Sophocles (112), Greek Text of the Plays (Campbell's), $1.75-With Introd. and Notes (Campbell & Abbott's), part I., Edipus Tyrannus, 75 c................. .....Macmillan. Southworth, E. D. E. N. (115), Victor's Triumph, $1.75; Peterson. pap. $1.50... Stephens, A. S. (114), Phemie Frost's Experiences, $1.75. Carleton. Stier, Rudolf. See Lacroix, J. P. Stories about Animals. See Jackson, T. Tyrwhitt, R. St. J. (115), Art Teaching of the Prim tive Church, $3. ...Pott, Y. & Co. United States (115), Withrow's Am. Corporation Cases, V. 2........ ......Myers. - (112), Decisions of the Commissioner of General Land Weir, M. E. (113), Rockbourne, $1.25.... Sheldon. The following List, which includes the most prominent books just published or forthcoming, has been reprinted from the MONTHLY BOOK CIRCULAR, on account of its classified arrangement. The "Monthly Book Circular" List will hereafter form a regular feature of the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY and be found in the first number of each month, where, together with the Monthly Alphabetical List, it will much increase the facilities for ready reference. CLASSIFIED LIST OF RECENT AND FORTHCOMING BOOKS. The prices in this List_are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise expressed. Imported books are marked with an asterisk (*); Author's and Subscription Books with two asterisks (**). Ford. THEOLOGY AND RELIGION-METAPHYSICS. Beecher.-Serm ons. By Henry Ward Beecher. Vols. 9 and 10. 8°. Per v. $2.50... Bickersteth.-The Reef, and other Parables. By E. H. Bickersteth. Illustr. 16°. $1.35...... ......Carter. Blunt.-Dictionary of Sects, Heresies, and Schools of Thought. By various writers. Ed. by the Rev. John Henry Blunt, M.A., etc. Imp. 8. $10...... ..Lippincott. Burris.-A New-Discussion of the Trinity. By Rev. F. H. Burris, Member of the South Kansas M. E. Conference. With an Introduction by Prof. Joseph Haven, D.D., LL.D., author of Mental Philos.," etc. 12°. $1.50. Griggs. Farrar.-The Silence and Voices of God, with other Sermens. By F. W. Farrar, D.D., F.R.S. 12°. $1.Dutton. Frothingham.-The Safest Creed, and twelve other recent Discourses of Reason. By Octavius B. Frothingham. 12. $1.50.... Butts. Gray.-The Biblical Museum. By James Comper Gray. Vol. 3, The Acts of the Apostles and Romans; vol. 4, The Epistles I. Corinthians to Philemon. Ea. 12°. $1.50...... Hale.-A Summer Vacation. Four Sermons. By Edward E. Hale. Published at the request of some who heard them. 16. Pap. 50 c............. ......Roberts. *Hegel.-The Logic of Hegel. Being Part 1 of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences. Transl. by W. Wallace, M.A., Fellow and Tutor of Merton Coll., Oxford. 8. $7...... ....Macmillan. Hudson.-Sermons. By Henry Norman Hudson. 16°. $1.75.... .....Ginn. Per v. ......Randolph. -Ancient Faiths Embodied in Ancient Names; or, An Attempt to Trace the Religious Belief, Social Rites, and Holy Emblems of Certain Nations by an Interpretation of the names given to Children by Priestly Authority, or Assumed by Prophets, Kings, and Hierarchs. By Thomas Inman, M.D., etc. (London). 2 vols. Illustr. 8°. $27..Butts. *Kingsley.-Westminster Sermons. By the Rev. Charles Kingsley, Canon of Westminster and Chaplain to the Queen and the Prince of Wales. 8°. $3;-Same, popular ed. 16. $1.50.... .....Macmillan. Moore. The Presbyterian Digest. Compend of the Acts and Deliverances of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. Compiled by the Order and Authority of the General Assembly. By Rev. Wm. E. Moore, D.D. 8°. Shp. $6.50. Presb. Bd. of Pub. *Plumptre.-The Bible Educator. Vol. 1. Edited by Rev. E. H. Plumptre, of King's Coll., London. Illustr. with 120 engr. and maps. Imp. 8°. $3... Cassell. Pope.