Slike stranica


The Prices in this List are for cloth lettered, unless otherwise indicated. Imported books are marked with an asterisk; Authors' and Subscription Books, or Books published at net prices, with two asterisks.

Anderson.-Northern Ballads. By Edward L. Anderson. Sq. 18, pp. 62. $1..... ...Carleton. Auerbach.-Joseph in the Snow;-Little Barefoot. By Berthold Auerbach. (Leisure Hour Series.) 16°. Ea. $1.25... Holt. Bennett.-Villeta Linden; or, the Artist's Bride. By Emerson Bennett, author of "The Outlaw's Daughter," etc. 12, pp. 420. $1.50; pap. $1................ ......Claxton. Book (The) of Books.-The Story of the English Bible. 18, 35 C.... ....Am. S. S. Un. **Brown. Minnie Hermon, the Rumseller's Daughter; or, Woman in the Temperance Reform. By T. W. Brown. 12°, pp. 542. $2. .......... ...Goodspeed. Buckley.-An Appeal to Persons of Sense and Reflection to begin a Christian Life. By Rev. J. M. Buckley. 4th rev. ed. 16°, pp. 80. Pap. 15 c.... Tibbals. Buel. Eucharistic Presence, Eucharistic Sacrifice, and Eucharistic Adoration: Being an examination of a theological defence for the Rev. James DeKoven, D.D., Warden of Racine College, February 12, 1874. By Rev. Samuel Buel, D.D., etc. 12, pp. 187. 75 c.; pap. 50c. Whittaker. Carter. The Log of Commodore Rollingpin; his adventures afloat and ashore. By John H. Carter. With numerous comic illustr. 12, pp. 258. $1.50......... Carleton. Catharine Hamilton: Story for Girls. By M. F. S. 18°, pp. 137. 60 c..... ..Cath. Pub. Soc. Clark-School-day Dialogues. By Alexander Clark. Rev. and enl. ed. 12, pp. 372. $1.50...........Daughaday. **Cobb n.-The Child's Commentator on the Bible, for the Home Circle. By Rev. Ingram Cobbin, M.A., etc. With an Introduction by Dr. L. P. Brockett. Illustr. 8°, pp. 1158. $3.50 $4.50; and $6... Goodspeed. Curey.-Gerald Marsdale; or, The Out-Quarters of St. Andrew's Priory. A Tale of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. By Miss Hanley Curey. 16°, pp. 354. $1.25.

Sadlier. Cusack.-St. Patrick's Manual; or, Manual of St. Patrick. Being a Guide to Catholic Devotion. Compiled from the most approved Sources, and adapted to all States and Conditions of Life. By Sister Mary Frances Cusack. 18, pp 716. From $1 to $15..... ..Sadlier.

De la Grange.-The Vestal. An historical Tale of the First Century of the Church. By Madam A. K. De la Grange. Transl. from the Italian. 12°, pp. 397. $2........ O'Shea. Dickens.-Sketches by "Boz," Illustrative of everyday Life and everyday People. By Charles Dickens. With illustr. by George Cruikshank. (Carleton's new illustr. ed.) 12, pp. 450. $1.50....

...... Carleton.

*Donaldson.-The Apostolical Fathers; A critical Account of their genuine Writings and of their Doctrines. By James Donaldson, LL.D. 12, pp. 412. $3...Macmillan. Douai.-The Rational First Reader. For Phonetic and Elocutional Instruction. By Dr. Ad. Douai. 12°, pp. 12, 90. Bds. 30 C....

Second ed. ..Steiger.

