e the TRADE CIRCULAR. which is incorporated American Literary Gazette and Publishers' Circular Established in the year 1852. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE PUBLISHERS' BOARD OF TRADE AND THE AMERICAN BOOK TRADE UNION F. LEYPOLDT, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, 37 PARK Row, NEW YORK. VOL. V. No. 21. NEW YORK, Saturday, May 23, 1874. WHOLE NO. 123 GREAT SALE OF STEREOTYPE PLATES. Tuesday Morning, May 26th, at Eleven o'clock, at the TRADE SALE ROOMS. More than ONE HUNDRED SETS of STEREOTYPE PLATES of the PUBLICATIONS of Messrs. GOULD & LINCOLN, Boston. TERMS OF SALE. On all amounts less than $300, Cash; more than $300, three months credit for approved endorsed notes. In consequence of a change in our business affairs we propose to dispose of a portion of our STEREOTYPE PLATES AND COPYRIGHTS, and will sell at auction the following valuable works (see catalogue, now ready). Several of the works are of recent issue, and have received the unqualified commendations of the press, and every work in the list has to a greater or less extent a regu lar annual sale. Persons purchasing Plates, will be furnished any printed stock on hand, if desired, at cost. Works having a star (*) against them are subject to a moderate copyright or premium on sales. Having removed from store 59 Washington Street, occupied by us for nearly forty years, to Chambers, in the next building (57), and the firm dissolved by the retirement of the junior partner, the business will be continued in our new quarters under the old firm name (confining ourselves mainly to the sale of our own publications), where we shall be happy to welcome our friends and the trade generally, and to receive from them, as heretofore, a liberal patronage. GOULD & LINCOLN, Publishers, 57 Washington Street. BOSTON, May, 1874. GEO. A. LEAVITT & CO., Clinton Hall, New York. Messrs. JAMES R. OSGOOD & CO.'S NEW BOOKS. The Legend of Jubal, and other Poems. By George Eliot, author of " Adam Bede," " Middlemarch," etc. I vol., 16mo. Uniform wit the "Spanish Gypsy." Bevelled boards, $1.50. The publication of a new book by George Eliot marks a red-letter day in literature. Her poetry i of the same high quality as her prose-characterized by the same wise and lofty strain of thought, the same profound loyalty to the noblest intellectual and moral ideals, the same deep and tender sympathy with human aspiration and endeavor and suffering, and the same remarkable power of forcible and graceful expression. Poetical Works of Robert Buchanan, Vols. 1 and 2 now ready. With Newly collected, revised and rearranged. In 5 vols. 12mo. fine Portrait of the Author. Beveled edges, gilt top. $2.50 per vol. "Mr. Buchanan, one of the prominent poets of the time, is not an echo of any other poet. Hi song is original and spontaneous. He has studied deeply at many imaginative springs, but his own well of song is unmixed with their waters. In such a way as was never before accomplished, we believe, Mr. Buchanan has, in his London lyrics, come between society and the degraded beings whe have been the objects of its contempt and disgust, and has acted as an interpreter. It is poetry of thi description which will succeed in retaining its hold upon humanity."-The Contemporary Review. Poems. By H. R. Hudson. I vol. 16mo. $1.50. Those who have read "The Newsboy's Debt," one of the most touching poems in modern litera ture, and those who have recognized the lyrical excellence of Miss Hudson's poetical contributions to the "Atlantic Monthly," "Harper's Magazine," and other periodicals, will give a cordial greeting to this volume. Several of the poems, some of the longest and best, have never before been printed. The tastefulness of the volume will fitly commend the poems to the favor of the public. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. By Clarence King, United States Geologist. New, enlarged edition. Containing very consider able additions and two new maps. I vol. 12mo. $2.00. (Originally published at $2.50.) "A book bracing in tone, vivid in destription, exciting in adventure, and abounding in valuable information. Since Tyndall's volume on the Alps, we have read nothing so vigorous and stimulating as Mr. King's narrative of mountain exploration; and it exceeds Tyndall's in the novelty of its subject. The accounts of the ascent of Mount Tyndall, of Mount Shasta, and Mount Whitney are records of brave campaigns into the unknown realm of Nature,' as full of danger as of excitement."