-Holy Week in the Vatican; the Ceremonies and their Connection with History, Science, and the Fine Arts, Music, Painting, Sculpture. Architecture, Engraving, and Astronomy with Religious Reflections on Wonders in the Order of Nature and Grace. By Thomas Canon Pope. 12°. $2.50... ..Donahoe. Rocco.-The Masculine Cross; or, Ancient Sex Worship. By Sha Rocco. With 26 illustr. 12. $1; pap. 75 c. Butts. St Francis de Sales.-The Consoling Thoughts of St. Francis de Sales. Gathered from his Writings and arranged in order by the Rev. Père Huguet. Transl. from the 7th French ed. 18°. 75 C...... ..Donahoe. Smith.-Characteristics of Christian Morality, By the Rev. J. Gregory Smith. (Bampton Lectures.) 8°. $2.50. Pott, Y. & Co. *Tyrwhitt.-The Art Teaching of the Primitive Church. With an Index of Subjects, Historic and Emblematic. By the Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. Illustr. $3.... ...Pott, Y. & Co. Westropp and Wake.-Ancient Symbol Worship. Influence of the Phallic Idea in the Religions of Antiquity. By Hodder M. Westropp and C. Staniland Wake. Introduction, additional Notes, and Appendix, by Alexanander Wilder, M.D. 8°. $2.... Bouton. .... 12°. With an Just or Nearly Ready. Annus Domini. A Text and Prayer for Each Day of the Year. By Christina G. Rosetti. Sq. 18.......Roberts. Conway's Sacred Anthology.... ......Holt. EDUCATIONAL--LANGUAGE. Boise's Greek Syntax. Exercises in some of the more difficult Principles of Greek Syntax, with References to the Grammars of Crosby, Curtius, Goodwin, Hadley, Koch, and Kuhner. 12°. $1.50...... ...Griggs. Brackett.-The Education of American Girls, considered 12. in a Series of Essays. Edited by Anna C. Brackett, 12. $1.75.. ..Putnam. Clark.-Model Dialogues. A new and choice Collection of original Dialogues, Tableaux, etc. Compiled by Wm. M. Clark. 12. $1.50 ...Daughaday. *Cleasby and Vigfusson.- An Icelandic-English Dictionary. Based on the MS. Collections of the late Richard Cleasby. Enlarged and completed by Gudbrand Vigfusson, M.A. With an Introd. and Life of Cleasby by G. Webbe Dasent, D.C.L. Complete. 4°. $32. (Part 3, separately, sewed, $10.)... Macmillan. Duffet.-Progressive and Practical Method for the Study of the French Language. By F. Duffet. Part 1. $1.... ...... Wilson, H. & Co. Duffey. No Sex in Education; or, An Equal Chance for both Boys and Girls. A Reply to Dr. Clarke's "Sex in Education." By Mrs. E. B. Duffey, author of "What Women Should Know," etc. 12. $..........Stoddart. Geikie.-Geology. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D.. F.R.S. (Science Primer.) Illustr. 18°. 50 C...Appleton. Howe.-Sex and Education. A Reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's "Sex in Education." Ed., with an Introd., by Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 12. $1.25............Roberts. *Nixon.-Parallel Extracts. Arranged for Translation into Erglish and Latin, with Notes on Idioms. By J. E. Nixon, M.A. Part 1, Historical and Epistolary. Cr. 8°. $1.50...... ...Macmillan. Peabody.-Lectures on the Nursery and Kindergarten. No. I. Education of the Kindergarten. By Elizabeth McKinney. P. Peabody. 12°. Pap. 25 C........ Penney.-The National Temperance Orator. A new and Choice Collection of Prose and Poetical Articles and Selections. Ed. by Miss L. Penney. 12°. $1. Nat. Temp. Soc. *Perry.-Steam. An Elementary Treatise. By John Perry, B.E With numerous Illustr, Examples, and Exercis s. (Macmillan's Science Class Books.) 18. $1.50. Macmillan. Rigg.-National Education in its Social Conditions and Aspects, and Public Elementary School Education, English and Foreign. By James H. Rigg, D.D. $4.50 Routledge. Shoup. The Elements of Algebra. By F. A. Shoup, Prof. of Mathematics in the Univ. of the South, etc. Cr. 8. $1.50....... .Hale. Just or Nearly Ready. Maetzner's English Grammar. A Methodical, Analytical, and Historical Treatise on the Orthography, Prosody, Inflections, and Syntax of the English Tongue. Transl, from the German by Clair J. Grece. LL.B., Member of the Philological Society. 