Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indisating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by drafton New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. THE new novel by Madame Schwartz, which Porter & Coates, Philadelphia, induced by the success of the previous volumes, have in press, will be entitled "Gerda; or, The Children of Work." It is said to be a most delightful story. Some of its main incidents are believed to be actual experiences of the authoress, during the period of her youth, before she adopted literature as a profession. Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown are the translators. The first volume of the "Fireside" edition of the Waverley Novels, lately announced by this firm, has appeared. Almost as a matter of course 46 Waverley" is the initial volume. It is neatly bound, handy in size, and contains two steel engravings. From all indications, the "Fireside" will prove to be a very salable edition of Sir Walter Scott. The edition will be completed in 23 volumes. REV. MR. EGGLESTON'S fourth story of Western life, "The Circuit Rider," will be ready at J. B. Ford & Co.'s March 25, and is, of course, sure of a wide sale, which its predecessors have earned for it. This story embraces much personal observation of the writer, and treats the life of the early Western preachers, who rode from place to place doing good." SCRIBNER, WELFORD & ARMSTRONG import the "Droll Tales" (Contes Drolatiques) of Balzac, just published by the successors of Hotten, with Doré's illustrations, to match the edition of "Rabelais." It is a complete translation, compact and in very handsonie shape. WE call attention to the advertisement on another page of Messrs. T. B. Peterson & Bros., who announce their usual special spring sale, March 21 to April 30, during which time extra discounts are offered. They have not for many years contributed to the general trade sales, preferring to give the extra commissions to their customers. Rees' "Life of Forrest," by the way, has passed to a third edition. LEE & SHEPARD have just ready a new novel, "The Italian Girl," by Katherine Sedgwick Valerio, a niece of Miss C. M. Sedgwick, the writer, and the author of "Ina." It is a story of a young circus-rider, who, after fascinating the New York jeunesse dorée, goes to Italy and becomes a famous actress, returning to marry one of her American admirers. AUERBACH'S "Waldfried" will be published by Henry Holt & Co., within the fortnight. It is said to be one of his great books. THE Macmillans are issuing a very capital series of cheap manuals, at a shilling sterling, which treat of matters of wide importance. The last of these is "Lessons in the First Principles of Cooking." by Lady Barker, who is now at the head of the new National School of Cookery at South Kensington. Two volumes of great value to theologians are a second edition of the well-known compendium of " Pulpit Eloquence," by Dr. Fish, promised by Dodd & Mead, and Blunt's "Dictionary of Sects" (Lippincotts). The latter is intended to give a careful historical and theological account of ancient and modern Sects, Parties, and Opinions, from the foundation of the Christion Church to the present day. It contains 628 double-column pages of Text, preceded by a classified Table of Contents, and followed by a full Index; and the Articles are about 800 in number. ROBERTS BROS. have arranged to publish a collection of the poems of F. W. Bourdillon, who has already acquired an enviable publicity by means of a few verses, widely copied and circulated through the newspaper press. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. B., M. A. A. See Clouded in Mystery. *Barker.-First Lessons in the Principles of Cooking. In three parts. By Lady Barker, author of "Station Life in New Zealand," etc. 18, pp. 101. 50 c......Macmillan. Bird. Winnifred's Jeels. By Mrs. M. A. Bird. Illustr. 12, pp. 352. $ .........McKinney. Blue Ribbon (The). A Novel. by the author of "St. Olaves," etc. (Har er's Library of Select Novels, No. 406) 8°, pp. 149. Pap. 50 c...... .....Harper. Boise's Greek Syntax. Exercises in some of the more difficult Principles of Greek Syntax, with References to the Grammars of Crosby, Curtius, Goodwin, Hadley, Koch, and Kuhner. 