D. APPLETON & CO., 549 and 551 Broadway, New York, HAVE JUST PUBLISHED: A Daughter of Bohemia. I. By Christian Reed, author of “Valerie Aylmer,” “ Morton House," etc. One vol., 8vo. Illustrated. Paper covers, $1.00; cloth, $1.50. From the Golden Age. "Those who have followed the course of this remarkable story through APPLETONS' Journal will need no fresh incentive to induce them to read it in book-form; and to those who have not thus followed it, there remains an opportunity for real mental enjoyment, which we almost envy them. It is emphatically, thus far, one of the best novels of the season." II. Logic. Deductive and Inductive. 66 By Alexander Bain, LL.D., Professor of Logic in the University of Aberdeen. New and revised edition. I vol., 12mo. 731 pages. Price $2.00. 'The present work aims at embracing a full course of Logic, both formal and inductive." "In an introductory chapter are set forth such doctrines of psychology as have a bearing on Logic, the nature of knowledge in general, and the classification of the sciences, the intention being to avoid doctrinal digressions in the course of the work. Although preparatory to the understanding of what follows, this chapter may be passed over lightly on a first perusal of the work. "Mr. Mill's view of the relation of Deduction and Induction is fully adopted, as being the solution of the otherwise inextricable puzzle of the Syllogism, and the means of giving unity and comprehensiveness to Logic." - Extract from Preface. III. The Science and Practice of Medicine in Relation to Mind. The Pathology of Nerve Centres and the Jurisprudence of Insanity: being a Course of Lectures delivered in Guy's Hospital. By J. Thompson Dickson, M.A., Lecturer on Mental Diseases at Guy's Hospital. I vol., 8vo. Illustrated with Photographs. Price $3.50. These lectures were first delivered in Guy's Hospital in the summer of 1869. They have of necessity been considerably modified since that time, and are now published as they were delivered in the summer of 1873, and are, in a great measure, a record of personal observation."—Extract from Preface. The Popular Science Monthly. IV. The Half-Yearly Volume. From November, 1873, to April 1874. I vol. 8vo. Cloth. Price $3.50. Either of the above, when not to be had in Bookstores, sent post-paid by mail to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. IMPORTANT NEW WORKS ISSUED BY Scribner, Welford & Armstrong, 654 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, I. HISTORY OF THE INQUISITION. From its Establishment in the Twelfth Century to its Extinction in the Nineteenth. By William Harris Rule, D.D. Two vols., 8vo, cloth, with fine autotype illustrations. $10.50. 2. BOOKSELLERS, A HISTORY OF. Full Accounts of the Great Publishing Houses and their Founders, in London and the Provinces. By Harry Curwen. Crown 8vo, with numerous Portraits and Illustrations. Cloth extra. $3.75. "In these days, ten ordinary Histories of Kings and Courtiers were well exchanged against the tenth part of one good History of Booksellers."-THOMAS CARLYLE. 3. THE HISTORY OF THE BASTILE, and of its Principal Captives. New Library Edition. With Notes and Colored Illustrations. Ond volume, small 8vo, cloth extra, $3.00. 4. BALZAC'S CONTES DROLATIQUES. Droll Stories collected from the Abbeys of Touraine. Now first Translated into English. Complete and Unabridged, with the whole 425 marvellous, extravagant, and fantastic Illustrations by Gustave Dore. Beautifully printed, cloth extra, gilt top. $5.00. "The illustrations to the 'Contes Drolatiques,' are full of power and invention. Nothing more witty, nor more inventively horrible, has yet been produced."-JOHN RUSKIN, in Time and Tide by Weare and Tyne. 5. THE MOON. Considered as a PLANET, a WORLD, and a SATELLITE. By James Nasmyth and James Carpenter. With Twenty-four Illustrations of Lunar Objects, Phenomena, and Scenery. produced from Drawings made with the aid of powerful Telescopes, and numerous Woodcuts, 4to, cloth, gilt edges. $15.00. 6. OUR INHERITANCE IN THE GREAT PYRAMID. By Prof. C. Piazzi Smyth. New and enlarged edition, including all the most important Discoveries up to the Present Time. With Seventeen Explanatory Plates. Large 12mo, cloth. $6.00. 7. JOHN HENRY NEWMAN'S WORKS, (New Volumes.) 1. TRACTS, THEOLOGICAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL. By John Henry Newman, D.D., 2. LECTURES ON THE DOCTRINE OF JUSTIFICATION. By John Henry Newman, AMUSING POETRY. A Selection. Edited, with a Preface, by Shirley Brooks. 16mo, cloth, gilt edges. $1.75. 9. WHITTAKER'S BOOKSELLERS' REFERENCE CATALOGUE OF CURrent LITERATURE. Containing the Full Titles of Works now in Print and on Sale by the various Publishers in Great Britain. With prices, etc. To form one handsome volume octavo of (probably) 1500 pages. S., W. & A. having engaged a number of the above important work for American sale, will now take orders for the same, which will be supplied in the order of their receipt. The price (not yet definitely fixed upon) will not probably exceed Two Dollars Fifty Cents, and the work may be expected before June 1st. THE the TRADE CIRCULAR which is incorporated American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular. Established in the year 1852. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION. F. LEYPOLDT, Editor and Publisher, 37 Park Row, New York. VOL. V. NO. 17. NEW YORK, Saturday, April 25, 1874. WHOLE NO. 119. D. APPLETON & CO., 549 and 551 Broadway, New York, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ADVANCE COpies of aleXANDER BARCLAY'S Illustrated by about 130 Curious and Unique Wood Engravings, being fac-similes of the Original Cuts from the Earlier Editions of this Celebrated Work. WITH A PREFACE, INTRODUCTION AND LIFE, AND BIBLIOGRAPHICAL WORKS OF ALEXANDER BARCLAY, WITH GLOSSARY. EDITED BY T. H. JAMIESON, LAW ADVOCATE, EDINBURGH. In two handsome 4to volumes, beautifully printed on thick paper, and bound in yellow cloth, uncut. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. As only a limited number of this remarkable work is printed, early application is necessary to secure copies. * A few copies on large paper, price Fifty Dollars. If popularity be taken as the measure of success in literary effort, Sebastian Brandt's " Ship of Fools" must be considered one of the most successful books recorded in the whole history of literature. Published in edition after edition (the first dated 1494) at a time but shortly after the invention of printing, when books were expensive, and their circulation limited; translated into the leading languages of Europe at a time when translations of new works were only the results of the most signal merits, its success was then quite unparalleled. It may be said in modern phrase to have been the rage of the reading world at the end of the 15th and throughout the 16th centuries. The Germans proudly award it the epithet" epoch making," and its long continued popularity affords good, if not quite sufficient ground for the extravagant eulogies they lavish upon it. Brandt's satire is a satire for all time, embodied in the language of the 15th century, colored with the habits and fashions of the times, executed after the manner of working of the period, and motived by the eager questioning spirit and the discontent with "abusions" and "folyes" which resulted in the Reformation; this satire in its morals or lessons is almost as applicable to the year of grace 1874, as to the year of gracelessness, 1497. It never can grow old; in the mirror in which the men of his time saw themselves reflected, the men of all time can recognize themselves; a crew of "able bodied" is never wanting to man this old, weather-beaten, but ever sea-worthy vessel. Barclay's 'Ship of Fools," however, is not only important as a picture of the English life and popular feeling of his time, it is both in style and vocabulary a most valuable and remarkable monument of the English language. ... In the long, barren track between Chaucer and Spenser the "Ship of Fools" stands all but alone as a popular poem.—From the Introauction. J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. HAVE JUST PUBLISHED: Memoirs of John Quincy Adams. Comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. 8vo. Volume I. With Portrait. Extra cloth. $5.00. Only a limited edition of this valuable work has been printed. History of French Literature. Adapted from the French of M. Demogeot. By Christiana Bridge. 12mo. Extra cloth. $1.50. It gives an admirable insight into the subject of which it treats, and is a most valuable hand-book, alike interesting to the scholar and the general reader. The Four Civilizations of the World. An Historical Retrospect. By Henry Wikoff, author of "Political Essays," etc. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. This is a brief, valuable statement and criticism of the advancement of the civilizations of the world, from the earliest times. Presented in a condensed but lucid and thoroughly readable style. Philosophers and Fools. A Study. By Julia Duhring. Crown 8vo. Extra cloth. $2.00. A decidedly fresh and original study of people in general, showing a clear insight into human nature, and especially the better side of it, forming an enjoyable book for a very large class of readers. The Heir of Malreward; or, Restored. A Novel. By the author of " Son and Heir," etc. 8vo. Cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00. A delightful novel, the characters and plot being remarkably well drawn, and the story charmingly told, attracting and holding the reader's close attention. Ligation of Arteries. An Operative Manual. By Dr. L. H. Farabeuf. With forty-three finely engraved illustrations. A valuable vade-mecum for the practitioner; convenient in shape and thorough in treatment. NIGHT AND MORNING.-DEVEREUX. By Edward Bulwer, Lord Lytton. Being the latest issues of the Lord Lytton Edition of Bulwer's Novels. 12mo. Extra cloth, black and gilt ornamentation. With Frontispiece. Each $1.50. "We know of no series so desirable in every respect as this one."-Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. Prescott's Peru. Vol. I. THE HISTORY OF THE CONQUEST OF PERU. With a Preliminary View of the civilization of the Incas. By W. H. Prescott. Entirely New Edition, with the Author's Latest Corrections and Additions. Edited by J. Foster Kirk. 12mo. Extra cloth, $2.25; sheep, $2.75; half calf, gilt, $4.50. Forming the third work of the New Edition of Prescott's Works. "Perfect in all that pertains to the making of a book."