3 vols. 8°.. ..Roberts. POLITICAL SCIENCE-LAW. Hamilton.-Present Status of Social Scie ce. A Review, historical and critical, of the Progress of Thought in Social Philos. By R. S. Hamilton. 12. $2..... ..Hinton. St. Germain.-The Doctor and Student; or, Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity, and a Student in the Laws of England, containing the grounds of those laws, together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity thereof. By Christopher Saint Germain. Rev. and corr. by William Muchall. To which are added two pieces concerning Suits in Chancery by Subpoena. 8°. $3..Clarke. MEDICAL SCIENCE, Arthius.-Treatment of Nervous and Rheumatic Affections by Static Electr city. By Dr. A. Arthius. Transl. by J. H. Etheridge, M.D. 12°. $2...Keen, C. & Co. Dun.-Veterinary Medicines: their Actions and Uses. By Finlay Dun. 4th ed. 8°. $6... .....Wood. Reese.-Manual of Toxicology. Including the Consideration of the Nature, Properties, Effects, and Means of Detection of Poisons more especially in their Medico-Legal Relations. By John J. Reese. 8° $5......Lippincott. Reynolds.-Lectures on the Clinical Uses of Electricity. Delivered in University College Hospital. By J. Russell Reynolds, M.D. 2d ed. 12°. $1.25...... Lindsay & B. Sieveking. The Medical Adviser in Life Assurance. By E. H. Sieveking, M.D. 12. $2.25......Lindsay & B. Wood.-Therapeutics, Materia Medica, and Toxicology, with Especial References to the Application of the Physio. logical Action of Drugs to Clinical Medicine. By H. C. Wood, Jr., M.D. 8°. $5.50....... ......Lippincott. USEFUL ARTS AND PRACTICAL SCIENCES. Boyce.-Modern Ornamentor and Interior Decorator. With plates. By A. P. Boyce. 4°. $3.50........ Williams. Clarke.-The Constants of Nature. Part 1. Specific Gravities, and Chemical Formula. Compiled by F. W. Collections, Clarke. S. B. (Smithsonian Miscellaneous 255.) Roy. 8°. Pap. (Dec., 1873.).....Smithsonian Inst. Clevenger.-A Treatise on the Method of Government Surveying as prescribed by the U. S. Congress. By Shobal V. Clevenger. 18. $2.50... ..Van Nostrand. Coues. Field Ornithology. Comprising a Manual of Instruction for Procuring, Preparing and Preserving Birds, and a Check List of North American Birds. Rov. 8°. $2.50......... Nat. Agency; Estes & L.; Dodd & M. *Kelland and Tait.-Introduction to Quaternions, with numerous Examples. By P. Kelland, M.A., F.R.S., and P. G. Tait, M.A., Profs. in the Dept. of Mathematics in the Univ. of Edinburgh. 12. $3....... Macmillan. Parker.-Quadrature of the Circle. Coutaining Demonstrations of the Erors of Geometers in Finding the Approximations in Use, with an Appendix, and Practica! Questions on the Quadrature, applied to the Astronomical Circles, to which are added Lectures on Polar Magnetism and Non-Existence of Projectile Forces in Nature. By John A. Parker. 8°. $2.50...... Wiley. *Schorlemmer.-A Manual of the Chemistry of the Carbon Compounds; or, Organic Chemistry. By C. SchorMacmillan. lemmer, F.R.S. 8°. $5........ Toner-Dictionary of Elevations and Climatic Register of the United States. Containing, in addition to Elevations, the Latitude, Mean Annual Temperature, and the total Annual Rainfall of many Localities. By J. M. Toner, M.D. 8°. $3.75... Van Nostrand. Tower-Instructions on Modern American Bridge Building, with Pr ctical Applications and Examples, Estimates of Quantities, and valuable Tables. Illustr. with 4 plates and 30 figures. By G. B. N. Tower. S. $2.. Williams. Trowbridge.-Heat as a Source of Power; with Applications of General Principles to the Construction of Steam Generators. An Introduction to the Study of Heat Engines. By William P. Trowbridge. 