OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, NEW YORK. VOL. V. No. 15. WHOLE NO. 117. ESTES & LAURIAT'S NEW PUBLICATIONS, 143 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. MEMORIES OF WESTMINSTER HALL. A Collection of Interesting Incidents, Anecdotes and Historical Sketches, Relating to Westminster Hall, its famous Judges and Lawyers, and its great Trials. With an Historical Introduction by EDWARD Foss, F.R.S., author of the Lives of the Judges of England, etc. Handsomely illustrated. Superbly printed on tinted paper, and elegantly bound with beveled boards, uniform with the 8vo edition of Campbell's Chief Justices. 2 vols., 8vo.. $7.00. CAMPBELL'S LIVES OF THE CHIEF JUSTICES OF ENGLAND. Illustrated with Views of Westminster Hall, and Portraits of the Justices. A new edition printed on fine tinted paper, and bound in beveled boards. Cloth lettered, 4 vols., 8vo. $14.00. *The same work printed on fine white paper, cloth, 4 vols., 12mo. $8.00. "The brilliant success of this work is by no means greater than its merits. It is certainly the most brilliant contribution to English history made within our recollection."—N. Y. Tribune. *The trade will please notice that we make a very liberal discount for quantities of this work, to especially interest dealers in pushing the same. ADVENTURES OF AN ATTORNEY IN SEARCH OF PRACTICE. By Sir GEORGE An amusing account of the mishaps, adventures, and difficulties experienced by a young attorney who made his way in the world. RELIGION AND THE STATE. A careful discussion of the questions of Protection vs. Alliance. Taxation vs, Exemption, by ALVAH HOVEY, D.D., President of Newton Theological Institution. 16mo. Cloth, beveled. $1.25. ELENA. By L. N. COмYN, author of Atherstone Priory," "Ellice," etc., etc. One vol., 12mo. $1.50. "An Italian story of great power and beauty; one that is sure to live."-Leeds Mercury. "Elena' is one of the most elegant and interesting fictions of the season."-London Messenger "A very pleasing and touching story. It is sure to be read." London Daily News. TOUR ON THE RHINE, and other Excursions. By VICTOR HUGO. With descriptions of Curiosities, Legends, Antiquities, and Important Places, and Events. 1 vol., crown 8vo. Laid Paper. $2.50. KNIGHT'S POPULAR HISTORY OF ENGLAND. An Illustrated History of Society and Government, from the earliest period to our own times. With 1400 Illustrations, including 200 fine Steel Portraits. This is the only complete, standard history of England. 8 vols., 8vo. Cloth, bev., black and gold, $25.00. "The last and greatest literary work of his life. This history will remain for many a long day a standard work."London Times. "This work is the very best History of England that we possess."-London Standard "A standard work on the shelves of all libraries."-Spec tator. *We would call the attention of the trade to the fact that we have issued this standard work in an entirely new dress. It is now bound with trimmed edges, beveled boards, and strong American sewed back. It is believed that in this new binding it will have a greatly-increased sale. PreIt SHAW'S TOURIST'S PICTURESQUE GUIDE. To Great Britain and Ireland. pared expressly for the use of American travellers. contains 96 Colored Plates, and a large number of Engravings, New Maps, etc. 16mo. Cloth, gilt, tuck. $4.50. *We would remind the trade that the season for foreign travel will soon open, and that this guide book, being the latest and best one in the market, is the safest one to have in stock. PRIMITIVE CULTURE. By E. B. TYLER. New. edition. 2 vols. 8vo. $5.00. Biography is the most universally pleasant, universally profitable, of all reading.”