ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Adams.-The Doctrine of Equity, being a Commentary on the Law as Administered by the Court of Chancery. By John Adams, Jr., Esq. With Notes and References to American Cases by Hon. J. R. Ludlow and J. M. Colling, H. Wharton, and G. T. Bispham, Esqs. Sixth American ed., by G. Sharswood, Jr., Esq. 8°. $7.50. Johnson. Alger.-The Poetry of the Orient. By William Rounseville Alger. Fourth ed., enlarged. 16. $1.50........Roberts. **Arthur.-Woman to the Rescue. A Story of the New Crusade. By T. S. Arthur. 12, pp. 256. $1.25. Stoddart. Baxter.-The Life of Elder Walter Scott, with Sketches of his Fellow Laborers, William Hayden, Adamson Bentley, John Henry, and others. By William Baxter. 12, pp. 450. $2......... ...Bosworth, C. & Bengel.-Gnomen of the New Testament. Pointing out from the Natural Force of the Words, the Simplicity, Depth, Harmony, and Saving Power of its Divine Thoughts. By John Albert Bengel. A new translation by Charlton T. Lewis, M.A., and Marvin R. Vincent, M.A. 2 vols., 8°, pp. 1,905. $9; shp. $12; half mor. $15. Perkinpine & H. Boston Business Directory, 1874. 8°, pp. 1.000. $3.75. Greenough, J. & Co. Broom.-A Selection of Legal Maxims, Classified and Illustrated. By H. Broom, Esq. Seventh American from Fifth London ed., greatly enlarged and improved, with Reference to American Cases. 8°. $7.50....... Johnson. Bull-Hints to Mothers for the Management of Health during the Period of Pregnancy, and in the Lying-In Room; with an Exposure of Popular Errors in Connection with those Subjects. By Thomas Bull, M.D., etc. From the Third London ed., with Additions by an American Physician. To which is added the Ladies' Perpetual Calendar. 12, pp. 268, $1.... Byles.-A Treatise on the Law of Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Bank Notes and Checks. By Sir John Barnard Byles. Sixth American from the Eleventh London ed., with Additional Notes Illustrating the Law and Practice in the United States, by George Sharswood. 8°. $5.50...... Johnson By Harry Wiley. Castlemon.-The Sportsman's Club Aflat. 1 25...... Crossing the River. By the author of "The Memoir of the Rev. William Marsh, D.D.," and of "The Memorials of Captain Hedley Vicars," etc. 16, pp. 119. 60 c. Carter. Dana.-Descriptive Mineralogy. Comprising the Most Recent Discoveries. By Prof. J. Dana. Fifth ed. Almost entirely re-written and greatly enlarged. Including an Appendix by Prof. Geo. J. Brush, and further recent corrections. Illustr, with upwards of 600 wood engr. 8°. $10. Wiley. Gilman.-First Steps in General History: A Suggestive Outline. By Arthur Gilman, M.A. Illustr. with Maps. 16, pp. 9, 385. $1.25.... ........Hurd & H. Gracey.-Anniversary Gems, consisting of Addresses, Recitations, Conversations, and Scripture Illustrations, for the Sunday School Concert or Anniversary. By Rev. Samuel L. Gracey. 18°, pp. 215. 60 c... Perkinpine & H Hamerton.-Chapters on Animals. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With Twenty Etchings by J. Veyrassat and Karl Bodmer. (New ed.) Sq. 12. $2..... ..Roberts. Howland.-Papa's Own Girl. A Novel. By Marie Howland. 12. $1.75... Jewett; Lee & S. Hygiene (The) of the Sewing Machine: A brief Inquiry into the Causes of Disorders Arising from the Use of Machines, with some suggestions as how they may be avoided. By a Physician. 16°, pp. 40. Pap. 25 c. Turnbull. Insurance Year Book for 1874. A History of the Fire, Marine, Life, and Accident Insurance Business of the United States for 1873, with Abstracts of Insurance Statutes and Decisions, and other valuable Statistical, Historical, and Chronological Information, useful to Underwriters and Agents. 8, pp. 284. $1.50..................Hayden, M. & M. Keystone State (The). A History of the Origin of the Appellation Keystone State, as applied to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, together with extracts from many authorities relative to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress, July 4, 1776. To which is appended the New Constitution of Pennsylvania. 12, pp. 190. $1.50..... ...Claxton. ....... Krauth.-Infant Baptism and Infant Salvation in the Calvinistic System. A Review of Dr. Hodge's Systematic Theology. By C.Krauth, D.D. 8, pp. 83. $1.. Luth. Bookstore. Law-Simplified Interest Tables, in which the Interest is placed immediately under the Principal, giving at 6, 7, and 10 per cent. the Interest on any sum up to $900,000, and presenting Four Months on an open page. Also, Tables at 36 per cent. for the Equation of Payments. And a few Simple Rules for Facilitating Calculations of Interest, Discount, etc. By Henry W. Law. 4°. $3........ Kendall. **Lester.-Life and Public Services of Charles Sumner. By C. Edwards Lester, author of "Glory and Shame of England," "Napoleon Dynasty." etc. With portr. Illustr. 8. $3.75; shp. $4.75; half Tky. mor. $6.. U. S. Pub. Co. **Mackey -An Encyclopædia of Freemasonry and its Kindred Sciences, comprising the whole Range of Arts, Sciences, and Literature, as connected with the Institution. By Albert G. Mackey, M.A., author of "Lexicon of Freemasonry. Illustr. 8. $9; shp. $10; half Russia $11. Moss. McMullen.-Snatches of Song. By Miss M. A. McMullen. 18°, pp. 203. $1.50.... Fox. Mahan.-Elementary Course of Civil Engineering, for the Use of Cadets of the U. S. Military Academy. By D. H. Mahan. With numerous illustr., and an Appendix and General Index. Edited by Prof. De Volson Wood. 2d ed. 8. $5.... Wiley. Mistral.-Mirèio: A Provencal Poem. By Frederic Mistral. Transl. by Harriet W. Preston. New and cheaper ed. 16°. $1.50....... .....Roberts. Newby.-Right and Left. A Novel. By Mrs. C. J. Newby. 8, pp. 140. Pap. 50 c...... .Peterson. Ohio. The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of Ohio, with the Subsequent Amendments, Supplementary Acts, and Statutes regulating the Practice. With Notes of the Decisions of the Courts of Ohio. By Hon. George E. Seney. ad ed., revised and enlarged. 8°, pp. viii., 872. Shp. $7.50. Clarke. O'Leary.-Ireland among the Nations. By Rev. James O'Leary, D.D. McGee. 12, pp. 208. $1 Roper.-Handbook of the Locomotive, including the Construction, Running, and Management of Locomotive Engines and Boilers. With illustrations. By Stephen Roper, Engineer, author of "Roper's Catechism of Steam Engines.' 18. Pocket form. $2.50.... ....... Claxton Ruskin.-Ariadne Florentina. Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving, given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas Term, 1872. By John Ruskin, LL.D. 1, Definition of the Art of Engraving; 2, The Relation of Engraving to other Arts in Florence; 3, The Technics of Wood Engraving. 12°, pp. 84. $1..... ....Wiley. Schwartz.-Gerda. A Novel. By Mdme. Marie Sophie Schwartz. Transl. from the Swedish by Selma Borg and Marie A. Brown. (International Series of Novels, vol. 6.) 12. $1.50; pap. $1... Porter & C ....... **Scott.-Guy, Mannering. By Sir Walter Scott. (Illustrated Fireside ed., vol. 2.) 12. $1.50......Porter & C. Smith.-Manual of Topographical Drawing. By R. S. Smith, U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. New ed., with new matter and two additional folding plates and additional woodcuts. 8°. $2..... Wiley. Steele.-Woman's Temperance Crusade. Containing History, Plans, Methods of Operation, Pledges, Progress, and Incidents relating to this War of the Women upon the Demon Alchohol, together with its wonderful success. By the Rev. W. C. Steele. With an Introduction by Dr. Dio Lewis. Pap. 25 c....... ......Nat. Temp. Soc. **Sutton.-The New York Tombs; its Secrets and Mysteries: Being a History of Noted Criminals, with Narratives of their Crimes, as gathered by Charles Sutton, Warden of the Prison. Edited by James B. Mix and Samuel A. Mackeever. Illustr. from original designs. 8°, pp. 669. $3.50; shp. $4.25................. ..U. S. Pub. Co. Titcomb.-Cautions for Doubters. comb, M.A., etc. 16°, pp, 246. $1.25... Walker.-Introduction to American Law. Sixth ed., revised by J. Bryant Walker. 8°. Shp. $7.50.....Little, B. & Co Wilson.-Sketches of Illustrious Soldiers. By James Grant Wilson. With four portr. on steel. 12°. $2.50....Putnam. Wilson.-The Gospel and its Fruits. A Book for the Young, By J. H. Wilson, M.A. Illustr. 16, pp. 6, 312. $1.25. Carter By the Rev. J. H. TitRandolph. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF FORTHCOMING PUBLICATIONS. Publishers' First Announcements. From the New York Commercial Advertiser for two weeks ending April 20. APRIL 13. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Palmer's History of the Jewish Nation-Life of Christ, by Dr. Farrar;-Piccadilly, by L. Oliphant:-My Life and What I learnt In It, by G. M. Campanella;-Ingram Place ;-Seven Years of a Life. Harper & Brothers :-The French Revolution and First Empire, by William O'Connor Morris;-The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648, by S. R. Gardiner-Ingram Place;-The March to Coomassie;-Journal of Henry Cockburn ;-My Life and What I Learnt In It;-Claude Meadowleigh, Artist;-The Seven Ages of a Village Pauper;-Alice de Burgh. Henry Holt & Co :-Claude Meadowleigh, Artist,-Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, edited by Percy Fitzgerald;Adventures in Morocco;-Molesworth's History of England. APRIL 14. Roberts Brothers:-George Eliot's Poems. Harper & Brothers:-Wolf's Wild Animals;-Jessie Trim. APRIL 15. James R. Osgood & Co.:-By Arrangement with the author, The Legend of Jubal and other Poems, by George Eliot;-Good Luck, by E. Werner;-Johnny Ludlow. Scribner, Armstsong & Co.:-Cherubini, by Edward Bellar s;-Claude Meadowleigh, Artist, by Captain M. Montague-Health, by Dr. Edward Smith, F.R.S.;-Su pernatural Religion;-Waiting for Tidings;-Judith Gwynne by Lisk Carr ;-Sweet, not Lasting, by Annie B. Lefurt. J. B. Lippincott & Co.:-The Second Wife, from the German of E. Marlitt, by Mrs. A. L. Wister;-The Pilgrimage of the Tiber, by W. Davies;-Blackie, on Self-Culture;-What Can She Do?