8°. $3.50.......... Wiley. Van Nostrand's Science Series, No. 9:-Fuel. By W. C. Siemens; and The Value of Artificial Fuels as Compared with Coal. By John Wormald. 18°. Bds. 50 CVan Nostrand. HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TRAVEL, ETC. Armstrong and Ludlow.-Hampton and its Students. By Two of its Teachers, Mrs. M. F. Armstrong and Helen W. Lud'ow. With fifty Cabin and Plantation Songs, arranged by Thos. P. Fenner. Illustr. 8°. $1.50.Putnam. Bayard.-The Life of George Dashiell Bayard, late Capt. U. S. A. and Brig.-Genl. of Volunteers. By Samuel J. Bayard. 12°. $1.75..... Putnam. Beadle. The Women's War on Whiskey. Its History, Theory, and Prospects. Embracing a comprehensive ac count of the Rise and Progress of the Women's Temperance Movement, wi h Scenes and Incidents of the Campaign, and a Statement of the best mode of insuring Success. By J. H. Beadle. With an Introductory Article. and Statement of the conditions of success, by Dio Lewis. 12°. 75 C.; pap. 50 c........ .......Wilstach, B. & Co. Chesney.-Essays in Military Biography. By Charles Cornwallis Chesney, Colonel in British Army, and Lieutenant-Color.el in Royal Engineers. 12°. $2.50.........Holt. Cleveland -The Story of a Summer; or, Journal Leaves from Chappaqua. By Cecilia Cleveland. 12°. $1.50. Carleton. *Curwen.-A History of Booksellers, the Old and the New. By Henry Curwen. With Frontispiece, Portraits, and Illustr. Cr. 8°. $3.75......................Scribner, W. & A. Frothingham.-Theodore Parker: A Biography. By O. B. Frothingham. With Portr. Cr. 8°. $3....Osgood. *George.-Genealogical Tables. Illustrative of English History. By Heraford B. George, M.A. 4°. $5... Macmil. Gibbon.-H story of Rome. Standard Edition, with Notes by Kev. H. H. Milman. Newed., with complete Index of the Work. With steel illustr. 6 vols. 12. $9; shp. $12: half calf $19.50.... Porter & C. ho Ivan de Biron; or, The Russian Court in the Middle of last Century. By the author of "Friends in Council," etc. 12. $2.25.. ..Roberts. Lacroix.-The Life of Rudolf Stier. (From German Sources.) By J. P. Lacroix. 12°. $1.50... Nelson & P. Moran.-Lite of Most Rev. Oliver Plunkett, D.D., suffered death for the Catholic Faith in the year 1681. By Rev. P. F. Moran, Bishop of Ossory. 18°. $1.O'Shea. *Palmer.-A History of the Jewish Nation, from the Earliest Period to the Present Day. By E. H. Palmer, M.A., author of "The Desert of the Exodus," etc. With Map and lilustr. $2.50...... Pott, Y. & Co. Parton-Life of Thomas Jefferson. By James Parton. With Helio ype Portrait after painting by Rembrandt Peale. Cr. 8°. $3...... ....Osgood. 12° Taylor.-Etruscan Researches. By Isaac Taylor, M.A. Fust or Nearly Ready. Emery.-Pilgrimage of Grace. A Tale of the Days of Lazarus. Alide. .......Harper. A Romance of Goethe's Life. By Emma Lazarus, author of "Admetus, and other Poems,' etc. 12. $t.25.... Lippincott. Lytton.-The List Days of Pompeii:-Rienzi; - Eugene Aram-Zanoni, By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton ed.) Ea. complete in one vol., 12° Per v. $1.50.................... Lippincott. Marryat.- No Intentions. A Novel. By Florence Marryat, author of The Poison of Asps," etc. 8°. Pap. 75 C....... .....Appleton. Murray-Young Brown. By Grenville Murray, author of "The Member from Paris." (Osgood's Library of Novels. vol. 38.) Illustr. 8°. $1.25; pap. 75 c..... ....Osgood. Newby.-Common Sense.--Trodden Down. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 8. Ea. Pap. 50 c..... ..Peterson. The Bric-a-Brac Series. Personal Reminiscences of famous Poets and Novelists, Wits and Humorists, Artists, Musicians, and the Like. Edited by Richard Henry Stoddard. Vol. 1, Personal Reminiscences from Chorley, Planché, and Young. Sq. 12°. $1.50. Scribner, A. & Co. The Correspondence of the Rev. Dr. William E. Channing and Lucy Aiken. Now for the first time published. 