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A Tale of the Heroic Age.

By EDWARD EGGLESTON, author of "The Hoosier Schoolmaster," "End of the World," etc. Profusely Illustrated.

A most interesting and exciting story of the adventurous saddle-bag era of Methodism, in its grand march through the forests and settlements of the West some sixty years ago.

Dr. Eggleston agrees with competent critics in judging this to be his best novel. A "Circuit Rider" himself in early life, the author has written this story with an enthusiastic enjoyment of his general subject.

Extra cloth, fancy stamped cover.....

Large Advance Orders already received.



Beecher's Sermons.

Vols. IX. and X., including Sermons preached from September, 1872, to September, 1873 inclusive. Completing the original series of ten octavo volumes. 2 vols. 8vo. Cloth, each.$2.50

Fruits, Flowers, and Farming.

New edition, with much additional matter.
cloth, gilt and ink stamped covers..

Uniform edition of the author's works. Extra


The Volumes already Issued are:

1. Yale Lectures on Preaching. First 4. Star Papers.
Series. Personal Elements in Preaching. I vol. additional papers.
12mo. Price


2. Yale Lectures on Preaching. Second Series. Religious and Social Machinery of the

Church. I vol. 12mo. Price............$1.50

3 Lectures to Young Men, on various im-
portant subjects. New edition, with addı-
tional Lectures.
I vol.
12mo. Price...$1.50

New edition, with many
I vol. 12mo..


In Press.

Yale Lectures on Preaching. Third Series.
Method of Using Christian Doctrines.
Norwood; or, Village Life in New England.
New edition, with illustrations.
English and American Speeches, on Poli-
tics, War, and various miscellaneous topics.

J. B. FORD & CO., Publishers,



NEW YORK CITY.-Henry L. Hinton, publish


YOUNG MAN, having command of some capital,

er, has been succeeded by Henry L. Hinton & A would like to form a connection with a well-established


REMOVALS.-John street, which has long been the headquarters of the stationery trade, will look quite lonely without the well-known signs of Messrs G. A Olney, G. H. Reay, and Willy Wallach. Mr. Wallach has taken the store recently occupied by the Scovill Manufacturing Company, with entrances on Park Row, Beekman, and Nassau streets. The James St. John Stationery Company will also move, as their store is taken by Tyler, St. John & Coffin (successors to Jewett, St John & Co.) from May 1. During the month, A. Dougherty, Esq., will move his card factory to his new building in Centre street, which he has just completed. Dougherty is getting up quite a reputa tion abroad for his cards, and he has already made several shipments to London of his No. 17 (Harry VIII.) cards.-Paper Trade Journal.


MEN of Letters, by J. Haine Friswel.

College Lectures on Ecclesiastical History, by Bates. Gas Manipulation, by Sugg (London).

British Coal Fields, by Hunt.

Memoir of Bishop White.

Nicholson's Palæontology.

McLeod's Dictionary of Political Economy.
Iconographic Encyclopædia, half mor.

Please address, stating condition and price, F. B. PatterSON, 61 Liberty Street, New York City.

MARTIN'S History of the Sepoy Rebellion in India.

with illustrations.-Address, with description, style of binding, price, etc., LINDSAY & BLAKISTON, 25 South Sixth Street. Philadelphia.

WANTED-Parts 2, 3, 4, of vol. V., or the complete

volume, Boston Journal of Natural History.-Address WM. HOLDEN, Marietta, O.

WANTED-Poems by Amelia; also, Homeric Ballads


by Maginn. ROBERT CLARKE & Co., Cincinnati,

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book house, with view to purchasing an interest.-Address "K. T.," care PUBLISHERS' Weekly.




Carpentry, and Building,

Will find a full stock at the publishing

office of

A. J. BICKNELL & CO., 27 Warren St., New York.

Catalogue mailed to any address.


Presbyterian Cook-Book.

Published for the benefit of the Ladies' Society of the

First Presbyterian Church, Dayton, O.

Enlarged and revised edition, containing One Hundred and Sixty-nine Pages of Valuable Household Receipts, contributed by ladies who have tried them and found their excellence.

In stiff oilcloth covers, interleaved with writing paper..$1.50
In limp cloth complete, but without interleaves........ 1.00
Orders filled by

John H. Thomas & Co., Dayton, O.
Lee, Shepard & Dillingham, New York.
J. B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia.
Gen. E. Stevens & Co., Cincinnati.
Robt. Clarke & Co., Cincinnati.
Western News Co., Chicago.

