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The Science and Practice of Medicine in Relation to Mind.

The Pathology of Nerve Centres and the Jurisprudence of Insanity: being a Course of Lectures delivered in Guy's Hospital. By J. Thompson Dickson, M.A., Lecturer on Mental Diseases at Guy's Hospital. I vol., 8vo. Illustrated with Photographs. Price $3.50.

"These lectures were first delivered in Guy's Hospital in the summer of 1869. They have of necessity been considerably modified since that time, and are now published as they were delivered in the summer of 1873, and are, in a great measure, a record of personal observation.”—Extract from Preface.

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VOL. V. No. 16.

NEW YORK, Saturday, April 18, 1874.

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With Maps and Charts. In one volume, 16mo, cloth, $1.25. Uniform with "First Steps in English


The object of this suggestive outline of General History is to stimulate the student to make thorough investigation, and at the same time to furnish a guide which shall indicate the general path to be pursued.

The points of this book which render it specially desirable for school use are: 1. Its orderly arrangement of topics. Each country is taken up by itself, and its history sketched before attention is turned from it, thus fixing the mind upon but one subject at a time. 2. Its compactness. It aims to present the historic events and names about which history gathers, and to concentrate the interest upon these, so that the young student may not be confused by a multitude of names and dates. 3. Its attention to the United States. The book being prepared by an American for use in American schools, not only is the history of the United States given more fully than in any similar book, but the needs of American children are constantly kept in mind. 4. Its recentness. The book is brought down in each case to the latest date, making it specially valuable to those who wish a correct outline of recent history. 5. Its illustrative apparatus. Maps purposely free from details exhibit the geographic relations of the countries; views of contemporary events are given in tables; foot-notes call attention to works of literature that bear upon special events, and a full bibliography enables teacher and student to expand their study of any particular period. A minute index renders the book very serviceable as one of reference.



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The Publishers' Weekly.

APRIL 18, 1874.


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smaller number of proper names and dates than is usual in school histories, and much more space as to habits and customs at different periods and to illustrative facts. It will be a volume of 300 pages, with maps and cuts.


D. APPLETON & Co., have nearly ready two very important books on a very important subject. Maudsley's work on 66 Responsibility in Mental Disease" is a volume of the International Scientific Series, and while written so as to be popularly interesting, covers very wide scientific ground, treating of the history and treatment of the insane, the nature of insanity, its curious manifestations, and its prevention and cure, by a more thorough education. Dr. Carpenter's "Principles of Mental Physiology" covers still wider ground, and is a

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THE Harpers' next publication day will bring out some very important books. Minister Motley's "John of Barneveld," a supplement, as it were, to his great history of the Netherlands, will be in two 8vo volumes, to match that work. The author considers the subject of his biography, who was "Advocate of Holland," the greatest man of his time. Dr. Schweinfurth's work on "The Heart of Africa," of which a London weekly speaks as "the most valuable volumes of travel which have seen the light of publication for many years. Neither in Grant's, Baker's, Burton's, nor Livingstone's books do we see central Africa so clearly as here." Will appear at the same time, as also Mr. Frank Lee Benedict's fourth novel, "John Worthington's Name." This brilliant writer, the author of "Miss Van Kortlandt," " My Daughter Elinor," and "Miss Dorothy's Charge," is pretty sure to write a good story.

EVERYBODY should be glad to learn that Col. T. W. Higginson's "Young Folk's History of the United States," suggested by Mr. G. B. Emerson, is nearly ready for printing at Lee & Shepard's, and will be issued in time for the opening of the schools It is written on the plan of Dickens' Child's History of England," and gives a much

next term.

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MESSRS. JAMES R. OSGOOD & Co. have made an arrangement with Mr. Karl Baedeker for publishing his guide-books in this country. These, at present, consist of nine, containing descriptions and historical memoranda of those parts of Continental Europe most frequented by travellers-Belgium, Holland, the Rhine, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and adjacent islands. To increase their usefulness, Mr. Baedeker has supplemented his guide-books with a "Traveller's Manual of Conversation," in English, German, French, and Italian-a convenience which will be appreciated by all tourists.

PUNSHON'S Second volume (Estes & Lauriat) is to have the title " Men of the Mayflower and other Lectures." This house also promises a fine edition of Victor Hugo's "Tour on the Rhine."

SMITH, ENGLISH & Co., Philadelphia, have nearly ready for publication "Strauss as a Philosophical Thinker." A review of " The Old Faith and the New Faith," by Dr. Hermann Ulrici, translated, with an introduction and notes, by Charles P. Krauth. D.D. 16mo. $1. The subject is an interesting one at this juncture, and the American editor is thoroughly competent for the task he has undertaken. The firm will also publish in a few days "Solar Hieroglyphics; or the Emblematic Illustration of the Revealed Doctrine of the Tri-Personal Godhead, which are Discernible in the Solar Light, with an introduction, by Rev. J. Grier Ralston, D.D. 16mo. 75



MR. JOSEPH KREUZER, a widely-known and prominent Catholic editor and publisher of Baltimore, died at his residence in that city, March 4. He was of the firm of Kreuzer Brothers, a wellknown German Catholic publishing house in Baltimore, which founded in 1860 the German Catholic Gazette, undoubtedly the most extensively circulated German Catholic paper in the United States. Mr. Kreuzer leaves many friends behind him who will deeply feel the loss of such a member of the trade.