—E. P. WHIPPLE, in Boston Globe. "A fresh and vigorous record of various kinds of adventure."-London Athenæum. "Possesses an eye and a pen for the most impressive aspects of nature.”—Saturday Review (London) Baddeck and that Sort of Thing. By Charles Dudley Warner. I vol. 18mo. Saunterer's Series. $1.50. A delightful little handy volume, with a good deal of information about the people, customs, and scenery of Nova Scotia and thereabouts, and a delicious humor that contributes marvellously to the reader's enjoyment." Workingmen's Homes. By Edward E. Hale. 16mo. Paper, 75 cents; cloth, $1.25. CONTENTS: Co-operative Homes-The Quincy Association-The Village in Dedham-Cheap Trains in Massachusetts-Homes for Boston Laborers-Boston Co-operative Society-How they lived at Naguadavick-How they live in Vineland-How they live in Boston and how they die there. Life under Glass. Containing Suggestions toward the Formation of Artificial Climates. By George A. Shove. $1.00. An ingenious and not chimerical plan for bringing the tropics into New England in Winter, and Arctic coolness in Summer, for the comfort and cure of invalids, especially of consumptives. Good Luck. By E. Werner. Translated from the German by Frances A. Shaw. Paper, 75 cts.; cloth,1.25 A story of German life in the great mining districts. "A remarkably entertaining novel," says Mrs. Moulton, in New York Tribune. **For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers. Sent, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers, JAS. R. OSGOOD & CO., Boston. MR. F. H. UNDERWOOD'S "forthcoming fiction "Lord of Himself," about ready at Lee & Shepard's, is a novel of life in Kentucky thirty years since. The hero follows the usual career of the young gentleman of his day, and has what is popularly called "a good time." Just as the money $20.00 gives out, comes along the heiress heroine, with whom he falls desperately in love, but who withholds her hand until he has retrieved his past and become again "Lord of Himself." The book is said to be lively and vigorous. 12.00 7.00 4.00 2.50 .25 Front, back, and second pages, and pages facing editorial matter, $25. Application for these pages should be made at least ten days before publication day. Liberal rates for twelve, six, and three months' contracts. Situations Wanted. Free insertion of five lines; 25 cents for every additional line. Rare or Second-hand Books for Sale or Exchange, 25 cents per line; to subscribers, 10 cents per line. Terms of Subscription-$3.00 per annum, payable in advance. Single Numbers, 7 cents, or 8 cents post paid. Advertisements should reach the office of the Publishers' Weekly not later than Wednesday morning, but are desired as much earlier as possible. Address P. O. Box 4295. Subscriptions and Advertisements, from England, received by B. F. Stevens, 17 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London. Subscriptions from the European Continent filled by E. Steiger, 22 and 24 Frankfort Street, New York, and all German booksellers. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Subscribers to the PUBLISHERS' WEEKLY will please notice, on their printed address, the date indicating the expiration of their subscription, and notify us of any error made in printing. No bills will hereafter be sent except to houses with whom we have an open account. If remittance is not made within a month after expiration, it will be understood that the paper is to be discontinued. Remittances should be made by draft on New York, Post-office money order, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. Address P. O. Box 4295. The postage on the WEEKLY, which, if paid in advance, is 5 cents per quarter, or 20 cents per annum, must be paid by subscribers at their own post-office. NOTES IN SEASON. IMPORTANT SALE. The attention of publishers is called to Leavitt's announcement in today's issue, of the great sale of stereotype plates, including more than 100 sets of the well-known and substantial publications of Messrs. Gould & Lincoln, Boston, who, in consequence of the business Among other immediate publications of the Harpers are a new addition to Miss Muloch's "Books for Girls," that pretty and clever little series; the story of " Miss Moore," by Georgiana M. Craik; Minister Motley's book; the new edition of Mill's Logic; and a new book by Dr. S. Irenæus Prime, a volume of thirty brief essays, which he says were mostly "written out of doors, and the author yields to the request of others in putting them under the cover of a book." They are on a wide variety of summer topics and semireligious subjects, and are very pleasant and delightful reading. 