12°, pp. 168. $1.50..... .....Griggs Chesney.-Essays in Military Biography. By Charles Cornwallis Chesney, Colonel in British Army, and Lieutenant-Colonel in Royal Engineers. 12°, pp. 398. $2.50.. Holt. Clark.-Model Dialogues. A new and choice Collection of original Dialogues, Tableaux, etc. Adapted to the Wants of School Exhibitions, Literary Societies, Lyceum, the Holidays, Lodges, Church, Sunday-school, and Social Gatherings, Temperance Meetings, etc., and also a book for Home Entertainment. Compiled by Wm. M. Clark, Editor Schoolday Magazine. 12, pp. 375. $1.50. Daughaday. Clouded in Mystery. By M. A. A. B. Illustr. 12, pp. 396. $1.50..... .......McKinney. Collins.-No Name. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins, author of "Poor Miss Finch," etc. With illustr. (Harper's Illustr. Library ed.) 12°, pp. 609. $1.50.......Harper. Cooke. Pretty Mrs. Gaston, and other Stories. By John Esten Cooke, author of "The Virginia Comedians," etc. Illustr. 12, pp. 288. $1.50................. Fudd. Cousin Alice. A Prize Juvenile Story. Illustr. 18. 90 c. ... 12, Nelson & P. "The Dethroned ......Peterson. Elizabeth Tudor: The Queen and the Woman. With 3 illustr. 16, pp. 325. $1.50.... Nelson & P. Frothingham.-Theodore Parker: A Biography. By Octavius Brooks Frothingham. With Portrait. Cr. 8°. $3. ..Osgood. Gardner.--Discontent, and other Stories. By Mrs. H. C. Gardner. 16°, pp. 339. $1.25...... Nelson & P. Glimpses of our Lake Region in 1863, and other Papers. By Mrs. H. C. Gardner. 12°, pp. 430. $1.50. Nelson & P. Geikie.-Geology. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S. (Science Primer.) Illustr. 18°, pp. 130. 50 c..Appleton. Gibbon.-History of Rome. Standard Edition, with Notes by Rev. H. H. Milman. Newed., with complete Index of the Work. With steel illustr. 6 vols. 12. $9; shp. $12: half calf $19.50 ........ ..... Porter & C. Great Britain.-Reports of Cases Decided in the English Courts, with Notes and References to Kindred Cases and Authorities. By N. C. Moak, Esq. Vol. 5. 8°. $6. Gould & Son. Hale. A Summer Vacation. Four Sermons. By Edward E. Hale. Published at the request of some who heard them. 16, pp. 75. Pap. 50 c....... ......Roberts. Hardy.-Desperate Remedies. A Novel. By Thomas Hardy. (Leisure Hour Series.) 16, pp. 417. $1.25. Holt. Helps, Sir Arthur. See Ivan de Biron. Hodder.-On Holy Ground. By Edwin Hodder. 12, pp. 326. $1.25..... .....Nelson & P. Howe's Science of Language; or, Seven Hour System of Grammar. Third Ten-Thousand ed., revised. 16°. pp. 48. $1; pap. 50 c.... ..D. P. Howe. Howe.-Sex and Education. A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's" Sex in Education." Edited, with an Introducfion, by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 12°, pp. 203. $1.25. Roberts. Huntingdon.-In Earnest; or, Edith Palmer's Motto. Martien. By Faye Huntingdon. 16. $1. .... Ivan de Biron; or, The Russian Court in the Middle of last Century. By the author of "Friends in Council," etc. .......Roberts. 12, pp. 473. $2.25...... J., E. M. See Autumn Leaf Stories. John Hatherton. By the author of " Effie's Friends." 18". ..Martien. 75 C..... Kingsley.-Westminster Sermons. With a Preface. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, F.L.S., F.G.S., Canon of Westminster and Chaplain to the Queen and to the Prince of Wales. Popular ed. 16, pp. 312. $1.50..Macmillan. Lazarus. Alide. A Romance of Goethe's Life. By Emma Lazarus, author of "Admetus, and other Poems,' etc. 12, pp. 214. $1.25.... ..Lippincott. Let Well Alone. By the author of But Once." Illustr. 16. $1 25.. Martien. Lummis, Steel, and Lindsay.-Commentary on the Old Testament. For the Second Quarter of Berean Lessons, 1874. Embracing Portions of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. By Rev. H. Lummis, D. Steele, D.D., J. W. Lindsay, D.D. 12. 50 c..... ..Nelson & P. M'Conkey.-True Stories of the American Fathers, for the Girls and Boys all over the Land. By Miss Rebecca M'Conkey. With 10 illustr. 