Dubois and Rheil.-Madame Agnes. By Charles Dubois.
Transl. by M. P. T.; and The Farm of Muiceron. Transl.
from the French of Marie Rheil, by Mrs. Annie Blount
Storrs. 8, pp. 128, 154. $1.50........ Cath. Pub. Soc.
Duffet.-A Progressive and Practical Method for the Study
of the French Language. By J. Duffet, author of " Popular
Method of Learning English.' Part 2. 12, pp. 192. $1.
Wilson, H. & Co.
Dunning.-The Minister's Wife; or, Life in a Country
Parish. By Mrs. A. K. Dunning. 16°. $1.Am. S. S. Un.
Duyckinck-Portrait Gallery of Eminent Men and
Women of Europe and America, embracing History,
Statesmanship, Naval and Military Life, Philosophy, the
Drama, Science, Literature, and Art, with Biographies.
Illustr. with highly finished steel engr., from original portr.
by the most celebrated artists. 2 vols. 4, pp. 1280. From
$25 to $32...
·Johnson, W. & Co.
Edward.-Sin and its Consequences. By Henry Edward,
Archbishop of Westminster. 12°, pp. 264. $1.50.. Sadlier.
Edwards.-Christian Love, as Manifested in the Heart and
Life. By Jonathan Edwards, some time Pastor of the
Church at Northampton, Mass., and President of the Coll.
of N. J. Edited from the Original Manuscript by the Rev.
Tyron Edwards, D.D. 16°. $1.25............Presb. Bd.
Essays and Addresses by Professors and Lecturers of the
Owens College, Manchester. Published in Commemoration
of the Opening of the New College Buildings, October 7,
1873. 8, pp. 560. $5...
Ewing.-Memorial of Thomas Ewing of Ohio. With portr.
Imp. 8, pp. 289. Net $3....
..Cath. Pub. Soc.

For Husks, Food. By the author of "Lascine." 12", pp. 242. $1.50..... Sadlier.

Ford.-Evangel Wiseman; or, The Mother's Question. By Sally Rochester Ford, author of "Grace Truman," etc. 12, pp. 507. $1.75..... ..Barns & B. French Prisoner (The) in Russia. Transl. from the French by P. S. 16. pp. 191. $1..... Cath. Pub. Soc. Fullerton.-Rosemary. A Tale of the Fire of London. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 12, pp. 187. $1..O'Shea. -Tales of Truth and Trust. By Lady Georgiana Fullerton. 12. pp. 190. $1.... ..O'Shea. **Furniss.-Tetra Chordon. A Pot Pourri of Rhythms and Prose. By William Furniss. 12°, pp. 144. $1.25. Am. News.Co. Garland (The) of Flowers; or, Treasures of Piety. By a Child of Mary. 12°. $2.50... Sadlier. Gaume.-The Christian Cemetery in the Nineteenth Century; or, The Last War Cry of the Communists. By Monseigneur Gaume. Transl. from the French by Rev. Richard Brennan, A.M. With a Preface by Very Rev. Thomas S. Preston, V. G. 12, pp. 253. $1.50..Benziger. *Geikie.-Earth Sculpture, and the Huttonian School of Geology: The Inaugural Address delivered at the Fortieth Anniversary Meeting of the Edinburgh Geological Society, on 6th November, 1873. By Archibald Geikie, LL.D., F.R.S., etc. 8°, pp. 25. Pap. 50 c........ Macmillan. Geikie.-The Great Ice Age and its Relation to the Antiquity of Man. By James Geike, F.R.S., ctc. With Maps and Illustr. 12, pp. 545. $2.50... .Appleton. Glory and Sorrow; or, The Consequences of Ambition;and Selim, the Pasha of Salonica. Transl. from the French by P. S. 16, pp. 189. $1. Cath. Pub. Soc.

*Gray-The Poetical Works of David Gray. New and enl. ed. Edited by Henry Glassford Bell. 12°, pp. 212' $2.25... Macmillan. **Guilliard.-A Story of the Palais Royal; or, Loves of Louis XIV. and Madame La Valliere. Transl. from a contemporary French Manuscript bearing the name of Count Guilliard, and the date 1718. 8°, pp. 8o. Pap. $5. (Only 250 copies printed.)... .....Sabin. Hubbell.-The Chapel Hymn Book, containing over Four Hundred Hymns and Spiritual Songs, with the first Strain of the Melody prefixed to the Hymns. Designed for use in Prayer Meetings, Revivals, etc. 32°, pp. 336. 50 C. Tibbals. Illinois-The Statutes of Illinois: An analytical compilation of all the general Laws in Force at the present Time. Edited by William L. Gross, Counselor-at-Law. Vol. 3. Acts of 1873-4. 8, pp. 500. Shp. $4.50........ Gross. Jennings.-The last Days of Jesus Christ on the Earth; or, the Divine Record of the great Atonement. Including the Betrayal, Sufferings, and Death of our Lord, and his Resurrection and Ascension as recorded by the Evangelists. Selected by A. G. Jennings, from the chronological arrange. ment of the New Testament on the Basis of the Harmonies of the Gospels by Lightfoot, Doddridge, Pilkington, West and others, by the late Rev. George Townsend, of Trinity College, Cambridge, England. 16°, pp. 116. 75 c. and go c