-New York Christian Union. Plato. By Clifton W. Collins, M.A. Being Vol. XIX. of Lippincott & Co.'s Ancient Classics for English Briefly reviewing in a pure and attractive style the richest period of Greek Literature, reproducing most vividly the finest thoughts and sayings of Socrates, as recorded and interpreted by Plato, and showing the relation of these two great men to preceding and succeeding schools of Greek philosophy. Autumn Musings and other Poems. By Elizabeth Hazard. Extra cloth. $1.25. ** For sale by Booksellers generally, or will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price, by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., Publishers, 715 and 717 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The Publishers' Weekly.' APRIL 25, 1874. TERMS OF ADVERTISING. One page............. Half page........................... page.. and Patriots," and there is to be a new book by Dr. H. H. Jessup, which will describe the homes, social customs, etc., of the Orient. Dr. Mark Hopkins' essay on " Prayer and the Prayer-guage" will be republished in volume form by this house. THE advance orders for Auerbach's 66 'Wald$20.00 fried" have been so large that Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. find themselves compelled to print a second edition, before issuing the first. It will be published next week, in a good-sized 12mo, at $2. 12.00 7.00 4.00 2.50 .25 Short Advertisements, per line....................... Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable n advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Subscriptions and Advertisements, from England, received by B. F. Stevens, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Subscriptions from the European Continent filled by E. Steiger, 22 and 14 Frankfort Street, New York, and all German booksellers. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in ad. vance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON, MR. SHOVE'S theory of "Life under Glass" is nearly ready to astonish the world by Messrs. Osgood's help. First he arraigns the natural climate for its fickleness and general unpleasantness, and then shows what might be done by bottling up the sunshine under forty acres of glass. It is a veritable Utopia that he proposes, a Central Park city in fact. The same house has nearly ready also a very bright novel, "Good Luck," from the German of Ernest Werner, by Frances A. Shaw. EARLY in May, we can look for the appearance of George Eliot's new book, "The Legend of Jubal, and other Poems," which, by special arOsgood will publish. rangement with the author, Messrs. James R. THE popularity of those two very taking yet widely different biographies, Parton's "Jefferson and Frothingham's "Parker," is seen in the new editions already announced as forthcoming. SCRIBNER, ARMSTRONG & Co. close their spring list with the issues of their next publication day, probably next week. These include Dr. Horace Bushnell's 66 Forgiveness and Law," the first volume of the Bric-a-brac Series, which is to be a beautiful set of books, and Lange on Revelations. Hon. George P. Marsh's work, and the new Erkmann-Chatrian story, go over till the Fall. American Currency," published by Henry Holt THE first edition of Sumner's "History of & Co., is exhausted. The second edition will be ready by the end of this week. [OFFICIAL.] Publishers' Board of Trade, OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, 25 Bond Street, New York. In order to present all the monthly reference lists of the "Publishers' Weekly" in one' issue, a practical improvement, kindly suggested by a "busy dealer," the Stationery Department will hereafter appear in the first last regular meeting, there will be a special meet instead of the third number of each month. THE Messrs. Appleton have several books for next week, including a fac-simile reprint of that curious old book, "Ye Shyp of Fooles." At the same time, Carpenter's "Mental Physiology," already spoken of, and Krusi's Manual of Perspective, for teachers, to accompany that widely popular series, will appear. DODD & MEAD have several volumes in press, to be issued early in May. A review of Dr. Hodge's doctrinal system, by a fellow Princeton professor, under the title of "Fetish and Theology; or, Doctrinalism akin to Ritualism," will attract attention; the author claims that Dr. Hodge has put forth many doctrines that are to be found only in his works. Rev. J. S. C. Abbott will add Davy Crockett to his entertaining list of " American Pioneers NEW YORK, April 21, 1874. IN conformity with a resolution passed at the ing to consider the report of the Committee on Reorganization, held in the Grand Central Hotel, New York, at half-past one o'clock' on Thursday, April 30. AGENCY REPORTS. ENGAGEMENTS. By Messrs. A. S. BARNES & Co.: R. M. DE LEA. By Messrs. CLARK & MAYNARD: MACY GOOD (temporarily), Chicago, Ill.; CHARLES J. MILTON (temporarily), New York. By Messrs. IvISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co.: ALFRED L. STORMS, New Jersey. WITHDRAWAL. By Messrs. A. S. BARNES & Co.: J. N. STRAD LING. HENRY HOLT, SECRETARY. |