16, pp. 329. $1 50.. Nelson & P. With 18 illustr. ...Carter. By Florence Maggie's Mistake. A Schoolgirl's Story. Marshall.-Between the Cliffs; or, Hal Forrester's New York.-The Notaries' and Commissioners' Hand- Stephens.-Phemie Frost's Experiences. By Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, author of " Fashion and Famine," etc. 12. $1.75. Carleton. Isaac Taylor, M.A.. "Words and Places." ........Macmillan. Taylor. Etruscan Researches. By HENRY HOLT & Co., New York. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Phila. Dupuy, Hidden Sin ............... .$1.75; pap. 1.50 PORTER & COATES, Phila. Chesney's Essays in Military Biography.... 2.50 Gibbon, Hist. of Rome, new ed., in 6 v. ... 1.25 $9; shp. $12; half calf. 19.50 Ivan de Biron.. .Pap. .50 ........ 1.25 2.25 WESTERN NEWS Co., Chicago. WILSON, HINKLE & Co, Cincinnati. Duffet, Method for Study of French Language, part 1.. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. AMERICAN TRACT SOC., New York. D. APPLETON & CO., New York. The Great Ice Age. By Archibald Geikie. $1.00 Johnston's Narrative (of his Campaigns). By Genl. The Expanse of Heaven. By R. A. Proctor. Principles of Mental Physiology. By Dr. W. B. Logic. By Prof. Alex Bain, LL.D. Relations of Medicine and Mind. By Dickson, M.D. Responsibility in Disease. By Dr. Henry Maudsley. (International Science Series.) FRED J. ENGELHARDT, New York. The American Rowing Almanac, and Oarsman's Pocket Companion, 1874. By Fred J. Engelhardt, Boating Editor of "Turf, Field and Farm." 24". 50 c. and $1. (Next week.) ESTES & LAURIAT, Boston. Religion and the State. A careful Discussion of the Questions of Protection vs. Alliance; Taxation vs. Exemption. By Alvah Hovey, D D., Pres. Newton Theol. Institution. 16°, pp. 176. $1.25. S. C. GRIGGS & CO. Chicago. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit; or, Philosophy of the Divine Operation in the Redemption of Man. By the Rev. James B. Walker, D.D., author of "The Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation." 4th ca., rev. and enl. $1.50. (April.) Living Questions of the Age. By Rev. J. B. Walker, D.D. The Great Conversers, and other Essays. By Prof. William Matthews, LL.D., author of "Getting on in the World." The World on Wheels, and other Essays. By Benj. The Antigone of Sophocles. With Notes. By Prof. Words. Their Significance, Use, and Abuse. By Dr. HENRY HOLT & CO., New York. Far from the Madding Crowd. By Thomas Hardy. A Condensation of Chorley's Autobiography. Spring Floods and A King Lear of the Steppe. In one vol. Richardson's Clarissa Harlowe. Boswell's Life of Johnson. The Posthumous Essays of Mr. Mill. A History of American Currency, to which are added Chapters on the Bank of England, Restriction, Austrian Paper Money, and (in Appendix) the Text of the Bullion Report. By Wm. G. G. Sumner, Prof. of Polit. and Social Science in Yale College. 12mo, pp. 300. The Microscope in Practical Medicine. By Lionel S. Beale. 4th ed. With numerous Plates. 8°. The Student's Guide to the Practice of Midwifery. By D. Loyd Roberts, M.D. With engr. 12°. Surgical Emergencies. A Manual Containing concise descriptions of various accidents and emergencies, with directions for their immediate treatment. By Wm. Paul Swain, F.R.C.S. 50 illustrations. Lectures on the Clinical Uses of Electricity. Delivered in the Univ. Coll. Hospital. By J. Russell Reynolds, M.D., F.R.S. 2d ed. MOLOUGHLIN BROS., New York. Mother Goose. Complete. Printed in Colors. 4, pp. MACMILLAN & CO., New York. The Works of Horace. Edited with Introductions, Essays, and English Notes. By E. C. Wickham, M.A., Head-Master of Wellington Coll. Vol. I. Odes and Epodes. Cave-Hunting. Researches on the Evidence of Caves, respecting the Early Inhabitants of Europe. By W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S. Illustr. Roy. 8". The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals, and in Man. By J. Bell Pettigrew, M.D., F.R.S. With 150 engr. on wood. 2d ed. 8°. A Manual of the Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds; or, Organic Chemistry. By C. Schorlemmer, F.C.S. 8°. Higher Schools and Universities of Germany. By Matthew Arnold, Esq., D.C.L. Cr. 8°. History of the English People. For the use of Colleges and Higher Classes in Schools. By the Rev. J. R. Green, M.A. Cr. 8°. A French-English and English-French Dictionary. By Gustave Masson, B.A., Ass't. Master in Harrow School. Sm. 4°. Milton's Poetical Works. Edited with Text collected from the best authorities, with Introduction and Notes. By David Masson. 