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It is eminently a book for the student of science, and the careful perusal of it cannot fail to further materially his progress towards clear thinking, accurate discrimination, and precision of statement."American Journal of Science. "This able treatise is entitled to be classed at once with such valuable and solid works as Mill's Logic,' Whewell's History of the Inductive Sciences,' and Herbert Spencer's 'First Principles.' To do any justice to this work by a notice or review of it within such space as we can allow, would be impossible."-Popular Science Monthly. We must direct the reader again to a careful perusal of the volume itself. It forms a trustworthy guide, and will prove a very important aid to a better understanding of the higher aspects of science in all its parts."-N. Y. Times. "The peculiarities of this work are such that logicians, mathematicians, and physical scientists must alike be attracted to it and be in divers ways benefited by it."-College Courant. HIGHER SCHOOLS AND UNIVERSITIES IN GERMANY. By MATTHEW ARNOLD. With a new Preface comparing the Policy of the Prussian Government towards Roman Catholic Education and Roman Catholicism with that of the English Government in Ireland. Cr. 8vo, $2. "The volume is of more than ordinary interest, giving, as it does, not only a clear account of the famous Prussian educational system, but also the judgment of a prominent man and scholar upon a question which has been for some time agitating the English Church."-The Churchman. LITERATURE AND DOGMA. An Essay towards a better Apprehension of the Bible. By MATTHEW ARNOLD. Fourth edition, crown 8vo, cloth, $2. YU-PE-YA'S LUTE. A Chinese Tale in English Verse. By AUGUSTA WEBSTER. Extra fcap. 8vo. $1. THE SACRED POETRY OF EARLY RELIGIONS. Two Lectures delivered in St. Paul's 18mo, cloth, 50 cents. A PLEA FOR PEASANT PROPRIETORS, with the Outlines of a Plan for their Establishment in Ireland. By W. T. 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AN active young man, who is thoroughly acquainted with FORSALE.-The goodwill, stock, and fixtures of the stand the book and stationery trade.-Address, with references, Augusta, Ga. The business has always been profitable; S. C. ABBOTT & Co., Omaha, Neb. for the past forty years known as Richard's Book Store, offered for sale now for the benefit of the heirs of Thomas Richards, lately deceased.-Address, W. T. RICHARDS, or J. W.STORY, Executors, Augusta, Ga BOOKS FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. MAUNDER'S Treasury, 6 vols.; Tyler's Life of Taney. sheep and cloth; Stanley's Livingstone, sheep and cloth; Loomis' Elements of Algebra; Allibone's Dictionary of Authors, clotn; Smith's Bible Dictionary, H. & H., 4 vols, sheep. All in good condition.-JAS. B. Dodge, Pittsburgh, Pa. T O buyers and sellers of "Second-Hand School Books." Peekskill, N. Y. belonging to the estate of the late Mr. William Gowans. 8vo, 2,476 pages, embracing 3,229 titles; 16 parts, paper, uncut. Roorbach's Bibliotheca Americana, 1820 to 1848 inclusive, and Supplement, 1850, 2 vols., cloth. Wanted-Roorbach, from May, 1855, to Jan., 1861. NOTICE TO THE TRADE. Conjugal Sins, BY AUGUSTUS K. GARDNER, A.M., M.D. I vol., 12mo. Price, cloth, $1.50; paper, $1.00. [Now in its Twenty-second Edition.] AND SCHEM'S Statistics of the World, Atlas form, bound in flexible boards, price 50 c. Published by G. J. MOULTON, New York, Will hereafter be supplied to the LEE & SHEPARD, Boston; and Who keep all the publications of the Board for sale. LEE, SHEPARD & DILLINGHAM, New York. CLAXTON, REMSEN & HAFFELFINGER, Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers, AND WHOLESALE JOBBERS In Everything Required by the Trade. 624, 626, and 628 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. There are nine stories for the young in this little volume. Each is an argument against some fault-selfishness, revenge, The Cheapest Book Ever Published. THE PRICE OF the't, pride, etc., or an exhortation to some virtue of Christian JULES VERNE'S SUMMER BOOK, character. The stories are very neatly told, and embalm the moral so that it will be preserved and may be useful. COUSIN ALICE. A Prize Juvenile Story. Illustrated. 18mo..... ..90 cts. LET WELL ALONE. By the author of "But Once." Illustrated. 16m0........