-Seven Years of a Life;-The Crusaders, by G. W. Cox. Harper & Brothers:-The Heart of Africa;-Adventures in Morocco, and Journey Through the Oases of Draa and Tafilet, by Gerhard Rohlfs;-A Little Lower than the Angels;-Fact against Fiction;-Barbara's Warning. A HISTORY OF THE JEWISH NATION, by E. H. Palmer. (Pott, Young & Co.) This embraces the history of the Hebrew race, from their first appearance according to the Old Testament to the present day. The little work is presented in a simple and unpretending style, such as will recommend it for family reading and the use of young students. The view It contains a map of the Holy Land and is fully illustrated. 12mo, cloth, $2.50. WE are glad to learn that another house is making practical efforts toward a reform of underselling. Messrs. McLoughlin Bros., toy-book publishers, have communicated with their jobbers, suggesting that the discount to retailers should be con-history is treated from an entirely secular point of fined on purchases of $200 and upwards to 20 per cent., in no case to exceed that amount, and on amounts less should vary according to the class of customers, the house agreeing to do all in its power to protect those who do, and declining to sell goods to those who do not, comply with this arrangement. Nearly all the jobbers have already entered into this agreement, and we trust the experiment will prove helpful to the trade, and finally to the public. The laws of trade assure the latter that under such a system competition will turn to giving them the best article for their money. We have from Mr. Gunn, Secretary of the American Book Trade Union, a postal card circular, which we reprint according to request: AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION. Secretary's Office, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. DEAR SIR: If you have read and approve the proceedings of the Booksellers' Convention, February 12th and 13th, at Cincinnati, Ohio, as published in the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY of February 21st, please signify your endorsement of the same by inclosing one dollar, with authority to sign the constitution for you, to the undersigned. If you have not seen this report, a copy of it will be mailed to you on application. A SEVEN DAUGHTERS, by Amanda M. Douglas, New England family who are blessed with seven (Lee & Shepard.) A clever and amusing story of a girls. The volume is very nicely brought out; the illustrations are good and numerous, and the binding very tasteful. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. THE HEROES OF THE SEVEN HILLS, by Mrs. C. H. B. Laing. (Porter & Coates.) The second volume and continuation of a history of Ancient Rome, of which the author's "Seven Kings of the Seven Hills" was the introductory work. In this is traced the history of Rome from its first Consulate down to its destruction by the Gauls B. C. 388. Illustrated, 12mo, cloth, $1.25. THE OLD MASTERS AND THEIR PICTURES, and MODERN PAINTERS AND THEIR PAINTINGS, by Sarah Tytler. (Roberts Bros.) The titles of these volumes seem sufficiently to indicate their contents. They are charmingly written, and contain a vast amount of most interesting information which will be of use both to learners and lovers of art. Most every painter of any celebrity either among the old masters or modern artists is represented, with descriptions of his most famous works. Ea. 16m0, cloth, $1.50. PLEASANT TALK ABOUT FRUITS, FLOWERS AND certificate of membership will be mailed to you on receipt of FARMING, by Henry Ward Beecher. (J. B. Ford the money. As our President, Mr. Isaac C. Aston, of Colum- to. J. W. GUNN, Corresponding Secretary, Springfield, Ohio. We trust this appeal will be generally responded BOOKS RECEIVED. To the lovers of flowers and those who are thinking about making gardens, we strongly recommend "Vick's Floral Guide for 1874," published in Rochester, quarterly, by James Vick, at the merely nominal price of 25 cents. It is a