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk: Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Baird.-Annual Record of Science and Industry for 1873. Edited by Spencer F. Baird, with the assistance of eminent Men of Science. 12°, pp. 714. $2..... ......Harper. Beldazzle's Bachelor "Studies." 18°, pp. 71. $1..Carleton. *Breymann-A French Grammar, based on Physiological Principles. By Hermann Breymann, Ph. D., etc. 16°, PP. 20, 245. $1.75..... .......Macmillan. *Burrows.-Worthies of All Souls. Four Centuries of English History. Illustr. from the College Archives. By Montagu Burrows. 8, pp. 15, 452. $5........Macmillan. Calvert.-The Maid of Orleans. An Historical Tragedy. By Geo. H. Calvert. 12°, pp. 134. $1.50........Putnam. Campbell.-The Lives of the Chief Justices of England. By Lord Campbell, author of "Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England. (In 4 vols.) Vols. 3 and 4. Illustr. 8°. Per v., $3.50; complete, $14; Shp. $18; half calf $25;-Same, 4 vols. 12. $8.. Estes & L. Christ the Spirit: Being an Attempt to State the Primitive View of Christianity. By the author of "Remarks on Alchemy and Alchemists," and "Swedenborg a Hermetic Philosopher." (In 2 parts.) Part First. 4th enl. ed. 12", pp. 492; part second, 4th ed. 12, pp. 523. $3.4 ....Miller. Christlieb.-Modern Doubt and Christian Belief, considered in a Course of Apologetic Lectures addressed to Earnest Seekers after Truth. By Theodore Christlieb, Ph.D. and D.D., Prof. of Theol. and Univ. Preacher at Bonn. Transl. from the German under the superintendence of the author, and published in this country by special arrangement with him. 8. $3.............. .Scribner. *Church.-The Sacred Poetry of Ancient Religions. Two Lectures delivered in St. Paul's Cathedral, Jan. 23 and Feb. 3, 1874. By R. W. Church, M.A., Dean of St. Paul's. 18°, pp. 77. 50 C...... .......Macmillan. Collins.-Armadale. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins. (Harpers Illustr. Lib. ed.) With illustr. 12, pp. 658. $1.50. Harper.


Comyn.-Elena. By L. N. Comyn, author of "Atherstone Priory," "Ellice," etc. 12. $1.50............Estes & L. *Dalton.-Rules and Examples in Algebra. Part 1. By the Rev. T. Dalton, M.A., etc. 18°, pp. 124. $1.. Macmillan. Davis.-John Andross. By Rebecca Harding Davis. Illustr. 12, PP. 324. $1.50..... Fudd. Dickson.-The Science and Practice of Medicine in Relation to Mind. The Pathology of Nerve Centres and the Jurisprudence of Insanity: Being a Course of Lectures delivered in Guy's Hospital. By J. Thompson Dickson, M.A., Lecturer on Mental Diseases at Guy's College. Illustr. with photographs. 8°. $3.50.... ...Appleton.

Fall (The) of Prince Florestan of Monaco. By Himself, 8°, pp. 79. $1.75....... Macmillan. Fatherland Series (The). 31 vols. 12°. $29.70. Luth. Bd. of Pub. Franco-Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By Rev. S. Franco, S. J. Transl. from the Italian. 2d rev. ed. 16°, pp. 294. $1 and $1.50.... Murphy. Freeman.-Handbook of Bible Manners and Customs. By Rev. James M. Freeman, A.M. Illustr. by 168 engravings. 12, pp. 515. (Corr. price.) $2.50....Nelson & P. Hinrich-The Principles of Chemistry and Molecular Mechanics. By Dr. Gustavus Hinrich, Prof. of Physical Science in State Univ. of Iowa. With 2 plates. 8°, pp. 192 $2.50...... ........Day, E. & F.; Westermann. Hovey.-Religion and the State. A careful discussion of the Questions of Protection vs. Alliance. Taxation vs. Exemption. By Alvah Hovey, D.D., President of Newton Theological Institution. 16. $1.25... ..Estes & L. Hugo-Tour on the Rhine and other Excursions. By Victor Hugo. With Descriptions of Curiosities, Legends, Antiquities, and Important Places and Events. Cr. 8°. $2.50. Estes & L. Jones.-The Dominie's Son. A Novel. By John Hilton Jones. 12. $1.25..