66 PORTER & COATES, of Philadelphia, have in press Pennsylvania Illustrated,' a handbook of Pennsylvania, with numerous illustrations of the most picturesque and other places of interest in the State, and some interesting information A second edition of Mme. regarding the same. Schwartz's "Gerda" is being called for. Mr. Aldrich's "Prudence Palfrey". by Osgood, THE Atlantic serials will be issued immediately, and Rev. Wm. M. Baker's "Mose Evans by Hurd & Houghton. The first is another Portsmouth story, with far West episodes, very delicate in some of its portraiture, and ending, of course, with a thorough surprise; the second is a very vigorous story of Western character. Now come the summer days, when the fairer sex in particular loll in their chambers, or play at dolce far niente under the trees or on the beach, and must have novels to read. Of course, the supply meets the demand, and at this time of the year it is novels which give the publishers' presses a good share of their work. Therefore, bring out your lines of novels into especial prominence on your tables, and take special care to stock up wisely with new goods, for novel-readers properly like novelty. Nevertheless, the great novels sell always, always fresh in the eternal freshness of truth. [OFFICIAL.] change mentioned in our last issue, have resolved Publishers' Board of Trade, to dispose of a portion of their plates and copyrights. The sale will take place on Tuesday morning, May 26, at 11 o'clock, at Leavitt's Trade Sale Rooms, Clinton Hall, N. Y. Catalogues supplied on application. HENRY L. SHEPARD & Co. announce as ready to-day the following seasonable books: Jules Verne's summer book "Adventures in the Land of the Behemoth," small 8vo, fully illustrated, at the low price of $1 50.; "Money and Music," an art story, by Chas. Barnard, the author of "Soprano"; a literary curiosity, Mother Goose and Fables in Latin, under the title "Nuga Inutiles," by J. M. Merrick; and new elegant editions of Rand's popular Garden Books, as speci fied in advertisement. H. L. Shepard & Co. also advertise that they have the trade control of the celebrated Tribune extras and can supply them{to the trade at. a liberal discount ALPHABETICAL LIST OF BOOKS JUST PUBLISHED. The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks. Abbott.-David Crockett. By John S. C. Abbott. (Ameri- | *Heath-The English Peasantry. By Francis George can Pioneers and Patriots, vol. 6.) With 6 illustr. by Bush. Heath, author of "Romance of Peasant Life." 8°, pp. 271. 12. $1.50.... Dodd & M. $3.75.... ...Scribner, W. & A. Atwood.-Rules of Proportion, compiled and original. and Higher Life (The). A Pocket Book for School Girls. adapted to modern Practice. By D. T. Atwood. With 5 pp. 21. Pap. 1oc.... Pott, Y. & Co. plates. 12, pp. 71. $1. (Issued by the author in 1867, Hopkins.-Prayer and the Prayer Gauge. By Rev. Mark now for the first time offered to the trade.)... ..Bicknell. Hopkins, D.D., late President of Williams College. 12°, Brigham-Cast Catalogue of Antique Sculpture. With an pp. 48. 75 c.... .Dodd & M Introduction to the Study of Ornament, and nearly 100 photographic illustr. By W. T. Brigham, Large 4°. $15. Lee & S. Catechism of the Apostleship of Prayer. By a Missionary Priest. (From the Messenger of the Sacred Heart.) 18°, pp. 56. 40 c.; pap. 25 c...... ...Murphy. Chambers.-Little Lights and How they Shone. By Rev. T. W. Chambers. With 3 illustr. 18°. pp. 214. 70 C. Presb. Bd. of Pub. Collins-The Queen of Hearts. A Novel. By Wilkie Collins. (Harper's Illustr Library ed.). With illustr. 12", PP. 472. $1.50... ..Harper. Conder.-The Child's History of Jerusalem. From the Earliest Historic Notice to the Present Time. By Francis Roubiliac Conder, C.E., author of "Elements of Catholic Philosophy," etc. With 15 illustr. on wood by W. J. Whymper. 