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Or, GROUPS OF SOCIOLOGICAL FACTS. Classified and Arranged by Herbert Spencer. Compiled and Abstracted by David Duncan, A.M., Professor of Logic, etc., in the Presidency College, Madras; Richard Scheppig, Ph.D.; and Fames Collier. ENGLISH: Compiled and Abstracted by Fames Collier. I vol., folio. Price, $5.00.

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'Overland,' by J. W. De Forest, places the author in the front rank of American writers of fiction."—Saturday Evening Gazette, Boston.

Recent Publications.


By J. W. DE FOREST, author of "The Wetherel Affair," etc. Price, in cloth, $1.75; pap. $1.00

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By BENSON J. LOSSING, LL.D. 2 vols....

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I vol........


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ROBERT CARTER & BROS, have made arrangements with Messrs. Adam and Charles Black, of Edinburgh, to bring out in this country the memorial volume of the late Dr. Candlish. They will also publish immediately the first volume of the autobiography and memoir of the well-known Dr. Guthrie; a work which can scarcely be other than interesting and inspiring, if one may judge from the earnestness and purity of Dr. Guthrie's useful life. The same firm announce Maggie's Mistake," a school-girl's story.

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WILSON, HINKLE & Co., Cincinnati, are to publish immediately "A Manual of the Constitu- | tion of the United States," designed for the instruction of rising American citizens. It is prepared by President Andrews of Marietta College.

HARPER & BROS. will publish next week Anthony Trollope's new story, written as a Christmas tale, "Harry Heathcote," which has been delighting the readers of the Weekly; Wm. Black's charming novel, "The Princess of Thule," which the readers of Lippincott's have enjoyed, and a new volume of the Collins novels, "The Moonstone."

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THE first American work in the "International Science Series." "The New Chemistry," by Prof. Cooke, of Harvard, is nearly ready at the Appletons', and will be followed in rapid su cession, within two months, by several other volumes of this valuable and successful series. Prof. Cooke's work gives a comprehensive view of the present advance of chemistry, with the new nomenclature.

THE trade hasn't been enlivened by a contro versy for some time; consequently Messrs. Holt The & Co. and Loring have engaged in one. former published "The Wooing O't," by Miss Alexander, and claim first announcement of her second book, "Which Shall It Be?" Mr. Loring has also just published an edition of this novel, and now Messrs. Holt are rushing a cheap edition through the press, in competition. The latter will also add Mrs. Jenkin's new novel of French society, "Jupiter's Daughters," to their "Leisure Hour Series" immediately.

WE hear from Porter & Coates as to their early publication of a new tale by Amelia B. Edwards, authoress of "Barbara's History," "Half a Million of Money," and other popular novels, entitled "In the Days of My Youth." "As it is said to equal if not to surpass her former writings in strength of character portraiture and conception, and judging from the success which met their publication, it is safe to predict an extensive sale for this latest production from her pen.

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JOHN WILEY & SON publish this week another valuable work on chemistry, under the_title, "Quantitative Chemical Analysis," by T. E. Thorpe. The contents of the volume are given in an advertisement in this number.

WE are authorized to contradict the rumor

which has been floating about private literary circles, that Mr. Howells has resigned the editorship of the Atlantic Monthly. The new proprietors, by the way, printed an extra edition of the January number, the first under their auspices, and have nevertheless, we understand, been obliged to reprint to supply the demand.

[OFFICIAL.] Publishers' Board of Trade,


25 Bond Street, New York.

NEW YORK, Jan. 12, 1874.



By Messrs. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR & Co.: Mr. SAMUEL M. PERKINS, New York City. By Messrs. MASON, BAKER & PRATT: Mr. W. I. POOLEY, New York City.

By Messrs WILSON, HINKLE & Co.: Mr. J. C. HARTZLER, Bloomington, Ills.


By Messrs. WILSON, HINKLE & Co.: Mr. Z. C. PATTEN, Chattanooga, Tenn.; Mr. Wм. ISENBERG, Bloomington, Ills.

& Co.: Mr. JOHN C. ELLIS, St. Louis, Mo. By Messrs. IVISON, BLAKEMAN, TAYLOR &

HENRY HOLT, Secretary.


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported Books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Alexander.-Which Shall It Be? By Mrs. Alexander, | author of "The Wooing o't." 8°. Pap. 50 c....Loring. Almanacs.-Sadlier's Catholic Directory, Almanac, and Ordo, for the Year of our Lord 1874. With full returns of the various Dioceses in the United States and British North America, and a list of all the Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests in Ireland. 12°. Pap. $1........ Sadlier.

The World Almanac for 1874. Pap. 25 c... World Office. Bulwer Lytton. See Lytton.

By Christopher Pearse ....Roberts.

California Citations. An Alphabetical Table of all the Cases cited in the Opinions of the California Reports, and of the California Cases cited in the Reports of the other States; with the points as to which they are Cited, Approved, Affirmed, Criticised, Doubted, Denied, or Overruled. By Robert Desty, Attorney-at-Law. 8°, pp. 688. Shp. $7.50.... Whitney. Cranch.-Satan. A Libretto. Cranch. Sq. 18°. 75 c. ... Dunglison.-Medical Lexicon. A Dictionary of Medical Science. Containing a concise Explanation of the Various Subjects and Terms of Anatomy. Physiology, Pathology, Hygiene, Therapeutics, Medical Chemistry, Pharmacology, Pharmacy, Surgery, Obstetrics, Medical Jurisprudence, and Dentistry; Notices of Climate and of Mineral Waters; Formulæ for officinal, empirical, and dietetic Preparations with the Accentuation and Etymology of the Terms, and the French and other Synonyms. By Robley Dunglison, M.D., LL.D., etc. New ed., enl. and thoroughly rev. by Richard J. Dunglison, M.D. Roy. 8°, pp. 1131. $6.50 and $7.50.....