3 vols. 8vo. With two Portraits engr. by C. H. Jeens. (Uniform with the Cambridge Shakespeare.) $15. Milton's Poetical Works. Golden Treasury Ed. Edited, with Notes, by Professor Masson. 2 vols. 18°. $2.50. G. J. MOULTON, New York. The Bezique Referee. A Complete Guide to Bézique, according to Baldwin, Cavendish, Hardy, Ware, and the latest French Authorities. Edited by D. T. In miniature form, for pocket and card case. The Whist Referee. A Complete Guide to the Modern The American Corporation Cases. Embracing the NELSON & PHILLIPS. New York, Review of Herbert Spencer. By B. P. Bourne. The Living Wesley. By J. F. Hurst, D.D. History of the Christian Church. By J. F. Hurst, D.D. Sunday Afternoons. Home as it Should Be. Romance Without Fiction. By Henry Bleby. Handbook of Bible Manners and Customs. By Rev. J. M. Freeman. T. B. PETERSON & BROS., Phila. Victor's Triumph. A Sequel to "A Beautiful Fiend." By Mrs. Emma D. E. N. Southworth. $1.75; pap. $1.50. Trodden Down. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 50 c. Miss Leslie's New Receipts for Cooking. 12°. $1.75 PORTER & COATES, Phila. The Sportsman's Club Afloat. By Harry Castlemon. (Sportsman's Club Series, v. 2.) 12. $1.25. (April 10.) Gerda. By Mme. Marie Sophie Schwartz. No Alternative. By Annie Thomas. The Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. By Holme Lee. J. W. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, Richmond, Va. **Report of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of Appeals and in the General Court of Virginia. By Benja min Watkins Leigh. Vol. 10. 2d ed. 8°, pp. 780. Cif. net, $5. ROBERTS BROS., Boston. Some Women's Hearts. Love Stories for Summer Scrope; or, The Lost Library. By F. B. Perkins. 8°. $1.50. (April.) The Trust and the Remittance. Two Love Stories in Metered Prose. By Mary Cowden Clarke, author of "A Concordance of Shakespeare." (Dedicated to the lover-husband of eighty-five, by the lover-wife of sixtythree.) 16. $1.25. (April 1st.) The Old Masters and their Pictures. By Sarah Tytler, auther of "Papers for Thoughtful Girls." $1.50. (April 1st.) 16. 16°. Modern Painters and their Paintings. By Sarah Tytler, author of "Papers for Thoughtful Girls." $1.50. (April 1st.) Maetzner's English Grammar. A Methodical, Analytical, and Historical Treatise on the Orthography, Prosody. Inflections, and Syntax of the English Tongue. Transl. from the German by Cair J. Grece, LL.B.,, Member of the Philological Society. 3 vols. 8°. Chapters on Animals. By Phi'ip Gilbert Hamerton. With Twenty Etchings by J. Veyrassat and Karl Bodmer. $2. (In April.) Annus Domini. A Text and Prayer for Each Day of the Year. By Christina G. Rossetti. Sq. 18°. Sea and Shore. A Poetical Selection for the Summer Idler. Sq. 18. $1.25. (May 1st.) SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & CO., New York. What is Darwinism? By Rev. Chas. Hodge, D.D. TO-DAY PUBLISHING CO., Phila. Justin Harley. A Romance of Old Virginia. Esten Cooke. Illustr. by Wm. L. Sheppard. 340. By Jno. 12, pp. WARREN & WYMAN, New York. Asked of God. By Anna Shipton. 18°. Clo. 75 c.; pap. Secret of the Lord. By Anna Shipton. 18°. Clo. By Anna Shipton. 18°. Clo. 75 c.; pap. Wayside Service. 75 c.; pap. Last Blessing. By Anna Shipton. 18°. Clo. 75 c.; pap. A. WILLIAMS & CO., Boston. Instruction on Modern American Bridge Building. With Practical Applications and Examples, Estimates of Quantities, and Tables. Illustrated with four plates and thirty figures. By G. B. N. Tower. 