The Tabular Method of Computing Interest Perfected. LAW'S SIMPLIFIED INTEREST TABLES. AND TABLES FOR THE EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. The CHEAPEST BOOK of the KIND YET PUBLISHED. Embracing Tables at 6, 7 and 10 per cent., the two first being computed both at 360 and 365 days to the year, the last at 360 days only. Also a Table at 36 per cent. for the Equation of Payments, and a few simple rules for facilitating calculations of Interest, Discount, etc. The author has aimed, in constructing these tables, to reduce the time necessary to find the number of days for which interest is required, a much needed improvement over other works of the kind now in use, believing that such copious tables are unnecessary, and to a great extent mere repetitions, tending to weary the eyes and patience of the accountant, and to make the use of Interest Tables more of an annoyance than a help. To facilitate this end he has indexed the book upon the margin is such a manner that it can be opened at once at the page wanted. The convenience of this will be quickly seen by the practical accountant, as he is enabled to add the interest to a majority of accounts without turning a single leaf. In the 36 per cent. table for the Equation of Payments, it will be found particularly convenient, as few bills or payments for which an average date is required will exceed a range of four months, and that will be found upon one open page. 218 213 214 215 216 217 0367.64,38 0369.36,99 0371.09,59 0372.82,19 0374.54,79 037 6.2 7,40 The tables, as printed, read for thousands, with the interest below in lighter type. For hundreds, tens, and units, remove the point, as required, one, two, or three places to the left in both principal and nterest uniformly. The interest will always be in dollars to the left and in cents and mills to the right of the decimal point. Interest on $5000, for 213 days, $204.24.6. EXAMPLE. 500, 20.42,4. One entire month will extend across an open page. By examining the example of the form of the Tables given above, the improvements claimed by the author and enumerated below, will be apparent. That Interest on any amount from $1 to $900,000 can be found at once, by means of the index, within a space embracing less than two square inches. That the Interest is always directly under the Principal, consequently the time usually consumed in finding first the Principal in one column, and then the Interest in another, is much shortened, and the liability to copy a wrong amount much lessened. That the computations of Interest for a large number of Accounts Current can be obtained from one open page alone, as each open page embraces a difference in time of one hundred and twenty days, bringing the whole year within three open pages. That the number of original computations necessary for each Table is very largely reduced (only nine being required for each day in the year). By this improvement labor and material are economized to such an extent that the same matter that is contained in the most expensive works is presented in a manner that makes it available with the utmost rapidity at a very slight cost. That the book being much wider than the ordinary form of Interest Tables (size 12x12 inches) is much more convenient for the office, as it will remain open at the page in use, whether laid upon the desk or propped up in front of the accountant; in the latter position he can use it without being compelled to turn to the right or left. PRICE $3.00. A Liberal Discount to the Trade. to the agent, Orders should be addressed A. J. KENDALL, 185 Fifth Avenue, Room 4. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. D. VAN NOSTRAND, PUBLISHER OF SCIENTIFIC BOOKS, 23 MURRAY STREET AND 27 WARREN STREET, A Treatise on the Method of Government Surveying, As prescribed by the U. S. Congress and Commissioners of the General Land Office, for the use of the U. S. Surveyors in the Field, and Students in Surveying. By S. V. Clevenger, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Mor. tuck, gilt edges. $2.50. A Practical Treatise on the Examination of Milk, Fuel. 12mo. cloth. $1.00. By C. W. Siemens. To which is appended the Value of Artificial Fuels, as compared with Coal, by John Wormald. Forming No. 9 in Van Nostrand's Science Series. 16mo, stiff paper covers. 50 c. Compound Engines. Translated from the French of A. Mallet. Forming No. 10 in Van Nostrand's Science Series. 16mo, stiff paper covers. Illustrated. 50 cents. Theory of Arches. By Prof. W. Allan, formerly of Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va. Forming No. 11 in Van Nostrand's Science Series. 