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The Higher Schools and Universities of Germany. By MATTHEW ARNOLD. With a
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and Roman Catholicism with that of the English Government in Ireland. Cr. 8vo..(Just Ready.)
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Second Edition, revised. Fcp. 8vo, cloth....
William Carstares: a Character and Career of the Revolutionary Epoch (1649-1715). By Robert
H. STORY, Minister of Rosneath. With Portrait engraved by Jeens. 8vo.........(Next Week.)




ANCIENT SYMBOL WORSHIP. Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity. By Hodder M. Westropp and C. Staniland Wake. With an Introduction, additional Notes, and Appendix, by Alexander Wilder, M.D. 1 vol. 8vo., beautifully printed on superior paper, cloth extra, $2

These papers were read before the Anthropological Society of London, attracting great interest among scholars and persons of cultivation. The whole subject of Phallism is here condensed and set forth mo'estly yet explicitly, and its connection with the ancient world religions accurately defined. The Biblical student desiring to understand the nature and character of the idolatry of the Israelites during the Commonwealth and Monarchy, and the classic scholar endeavoring to compre hend the ideas and principles which underlie mythology, will find their curiosity gratified, and they will be enabled at the same time to perceive how not only many of our modern systems of religion but our arts and architecture are to be traced to the same archaic source.

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An entirely new and choice collection of original Dialogues, Tableaux, etc., etc., adapted to the wants of School Exhibitions, Literary Societies, Lyceums, Lodges, the Holidays, Church, Sunday-School, and Sociable Gatherings, Temperance Meetings, etc., etc. Compiled by WILLIAM M. CLARK, editor of the Schoolday Magazine. Pronounced the best work of the kind ever issued. 375 pp. Cloth. Price.$1.50 A liberal discount to the trade.

J. W. DAUGHADAY & CO., Publishers, Nos. 434 and 436 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.






Liberal Discount to the Trade.

For Descriptive Circular address,


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Geo. P. Rowell & Co.

conduct an Agency for the reception of advertisements for American NEWSPAPERS-the most complete establishment of the kind in the world. Six thousand NEWSPAPERS are kept regularly on file open to inspection by customers. Advertisement is taken at the home price of the paper, Every without any additional charge or commission. An advertiser, in dealing with the Agency, is saved trouble and correspondence, making one contract instead of a dozen,a hundred, or a thousand. A Book of eighty pages, containing lists of best papers, largest circulations, religious, agricultural, class, political. daily and country papers, and all publications which are specially valuable to advertises, with some information about prices, is sent Free to any address on application. Persons at a distance wishing to make contracts for advertising in any town, city, county, State or Territory of the United States, or any portion of the Dominion of Canada, may send a concise statement of what they want, together with a copy of the Advertisement they desire inserted, and will receive information by return mail which will enable them to decide whether to increase or reduce the order. For such information there is no charge. Orders are taken for a single paper as well as a list, for a single dollar as readily as for a larger sum. Offices (Times Building),

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THE WHITE ROSE. BY MARY J. HEDGES. 12mo, 320 pages....... .......$1.25

The gift of a simple white rose was the means of leading those who cared for it to the Saviour. How it was done is very pleasantly told, and also the wrongs resulting in the use of strong drink forcibly shown. BACCHUS DETHRONED. 12mo, 248 pages. By FREDERICK POWELL... ...$1.00

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This is an English Prize essay, written in response to a prize offered by James Teare, of England, for the best temper It is one of the ablest and most convincing works ever issued. The question is presented in all its phases, physiological, social, political, moral and religious. It is very comprehensive, multiplying facts, abounding in argu ments, answering objections, and enforcing powerful and pзthetic appeals.

Temperance Singers ever, where, comprising the Battle
Hymns of Ohio, 30 hymns, 24 pages, per hundred..$3.00
Woman's Temperance Movement. By Rev E. R. Rox.
24 pages. Per dozen.....

.60 cents.

J. N. STEARNS, Publishing Agent, 58 Reade Street, New York.


Against the Laws of Life and Health, and their Effects upon the Father, Mother, and Child. By AUGUSTUS K. GARDNER, A.M., M.D., Late Professor of Diseases of Females and Clinical Midwifery in the New York Medical College. Twentieth Thousand. Kevised Edition, with a new Preface. Just Ready." One vol., 12mo Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00.


From Rev. DR. JOHN TODD, author of the "Student's Manual," etc., etc. "You have done well, and I hail every attempt to lift up or hold back poor humanity from evil most praiseworthy. Were you to hear all the confessions about Conjugal Sins' which might be made, your ears would give out under the wail."

"It is a sound, earnest book, written with knowledge, purpose, and feeling."-New York Tribuns.