12°. $2... ..Roberts. LITERARY AND ART MISCELLANY. Bascom-Philosophy of English Literature. A course of Lectures delivered in the Lowe 1 Institute. By John Bas12 $1.75... ..Holt. Putnam. Deutsch.-Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsch. With a brief Memoir. 8°. $4...... Fields. Yesterdays with Authors. By James T. Fields. Comprising Reminiscences and Letters of Thackeray, Dickens, Hawthorne, Miss Mitford, and others. Cheaper ed. 12. $e.... ...Osgood. Lamb.-Mary and Charles Lamb. Their Poems, Letters, and Remains. Now first collected, with Reminiscences and Notes. By W. Carew Hazlitt. With Portr. and numerous Illustr. Sm. 8°. $5.. Scribner, W. & A. Lienard.-Specimens of the Decoration and Ornamenta tion of the 19th Century. By Lienard. Reproduced in Fac-simile by the Heliotype Process. (In 12 parts.) Parts 1-4 Per part $a... .....Osgood. Bird.-Winnifred's Jewels. By Mrs. M. A. Bird. Illustr. Blue Ribbon (The). A Novel. by the author of "St. Dickens. Mutual Friend:-A Tale of Two Cities. By Martin Chuzzlewit. By Charles Dickens. Illustr. ed., v. 7 and 8.) 2 vols. Illustr. 8°. (Standard Per vol. $3. Lippincott. $1.75 pap. Dupuy.-The Hidden Sin. A Sequel to "The Dethroned Reid.-A Daughter of Bohemia. By Christian Reid. Seven (The) Gray Pilgrims. A Personal Romance. By a Stephens.-Phemie Frost's Experiences. By Mrs. Ann S. Just or Nearly Ready. Scrope; or, The Lost Library. By F. B. Perkins. 8°. Helene Morten; or, Hidden from the World. From the Steadfast; or, Love and Fortitude. .Hinton. From the German of Paul Heyse. By A. W. H. 12. $1.50........ Hinton. My Comrades. By Hd. H. An exciting narrative, containing interesting adventures among the Highlands, and giving, by way of episode, a melange of the History and Legendary Lore of the Hudson. ilustr. 12°. $1.50. Hinton. The Maiden of Treppi: Or, Love's Victory. From Roberts. Far from the Madding Crowd. By Thomas Hardy. 12°. $1.25......... ........Holt. Auerbach's Waldfried. 12°. $1.25...Holt. City Sparrows, and Who Fed Them. 16°. $1.25....Hoyt. Let Well Alone. By the author of "But Once." llustr. .Carter. Mathews-The New Scholars. By Joanna H. Mathews, 16. $1.25. Carter. 24. 50 C.; Down the River; or, Practical Lessons under the Code Duello. By an Amateur. With twelve full-page illustr, by H. L. Stephens. 12. $1.50....... .....Hals. Engelhardt.-The American Rowing Almanac and Oarsman's Pocket Companion, 1874. By Fred J. Engelhardt. Boating Editor of Turf, Field and Farm.' mor. $1.... Eng hardt. Gardner.-Conjugal Sins against the Laws of Life and Health, and their Effects upon the Father, Mother, and Child. By Augustus K. Gardner, A.M., M.D., late Prot of Diseases of Females and Clinical Midwifery in N. Y. Medical Coll. Twentieth thousand. Rev. ed., with a new preface. 12°. $1.50; pap. $1... .....Moulton. Marvin.-Epidemic Delusions. A Lecture, with valuable Appendix By F. R. Marvin. 12. 50 c.; pap. 25 c. .. Thomas ButtsPresbyterian Cook Book, compiled by the Ladies of the First Presbyterian Church, Dayton, Ohio. End, and rev. ed. 12. $1 interleaved, $1.50... Saunders.-Woman. Love, and Marriage. By F. Saunders, author of "Salad for the Solitary and Social." 12". Pap. 75 C. Carleton. ........ Just or Nearly Ready. A History of American Currency, to which are added Chapters on the Bank of England, Restriction, Austrian Paper Money, and (in Appendix) the Text of the Bullion Report. By Wm. G. Sumuer, Prof. of Political and Social Science in Yale College.... ...Holt. FRANCE. RECENT FOREIGN PUBLICATIONS. 