16mo, stiff paper covers. İllustrated. 50 cents. 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By Pansy and Faye Huntington. A GIRL'S MONEY. A sequel to “A Little Woman,” and “Grandma Crosby.". 1.00 THE FISHER BOY. By Kingston. 16mo........ 1.00 HELPFUL THOUGHTS. By T. D. Woolsey, D.D., L.L.D..... 1.25 MYTHS AND HEROES. By S. F. Smith, D.D...................... 1.75 HISTORICALS. For Young Folks. By Oro Noque. 12mo.. 1.25 HELEN'S VICTORY. By the author of "Soldier Fritz." 16m0.... ... .75 PETER THE SHIP BOY. By Kingston. 16mo.. 1.00 MATTIE'S HOME, and Little Dot. 16mo....... .75 BROKEN FETTERS. By the author ot "Evening Rest." 16mo......... 1.50 WILLIE'S MONEY BOX. By the author of "Little Red Cap." 16mo...... THE LOST PURSE; or, Bessie Bleak.... THE NAME ABOVE EVERY NAME. By Samuel Cutler, D.D. Revised and enlarged..... .Plain, $1.00; Gilt Edge, $1.50; Red Line Edition, 2.00 1.25 1.50 .75 IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE, MESSRS. D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston, Are publishing choice Books of History, Travel, and Discovery-the celebrated $1000 and $500 Prize Stories, and Standard Religious Works by the best authors. PLEASE SEND FOR THEIR FULL ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. SPRING PUBLICATIONS. ANNOUNCEMENT. MESSRS. LEE & SHEPARD respectfully announce the continuation and early completion of THE WORKS OF CHARLES SUMNER. The original prospectus was issued when the distinguished orator and statesman was in the midst of his honorable career, and had apparently before him all the evening of his life, for the revision of his ORATIONS, SPEECHES, and ADDRESSES. Notwithstanding his impaired health, he had labored with assiduity to arrange and perfect them; and before his death NINE VOLUMES had been published, and the tenth was given to the printers. Materials for two or more volumes, carefully prepared by himself, are now in the hands of friends who are fully acquainted with his opinions, and familiar with his intellectual methods. From the time of his election, in 1851, to the U. S. Senate, Charles Sumner was constantly before the public as the leader and representative of the party of freedom; and the volumes of his speeches form of themselves a history of the United States for over twenty years. It is seldom that the lifetime of one man, still less the period of his public services, includes the beginning and end of a controversy, so momentous in character, so far-reaching in effect, as that which has lately resulted in establishing the doctrine that "FREEDOM IS NATIONAL." The founders of the republic are deservedly honored; but the great leaders in the party of equal rights, whose labors have given us a country worth living for, and worth dying to defend, must claim equal honor and gratitude from the present generation and from posterity. The value of Mr. Sumner's works to students of political history, to scholars, and all lovers of literature, cannot well be over-estimated. They will be welcomed as a fitting memorial of the long and brilliant services of the man whose name and fame are a part of the renown of his country. This edition, of which nine volumes are now ready for delivery to subscribers, is elegantly printed on tinted and plated paper, from new type, contains an accurate portrait of Mr. Sumner, and will be furnished with a complete analytical and topical index. Price, per volume, fine English Cloth.... .$3.00 half calf, gilt extra, Library edition.... 5.00 SOLD ONLY BY SUBSCRIPTION. LEE & SHEPARD, Publishers, Nos. 41-45 Franklin Street. BUTLER & FLEETWOOD, General Agents, No. 47 Franklin Street, Boston. Agents of experience and capacity wanted through out the United States. IN PREPARATION. THE ONLY AUTHORIZED LIFE of CHARLES SUMNER, From materials left in the hands of his literary executors by the distinguished Senator. It will be issued at as early a day as possible, and will be uniform with the Complete Works now in course of preparation. THE SECRET OF CHRISTIANITY. By Rev. S. S. HEBBERD. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. LONDON DIRECTORY FOR AMERICAN TRAVELERS FOR 1874. Containing the fullest information, in the best form for refer ence, respecting all that is valuable in connection with a visit to London. With an Appendix. By CHAS. E. PASCOE. $1. HOW MARJORY HELPED. By M. CARROLL. 16mo. Cloth. Illustrated. "The Ladies' Commission on Sunday-school Books" selected this story from a large number competing for a prize of $250.00. LEE & SHEPARD, Publishers, Boston. LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, New York. |