Lambert and Sardou.-Idiomatic Key to the French Lan
guage. Illustrated with copious and practical conversational
Examples of all the leading Idioms, with the corresponding
English Version. By Etienne Lambert and Alfred Sardou
12, pp. 189 $1.50.....
Lee.-The Vicissitudes of Bessie Fairfax. A Novel by
Holme Lee (Miss Harriet Parr). 12°, pp. 389. $1.50;
pap. $1...
Porter & C
Levey's South American, Asiatic and Oceanic Business
Directory of the principal Cities and Towns in Cuba, West
Indies, Mexico, Central America, Brazil, Argentine Repub-
lic, Uruguay, Chili, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, India,
China, Japan, and British Columbia. Also the Products of
each Country, Imports and Exports, Customs, Tariff, Names
of Consuls, Banks, Insurance Companies, Public Officers,
etc., with a List and Date of Sailing of Steamers, Means of
Transportation of Freights, Population and Extent of each
Country, etc. 8, pp. 734. $8.. ...Foreign Dir. Co.
Lewald.-Hulda; or, the Deliverer. A Romance. After
the German of F. Lewald. By Mrs. A. L. Wistar,
translator of "The Old Mamseell's Secret," etc. 12". $1.75.

Life and Doctrine of St. Catharine of Genoa. Transl. from
the Italian. 12°, pp. 386. $2....
Cath. Pub. Soc.
Liturgy (The) of the Reformed Church in America, as re-
ported to the general synod of 1873, by the Committee on
Revision. 8, pp. 125. $1; pap. 85 c.. Ref. Ch. Bd. of Pub.
McGee.-Lives of Irishmen's Sons and their Descendants.
By Col. James E. McGee. 12°, pp. 292. $1......McGee.

Mayer.-Source of Salvation. A Catechism of the Jewish Religion. With an Appendix of the Confirmation Service. By Dr. Isaac Mayer, Hartford, Conn. 12, pp. 107. _ 65 c. Frank. Miller's Guide to New York ;-Guide to Hudson River; Guide to Central Park. New ed. Illustr. 16°. Ea. $1. Miller. Moffat.-Song and Scenery; or, Summer Rambles in Scot land. By James C. Moffat. 12°, pp. 288. $1.50 and $2. Robertson. *Murray-The Ballads and Songs of Scotland, in View of their Influence on the Character of the People. By J. Clark Murray. 12, pp. 205. $2.25.. ..Macmillan. **Mysteries (The) and Miseries of the great Metropolis, with some adventures in the Country: Being the Disguises and Surprises of a New York Journalist. By A. P., the Amateur Vagabond. With Illustr. from photographs by Gurney. 8. pp. 462. $3.50..... ....Appleton. Neidhard.-On Universality of the Homeopathic Law of Cure. By Charles Neidhard, M. D. 2d ed. 8°, pp. 37: ..Boericke & T Nevin.-The Sabbath School Help. An Exposition of the International Lessons (in Mark) for 1874. By Alfred Nevin, D.D., LL.D. 12, pp. 96. Bds. 50 c..........Claxton. P., A.-See Mysteries and Miseries. Pansy.-See Three People. Patterson.-Paradise. The Place and State of saved Souls between Death and the Resurrection. By Rev. R. M. Patterson. 16°. $1.25....... .....Presb. Bd. *Pettigrew.-The Physiology of the Circulation in Plants, in the Lower Animals and in Man: Being a Course of Lectures delivered at the Surgeons' Hall, to the President, Fellows, etc., of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, in the Summer of 1872. By J. Bell Pettigrew, M. D., F. K. S., etc. Illustr. by 150 engr. on wood. 8°, PP.

30 C.....



329. $4..... Phelps.-Memoir of Washington, for Boys and Girls. By Mrs. E. B. Phelps. 12, pp. 215. $1.50..........Clarke. Pierce.-Hymns of the Higher Life. Compiled by Rev. B. K. Pierce, D.D. New ed. 24°. PP, 224. $1.50; mor. $3........ Warren & W.

R., F..W.-See True to Him Ever.