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"The author's words are of great import, and deserve serious attention. They are, too, so delicately chosen, that they can give no offense to the most fastidious."-Evening Post (Chicago)

"It is unexceptionable in tone and calculated to be very useful in its advice. We hope it will be sold and read and its counsels heeded."-Congregationalist (Boston.)

"It is written in the best spirit, scientific and moral, and it ought to be read by husbands and wives, and fathers and mothers."-N. Y. Independent.

"It is elevated in tone, thorough and yet delicate in treatment."-Home Journal, N. Y.

"No parent will fail of reading every line in the book with the most absorbing interest. It is a boon to womankind."— Hall's Journal of Health.

"No one, young or old, should be without the important information it contains."-Frank Leslie's Illustr. Paper.

G. J. MOULTON, Publisher,


As Powerful a Book as Uncle Tom's Cabin."





A True Story of Insane Asylums. By MRS. EUGENIA ST. JOHN. 12mo, cloth....... .$1.50

MR. HENRY W. LONGFELLOW, who has read this remarkable book, says "he hopes the author will keep on in her work until universal attention is awakened to the subject."

The voluntary offering of Mr. Wm. Lloyd Garrison to the cause of humanity : DEAR MRS. ST. JOHN:

I have perused, with painful interest, your work entitled "Bella; or, The Cradle of Liberty." Though making no pretensions to literary excellence, it is creditably writ ten, and as a story of Insane Asylums, claiming to be (as I doubt not it is) based upon absolute truth, it deserves to be read and pondered by such as are anxious to subserve the cause of suffering humanity. The light it throws upon the interior management of the asylums referred to, and, in all probability, to such retreats generally, makes a sad revelation of the outrageous treatment to which their hapless inmates are liable, without hope of redress or chance of making known their deplorable condition, because deprived of the right to communicate any of the facts to their relatives or friends. The suppression of all letters containing any complaints, however guardedly made, and the danger of subjecting themselves to a still worse infliction for making them by those to whom their eare and keeping are entrusted, render them as helpless as were the slaves on the Southern plantations. There seems to be an urgent necessity not only for the most searching official investigation, but for some additional legislation for the better protection of a large, increasing aud aberrant class, whose case calls for the greatest tenderness, the deep est commiseratinn, the most humane and judicious treatment. The circulation of your work cannot fail to awaken a deeper interest in their behalf than has hitherto been felt, as its sentiments are pure, elevating, and philanthropic.

Respectfully yours,



"Bella; or, The Cradle of Liberty' is the title of an original book of some 350 pages, written by Mrs. Eugenia

St. John, and published by N. D. Berry, Boston. The book is mainly devoted to the experiences of one "Bella" in an insane asylum, and they tend to show up the practices and doings that take place within these unfrequented places. There is much to shudder over, to mourn over, to scorn, to despise, in these experiences, and the heart is spontaneously opened to those unfortunate people who are so afflicted as to be sent to such places. The heart-rending tortures of the inmates, as depicted in this book, are such as to demand the interference of the authorities to vigilantly watch these 'hells' and make them what they should be-calm places of repose for disordered brains. Rev. Wm. R. Alger recently exposed the plan upon which asylums were conducted, and he raised a shower of virtuous indignation from the fossilized press; but here are the abuses-the dastardly brutalities and animal ferocities of the officers of these institutions--depicted. Every Christian man and woman should read this simply but well told story, that they may know that it is not necessary to go to the Fiji Islands to find savages and brutes."Boston Journal of Commerce.

LEE & SHEPARD, Boston.

"The author having experienced the horrible cruelties indevoting her life to the effort of arousing public attention to such flicted upon the inmates of our American Insane Asylums, is abuses. We have the first fruits of her resolution in' Bella; or, The Cradle of Liberty.' The story is vigorously told, and certainly is of harrowing interest."-Christian Union. "Had we room to transfer to our columns the sketches of tyranny and torture, of selfishness, inhumanity and revengefulness that abound in the pages of this book, it would thrill the hearts of all readers."-Banner of Light.

"If the revolting cruelties and horrors depicted in this book are really practiced in our insane asylums, the authoress has undertaken a good work in exposing them, and endeavoring to end them by enlisting public indignation. She says she writes knowingly of her subject, having seen and experienced the fearful wrongs which she describes. A reading of her book we think will inspire the feeling that she is truthful and sincere, and that the object of her work is really an earnest desire to do good by unveiling the iniquities which attend the treatment of the insane in our public asylums.' Mrs. St. John will not pause in her good work, but follow up Bella' with other stories of the same nature, purporting to be 'faithful sketches of asylum life as it is.'"-Publishers' Weekly.

N. D. BERRY, Publisher, Boston.
The trade supplied by



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