complete catalogue, with prices of flowers, fruits, early vegetables, rustic baskets, garden furniture, etc., etc. The various facts and suggestions it contains regarding floral decorations indoors, and the planting and arranging of a garden, will be found invaluable. THE ITALIAN GIRL, by Katherine Sedgwick Washburn. (Lee & Shepard.) The heroine of this novel is a somewhat improbable circus rider, the "Signorina Rosa," who is young, beautiful, well educated and refined. The authoress has endeavored to show that a woman may, even under a circus-tent, "earn her living" and be respected. The book is written with much earnestness, and displays considerable talent; its plot is well conceived, and its characters all strongly individualized. 12mo, cloth, $1.50. & Co.) The principle articles which make up this volume were published originally in the Western Farmer and Gardener some fifteen years ago. This is the second edition of the work, with additional matter from the author's recent writings. It is written in an easy, graceful style, and is full of pleasant conceits and facts worth knowing. 12mo, cloth, $2. LITERARY AND TRADE NEWS. "LE JEU DES AUTEURS" is the name of a new French game just introduced by Messrs. Henry Holt & Co. It consists of 96 cards, which are divided into 24 suites of four cards each. Each suite embraces the name of a French author and the titles of three of his works. The object of the play is, after the cards are distributed, that each player should gather into his hand as many com plete suites as possible, according to the rules given for playing. As may be seen, the doing of this must exercise the memory, thus affording at the same time both instruction and amusement. Directions for playing, etc., are all in French. PROF. DAVID SWING'S sermons, "Truths for ToDay," have made a considerable hit, aided no doubt by the desire of people in general to find out for themselves whether this vigorous and attractive preacher is a heretic or not. Jansen, McClurg & Co. find their first edition of 2,000 already nearly exhausted, and a second, of as many more, is preparing. MR. SWINBURNE'S "Bothwell" is complete. It will be lengthy, and will exceed the limits of a stage piece. THE latest issue of the Athenæum contains a long letter from Dr. J. G. Holland, on international copyright, apropos of the printing of his "Arthur Bonnicastle," with a concluding chapter "by another hand," to evade the British copyright on the latter chapters, first published in that country for the purpose of receiving it. He concludes: of It is useless to quarrel with facts which one is powerless to remove; and I write this letter mainly to protest against the oppression of the authors of both countries on account of national failures and duty for which they they are not responsible. If the authors of Great Britain can make arrangements with American publishers which "the courtesy of the trade" protects, let us put nothing in their way, and help them all we can. If American authors can make arrangements with British publishers which, through a literal or a liberal construction British law, can be protected, they certainly do something for justice, and furnish a better pavement for the progress of the nation toward a true position, than the threats and thefts of foreign publishers. Every publisher in American who has interfered with the purchased right of another in a British author's books has lost reputation with the trade by that act. It ought to be so abroad. If the authors of both countries cannot get what they ought to have, they should, at least, be permitted to get what they can, and not be ground to powder, as the unwilling grain, between the opposing interests of British and American paper-makers and bookpublishers. MR. JAMES CAMPBELL, Boston, Mass., has purchased the plates and copyright of Dr. Burnett's Translation of Von Siebold and H. Stannen's "Treatise on the Comparative Anatony of the Animal Kingdom," and will immediately proceed to prepare a limited edition for the market. This work has been pronounced by Profs. Agassiz, Silliman, Hitchcock, and other scientific and medical men, as the most complete work on the subject extant. MR. F. F. BROWNE, editor and proprietor of the Lakeside Monthly, has published a card explaining that the long delay in issuing the February number of that magazine is due to his continued sickness, which will cause a suspension of the publication till next September, MINISTER MOTLEY'S "John of Barneveld," and Schweinfurth's "Heart of Africa," are preparing for issue next week at the Harpers, with " A Fast Life on the Modern Highway,' ," all previously spoken of. For this last Mr. Abbey has designed a clever cover. 