Rae-Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. The Opposition under George the Third. By W. F. Rae. 12, pp. 462. $2..Appleton. *Rendu.-Theory of the Glaciers of Savoy. By M. Le Chanoine Rendu. Transl. by Alfred Wills, Q. C. To which are added the Original Memoir; and supplementary Articles by P. G. Tait, M. A., and John Ruskin, D. C. L. Edited with introductory Remarks by George Forbes, B. A. 8°. 216. $3..... ..Macmillan. pp. Rice.-The Scholar's Handbook on the International Sunday School Lessons for 1874. By Rev. Edwin W. Rice. Part 2, on Mark. Pap. IO C... .......Am. S. S. Un. Richardson.-Clarissa; or, The History of a Young Lady. By Samuel Richardson. Condensed by C. H. Jones (Leisure Hour Series). 16°. $1.25.. ..Holt. Romance (The) of Beauseincourt. By the author of "The Household of Bouverie," "Miriam Monfort," etc. New ed. 12, pp. 456.



Rover. The Neptune Outward Bound. By Winnie Rover. (Steps through the World.) 12°, pp. 239. $1.50.... O'Shea. S., M. F. See Catharine Hamilton. **Scharf.-Chronicles of Baltimore. By Col. J. Thomas Scharf. 8, pp. 756. $5, $6 and $7.. Turnbull. **Scott.-The Waverley Novels. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. Vols. 5 and 6. The Antiquary. 2 vols. Illustr. 12, PP. 360. 355. Per vol. $1.50; Tky mor. $2.25... ...Hale. **Waverley Novels. Rob Roy. By Sir Walter Scott. From the last revised ed. Containing the author's final Corrections, Notes, etc. Fireside ed. 2 vols. in one. 12, PP. 235, 239. $1.50... .Porter & C. Sedgwick.-A Treatise on the Measures of Damages; or, an Inquiry into the Principles which govern the Amount of pecuniary Compensation awarded by Courts of Justice. By Theodore Sedgwick. Sixth ed., by Henry D. Sedgwick. 8, pp. 827. Shp. $8.50.... Baker, V. & Co. Seton.-The Pioneer. A Poem. By William Seton. O'Shea. pp. 69. $1............. Smyth.-Value of the Study of Church History in Ministerial Education. A Lecture delivered to the Senior Class of Andover Theological Seminary. By Prof. Egbert C. Smyth. 8, pp. 31. Pap. 25 c..... .Draper. Stewart.-Cloister Legends. By Elizabeth M. Stewart. 12, pp. 256. $1..


- The King and the Cloister; or, Legends of the Dissolution. By Elizabeth M. Stewart. 16, pp. 224. $1. Sadlier Ten Days among the Greek Brigands. 12, pp. 271. $1.25. Cong. Pub. Soc. *Thomson-In the Holy Land. By Rev. Andrew Thomson, D. D., F. R. S. E. With 18 full-page illustr. 12, pp. 366. $2.50... .Nelson.

Three People. By "Pansy." Illustr. 12°, pp. 412. $1.50.

Hoyt. Tiekell.-The Life of Blessed Margaret Mary; together with a History of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart. By Rev. George Tiekell, S. J. 16 $1.25...........Sadlier. Traits of Attractive Women and Philosophy of Love Affairs. 12. pp. 240. $I.... Belmont Pub. Co.

Treat's Illustrated New York, Brooklyn and Surroundings. Illustr. 8. Pap. 50 c.....

True to Him Ever. A Novel. By F. W. R. $1.50...

..... Treat. 12, pp. 290. Carleton.

By Francis
..Lee & S.

Underwood.-Love of Himself. A Novel.
H. Underwood. 12, pp. 515. $1.75...
United States.-Reports of Cases argued and determined
in the District Courts of the United States within the Sec-
ond Circuit. By Robert D. Benedict. Vol. 5. 8. pp. 610.
Shp. $10.....
.Baker, V. & Co.
Verne.-The American Gun Clab.
By Jules Verne.
Transl. from the French by Louis Mercier, M. A. Oxon, and
Eleanor E. King. With 24 full page illustr. 12, pp. 142.

-The Baltimore Gun Club. From the French of Jules
Verne. Freely transl. by Edward Roth (From the Earth
to the Moon). Illustr. 12, pp. 442. $1.50.....King & B.
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth. By Jules Verne.
Illustr. 12. 75 c.; pap. 25 c....
Same. $1..
Meridiana. Illustr.

Scribner. Shepard. 12. 75 c.; pap. 25 c....Shepard.