3 fr. Present rate of Importation, 33 c., gold, per Franc. Benard, T. N. De l'Influence des lois sur la répartition des richesses. In-8°. Guillaumin...... Catalogue chronologique des cartes, plans, vues de côtes, niémoires, instructions nautiques, etc., qui composent Phydrographie française. In-8°. Challamel..........6 fr. "Bargain" Catalogues. THE state of the book trade is now about this: either discounts must be reorganized so as to preserve retail prices, or retail prices must go by the board, and underselling be acknowledged as the trade method-which means the demoralization of the retailers pretty nearly out of existence. We have two, notable examples of "cutting under" before us this week. The one is the socalled "clearance catalogue" of a well-known Broadway house, which we had thought sufficiently awake to the interests of the trade not to attempt underselling. The other, the "bargain catalogue" of books for sale by "the club," Chicago. Now, clearance catalogues, like clearance auction sales, are perfectly legitimate, but this first named list is not a clearance catalogue at all. Fresh, salable books are quite as well represented as dead stock, such as the moment they were **cleared off" would be reordered at once from the publishers. The house does not advertise its own issues for sale below price, but what is to be expected in such a case? Either for retaliation or in competition, other houses will undersell its books, and nothing can be said against it. The Chicago" club " prints a representative catalogue in a monthly before us, and gives a full list of American publishers by name, classing them according to the amount of discount the "club "can give on their books-respectively a third, thirty, twenty-five. We trust the publishers who are thus posted will be pleased at the prominence given them. Too many have brought it upon themselves, but all suffer together. Which of the alternatives will the publishers choose? LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. The interests of the trade cannot be better served than by a full discussion by its members of al questions which affect it. Our columns are always open to communications on any such subject, provided they be brief and suggestive, and we cordially invite the trade to express any suggestions or opinions of interest or value in" Letters to the Editor." The Classification of Scientific Books, SAN FRANCISco, April 2, 1874. To the Editor of the Publishers' Weekly. EVERY publisher or extensive dealer in scientific books classifies them according to his own ideas, or does not classify the n at all. So also with regard to every one who makes a catalogue of them. Now it seems to me that but one square thought is necessary to see that there would be a decided advantage to all having anything to do with scientific books, from the publisher to the consumer, including librarians, and especially dealers and their clerks, to have the best classification made that can be, and then adopted by all who publish or catalogue scientific books. If the main divisions of the classification were numbered, and the sub-divisions lettered, and then when a book is announced and each time it is advertised in a trade journal give the number and letter of the classification, it would be a great saving of time to the dealers; and time is money, and the greater ease with which a business can be done the more business will naturally be done in it. Very few of those who sell scientific books know anything of science, and many a sale is lost on account of the want of information of the salesman. The following is a classification that we have been working under for several years, both cataloguing and arranging our stock according to it, and we have found it to work very satisfactorily; but the difficulty with us is that no other classification is the same as ours: SCIENTIFIC BOOKS AS CLASSIFIED BY A. L. BANCROFT & CO., SAN FRANCISCO. I. MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE. 2. Artillery and Gunnery. II. NAVIGATION AND SHIP-BUILDING. IV. 2. Bridge Construction and the Arch. 3. Carpentry, Stair-Building, and Masonry. FINE ARTS. |