE & SON, New York. A. D. F. RANDOLPH & Co., New York. Gray, Biblical Museum, v. 3 and 4....Per v. 1.50 SHELDON & Co., New York. Fish, Heaven in Song, cheaper ed.......... 2.50 Welles, Lincoln and Seward...$1.50; pap. 1.50 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington. Clarke, Constants of Nature, part 1.... . Pap. JOHN H. THOMAS & CO., Dayton. Presb. Cook Book, rev. ed........ .$1 & 1.50 ............ Per v. 1.50 Trowbridge, Heat as a Source of Power.... 3.50 MACMILLAN & Co., New York. WM. WOOD & Co., New York. Keiland and Tait, Introd. to Quaternions.. 3.00 Dun, Veterinary Medicines, 4th ed......... 6.00 |