12°. $2..... ..Routledge. Conway.-The Earthward Pilgrimage. By Moncure D. Conway. 12, pp. 406. $1.75... .Holt. The Sacred Anthology. A Book of Ethnical Scriptures. Collected and edited by Moncure D. Conway, author of The Earthward Pilgrimage." 8, pp. 480. $4......Holt. Cooke.-Phineas Stowe; or, Bethel Work. Compiled by Henry A. Cooke, Pastor Boston Baptist Bethel. 12°, PP. 406. $1.50 and $2.... ..Earle. Coxe.-Catholics and Roman Catholics. By an Old Catholic (Rt. Rev. Arthur Cleveland Coxe, D.D.) 16°, pp. 52. Pap. 25 c........... Taylor. Dana-Humpy Dumpy; or, The Corner Grocery. By Rev. J. Jay Dana. 16°, pp. 314. $1.25........Nat. Temp. Soc. Detlef.-Valentine, the Countess. By Carl Detlef. Transl. from the German, by M. S., translator of "By His Own Might," etc. (International Series of Novels, vol. 7.) 12°. $1.50 pap. $I............. Porter &C. Drake.-Life and Correspondence of Henry Knox, MajorGeneral in the American Revolutionary War. By Francis S. Drake. 8°. pp. 160. $3.. .... Hunt.-Coal as a Reservoir of Power. By Robert Hunt, etc. Loyd-Wine as a Beverage. ..Peterson. Dupuy.-The Planter's Daughter. By Miss Eliza A. Dupuy. Macmillan. Gumpert.-My First White Hair. From the German of Hausser.-The Period of the Reformation, 1517-1648. By Maine State Year Book and Legislative Manual for 1874- 10 C...... *Our Children. How to Rear and Train Them. A Manual for Parents. 16°, pp. 280. $3. . Cassell, P. & G. Packard.-Relations of Insects to Man. By A. S. Packard, Jr. (Insects of the Garden, part 2.) (Half-Hour Recreations in Natural History, vol. 1.) 12, pp. 32. Pap. 25 c. Estes & L. Parker. The Treatment of Syphilitic Diseases by the Mercurial Vapor Bath: comprising the Treatment of Constitutional and Confirmed Syphilis by this safe and successful method. With numerous cases and clinical observations. By Langston Parker, F.R.C.S.L., etc. Compiled from the 5th London ed., by John W. Foye, M.D., Boston. 12°. pp. 92. $1.50........ Williams. Parrish-A Treatise on Pharmacy. Designed as a TextBook for the Student, and as a Guide for the Physician and Pharmaceutist. With many Formula and Prescriptions. By Edward Parrish, late Prof. of Materia Medica in the Phila. Coll. of Pharmacy. Fourth ed., thoroughly revised by Thomas S. Wiegan. With 280 illustr. 8°, pp. 977. $5.50; leather $6.50........ Pierick. Catechism of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. By R. F. R. Pierick, S. J. (From the Messenger of the Sacred Heart.) 18°, pp. 86. 40 c.; pap. 25 c..Murphy. *Plumptre.-The Bible Educator. By Rev. E. H. Plumptre. Vol. 2. Roy. 8, pp. 384. $3.. Cassell, P. & G. *Popular Recreator. A Key to In-Door and Out-Door Amusements. Vol. 2. Imp. 8°. $3;-Same, 2 vols. in 1, $5... .. Cassell, P. & G. Proctor.-The Universe and the Coming Transits: Presenting Researches into and New Views respecting the Constitution of the Heavens, together with an Investigation of the coming Transits of Venus recently confirmed by a unanimous vote of the Chief Astronomers of Great Britain. By Richard A. Proctor, B.A. (Cambridge), Honorary Fellow of King's Coll., London. Illustr. by 23 charts (4 colored), including two specimens from the Author's Chart of 324,000 Stars. 8°. $6.. ..Lippincott. .... Putnam.-Agassiz and Spiritualism, involving the_Investigation of Harvard College Professors in 1857. By Allan Putnam. 12, pp. 70. Pap. 25 C........ Colby & R. *Revival (The) of Priestly Life in the Seventeenth Century in France. A Sketch. By the author of " A Dominican Artist," etc. 12, pp. 326. $2.50.. ..Pott, Y. & Co. Richmond.-The Fatal Dower. By Mrs. E. J. Richmond, author of "The Jewelled Serpent," etc. 18°, pp. 217. 60 c. Nat. Temp. Soc. Rogers.-The Precious Things of St. Peter. By Rev. E. P. Rogers, D.D., Pastor of the South Reformed Church, New York. Sq. 16, pp. 237. $1.25.... .Randolph. *Bule.-History of the Inquisition, from its Establishment in the Twelfth Century to its Extinction in the Nineteenth. By William Harris Rule, D.D. 2 vols. 8°. $10.50. Scribner, W. & A. Schouler.-A Treatise on the Law of the Domestic Relations: embracing Husband and Wife, Parent and Child, Guardian and Ward, Infancy, and Master and Servant. By James Schouler. 2d ed. 8°, pp. 792. Shp. $7.50. Little, B. & Co. Schweinfurth.