6 Two or three juveniles of special interest are numbered among Dodd and Mead's forthcoming issues in this department. "Nothing to Nobody" is the clever title of one; another is a clever story, Little Boots," by the author of "The Old Back 'Room;" and two little stories of Mrs. Charles, author of the Schönberg-Cotta books, for some time out of print, will be republished, "Brother Bartholemew," or, "The United Brethren of Bohemia." "POOR JACK" is to have another story written about him showing his wrongs; this time it is by Mrs. Sewell, England, and is entitled " Davie Blake the Sailor." of AN historical novel based upon the struggle of the South American colonies for independence, and the conspiracy of the sons of Bolivia and the Black Eagle in Cuba near the close of the first quarter this century, is promised by Senor J. de Armas Cespedes, nephew of the Cuban President, and the writer of a paper in the latest Galaxy. The story promises some new and interesting revelations concerning the origin of the Monroe doctrine. THERE is to be a meeting at Vienna of a company of Austrian writers to meditate on literary questions between France and Germany. WITH the exception of the German, Hugo's 93 has been translated into nearly every living tongue, and now the Gaulois announces he has authorized "one of the invaders" to translate it for the semiofficial journal of Bismarck at Strasbourg-a very unpatriotic proceeding thinks the Gaulois. HENRY WIKOFF has a new book in Lippincott's press, entitled "The Four Civilizations of the World." Not satisfied with the results of the labor of Croker and Malone, Mr. Percy Fitzgerald has set himself to the task of preparing a new edition of Boswell's Johnson, in which the original is to be exactly reproduced in spelling, punctuation, paragraphing, &c. All notes and alterations will be separated from such as are supplied from other sources. A new German epic by Adolf Stern is devoted to Gutemberg, who hitherto has received but scant attention from the muses. IT is said that the "Histoire due Romantisme," by Theophile Grantier, now publishing in Paris, has all the merits of consummate style and exquisite fancy, for which that author is so noted. SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON & Co. have in press "The China Collector's Pocket Companion," by Mrs. Bury Palliser. It is meant to supply the want of a portable guide to marks and monograms, such as will prove very useful to the lovers of the This mania has so many devotees ceramic art. in America, that the announcement will be interesting here. MR. PHILIP BOURKE MARSTON, the young English poet, a protege and devotee of the Rossetti-Morris coterie, is to bring out a second volume of poems. The pre TESTIMONIAL TO JAMES SANGSTER, ESQ.-At the Crystal Palace, on Jan. 8th, an interesting gathering took place, of the agents, travelers, and employés connected with the well-known publishing firm of Sangster & Co., 31 Paternoster Row, for the purpose of presenting to J. Sangster, Esq., the principal of the firm, a beautiful and costly silver tea and coffee service and salver, bearing the following inscription :-" Presented to James Sangster, Esq., by his agents, travelers and employés in Great Britain and America, to celebrate the happy event of his fiftieth birthday, and to show their high regard for his personal worth, his business enterprise and his thoughtful and valued friendship." sentation was made in the presence of numerous friends, by a gentleman from the north of England (who had been connected with the firm for nearly a quarter of a century), sustained by others from various parts of the kingdom. Mr. Sangster acknowledged the testimonial in a few choice and feeling words. The service had been subscribed for by forty or fifty friends, almost all of them engaged in the business of the firm.-The London Bookseller. Messrs. Sangster & Co. are the publishers of Knights' England, a new edition of which has been issued in this country by Messrs. Estes & Lauriat, of Boston, by arrangement with the London publishers. THE Cover of Auerbach's "Waldfried," nearly ready at Henry Holt & Co.'s, is "the event of 1874," as Barnum would put it, in binding. A light linen cloth, similar to that of the "Leisure Hour Series," is used, on which there is stamping in five colors, gold, silver, black, red and blue. All these are employed in the imperial coat of arms which occupies the centre of the otherwise plain cover. It is the most elaborate and striking piece of cloth binding we have ever seen. MR. WINWOOD READE, the Quiver correspondent, is to do the Ashantee war into a book-the fifty-eleventh, more or less, on the subject. THE reason of M. Hugo's publishing "93" at his own risk, through Levy, was the work of the Authors' Society, under which a sale is only of a limited edition, after which the author may sell again. This first sale was offered by Hugo for 120,000 francs, but Levy preferred to take the per cent. commission as Hugo's agent. The French issue is in three volumes, at eighteen francs. Agassiz Memorial. AN enterprise of the greatest importance to the cause of education, and one which appeals not CATALOGUES WANTED. TR, with Claxton, Remsen & Haffelfinger, PhilaHREE each of all Publishers' Catalogues wanted.