8°. $2. Modern Ornamentor and Interior Decorator. By A. P. Boyce. Ilustr in colors. Oblong 4°. $3.50. WILSTACH, B LDWIN & CO.. Cincinnati. The Woman's War on Whiskey. Its History, Theory, and Prospects. Embracing a comprehensive account of the Rise and Progress of the Women's Temperance Movement, with Scenes and Incidents of the Campaign, and a Statement of the best mode of insuring Success. By J. H. Beadle, author of Life in Utah." etc. With an Introductory Article. and Statement of the conditions of success, by Dio Lewis. 12°. 75 c.; pap. 50 c. (March 25th.) Publishers' First Announcements. Porter & Coates:-A Ma ual on Mythology, by Alexander James R. Osgood & Co.:- History of a House, from the French of Viollet-le-Duc.- Adventures of Captan Hatteras, by Jules Verne. MCH. 9. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Little Dinners, by Mary Hooper. Health and Education, by the Rev. Charles Kings ey-Words of Hope and Comfort to those in Sorrow. by the late Mrs. Julius Hare.-Samuel Lover's Life and Unpublished Works, by Bayle Bernard.-Paradoxes and Puzzles, by John Paget. Harper & Bros.:-Making the Worst of it.-The Moon, Considered as a Planet, a World, and a Satellite, by James Nasmyth and James Carpenter.-The Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch.-P. radoxes and Puzzles.- By Sea and by Land.-The Mystery of Ashleigh Manor.-Mrs. Greville. the Story of a Woman's Life.-The Only One of her Mother. -Mrs. Gilbert. Henry Holt & Co.:-The Life of Napoleon III., by Blanchard Jerrold.-History of Japan, by F. O. Adams.Sweet, Not Lasting. MCH. 10. Estes & Lauriat:-Memoir of Lord Chief Justice Denman, uniform with our 8vo edition of Chief Justices.-On the Rhine, by Victor Hugo.-Adventures of Dr. Brady, by Wm. Howard Russell. Atherstone Priory, by N. L. Comyn. Porter & Coates:-Health and Education, by Charles Kingsley.-The Great Ice Age, by James Geikie.-Paradoxes and Puzzles, by Jolin Paget.-A Young Man's Love, by Mrs. George Hooper.- Meta Holden, by Victor Cherbuliez.-Gerda; or, The Children of Work, by Mme. Schwartz. James R. Osgood & Co.:-From advance sheets, A Rose in June. MCH. 11. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Cohler's Biblical Theology of the Old Testament, a translation with the saction of the editor-Dr. Luthardt's Commentary on St. John's Gospel, translated, with the Sanction of the author, by Caspar René Gregory (from early sheets of a new edition). Harper & Bros.:-Peeps into the Human Hive.-Stormonth's English Dictionary.-Open, Sesame ! MCH. 12. Estes & Lauriat.:-Nuggets and Dust.-Laugherisms.The Fiend's Delight.-Cobwebs from an Empty Skull.Fables of Zambri, the Persian.-A Cool Collection of Atrocities, by Dod Grile. Porter & Coates.:-Second Cousin Sarah, by F. W. Robinson.-No Alternative, by Annie Thomas.-Vicissitudes Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Life and Times of Bosof Bessie Fairtax, by Holme Lee. suet.-Life, Journal, and Letters of Dean Alford.-Droll Stories collected from the Abbeys of Touraine, illustrated with 425 designs by Gustave Doré. Little, Brown & Co.:-Conway's Sacred Anthology.Famous Trials, containing the Trials, in Narrative Form, of the Tichborne Claimant, with Portraits, Prince Bonaparte, Troppman, Wharton, etc. Porter & Coates:-Little Lady Lorraine, by Courtenay Grant.-Doctor Middleton's Daughter.-First Lessons in the Principles of Cooking, by Lady Barker. - The Wild North Land, by Captain Butler.-A Whaling Cruise to Baffin's Bay and the Gulf of Boothia, by Captain A. H. Markham.-Winter at the Italian Lakes. J. B. Lippincott & Co.:-The Universe and the Coming Transits, by R. Proctor.-Jerrold's Life of Napoleon III. G. P. Putnam's Sons:-The Higher Schools and Universities of Germany, by Mathew Arnold, edited for American readers by Prof. J. M. Hart. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Essays, Critical and James R. Osgood & Co.:-Alice Lorraine.-The Foik- Robert M. De Witt :-The Chevalier Casse-Cow.-The Romance of the Era, trans'ated from the French of Fortuné du Boisgobey, by Thomas Picton. MCH. 16. D. Appleton & Co.:-Letters of an Unknown, by Prosper Merimée. Scribner. Armstrong & Co.:-Sketches in Italy and Greece, by J. A. Symonds. -Characteristics of English Poets, from Chaucer to Tennyson, by Wm. Minto, M.A.Hours in a Library, by Leslie Stephen. |