-The Heart of Africa; or, Three Years' Travel and Adventures in the Unexplored Regions of the Centre of Africa. From 1868 to 1871. By Dr. George Schweinfurth. Transı. by Ellen E. Frewer. With an Introduction by Winwood Reade. Illustr. by about 130 woodcuts from drawings made by the author, and two maps. 2 vols. 8°. $8.... ....Harper. Sewell.-Works. By Mrs. Sewell. New, cheap and uniform ed. 10 vols. 12. In box, $14...... Dodd & M. Smith.-The Wealth of Nations. By Adam Smith. New ed., complete in one vol. **Steinwehr.-The Centennial Gazetteer of the United States. By A. von Steinwehr. 8°. pp. 1014. Ziegler & McC. Stillman.-The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-7-8. By William J. Stillman, late U. S. Consul at Crete. 12, pp. 203. $1.50.. Holt. Stone.-An Epitome of Therapeutics. Being a Comprehensive Resume of the Treatment of Disease as recommended by the leading British, American, and Continental Physicians. By W. Domett Stone, Ph.D., F.R.C.S., etc. 8°. $4.25.. . Putnam. Stretton The King's Servant. By Hesba Stretton, author of "Lost Gip," etc. 16°. $1.25.... .Hoyt. Swing.-Sermons. By David Swing. With portrait. 8°, pp. 144. $1.50; pap. $1...... ...Keen, C. & Co. Thompson,-Beaten Paths; or, a Woman's Vacation. By Ella W. Thompson. 16°. $1.50... ....Lee & S **Trammell.-Ca Ira. A Nove!. By Wm. Dugas Trammell. 12, pp. 358. $1.50.... U. S. Pub. Co. *Trench.-Sermons, preached for the most part in Ireland. By Richard Chenevix Trench, D.D., Archbishop of Dublin. 8°, pp. 367. $3.50... Macmillan. Trollope.-Lady Anna. A Novel. By Anthony Trollope. 8°, pp. 125. Pap. 50........ ..Harper. Ulrici.-Strauss as a Philosophical Thinker. A Review of his book, The Old Faith and the New Faith," and a Confutation of its Materialistic Views. By Hermann Ulrici. Transl., with an Introduction, by Charles P. Krauth, D.D., Vice-Provost of the Univ. of Penna. 16, pp. 167. $1. Smith, E. & Co. Van Buren and Keyes.-A Practical Treatise on the Surgical Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs, including Syphilis. Designed as a Manual for Students and Practitioners. With engr. and cases. By W. H. Van Buren, A.M., M.D., etc., and E. L. Keyes, A.M., M.D., etc. 8°. pp. 672. $5.. ..Appleton. *Walsh.-A Manual of Domestic Economy: suited to Families spending from £150 to £1,500 a year, including Directions for the Management of the Nursery and Sickrooms, and the Preparation and Administration of Domestic Remedies. By J. H. Walsh, F.R.C.S., assisted in various Departments by a Committee of Ladies. Illustr. with colored plate, by Kronheim, and numerous wood engr. New ed., carefully revised. 12. $5.. ..Routledge. Watson-Rowing and Athletic Annual for 1874. Edited by Jas. Watson, 18°, pp. 116. $1.............. Watson. Wells.-Memorial of the Life and Character of John Wells, with Reminiscences of the Judiciary and Members of the New York Bar. By T. G. Wells. 8°, pp. 145. $2. Francis. West.-Lectures on the Diseases of Infancy and Childhood. By Charles West, M.D., etc. Fifth Am. from the sixth rev. and enl. Engl. ed. 8°, pp. 678. $4.50; leather, $5.50. Lea. Nelson & P. Whitney.-Handbook of Bible Geography; containing the Name, Pronunciation, and Meaning of every Place, Nation, and Tribe mentioned in both the Canonical and Apocryphal Scriptures. By Rev. George H. Whitney, D.D. Illustr. by nearly 100 engr. and 40 maps and plans. New ed., rev. and corrected to date. 12. $2.50.... Wilson, Rev. George P. See Knowles. Withrow -The Catacombs of Rome, and their Testimony relative to Primitive Christianity. By W. H. Withrow, M.A. With 134 illustr. 12°, pp. 560. $3....Nelson & P. *Wright.-Attic Primer. Arranged for the use of beginners. Macmillan. By J. Wright, M.A. 12°. $1.50... 12°, pp. 700. $2.50....Putnam. *Smyth.-Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. By Piazzi Smyth, F.R.S E., etc. New and enlarged ed., including all the most important Discoveries up to the Present Time. With 17 explanatory plates. 8°. $6.... Routledge. *Yonge.-Scripture Readings for Schools and Families. With Comments. The Kings and the Prophets. By Charlotte M. Yonge, author of the "Heir of Redclyffe," etc. 16, pp. 396. $1.50... ....Macmillan. Plumptre, Bible Educator, vol. 2... 3.00 3.00 SAM'L G. DRAKE, 17 Bromfield St., Boston. Popular Recreator, vol. 2, $3; 2 vols. in one, 5.00 Drake, Life, etc., of Maj.-Gen'l Thos. Knox.. 3.00 |