—Carlyle. Standard and Popular Biographies. THEODORE PARKER. A biography. By Octavius Brooks Frothingham. With Heliotype Portrait. I vol. Svo. $3.00. An exceedingly interesting memorial of a very remarkable man-one of the striking names in American history. LIFE OF MRS. BARBAULD. Memoir, Letters, and a Selection from the An entertaining work, giving a good portraiture of an admirable woman, with some literary and many moral and affectional charms.-Springfield Republican. YESTERDAYS WITH AUTHORS. By James T. Fields. Comprising Reminis- I "The volume is full of interest to the lovers of those great authors."-New York World. "It will offer a rare charm to the lovers of literary anecdote."-New York Tribune. LIFE OF THOMAS ARNOLD (of Rugby). By A. P. Stanley. 2 vols. 12mo. $3.50. Cheaper edition. I vol. $2.00. "To those who have but a dim and newspaper knowledge of Dr. Arnold, the life will be as a revelation of beautiful earnestness, majestic sincerity, and a fervid Christian manhood."-Christian Union. MR. PARTON'S BIOGRAPHIES. Life of Benjamin Franklin. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits. $6.00. Life of Aaron Burr. 2 vols. 8vo. Portraits. $6:00. Life of Andrew Jackson. 3 vols. 8vo. Portraits. $9.00. Life of Horace Greeley. I vol. 8vo. Portraits. $3.00. Famous Americans of Recent Times. 8vo. $3.00. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 8vo. Portrait. $3.00. "We would emphasize Mr. Parton's eminent qualities as a biographer. He spares no pains of research; he understands the art of not dwelling too long on facts which he may have expended great trouble in investigating; he has an instinctive sense of the irrelevant, and he ends in weaving from his large accumulations of matter a thread of narrative which is singularly fascinating."-Boston Globe. LIFE OF THOMAS JEFFERSON. I By James Parton. With the Heliotype Portrait after Painting by Rembrandt Peale. vol. Crown 8vo. Uniform with Parton's Lives of Franklin, Jackson, Burr, etc. $3.00. Mr. Parton's genius for biography is most effectively displayed in this volume. THE STORY OF GOETHE'S LIFE. By George Henry Lewes. With Portrait. $1.50. "The story of Goethe's life combines the charm of the novel and the power of true history. It is an entertaining and instructive study."-Boston Transcript. MEMOIR OF A BROTHER. By Thomas Hughes, Author of 12mo. $1.50. "Tom I vol. "Having read it with ever-increasing admiration for both subject and writer, we venture to say, no memoir has recently been offered to the notice of our countrymen more serviceable to promote high and wholesome living than this of George E. Hughes."-Boston Advertiser. ALFRED THE GREAT. By Thomas Hughes. I vol. 12mo. $1.50. "The events of those early times are set before us in a vivid light, and the achievements of Alfred in all their bearings and consequences are sketched in a clear, vigorous, and interesting style."-New York Times. LIFE OF WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR. By John Forster. 8vo. With Portrait. $3.50. "After Boswell's Johnson and Carlyle's Sterling, the Eng. lish language contains perhaps no biography of a man of letters which surpasses, or even equals in interest this Life of Landor."-Boston Commonwealth. THE LIFE OF JOSIAH QUINCY. By his son, Edmund Quincy. I vol. Large 12mo. Portraits. $3.00. "Mr. Edmund Quincy may well challenge the gratitude of the public for the deeply interesting volume with which he has enriched our biographical literature. It will at once find a place among standard biographies."