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History of Ancient Greece. With Maps, Plans and
Index. By R. F. Pennell. 16°, pp. 130. $1. (July 1.)
E. H. CUSHING, Houston, Texas.
Texas Reports. vol. 37. E. M. Wheelock, Reporter.
8°. $7.50.
Recollections of Forty Years' Ministry in the
South-West. By Rev. J. R. Hutchison, D. D. 12°,
pp. 220. $2.

Language Lessons for Beginners.
John S. Hart, LL. D.

By Prof.

A New English Grammar and Analysis. By John S. Hart, LL. D.

Three Thousand Practical' Words. By Prof. J. Willis Westlake of the State Normal School, Millersville, Pa.

J. B. FORD & CO., New York.

Norwood; or. Village Life in New England. By Henry Ward Beecher. New Uniform edition of the Author's Works. 12. Illustrated.

Lecture-Room Talks. New Uniform edition. 12°. with portrait.

The Mode of Man's Immortality; or, The When, Where, and How of the Future Life. By Rev. T. A. Goodwin, A. M., Author of "The Perfect Man." 12°.

Mining Industries of the States and Territories of the Rocky Mountains, including descriptions of Quartz, Placer, and Hydraulic Mining; Amalgamation, Concentration, Smelting, etc. By Rossiter W. Raymond, Ph. D. 8°. Illustrated with nearly one hundred engravings and maps, and a colored Geological Map of the United States.

HARPER & BROS.. New York.

Old Wells Dug Out. Sermons. By Rev. T. De Witt Talmage.

J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO.. Phila.

A System of Medicine. Edited by J. Russell Reynolds, M. D. Vol. 4. 8°.

The Honey-Moon. Remembrance of a Bridal Tour through Scotland. By the Count de Medina Pomar, Author of "Estudios acerca del Progreso del Espiritu." Transl. from the original Spanish by the Author. History of the German Emperors and their Contemporaries. Transl. from the German, and Compiled from Authentic Sources. By Elizabeth Peake, Author of "Pen Pictures of Europe." 8°. With numerous illustr. German University Life. The Story of My Career as a Student and Professor. With Personal Reminiscences of Goethe, Schiller, Novalis, and others. By Heinrich Steffens. Transl. by William L. Gage. New Ed. 12°.


Political Fthics. By Francis Lieber, LL. D. New and
rev. ed. Edited by Theodore D. Woolsey.
Charteris. A Romance. By Mary M. Meline.
Lord Lytton's Speeches and Addresses. The
Political Speeches and Literary Addresses of the late Lord
Lytton (E. L. Bulwer.) With a Prefatory Memoir of his
Political Career and Opinions.

Outlines of the Science and Practice of Medicine. By William Aitken, M. D. (Edin.), F. R. S., Prof. of Pathology in the Army Medical School of Dresden, etc.

Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Vol. 4. Containing the Report of the Proceedings for the Years 1871, 1872, 1873. Edited by James Tyson, M. D., Recorder of the Society. 8°. Legge's Mencius. The Life and Works of Mencius. With Essays and Notes. By James Legge, D. D., LL. D., Editor of "The Life and Works of Confucius," etc. Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, comprising portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Edited by Hon. Charles Francis Adams. Vol 2. 8°.

A History of New Sweden: or, The Settlements on the River Delaware. By Israel Acrelius, Provost of the Swedish Churches in America, and Rector of the Old Swedes' Church, Wilmington, Delaware. Transl. from the Swedish, with an Introduction and Notes. By William M. Reynolds, D. D., Member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, etc. Published under the joint auspices of the Historical Societies of Pennsylvania and Delaware. 8°.

D. LOTHROP & CO., Boston.

The Play School Stories. By Mrs. Martha J. Lamb. 4 vols. Cont.: "Julia," "Fanny," "Mattie," "Harry." Daily Manna. By Baron Stow, D. D., Gethsemane. A Christian Gift-book, transl., etc. $1 and $1.50. Bible Pictures. By Geo. B. Ide, D. D. Illustrated. 12, pp. 437. $2.

