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Selections chiefly from recent Poetry. With a Preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury. 16mo, extra cloth, gilt top.... Sermons. Price $2.00 By J. J. STEWART PEROWNE, D D. Preached chiefly in the Chapel of St. David's College, 12mo, extra cloth.... Price $3.00 Out and All About. Fables for Old and Young. By H. A. PAGE. With eighty-five illustrations by eminent artists. Square 12mo, extra cloth, gilt and gilt edges... . Price $2.00 "The most beautiful child's book that has recently issued from the press. The illustrations are beautiful and the binding delicious." Thoughts through the Year. Sonnets suggested by the Collects. By J. E. A. BROWN, author of "Lights through a Lattice." 16mo, flexible cloth extra... Pulpit Notes. .Price $ With an Introductory Essay on the Preaching of Jesus Christ. By JOSEPH PARKER, D.D., author of "Ecce Deus." 12mo, cloth.... "The introductory essay is a perfect gem."-LITERARY WORLD. Revelation Considered as Light. .... Price $2.00 A Series of Discourses by the late Rev. ALEX. EWING, Bishop of Argyll. 12mo, cloth. Price $3 "The beautiful and thoughtful volume of sermons which Bishop Ewing lived to see through the press, but not to see in the hands of the public."—Spectator. National Education. In its Social Conditions and Aspects, and Public Elementary School Education, English and Foreign. By JAMES H. RIGG, D.D., Principal of Westminster Training School, and Member of the London School Board. 12mo, extra cloth.... .Price $4.50 "A book of profound research and thought. This volume is not unworthy the attention of our foremost statesmen. No library will henceforth upon this theme be complete without it."-WATCHMAN. Memorials of a Quiet Life. By AUGUSTUS J. C. HARE, author of "Walks in Rome." Second American Edition, with an Introduction by Bishop Huntington. 12mo, extra cloth, 1,002 pages, with two steel portraits. Price $3.00 This edition is printed from the same plates as the English edition, which was published in two volumes at a price equivalent in American currency to about $10.50. The book is everywhere receiving the most enthusiastic notices. "The author, Mr. A. J. C. Hare. has written another work, full of antiquarian and classical erudition, 'WALKS IN ROME.' But among all the trophies and tombs of that old civilization of a thousand years, he has opened no treasures for the eyes of men like the simple living monuments here placed before us."-BISHOP HUNTINGTON. LONDON... NEW YORK. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, .THE BROADWAY, LUDGATE. ..416 BROOME STREET. .... ILLUSTRATIONS. Electrotypes from Wood Engravings. 50,000 SUBJECTS! Suitable for every conceivable variety of Article, Book, or Illustrated Newspaper. 596 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WILSTACH, BALDWIN & CO., CINCINNATI, O., will publish, March 25th, the WOMEN'S WAR ON WHISKY Its History, Theory, and Prospects, embracing a Comprehensive Account of the Rise and Progress of the Women's Temperance Movement, with scenes and Incidents of the Campaign, and a Statement of the Best Mode of Ensuring Success. By J. H. BEADLE, author of "Life in Utah," "The Undeveloped West," etc. With an Introductory Article and Statement of the Conditions of Success. By DIO LEWIS. One vol. 12mo, cloth, 75 cents. Paper 50 cents. The object of this book is to meet a popular demand for a concise record of the origin and early history of this great TEMPERANCE REVIVAL, and of its progress up to the date of publication, when the war is at its height. Another purpo-e is by an account of the methods which have been crowned with success, to present to all who wish to try the OHIO PLAN, a manual for guidance-not to propose a substitute for the religious spirit which it seems must, in all cases, be the motive power -but to supply information derived from observation and experience as to the practical working of the movement, The author has been an eye witness of the scenes in most of the towns of Ohio, and knows whereof he writes. EARLY ORDERS FROM THE TRADE SOLICITED. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S CELEBRATED STEEL PENS. Sold by dealers throughout the world. Every Packet bears the Fac-Simile of his Signature. DC Gillott MANUFACTURER'S WAREHOUSE, 91 JOHN STREET, NEW YORK. Invite the attention of the trade to their stock of ENGLISH BOOKS, Which they offer on most favorable terms. DODD & MEAD'S Gold and Dross. JUST PUBLISHED: By EDWARD GARRETT, author of "Crooked Places," "Occupations of a Retired Life," etc., etc. .