-GEORGE Ripley, in New York Tribune. **For sale by all Booksellers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers. JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Publishers, 131 FRANKLIN STREET, BOSTON. Sixteenth page. ...................... ...... sonian Institution he has the assistance of many of our leading scientists. The volume for 1873 is nearly ready at the Harpers', in a large 12mo of 100 pages, though the price is but $2. Dr. Tyng's new work, on "The Office and Duty of a Christian Pastor," will also be issued in a few days. It is a compact little volume, containing the results of a long experience, and is published at the request of the students and faculty of Poston Uni4.00 versity School of Theology. $20.00 12.00 7.00 2.50 .25 Short Advertisements, per line Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 çents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Subscriptions and Advertisements, from England, received by B. F. Stevens, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Subscriptions from the European Continent filled by E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, and all German booksellers. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. THE temperance excitement is creating quite a literature for the cause, outside the regular society publications. We have already referred to Mr. Arthur's and Rev. Mr. Roe's stories on the subject. Wilstach, Baldwin & Co., of Cincinnati, have a book recording "The Women's War on Whiskey," by J. H. Beadle, author of "The Undeveloped West," with introduction by Dio Lewis ; and Lothrop & Co., of Boston, announce that they will reprint, by arrangement with the English publishers, the 250 guinea prize essay on "The Temperance Reformation; its Claims upon the Christian Church." G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS have nearly ready an American edition of "Observations on the Pathology and Treatment of Cholera," by Jno. Murray, M.D.; a new edition of "Smith's Wealth of Nature" (for two years out of print), in one volume, 12mo; the third edition of "The Education of American Girls," and the fourth edition of "Hampton and Its Students," which is selling excellently, especially at the students' concerts. PROF. BAIRD'S" Annual Record of Science and Industry," now in its third year, has already won a high reputation for completeness, thoroughness, and general excellence in Europe as well as in this country. Besides the facilities of the Smith A NEW American novel, "Brockley Moor," is in press at the Appletons. A NEW Story by "Saxe Holm," called "The Four-Leaved Clover," is to appear in the June Scribner's. A SERIES of homopathic stories, multum in parvo, is to be contributed to Scribner's by Mrs. Rebecca Harding Davis. sie and Magdala: the Story of Two British Campaigns in Africa." STANLEY'S new book is to be called "CoomasIt will be published in Eng. land, by Low, this month. THE Library Edition of John Stuart Mill's works, published by Henry Holt & Co., will in future sell for $2.50 per volume instead of $2.25, except the volume on Comte which remains at $1.50. [OFFICIAL] Publishers' Board of Trade, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, 25 Bond Street, New York NEW YORK, April 10, 1874. AGENCY REPORTS. ENGAGEMENTS. By Messrs. Brewer & Tilston: Mr. Langerbaugh, Chicago, Ill. By Messrs. A. S. Barnes & Co.: Mr. Derville Libley. By Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman, Taylor & Co.: Mr. Alfred L. Storms, New York. By Messrs. Wilson, Hinkle & Co.: Mr. J. Roland Ray, South Bend, Ind. (temporary). WITHDRAWALS. By Messrs. Brewer & Tilston: Mr. James W. Smythe, Augusta, Ga. By Messrs. Harper & Bros. : Dr. J. H. Stort, Atlanta, Ga. HENRY HOLT, SECRETARY. ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Adams.-Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising Portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Charles Francis Adams. Vol. 1. With portrait. 8°. $6. Lippincott. *Arnold.-Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. By Matthew Arnold, D.C.L. 12°, pp. 87, 270. $2. Macmillan. Ashton.-The Theory and Practice of the Art of Designing Fancy Cotton and Woollen Cloths from Sample. By Frederick T. Ashton, Designer. With 52 illustr. Folio, pp. 62. $10....... ......Baird. Bain.-Logic. Deductive and Inductive. By Alexander Bain, LL.D. New and rev. ed. 8°, pp. 8, 731. $2. Appleton. Boardman.