NELSON & PHILLIPS, New York. Theological and Biblical Library. Edited by Geo. R. Crooks, D. D., LI, D., and John F. Hurst, D. D. Comprising; Theological Encyclopædia and Methodology, by Rev. Luther T. Townsend, D. D.;-Introduction to the Study of the Scriptures, by Rev. Henry M. Harman, D. D.;-Biblical Hermeneutics, by Rev. Henry Bannister, D. D.-Biblical and Christian Archæology, by Rev. Charles W. Bennett, D. D., and Rev. George H. Whitney. D. D.-Systematic Theology, 2 vols., by Bishop Randolph S. Foster, D. D., LL. D.;-Evidences of Christianity, by Rev. Henry B. Ridgaway, D. D.;-Christian Theism and Modern Science, by Alexander Wincheld, LL. D. ;-History of Christian Doctrine, 2 vols., by Rev. George R. Crooks, D. D., LL. D.;-History of the Christian Church. 2 vols., by Rev. John F Hurst, D. D.

P. O'SHEA, New York.

Jack Hazlitt: an Irish-American Tale, By Very Rev. Dean O'Brien, Author of "Aily Moore."

Eagle and Dove. A Story of France during the Empire, the War, and the Commune.

Knocknagow; or, The Homes of Tipperary. By Chas. J. Kickham, Author of "Sally Kavanagh." 12°. Notes on the Second Plenary Council of Balti more. By Rev. S. Smith, D. D. 12°. $2. (June 30.) History of the Irish Brigade in the Service of France. By J. C. O'Callaghan. 8°, pp. 649• $5. (June 20.)

PORTER & COATES, Phila. The American Angler's Book. A Guide to the Noted Fishing Places of America, with instructions on Fly Fishing, and Fly and Rod making. By Thaddeus Norris. A revised edition, with additional notes. 8°. $5.

Publishers' First Announcements.

From the New York Commercial Advertiser for two weeks ending June 10.

MAY 28.

Harper & Bros. :-Sylvia's Choice.-South by West.Rose and Rue.-John Markenfield.-Fact against Fiction.My Deeds and My Thoughts.-Hakayit Abdulla.-Aunt Mary's Bran Pie.

Henry Holt & Co.:-Lady Livingstone's Legacy.-Rose and Rue.-John Markenfield.-A Cluster of Lives. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Jules Verne's Floating City.-Blockade Runners and Le Docteur Ox.-Van Oosterzee's Christian Dogmatics.

MAY 29.

James R. Osgood & Co.:-Borland Hall.-John Markenfield. History of Cooperation in England, by Holyoake.-Adventures in Morocco, and Journeys through the Oases of Draa and Tafilet, by Gerhard Roheffs.-The Heart's Great Rulers.-Solidity of True Religion.-Rev. Dr. Rowland William's Memoir.-William Godwin's Autobiography and Correspondence.-A Cluster of Lives.Socialism, by Schaffie.-Village Health.-Science of Law.-The Shakespeare Argosy.-Hymns and Sacred Lyrics.Hakayit Abdulla.-Waking and Working.-Aunt Mary's Bran Pie. Sylvia's Choice.-Rose and Rue.


Porter & Coates:-Rose and Rue, by Mrs. Compton
Reade.-The Impending Sword, by Edmund Yates.-Terra
Incognita, by J. N. Murphy.-Introduction to the Science
of Religion, by Max Muller.-Lectures on Education, by
Joseph Payne.-Spain and the Spaniard-, by Azamat Batuk.
-South by West, edited by Canon Kingsley.
Harper & Bros. :-Under Seal of Confession.

Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-The Wise Men of Greece, by Prot. John Stuart Blackie, by arrangement with the author.

A. D. F. Randolph & Co.:-Recollections of the Life of Countess Matilda Von Der Recke Volmerstein, by her Daughter, translated from the German, with an introduction, by the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.


Porter & Coates.-Chaste as Ice, Pure as Snow, by Mrs. Despard.

Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Language, its Origin and Development, by T. Hewitt Key.-Dr. Channing and Lucy Aikin.-A few Pages from Real Life.-Reginald Hetherege. Autobiography of Macready. - Thesauroi Homerikoi, by Mr. Gladstone.-Hora Hellenica, by Professor Blackie (under a special arrangement with the author.) Delivery and Development of Christian Doctrine, by Dr. Rainy. My Deeds and My Thoughts, by Guiseppe Maria Campanella.-Life and Unpublished Works of Samuel


Harper & Bros.:-The Queen's Token.-Slavonic Fairy Tales.-A Heart Well Won.-The Vicar's Governess. Fantecine.-Rolling in Riches.-A Few Pages in Real Life. Out of the Hurly Burly.-For the King's Dues.-The Last Journals of Dr. Livingstone, edited by his son, T. Steele Livingstone.