$1.75 12mo.. ** Second edition now ready. Cassy. IN PRESS. By HESBA STRETTON, author of " Bede's Charity," "Hester Morley's Promise," etc. 16mo.$1 David Crockett. By J. S. C. ABBOTT. Being volume 6th in " Abbott's American Pioneers and Patriots." Our Fred. A Sequel to "The Old Fashioned Boy." By MARTHA FINLAY, author of the Elsie Books, etc. Pulpit Eloquence of XIX. Century. A New Edition. With Supplement containing Masterpieces of Beecher, McCosh, Newman The Children of the East. Being the Children's Chapter from "The Women of the Arabs." By Dr. H. H. Jessup. A Theologian's Fetich. A Criticism upon Dr. Hodge's Theology. By Rev. JOHN MILLER, D.D., of Princeton. Certain parties have tried to frighten the trade against selling our Kaleidoscope, claiming a Patent on the Glass Tube. We have taken legal advice on the matter, and hereby notify the Trade that we will fully protect them against such parties. We have lately made improvements on a new Adjustable Stand, which allows the instrument to be tipped at any angle. The sale of our instruments is rapidly preceding all others, and the trade have fully recognized the superiority of our Stereoscopes, as all containing powerful lenses, correct vision, and perfectly adjusted to the sight. The correct imitation of Rosewood Hood, and the Beaded extension on the Lens Holder, increase the value fully 10 per cent. Very truly yours, SURDAM & WHITE, Manufacturers, 299 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. WE CHALLENGE THE WORLD TO EQUAL IT. The superiority of the Yankee Letter File and Binder over all others consists of the following improvements: 1st. It has an ELLIPTICAL SPRING made of tempered steel with three coils in the middle, extending the entire length o the File head, while the French File made in this country has two brass springs, one at each end, but three inches in length which are soon gone and another file must be purchased. ad. The Yankee Letter File and Binder is not made in book form with flapping covers which are soon cut off by raising the bar that passes over the needles in binding the book. 3d. Our File only occupies half the room on your desk when in use. 4th. The bar that holds the letters is raised with much greater ease and less annoyance, as the spring is long and will never break. market. 5th. It is made of black walnut and sheet brass and is very ornamental, having 25 times the durability of any File in the 6th. It has a guide at the ends of the File Head which renders it impossible to make your book anything but square, and neat looking when complete. 7th. Should any part of the Yankee Letter File and Binder get out of repair, which will never happen by any fair usage, you can get any part of it sent by express and replaced by your own hands without tools. 8th. One of the most important points of all connected with the Yankee File is the NEEDLES. They are of the best of steel with fine points, and will never bend in passing your papers over them, and are so constructed at the points, as you see by figure 2 in cut, that you can complete the binding of your book instantly after taken from the MACHINE or FILE. With each Letter File will be found printed directions which will enable any one to handle this article without trouble. They are then Fig 2, shows you one set of needles which are held in Letter File by two SCREWS until filled with letters. We will further state to the trade in this line of goods that we have no canvassers out from office to office as do many other men in the Letter File business. Our object is to give this Letter File to the STATIONERY TRADE to handle, PROTECTING them in every way, as we own the ENTIRE INVENTION, and manufacture this File at our own factory. MANUFACTURED BY DUNHAM & CO., Office and Factory, 46 Centre St., N. Y. STANDARD BOOKS PUBLISHED BY MASON, BAKER & PRATT, 142 and 144 Grand Street, New York. Macaulay's Complete Works. The last edition. Edited by Lady Trevelyan. Elegantly printed on tinted paper, at the Riverside Press. Containing the History of England, Essays, Poems, and Speeches. The Waverley Novels. Centenary Edition. 25 vols. Crown 8vo. $36.00 A new and elegant Library Edition. Explanatory Notes, Observations, and complete Index. Printed in large. clear type, on tinted paper. 4 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth...... 4 vols. Crown 8vo. Sheep.. Half Calf.... Popular Edition. Same as above. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Cloth.. 2 vols. Crown 8vo. Sheep... ...... $9.00 ..10.00 .16.00 MASON, BAKER & PRATT, 142 and 144 GRAND STREET, NEW YORK. |