-Faith Work under Dr. Cullis, in Boston. By Rev. W. E. Boardman, author of "Gladness in Jesus," etc. 16°, pp. 296. $1.50....... .......Willard Tract Repos. Bowne.-The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. Being an Examination of the first Principles of his System. By B. P. Bowne, A.B. 12°, pp. 283. $1.25..........Nelson & P. *Campbell.-The Nature and the Atonement and its Relation to Remission of Sins and Eternal Life. By John McLeod Campbell, D.D. 4th ed., with Notes and Introduction. 12, pp. 352. $2.50...... .......Macmillan. Cherry and Violet. A Tale of the Great Plague. By the author of " Mary Powell." New ed. 16°, pp. 239. $1. Dodd & M. Two Love Stories Clarke. 16°, pp. ......Roberts. Clarke.-The Trust and the Remittance. in Metred Prose. By Mary Cowden 136. $1.25...... Collins, C. W. and W. L. See Plato. Cooley-A Treatise on the Constitutional Limitations which rest upon the Legislative Power of the States of the American Union. By Thomas M. Cooley, LL.D. 3d ed. 8°, pp. 827. $7.50.... ....Little, B. & Co. Douglas.-Seven Daughters. By Amanda M. Douglas, author of "In Trust," etc. (Maidenhood Series, vol. 1.) Illustr. 16. $1.50.... ........ Lee & S. Fisher-The Family Assistant: Book of Prayers for the Use of Families. To which are added Prayers for Special Occasions. By Samuel R. Fisher, D.D. 12, pp. 308. $1.25.... ...Ref. Ch. Bd. of Pub. Freeman.-Handbook of Bible Manners and Customs. By Rev. James M. Freeman, A.M. Illustr. by 168 engrav ings. 12, PP. 515. $2.25.... Nelson & P. Garrett.-One Hundred Choice Selections. No. 8. By Phineas Garrett. 12, pp. 180. 75 c.; pap. 30 c...Garrett. Gruner-Studies of Blast Furnace Phenomena. By M. L. Gruner, President of Gen'l Council of Mines of France, etc. Transl, with the author's sanction, with an appendix, by L. D. B. Gordon, F.R.S.E., F.G.S., etc. Illustr. 8°, .. Baird. pp. 186. $2.50.... etc. **Hall.-Spini Christi: Musings in Holy Week; or, Thorns compose a Saviour's Crown. By Charles H. Hall, D.D., 18, pp. 199. $1. (Orphan Press Church Charity Foundation, Brooklyn).... .....Dutton. Household (The) of Sir Thos. More. By the author of "Mary Powell." New ed., with an Appendix. 16°, pp. ..Dodd & M. 257 $1.. Ireland.-The Confessions of William Henry Ireland, containing the Particulars of his Fabrication of the Shakespeare Manuscripts; together with Anecdotes and Opinions of many distinguished Persons in the Literary, Political, and Theatrical World. New ed, with additional Facsimiles, and an Introduction by Richard Grant White. 12°. $2;—Same, large paper ed. Post 8°. $3 50,. Bouton. Jannotta-Libretto of Alidor: an Operetta in Two Acts. Composed by A. Jannotta. 8°, pp. 19. Pap......Clarke. Kellogg.-The Fisher Boys of Pleasant Cove. By Elijah Kellogg. (Pleasant Cove Series, vol. 6.) Illustr. 16°. $1.25.... ..Lee & S. Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell, afterwards Mistress Milton. New ed. 16, pp. 271. $1... Dodd & M. *Meriwether.-By Sea and by Land. Being a Trip through Egypt, India, Ceylon, Australia, New Zealand, and America. All round the World. By Henry Alworth Meriwether. 12°. PP. 343. $2.50....... Macmillan. Miller-Elements of Chemistry, Theoretical and Practical. Little, B. & Co. New York.-Fifteenth Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Insurance Department. State of New York. Part 1. Fire and Marine Insurance. 8°, pp. 635. $2. Weed, P. & Co. Oliver. Forms of Practice; or, American Precedents, in Personal and Real Actions, interspersed with Annotations. By Benjamin L. Oliver. 4th ed., revised and enlarged by a Member of the Cumberland Bar, with References to the later Statutes and Decisions, together with a large number of new Precedents, framed by eminent Pleaders. Embracing also Rules, Forms at Law, and Precedents, according to the practise Acts of Massachusetts supervised by a Member of the Suffolk Bar. 8, pp. 800. $7.50. Dresser, McL. & Co. Pascoe.