-D. N. delphia. HELP WANTED. Ta young man, with courage and persistence, an interest in a growing business will be given.-F. B. PATTERSON, 61 Liberty Street. A SITUATIONS WANTED. GENTLEMAN with twenty years' experience in the book and stationery business (school books chiefly), and competent to take charge of the wholesale department of a jobbing house, is desirous of securing such a situation by 1st July next, at a salary proportionate to the responsibilities. Address Adamsson 39 care PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, 37 Park Row New York. WANTED By a young man of experience, a situation as bookkeeper in a jobbing house. First-class reference. Address JOHN HOWARD, 360 East Water Street, Milwaukee, Wis. only to the liberality but also to the interest of F every one, has recently been started in Boston. It has been suggested to us to bring it before the book trade, and ask for it their aid and sympathy. It is designed to collect sufficient funds to endow the Museum of Comparative Zoology, founded by the late Prof. Agassiz, with an amount large enough to derive an income out of which the expenses of maintaining the Museum may be paid. This museum rivals, in the extent and value of its collections, the best institutions of Europe, and is always open to teachers at all seasons of the year. Louis Agassiz devoted to its foundation the best years of his life, and fruits of his genius: no bet BUSINESS FOR SALE. OR SALE-A book and stationery business in a large Southern city, established in 1863. Present business about sixty thousand dollars a year. Can easily be increased to one hundred thousand. Stock, nearly thirty thousand Terms of sale easy. Reason for selling is desiring to invest dollars, is first-class, all salable, and in splendid condition. in a different business. Address, "Southern Bookseller," care PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY, New York. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. WANTED-A partner in the publishing and bookselling business, already well established in a New England city. One possessing a knowledge of the business, with a capital of at least $10,000, preferred.-Address, Box 1,917, P. O., Boston. ter memorial of him could stand than this evidence The Scholar's Handbook OF THE International Lessons for 1874. PART I. ON THE PENTATEUCH. of his noble heart and mind. Every American, Circulars are already distributed, By Rev. EDWIN W. RICE. With an Introduction by the BOOKS WANTED. ONE or more copies of "The Continuity of the Church of OLS. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 55 (I., II., III., IV., and LV.) of Niles' becond Hand School Bocks", Correspondence solicited by A. H. Clark, Bookseller, Peekskill, N. Y. Rev. JOHN HALL, D.D. The Text of each lesson is printed in paragraphs, and in ad dition to the Leading Text, the Central Truth, and daily Bible Readings, it gives much valuable historical and geographical information upon each lesson, brief explanations, illustrations, blackboard outlines, and reviews, making a compact and desirable handbook for all Sunday-schools upon the International Lessons. Price, 10 cents; 100 copies, $7.50. "The work is well done."-Independent. Dorothy's Ladder. 16mo, muslin. $1.00. Our Western Home. A Story from Life. 16mo, cloth. 75 cents. 75 cents. Little Mother. Handsomely illustrated. 16mo, cloth. Faithful, but not Famous. An Historical Tale. 16mo, cloth. 90 cents. The Tame Turtle; or, Geordie M'Gregor's Trouble. 16mo, muslin. 85 cents. Ethan Hale; or, Light at Last. By the author of " Christie," " Orphans of Glen Elder," etc. 18mo, cloth. 35 c. Rhoda's Education; or, Too Much of a Good Thing. By Lucy Ellen Guernsey, author of "Irish Amy," etc. 16mo, cloth. $1.25. Catalogues and specimen copies of the Periodicals, furnished on application to ALEX. KIRKPATRICK, Superintendent of Depositories, G. S. SCOFIELD, Nos. 8 and 10 Bible House, New York.' W. R. PORT, No. 261 West Madison Street, Chicago |