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Knight.-Popular History of England. An Illustrated History of Society and Government, from the Earliest Period to our own Times. By Charles Knight. With 1400 illustr.. including 200 fine steel portraits. New ed. 8 vols. $25; half calf or mor., $45; tree calf, $90....... Estes & L. Lytton.-Devereux. A Tale. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton ed.) Com.plete in one vol. PP. 344, 350. $1.50.... ...Lippincott. Mabel Hazard's Thoroughfare. A Tale. By the author of "Win and Wear." 16°, pp. 340. $1.25.... Carter. *Maclear.-A Manual of Instruction for Confirmation and first Communion, with Prayers and Devotions. By the Rev. G. F. Maclear, D.D., etc. 4°, pp. 102. $1....Macmillan. Paradise (The) of God; or, The Virtues of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By a Father of the Society of Jesus. 16°, pp. 365. $1 and $1.50.... ..Murphy. Ralston.-Solar Hieroglyphics; or, The Emblematic Illustrations of the Revealed Doctrine of the Tri-personal Godhead which are discernable in the Solar Light. With an Introduction. By Rev. J. Grier Ralston, D.D. 16". 75 C. Smith, E. & Co. Robertson-History of the Christian Church from the Apostolic Age to the Reformation. (A. D. 64-1517). By James C. Robertson, M.A., Canon of Canterbury, etc. New and rev. ed. (In 8 vols.) Vol. 2. 12°. $2.25.

Pott, Y. & Co. Rogers.-The Superhuman Origin of the Bible, inferred from Itself. By Henry Rogers, author of "The Eclipse of Faith." etc. 12. $2.. ..Scribner, A. & Co. Shaw. The Hens in Convention. By Jim Shaw. Illustr. 12. Pap..... ..Dresser, McL. & Co. *Story.-William Carstares: A Character and Career of the Revolutionary Epoch (1647-1715). By Robert Herbert. Story, Minister of Rosneath. 8°, pp. 12, 385. $4. Macmillan. Stretton-Casey. By Hesba Stretton, author of "Bede's Charity," etc. Illustr. 12, pp. 236. $1.....Dodd & M. Sumner.-A History of American Currency. With Chapters on the English Bank Restriction and Austrian Paper Money. By William G. Sumner, Prof. of Political and Social Scienee in Yale Coll. To which is appended "The Bullion Report." 12°, pp. 4, 391. $3. .Holt.

Talbot.-Through Fire and Water. A Tale of City Life. By Frederiek Talbot. (Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 410.) With Illustr. 8°, pp. 64. Pap. 25 c.... Harper. *Thornton.-A Plea for Peasant Proprietors. With the Outlines of a Plan for their Establishment in Ireland. By William Thomas Thornton, C.B., author of "A Treatise on Labor." New ed. 12, pp. 12, 268. $2.25.....Macmillan. *Trench.-Sacred Latin Poetry, chiefly lyrical, selected and arranged for use. With Notes and Introduction. By Richard Chenevirx Trench, Archbishop of Dublin, etc. Third ed., rev. and improved. Extra f'cap. 8°. $2.50..Macmillan. Tyng.-The Office and Duty of a Christian Pastor. By Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Rector of St. George's Church, in the City of New York. Published at the request of the Students and Faculty of the School of Theology in the Boston University. 12, pp. 178. $1.25..... ....Harper.

Upton-United States Cavalry Tactics. By Brevet MajorGeneral Emory Upton, U. S. A. Assimilated to Upton's "Infantry Tactics." 16. Leather. $2....... ..Appleton. Ware.-Aurelian; or, Rome in the Third Century. In Letters of Lucius M. Piso, from Rome, to Fausto, daughter of Gracchus, at Palmyra. By William Ware. Fifth ed. Two vols. in one. 12°, pp. 260, 250;-Julian; or, Scenes in Judea. By William Ware. Two vols. in one. 12", pp. 271, 270;-Zenobia; or, The Fall of Palmyra. In Letters of L Manlius Piso, from Palmyra, to his friend, Marcus Curtius, at Rome. By William Ware. Ninth ed. Two vols. in 12, pp. 271, 288. Per v., $2.. ..Miller. Webster.-Yu-pe-ya's Lute. A Chinese Tale in English Verse. By Augusta Webster. 16°, pp. 64. $1.Macmillan. Young Crusaders (The). A volume devoted to Exercises, Recitations, Colloquies, Deelarations, Reviews, Songs, and other Services for use on Special Sunday School Occasions 16°. 50 C..... .Nelson & P.



D. APPLETON & Co., New York. Dickson, Medicine in Relation to Mind...... ..$3.50 Upton, Cavalry Tactics....

GEO. W. CARLETON & Co., New York. Beldazzle's Bachelor "Studies".



ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Mabel Hazard's Thoroughfare.............. 1.25 DAY, EGBERT & FIDLAR, Davenport, Iowa. Hinrichs, Chemistry and Molecular Mechanics, 2.50

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