-London Directory for American Travelers. By Charles E. Pascoe. 16°. Mor. $1.............. Lee & S. Passages in the Life of the Faire Gospeller, Mistress Anne Askew. Recounted by ye unworthie Pen of Nicholas Moldwarp, B.A., and now first set forth by the author of Mary Powell." New ed. 16", pp. 237. $1...Dedd & M. Plato. By Clifton W. Collins, M.A. (Ancient Classics for English Readers, vol. 19.) Edited by W. Lucas Collins. 12. $1...... ..Lippincott. Prescott.-History of the Conquest of Peru. With a Preliminary View of the Civilization of the Incas. By W. H. Prescott. Entirely new ed., with the Author's latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by John Foster Kirk. Vol. 1. 12. $2.25; shp. $2.75; half calf $4.50.. Lippincott. Proctor.-Sun Views of the Earth, or, The Seasons Illustrated By Richard A. Proctor. With 13 full-page plates, including 48 Colored Views of the Earth. 4°. $2.50. Putnam. Reid.-A Daughter of Bohemia. A Nove!. By Christian Reid, author of " Valerie Aylmer," etc. With Illustr. 8, pp. 222. $1.50; pap. $1. Appleton. **Scott.-Guy Mannering. By Walter Scott. Thistle ed. 2 vols. 12°. Per v. $1.50; half Tky. $2.25.........Hale. Siamese Twins (The). A Report of the Autopsy of the Siamese Twins, together with other interesting Information concerning their Life. Sm. 12°. Pap. 25 c....Lippincott. Silvia, and other Dramas. By a Sister of Charity. (Plays for Schools, all the Characters Females.) 12. pp. 200. $1.50..... Haverty. Stephen - Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. ..Roberts. The Old Masters and their Pictures. For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art. By Sarah Tytler. 16, pp. 363. $1.50..... ..Roberts. Virgin.-Main Civil Officer. A Guide for Justices of the Washburn.-The Italian Girl. By Mrs. Catherine Soldiers and Patriots of the Revolution. By Rev. Joseph Banvard, D.D. $1.25. Plymouth and the Pilgrims. G. W. Carleton & Co.:-Wild as a Hawk, by Catherine S. Macquoid. APRIL 2. Revised and enlarged. G. W. Carleton & Co.:-La Voyante, by Xavier de Montepin.-Gerfaut, by Charles de Bernard. By Rev. Joseph Banvard, D.D. $1.25. The Odd Five Minutes. By Rev. T. Bourdillon. JOHN D. PARSONS, Jr., Albany. A Treatise on the Law of Nuisances. By H. G. Wood, a Member of the Albany Bar. (In a few days.) SMITH, ENGLISH & CO., Phila. Solar Hieroglyphics; or, The Emblematic Illustrations of the Revealed Doctrine of the Tri-Personal Godhead, which are Discernible in the Solar Light. With an Introduction. By Rev. J. Grier Ralston, D.D. 16°. 75 c. (April 15.) Strauss as a Philosophical Thinker. A Review of "The Old Faith and the New Faith." By Dr. Hermann Ulrici. Transl., with an Introd. and Notes, by Charles P. Krauth, D.D., Vice-Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. 16, pp. 150. $1. (May 1.) Publishers' First Announcements. From the New York Commercial Advertiser for the week ending April 6. APRIL 1. Porter & Coates:-Argus Fairbairn, by Henry Jackson. -Lady Livingstone's Legacy.-Half a Life, by George Webbe Dasent. Henry Holt & Co.:-Strauss's Life of Lessing.-Shakespeare's Plutarch.-Our Sketching Club. APRIL 3. Porter & Coates:-Broken Chains, from the German of E. Werner, by MS.-At Capri, from the German of Carl Detlef, by MS. APRIL 4. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Normandy, Historic and J. B. Lippincott & Co.:-Heather Blossoms, by E. von Harper & Bros.:-Molesworth's History of England.-Johnny Ludlow.-Conquered at last-Waiting for Tidings. APRIL 6. James R. Osgood & Co.:-Early Russian History, by W. R. S. Ralston.-Hours in a Library, by Leslie Stephen. -Old Acquaintance.-Sketches in Italy and Greece, by J. A. Symonds.-Once and Forever.-A Friend at Court. -A Life's Reward.-A Young Man's Love.-That Little Frenchman.-Grantley Grange.- For Beauty's Sake. |