Edwards. In the Days of my Youth. A Novel. By Amelia B. Edwards, author of "Barbara's History." etc. 12, pp. 454. $1.50; pap. $1.... .........Porter & C. Engle.-The Serpent's Sting: or, Worse than Death. A Tale of Drink and Woe. By R. R. Engle. 16°, pp. 176. Ross. Fulton.-Europe Viewed through American Spectacles. By Charles Carroll Fulton, editor of the "Baltimore American." 8, pp. 312. $1.75; pap. $1.25....... Lippincott. Guthrie.-Autobiography of Thomas Guthrie, D.D., and Memoir, by his sons, Rev. David K. Guthrie and Charles J. Guthrie, M.A. (In 2 vols.) Vol. 1. 12°, pp. 424. $2. Hare.-Memorials of a Quiet Life. By Augustus J C. Hare. New ed., reprinted from Ninth London ed. With Introd. by Bishop Huntingdon. 2 vols. in 1. With two steel portraits. 12°, pp. 1002. $3. Routledge. Harvard University (The) Catalogue. 1873-'74. 12°, pp. 337 75 C.; pap. 50 c..... ..Sever. Johnson.-Poems of Twenty Years. By Laura Winthrop Johnson. 12, pp. 148. $1.50........



Kiddle. Harrison, and Calkins.-How to Teach. A Manual of Methods for a Graded Course of Instruction. Embracing the Subjects usually pursued in Primary. Intermediate, Grammar, and High Schools; also. Suggestions relative to Discipline and School Management. For the use of Teachers. By Henry Kiddle, A.M., City Supt. of Public Instruction, N. Y.; Thomas F. Harrison, 1st Asst. Supt. of Grammar Schools, N. Y. City, etc., and N. A. Calkins, 1st Asst. Supt. of Primary Schools, etc., N. Y. City 12", pp. 269. $1.25..... .....Schermerhorn. Lee.-How to Make a Will. Moral and Legal Directions for all Classes of Society, and all Parts of the United States. By Rev. J. B. Lee. 18°, pp. 104. 40 c. and so c.; shp. .Am. Tract Soc.

75 C.....

Lytton. -My Novel, or, Varieties in English Life, by Pisistratus Caxton. By Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, Bart. (Lord Lytton ed.) 2 vols. 12°. Per v. $1.50.......Lippincott. Prescott.-History of the Conquest of Mexico. With a Preliminary View of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Life of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortes. By William H. Prescott, author of "The History of Ferdinand and Isabe la." New and rev. ed., with the author's latest corrections and additions. Edited by John Foster Kirk. (In 3 vols.) Vols. 2 and 3. 12°. $2.25; library $2.75; hlf. clf. $4.50..... ..Lippincott. Robertson-History of the Christian Church from the Apostolic Age to the Reformition. A.D. 64-1517. James C. Robertson, M.A, Canon of Canterbury, etc. New and rev. ed. (In 8 vols.) Vol. 1. 12°, pp. 469. $2.25. Pott, Y. & Co.


Ropp's Rapid Reckoner and Commercial Calculator; a


New, Practical, and Scientific System of Calculation, unequalled for Simplicity. Brevity, and Accuracy. Also, a Series of Original, Useful, and Convenient Tables. By Christian Ropp, Jr. 18°. $1 and $1.50...... ...Ross. Seton.-The Pride of Lexington. A Tale of the American Revolution. By William Seton, author of "Romance of the Charter Oak." 12°, pp. 365. $2... Smith.-History of the English Institutions. By Philip V. Smith, M.A. 12°, pp. 303. $1.50........Lippincoti. Somerville.-Personal Recollections from Early Life to Old Age of Mary Somerville. With Selections from her Correspondence. By her daughter, Martha Somerville. With portrait. 8°. $2.50....... ......Roberts. Very Young Couple (A). By the author of " Mrs. Jerningham's Journal." With an illustr. 12°. (Corr. price) $1.25. Scribner, A. & Co. Wetmore.-The Oriental. A Collection of Eastern Melodies, Ancient and Traditional. Now first arranged for Christian Service. By Dr. William J. Wetmore. 4, pp. 112. $1.25.... .....Schermerhorn.




Lee, How to Make a Will..40 c., 50 c., and .75 Edwards, In the Days of my Youth.

ROBT. CARTER & BROS., New York. Guthrie, Autobiog. of Thos Guthrie, vol. 1..$2.00

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$1.50; pap. 1.00 POTT, YOUNG & Co., New York. Robertson, Hist. of Christian Church, new ed., V. I........


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Per v., Prescott, Conquest of Mexico, new ed., v. 2 and 3... ... Per v.,$2.25, $2.75, and 4.50 Smith, Hist. of Engl. Institutions...



A. K. LORING, Boston.

Alexander, Which Shall It Be?........ Pap. .50

P. O'SHEA, New York.

Seton, Pride of Lexington....

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J. W. SCHERMERHORN & Co., New York. Riddle, Harrison, and Calkins, How to Teach...

2.00 Wetmore, The Oriental.



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