$1.25 A story of an ingenious and skilful mechanic, who succeeded well in his business, but who was never content with moderate success, but always giving up one kind of business as soon as it began to pay, and rushing into something new that promised better. It is only too true a picture of what we see almost every day. The book contains an important lesson, forcibly illustrated. ADVENTURES IN THE Land of the Behemoth, COPYRIGHTED EDITION, IN EARNEST; or, Edith Palmer's Motto. Square 8vo, tinted paper, fully Illustrated and Having the very best facilities, The Earth to the Moon. we always keep in stock tull lines of all Music Books published in By JULES VERNE. . $1.00 the United States. Trade supplied Illustrated, cloth.. and orders promptly filled. - NEW BOOKS. THE TRUMPET OF REFORM! A New Song tions. Up to this time no good Farmer Song Book has been issued; but the present work, edited by Mr. Geo. F. Root, will be found to contain a well arranged collection of splendid, stirring music, to suit every occasion. In Press. EVERY SABBATH. OUR NEW BOOK FOR SABBATH PALMER'S SONGS OF LOVE, FOR THE BIBLE Advance orders filled in the order received. HENRY L. SHEPARD & CO., SUCCESSORS TO SHEPARD & GILL, BOSTON, NEW YORK, and CHICAGO, 31 Hawley St., 24 Bond St., 92 Market St. Teaching," "Elements of Musical Composition," Etc., Etc. See Correspondence in the A NEW CLASS AND CONVENTION BOOK for 1874. In Press. FULL ANNOUNCEMENT SOON. Reading Columns of the Daily Papers. THE UNIFORM TRADE LIST For 1874-1875, In addition to a much fuller representation of Publishers' and Stationers' Trade Lists than in last year's volume, is to contain a specially prepared Reference List of Books recorded in the Publishers' Weekly from Jan. 16, 1873, to July 1, 1874 (eighten months), all arranged in one Alphalet, uniform with the Reference List of Books from Jan. 18, 1872, to Jan. 16, 1873—a feature which alone is worth the price of subscription. The volume is expected to comprise over 800 pages large 8vo, bound in cloth. 1. The price will be One Dollar per copy. TERMS. 2. In order to insure the contributing publishers against any waste of material and unnecessary expense, and ourselves against any risk which the low price would not warrant, only a very limited number of copies will be bound beyond the number of copies subscribed for, and these will be sold at a price justified by the value of the volume. 3. It is desirable that the subscription should be closed at the earliest date possible. In order to comply with the generally expressed request to have the volume ready two months earlier than last year, at least in time to be of use for making up fall orders, publishers should be notified of the number of Catalogues and Trade Lists needed by June 1st at the latest. Almost all the shortcomings of last year's issue may be attributed to the short time given for the preparation of so extensive a work. 4. No subscription can be accepted after the number of copies to be printed has been determined upon. 5. No subscriptions can be taken in account that have not been paid up when the number of copies to be printed will be determined upon, as the small amounts will neither bear the trouble, nor the expense or risk, of numerous accounts, bills, statements and subsequent collections. 6. Remittances should be made by money order on New York, or registered letter, as we cannot be responsible for any losses. Receipt for remittance, with attached order for delivery, will be sent by return mail. 7. Booksellers, in their own interest, are requested to call the attention of librarians and large bookbuyers to the ANNUAL; but copies ordered by the latter must be subscribed for through booksellers. Except in the case of subscribers to the Publishers' Weekly, all inquirers will be referred to their local dealer. Orders for over 1,000 copies of the TRADE LIST ANNUAL for 1873-1874 were received after publication day too late to be filled by the publisher. It is to be hoped that the disappointed, and the trade in general, will come forward more promptly this year. F. LEYPOLDT, Publisher, P. O. Box 4295, N. Y. GUIDE BOOKS FOR TRAVELLERS. Appleton's Railway Guide for the United States and Canadas. Price..... .25 cents. Appleton's Hand-Book of Travel to the Northern and Eastern States. With 21 Maps, 21 Plans of Cities, and 130 Engravings. Price in one volume, $6.00; two vols., $6.50 Skeleton Routes Through ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, IRELAND, WALES, DENMARK, NORWAY, SWEDEN, RUSSIA, POLAND, and SPAIN. With Cost for Party of Four. Price..... New York Illustrated. $1.0 Containing 65 Engravings of the Principal Parks, Public Buildings, Streets, etc., with Descriptive Text. Price.. IN GERMAN. Price.. IN SPANISH. Price. 50 cents. 50 cents. 50 cents. D. APPLETON & CO., Publishers, 549 and 551 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Either of the above, when not to be had in Bookstores, sent post-paid by mail to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. |