Henry Holt & Co. :-The Autobiography of Macready. Early Russian History.-Some Leading Principles of Political Economy Newly Expounded.-Waiting for Tidings. Aileen Ferrers.-Under Seal of Confession.

JUNE 5. Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Theological Works, by T. J. Crawford: The Mysteries of Christianity; Doctrine of the Scriptures Respecting the Atonement; The Fatherhood of God. Roberts Bros. :-Hamerton's Etchers and Etchings.-A New Christmas Story, by Christina Rossetti.-Besant's French Humorists.-Bates's Naturalist on the River Amazon.-Sir Arthur Help's Life of Brassey. with an introduc

tion for the American Edition by the Author. Tyrwhitt's Our Sketching Club.-Albany Fonblanque's Life and Labors-Boswelliana, the Commonplace Book of James Boswell.-Johnny Ludlow.

James R. Osgcod & Co.:-A Heart Well Won.-The Vicar's Governess.-Rolling in Riches.-A Few Pages from Real Life.-Clytie.-Roseteague.-My Deeds and My Thoughts.-Under Seal of Confession. -My Life and What I Learnt in It.

Porter & Coates:-Vanessa.-Clytie.-William Mellish. -Rolling in Riches.-Under Seal of Confession.-Aileen Ferrers-A Heart Well Won.-Scripture Readings for Schools and Families.


A. D. F. Randolph & Co.:-Recollections of the Life of Countess Matilda Von Der Recke Volmerstein, by her Daughter, translated from the German, with an introduction, by the Lord Bishop of Bath and Wells.


Scribner, Armstrong & Co.:-Henry Beyle, a Critical and Biographical Study, by A. A. Paton.

JUNE 10.

Harper & Bros. :-Mildred's Career.-A Strange Friendship.

Scribner, Armstrong & Co. :-In the Bric-a-Brac Serics, Letters to an Unknown, translated from the French of Dr. Prosper Merimee.-Memoirs of Madame Sevigne.-Recollections of George Sand.


M. GRAY, San Francisco, Cal., and Portland, Oregon. Instrumental.

Kenilworth Galop. Geo. T. Evans...... .$0.50 Rosalind. Polka Mazurka. Louis Bodecker...... .50


All Praises be Thine. Harrison Millard....... .40
Whether or No. Ballad. Harrison Millard.....
I Shouldn't Like to Say. Charles Schultz.....



Golden Treasury of Piano Lyrics. New rev. ed., with fingering by V. Amsberg ;-No. 49, Devotion. H. Lichner..

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[blocks in formation]

DURING the present week Mr. Aston has consulted with the majority of our leading publishers in the interests of trade reform, and, we are glad to say, has been very cordially welcomed and frankly treated by all of them. Without exception, he has found them fully aware of the evils of the trade, and for the most part of the dangers these threaten. They express themselves unanimously in favor of reform, and agree that the means which he has put before them are essentially those by which the reform must be had. Here they stop. Everybody is anxious for reform, and perfectly willing that somebody else should start it. The smaller houses are

Harrigan and Hart's Mulligan Guards. D.
Braham. Galop. Four hands..
Veto. Galop. Wiegand....

Happy Hours. Arr. by Henry Maylath :-La Fille de Madame Angot, Am. fingering;-Same, foreign fingering;-Maiden's Prayer, Am. fingering :-Same, foreign fingering;-Faust Waltz, Am. fingering;-Same, foreign fingering; - March from Tannhauser, Am. fingering-Same, foreign fingering;-Mollie's Dream, Waltz, Am. fingering ;-Same, foreign fingering ;-Monastery Bells, Am. fingering; Same, foreign fingering.. .Ea.




desirous to enter into the agreement proposed, but naturally hold back for the leadership of the largest two or three houses; while these latter simply decline "to commit themselves."

The state of the case is therefore plainly this: The burden of the reform falls upon the two or three large houses which are acknowledged as, and must accept the responsibility of, the leaders of the American book trade. We have often said that each house in the trade is directly interested in this reform in proportion to the amount of business it does. But there is beyond this a moral responsibility of leadership which the greater houses should not shirk. It is they who must come to the front. With their aid everything can be done without it, nothing can be

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